994 resultados para Graphics calculators


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Discusses tabular and graphical approaches to equilibrium calculations.


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Thousands of students are preparing for chemistry examinations in June. An unresolved debate is whether they should be permitted to use graphics and programmable calculators in those examinations. Some educators have not only advocated the use of graphics calculators, but have also pointed to the Danish system in which students are permitted to use computers in senior school examinations.

In some Australian jurisdictions, graphics calculators are permitted in year 12 mathematics examinations, but not in chemistry examinations. The reasoning is that information or methods of solving numerical chemical problems can be stored in the memory of graphics calculators, giving some students an unfair advantage. This means that chemistry students either have to learn how to use (and buy!) two types of calculators or, if they only have one calculator, are disadvantaged in using non-programmable calculators in mathematics examinations.

The use of technology (or its lack thereof) can limit how and what students learn. “The mechanics of computation and human thought” is an allusion to Asimov’s short story, “A Feeling of Power” in which, overuse of technology has caused people to forget how to do simple arithmetic. In our current assessment system, the insistence that students must be able to do simple chemical calculations has lead to underuse of available technology. The misperception is that the ability to do calculations is linked to understanding of concepts.

Graphics calculators, programmable calculators and computers are tools. Instead of banning or limiting technology, we should take the opportunity to rethink what is being assessed and how it is assessed. It is the proper use of technology, by combining the mechanics of computation and human thought to deepen understanding and to ask probing questions that truly leads to a feeling of power.


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Previous research on computers and graphics calculators in mathematics education has examined effects on curriculum content and students’ mathematical achievement and attitudes while less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers’ professional learning in specific classroom and school environments. This observation is critical in the current context of educational policy making, where it is assumed – often incorrectly – that supplying schools with hardware and software will increase teachers’ use of technology and encourage more innovative teaching approaches. This paper reports on a research program that aimed to develop better understanding of how and under what conditions Australian secondary school mathematics teachers learn to effectively integrate technology into their practice. The research adapted Valsiner’s concepts of the Zone of Proximal Development, Zone of Free Movement and Zone of Promoted Action to devise a theoretical framework for analysing relationships between factors influencing teachers’ use of technology in mathematics classrooms. This paper illustrates how the framework may be used by analysing case studies of a novice teacher and an experienced teacher in different school settings.


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This paper reports on the early stages of a three year study that is investigating the impact of a technology-enriched teacher education program on beginning teachers' integration of computers, graphics calculators, and the internet into secondary school mathematics classrooms. Whereas much of the existing research on the role of technology in mathematics learning has been concerned with effects on curriculum content or student learning, less attention has been given to the relationship between technology use and issues of pedagogy, in particular the impact on teachers' professional learning in the context of specific classroom and school environments. Our research applies sociocultural theories of learning to consider how beginning teachers are initiated into a collaborative professional community featuring both web-based and face to face interaction, and how participation in such a community shapes their pedagogical beliefs and practices. The aim of this paper is to analyse processes through which the emerging community was established and sustained during the first year of the study. We examine features of this community in terms of identity formation, shifts in values and beliefs, and interaction patterns revealed in bulletin board discussion between students and lecturers.


