986 resultados para Graphical modeling (Statistics)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
This work provides a holistic investigation into the realm of feature modeling within software product lines. The work presented identifies limitations and challenges within the current feature modeling approaches. Those limitations include, but not limited to, the dearth of satisfactory cognitive presentation, inconveniency in scalable systems, inflexibility in adapting changes, nonexistence of predictability of models behavior, as well as the lack of probabilistic quantification of model’s implications and decision support for reasoning under uncertainty. The work in this thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a series of solutions. The first solution is the construction of a Bayesian Belief Feature Model, which is a novel modeling approach capable of quantifying the uncertainty measures in model parameters by a means of incorporating probabilistic modeling with a conventional modeling approach. The Bayesian Belief feature model presents a new enhanced feature modeling approach in terms of truth quantification and visual expressiveness. The second solution takes into consideration the unclear support for the reasoning under the uncertainty process, and the challenging constraint satisfaction problem in software product lines. This has been done through the development of a mathematical reasoner, which was designed to satisfy the model constraints by considering probability weight for all involved parameters and quantify the actual implications of the problem constraints. The developed Uncertain Constraint Satisfaction Problem approach has been tested and validated through a set of designated experiments. Profoundly stating, the main contributions of this thesis include the following: • Develop a framework for probabilistic graphical modeling to build the purported Bayesian belief feature model. • Extend the model to enhance visual expressiveness throughout the integration of colour degree variation; in which the colour varies with respect to the predefined probabilistic weights. • Enhance the constraints satisfaction problem by the uncertainty measuring of the parameters truth assumption. • Validate the developed approach against different experimental settings to determine its functionality and performance.
The contemporary world is crowded of large, interdisciplinary, complex systems made of other systems, personnel, hardware, software, information, processes, and facilities. The Systems Engineering (SE) field proposes an integrated holistic approach to tackle these socio-technical systems that is crucial to take proper account of their multifaceted nature and numerous interrelationships, providing the means to enable their successful realization. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is an emerging paradigm in the SE field and can be described as the formalized application of modelling principles, methods, languages, and tools to the entire lifecycle of those systems, enhancing communications and knowledge capture, shared understanding, improved design precision and integrity, better development traceability, and reduced development risks. This thesis is devoted to the application of the novel MBSE paradigm to the Urban Traffic & Environment domain. The proposed system, the GUILTE (Guiding Urban Intelligent Traffic & Environment), deals with a present-day real challenging problem “at the agenda” of world leaders, national governors, local authorities, research agencies, academia, and general public. The main purposes of the system are to provide an integrated development framework for the municipalities, and to support the (short-time and real-time) operations of the urban traffic through Intelligent Transportation Systems, highlighting two fundamental aspects: the evaluation of the related environmental impacts (in particular, the air pollution and the noise), and the dissemination of information to the citizens, endorsing their involvement and participation. These objectives are related with the high-level complex challenge of developing sustainable urban transportation networks. The development process of the GUILTE system is supported by a new methodology, the LITHE (Agile Systems Modelling Engineering), which aims to lightening the complexity and burdensome of the existing methodologies by emphasizing agile principles such as continuous communication, feedback, stakeholders involvement, short iterations and rapid response. These principles are accomplished through a universal and intuitive SE process, the SIMILAR process model (which was redefined at the light of the modern international standards), a lean MBSE method, and a coherent System Model developed through the benchmark graphical modeling languages SysML and OPDs/OPL. The main contributions of the work are, in their essence, models and can be settled as: a revised process model for the SE field, an agile methodology for MBSE development environments, a graphical tool to support the proposed methodology, and a System Model for the GUILTE system. The comprehensive literature reviews provided for the main scientific field of this research (SE/MBSE) and for the application domain (Traffic & Environment) can also be seen as a relevant contribution.