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Este estudo teve como objectivo compreender o desenvolvimento de tarefas de modelação, por parte de uma professora de Matemática e de uma professora de Física­ Química, no âmbito de trabalho colaborativo. Para tal foram formuladas três questões orientadoras: 1. Como é que os professores seleccionam e preparam as tarefas de modelação a colocar aos alunos em situação de sala de aula? Que características das tarefas de modelação se mostram fundamentais para a sua selecção? 2. como desenvolvem os professores as tarefas de modelação na sala de aula? Como gerem e dinamizam as aulas onde colocam tarefas de modelação aos alunos? Que papel reservam ao professor e ao aluno? 3. como exploram os professores as potencialidades das calculadoras gráficas no desenvolvimento das tarefas de modelação? Que questões se colocam à utilização de sensores? O estudo decorreu numa escola secundária, durante o ano lectivo de 2005/06, sob proposta e com a participação da investigadora, envolvendo uma professora de Matemática e uma professora de Física-Química de uma mesma turma de 100 ano. O grupo colaborativo reuniu regularmente e preparou e leccionou aulas com tarefas de modelação matemática, recorrendo a calculadoras gráficas e sensores, tarefas e tecnologias novas para ambas as professoras. A metodologia utilizada na investigação tem natureza qualitativa, tendo sido realizadas duas entrevistas longas a cada professora, uma no início e outra no fim do estudo, bem como entrevistas de curta duração às professoras após cada uma das aulas onde foram desenvolvidas as tarefas. Foram também recolhidos registos das sessões colectivas de trabalho e elaborado um "diário de bordo". O estudo permitiu formular as seguintes conclusões: - Quando as professoras seleccionavam as tarefas de modelação a propor aos seus alunos tinham em consideração o cumprimento dos programas, os conteúdos a abordar e a diversidade de questões que se podem formular sobre os mesmos e o interesse e significado da experiência para os alunos. - O tempo que é necessário para a preparação e execução das tarefas de modelação pareceu ser factor de grande peso na sua selecção. - O elevado número de alunos por turma pode ser factor um negativo para o desenvolvimento de tarefas de modelação na sala de aula. -Na opinião das professoras, o recurso à calculadora gráfica e aos sensores para realizar a recolha de dados relativos a uma tarefa de modelação tomou-as mais apelativas e ajudou os alunos a compreender a situação em causa assim como permitiu tomar mais nítida a relação entre a Matemática e a Física. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to understand the development of modelling tasks, by a Mathematics teacher and a Physics-Chemistry teacher, as part of collaborative work. For this study were formulated three guidelines: 1. How do teachers select and prepare the modelling tasks to present to the students in a classroom situation? What characteristics of these tasks are essential for their selection? 2. How do teachers develop the modelling tasks in the classroom? How do they manage and dynamize the classes where the modelling tasks took place? What role it's reserd to the teacher and the student? 3. How do teachers exploit the potential of graphics calculator in the development of the modelling tasks? What issues arise for the use of sensors? This study took place at a secundary school during the academic year 2005/06, as a suggestion and with the participation of the researcher, involving a Mathematics teacher and a Physics-Chemistry teacher of the same class (10th grade). The collaborative group had regular meetings and prepared and developed modellin tasks in the classroom using graphics calculator and sensors, which was a new activity for all the teachears. The methodology used has a qualitative nature. Two interviews were made to each teacher, one at baseline and another at the end of the study, fourteen work sections and three modelling tasks were explored in classroom context after which followed small interviews to the teacher that gave the class. ln addition records were also made in a small "log-book". This study allowed to reach the following conclusions: - When the teachers select the modelling tasks to offer its students they take into account the programs, the contents and the diversity of questions that can be made on it and the interest and significance of the experience for students. - The time needed for preparation and implementation of the modelling tasks is another factor of great weight in its selection. - The high number of student per class can be a negative factor for the development of modelling tasks in the classroom. Iii - ln the teacher’s opinion, the use of the graphics calculator and sensors to collect data on a modelling tasks makes its more attractive and helps students to understand the situation and makes clearer the link between Mathematics and Physics.


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Information graphics have become increasingly important in representing, organising and analysing information in a technological age. In classroom contexts, information graphics are typically associated with graphs, maps and number lines. However, all students need to become competent with the broad range of graphics that they will encounter in mathematical situations. This paper provides a rationale for creating a test to measure students’ knowledge of graphics. This instrument can be used in mass testing and individual (in-depth) situations. Our analysis of the utility of this instrument informs policy and practice. The results provide an appreciation of the relative difficulty of different information graphics; and provide the capacity to benchmark information about students’ knowledge of graphics. The implications for practice include the need to support the development of students’ knowledge of graphics, the existence of gender differences, the role of cross-curriculum applications in learning about graphics, and the need to explicate the links among graphics.


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This study investigated the longitudinal performance of 378 students who completed mathematics items rich in graphics. Specifically, this study explored student performance across axis (e.g., numbers lines), opposed-position (e.g., line and column graphs) and circular (e.g., pie charts) items over a three-year period (ages 9-11 years). The results of the study revealed significant performance differences in the favour of boys on graphics items that were represented in horizontal and vertical displays. There were no gender differences on items that were represented in a circular manner.


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A teaching and learning development project is currently under way at Queens-land University of Technology to develop advanced technology videotapes for use with the delivery of structural engineering courses. These tapes consist of integrated computer and laboratory simulations of important concepts, and behaviour of structures and their components for a number of structural engineering subjects. They will be used as part of the regular lectures and thus will not only improve the quality of lectures and learning environment, but also will be able to replace the ever-dwindling laboratory teaching in these subjects. The use of these videotapes, developed using advanced computer graphics, data visualization and video technologies, will enrich the learning process of the current diverse engineering student body. This paper presents the details of this new method, the methodology used, the results and evaluation in relation to one of the structural engineering subjects, steel structures.


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This paper reports on students’ ability to decode mathematical graphics. The findings were: (a) some items showed an insignificant improvement over time; (b) success involves identifying critical perceptual elements in the graphic and incorporating these elements into a solution strategy; and (c) the optimal strategy capitalises on how information is encoded in the graphic. Implications include a need for teachers to be proactive in supporting students’ to develop their graphical knowledge and an awareness that knowledge varies substantially across students.


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The capacity to solve tasks that contain high concentrations of visual-spatial information, including graphs, maps and diagrams, is becoming increasingly important in educational contexts as well as everyday life. This research examined gender differences in the performance of students solving graphics tasks from the Graphical Languages in Mathematics (GLIM) instrument that included number lines, graphs, maps and diagrams. The participants were 317 Australian students (169 males and 148 females) aged 9 to 12 years. Boys outperformed girls on graphical languages that required the interpretation of information represented on an axis and graphical languages that required movement between two- and three-dimensional representations (generally Map language).


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The impact of digital technology within the creative industries has brought with it a range of new opportunities for collaborative, cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary practice. Along with these opportunities has come the need to re-evaluate how we as educators approach teaching within this new digital culture. Within the field of animation, there has been a radical shift in the expectations of students, industry and educators as animation has become central to a range of new moving image practices. This paper interrogates the effectiveness of adopting a studio-based collaborative production project as a method for educating students within this new moving-image culture. The project was undertaken, as part of the Creative Industries Transitions to New Professional Environments program at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane Australia. A number of students studying across the Creative Industries Faculty and the Faculty of Science and Technology were invited to participate in the development of a 3D animated short film. The project offered students the opportunity to become actively involved in all stages of the creative process, allowing them to experience informal learning through collaborative professional practice. It is proposed that theoretical principles often associated with andragogy and constructivism can be used to design and deliver programs that address the emerging issues surrounding the teaching of this new moving image culture.


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The ability to decode graphics is an increasingly important component of mathematics assessment and curricula. This study examined 50, 9- to 10-year-old students (23 male, 27 female), as they solved items from six distinct graphical languages (e.g., maps) that are commonly used to convey mathematical information. The results of the study revealed: 1) factors which contribute to success or hinder performance on tasks with various graphical representations; and 2) how the literacy and graphical demands of tasks influence the mathematical sense making of students. The outcomes of this study highlight the changing nature of assessment in school mathematics and identify the function and influence of graphics in the design of assessment tasks.


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The Graphics-Decoding Proficiency (G-DP) instrument was developed as a screening test for the purpose of measuring students’ (aged 8-11 years) capacity to solve graphics-based mathematics tasks. These tasks include number lines, column graphs, maps and pie charts. The instrument was developed within a theoretical framework which highlights the various types of information graphics commonly presented to students in large-scale national and international assessments. The instrument provides researchers, classroom teachers and test designers with an assessment tool which measures students’ graphics decoding proficiency across and within five broad categories of information graphics. The instrument has implications for a number of stakeholders in an era where graphics have become an increasingly important way of representing information.