Par cette recherche, nous voulons évaluer de manière exhaustive les bénéfices qu’apporte l’ExAO (Expérimentation Assistée par Ordinateur) dans les laboratoires scolaires de sciences et technologie au Liban. Nous aimerions aussi qu’elle contribue d’une manière tangible aux recherches du laboratoire de Robotique Pédagogique de l’Université de Montréal, notamment dans le développement du µlaboratoire ExAO. Nous avons voulu tester les capacités de l’ExAO, son utilisation en situation de classe comme : 1. Substitut d’un laboratoire traditionnel dans l’utilisation de la méthode expérimentale; 2. Outil d’investigation scientifique; 3. Outil d’intégration des sciences expérimentales et des mathématiques; 4. Outil d’intégration des sciences expérimentales, des mathématiques et de la technologie dans un apprentissage technoscientifique; Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisé 13 groupe-classes de niveaux complémentaire et secondaire, provenant de 10 écoles libanaises. Nous avons désigné leurs enseignants pour expérimenter eux-mêmes avec leurs étudiants afin d’évaluer, de manière plus réaliste les avantages d’implanter ce micro laboratoire informatisé à l’école. Les différentes mise à l’essai, évaluées à l’aide des résultats des activités d’apprentissage réalisées par les étudiants, de leurs réponses à un questionnaire et des commentaires des enseignants, nous montrent que : 1. La substitution d’un laboratoire traditionnel par un µlaboratoire ExAO ne semble pas poser de problème; dix minutes ont suffi aux étudiants pour se familiariser avec cet environnement, mentionnant que la rapidité avec laquelle les données étaient représentées sous forme graphique était plus productive. 2. Pour l’investigation d’un phénomène physique, la convivialité du didacticiel associée à la capacité d’amplifier le phénomène avant de le représenter graphiquement a permis aux étudiants de concevoir et de mettre en œuvre rapidement et de manière autonome, une expérimentation permettant de vérifier leur prédiction. 3. L’intégration des mathématiques dans une démarche expérimentale permet d’appréhender plus rapidement le phénomène. De plus, elle donne un sens aux représentations graphiques et algébriques, à l’avis des enseignants, permettant d’utiliser celle-ci comme outil cognitif pour interpréter le phénomène. 4. La démarche réalisée par les étudiants pour concevoir et construire un objet technologique, nous a montré que cette activité a été réalisée facilement par l’utilisation des capteurs universels et des amplificateurs à décalage de l’outil de modélisation graphique ainsi que la capacité du didacticiel à transformer toute variable mesurée par une autre variable (par exemple la variation de résistance en variation de température, …). Cette activité didactique nous montre que les étudiants n’ont eu aucune difficulté à intégrer dans une même activité d’apprentissage les mathématiques, les sciences expérimentales et la technologie, afin de concevoir et réaliser un objet technologique fonctionnel. µlaboratoire ExAO, en offrant de nouvelles possibilités didactiques, comme la capacité de concevoir, réaliser et valider un objet technologique, de disposer pour ce faire, des capacités nouvelles pour amplifier les mesures, modéliser les phénomènes physiques, créer de nouveaux capteurs, est un ajout important aux expériences actuellement réalisées en ExAO.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
The application of large-eddy simulation (LES) to turbulent transport processes requires accurate prediction of the Lagrangian statistics of flow fields. However, in most existing SGS models, no explicit consideration is given to Lagrangian statistics. In this paper, we focus on the effects of SGS modeling on Lagrangian statistics in LES ranging from statistics determining single-particle dispersion to those of pair dispersion and multiparticle dispersion. Lagrangian statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence are extracted from direct numerical simulation (DNS) and the LES with a spectral eddy-viscosity model. For the case of longtime single-particle dispersion, it is shown that, compared to DNS, LES overpredicts the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation but underpredicts the Lagrangian velocity fluctuation. These two effects tend to cancel one another leading to an accurate prediction of the longtime turbulent dispersion coefficient. Unlike the single-particle dispersion, LES tends to underestimate significantly the rate of relative dispersion of particle pairs and multiple-particles, when initial separation distances are less than the minimum resolved scale due to the lack of subgrid fluctuations. The overprediction of LES on the time scale of the Lagrangian velocity correlation is further confirmed by a theoretical analysis using a turbulence closure theory.