995 resultados para Granular carbon filters


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Several Cronobacter outbreaks have implicated contaminated drinking water. This study assessed the impact of granular activated carbon (GAC) on the microbial quality of the water produced. A simulated water filter system was installed by filling plastic columns with sterile GAC, followed by sterile water with a dilute nutrient flowing through the column at a steady rate. Carbon columns were inoculated with Cronobacter on the surface, and the effluent monitored for Cronobacter levels. During a second phase, commercial faucet filters were distributed to households for 4-month use. Used filters were backwashed with sterile peptone water, and analyzed for Cronobacter, total aerobic plate count, coliform bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae. Cronobacter colonized the simulated GAC and grew when provided minimal levels of nutrients. Backwashed used filters used in home settings yielded presumptive Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas and other waterborne bacteria. Presumptive Cronobacter strains were identified as negative through biochemical and genetic test.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol) e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.


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The current water treatment technology is oriented towards the removal of contaminants, mostly organic compounds, by activated carbon. Activated carbons are classified as Granular Activated Carbons (GAC) and Powdered Activated Carbons (PAC) on the basis of the particle size of the carbon granules. Powdered carbons are generally less expensive than granular carbon, operating costs with powdered carbon could be lower. Though powdered activated carbon has many advantages over granular carbon, its application in large-scale separation process is limited by difficulty in recovery and regeneration. Deposition of magnetic iron oxide on carbon particles provides a convenient way of recovering the spent carbon from process water. The study deals with the preparation and physico-chemical characterization of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbons. The evaluation of absorption properties of magnetic iron oxide loaded activated carbon composites. The target molecules studied were phenol, p-nitro phenol and methylene blue. The feasibility of magnetic separation of iron oxide loaded activated carbons were studied and described in this thesis.


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O filtro ecológico representa uma promissora tecnologia de tratamento, em razão desta não necessitar da aplicação de produtos químicos, além de sua constatada eficiência. Nele, estabelece-se entre os seres vivos a relação de cadeia alimentar. Inicialmente uma matriz aquosa foi acrescida de quatro fármacos (diclofenaco, naproxeno, ibuprofeno e paracetamol) e posteriormente analisada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para avaliar a remoção desses compostos pelo filtro ecológico seguido pelo filtro de carvão granular biologicamente ativado. Parâmetros, entre eles turbidez, coliformes totais e termotolerantes, cor aparente e cor verdadeira, foram mensurados para verificar a eficiência dos filtros. Houve remoção de 97,43% do diclofenaco, 85,03% do ibuprofeno: 94,11% do naproxeno e 84,07% do paracetamol.


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Los procesos de biofiltración por carbón activo biológico se han utilizado desde hace décadas, primeramente en Europa y después en Norte América, sin embargo no hay parámetros de diseño y operación específicos que se puedan utilizar de guía para la biofiltración. Además, el factor coste a la hora de elegir el carbón activo como medio de filtración impacta en el presupuesto, debido al elevado coste de inversión y de regeneración. A la hora de diseñar y operar filtros de carbón activo los requisitos que comúnmente se buscan son eliminar materia orgánica, olor, y sabor de agua. Dentro de la eliminación de materia orgánica se precisa la eliminación necesaria para evitar subproductos en la desinfección no deseados, y reducir los niveles de carbono orgánico disuelto biodegradable y asimilable a valores que consigan la bioestabilidad del agua producto, a fin de evitar recrecimiento de biofilm en las redes de distribución. El ozono se ha utilizado durante años como un oxidante previo a la biofiltración para reducir el olor, sabor, y color del agua, oxidando la materia orgánica convirtiendo los compuestos no biodegradables y lentamente biodegradables en biodegradables, consiguiendo que puedan ser posteriormente eliminados biológicamente en los filtros de carbón activo. Sin embargo la inestabilidad del ozono en el agua hace que se produzcan ácidos carboxilos, alcoholes y aldehídos, conocidos como subproductos de la desinfección. Con esta tesis se pretende dar respuesta principalmente a los siguientes objetivos: análisis de parámetros requeridos para el diseño de los filtros de carbón activo biológicos, necesidades de ozonización previa a la filtración, y comportamiento de la biofiltración en un sistema compuesto de coagulación sobre un filtro de carbón activo biológico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la biofiltración es un proceso que encaja perfectamente con los parámetros de diseño de plantas con filtración convencional. Aunque la capacidad de eliminación de materia orgánica se reduce a medida que el filtro se satura y entra en la fase biológica, la biodegradación en esta fase se mantienen estable y perdura a lo lago de los meses sin preocupaciones por la regeneración del carbón. Los valores de carbono orgánico disuelto biodegradable se mantienen por debajo de los marcados en la literatura existente para agua bioestable, lo que hace innecesaria la dosificación de ozono previa a la biofiltración. La adición de la coagulación con la corrección de pH sobre el carbón activo consigue una mejora en la reducción de la materia orgánica, sin afectar a la biodegradación del carbón activo, cumpliendo también con los requerimientos de turbidez a la salida de filtración. Lo que plantea importantes ventajas para el proceso. Granular activated carbon filters have been used for many years to treat and produce drinking water using the adsorption capacity of carbon, replacing it once the carbon lost its adsorption capacity and became saturated. On the other hand, biological activated carbon filters have been studied for decades, firstly in Europe and subsequently in North America, nevertheless are no generally accepted design and operational parameters documented to be used as design guidance for biofiltration. Perhaps this is because of the cost factor; to choose activated carbon as a filtration media requires a significant investment due to the high capital and regeneration costs. When activated carbon filters are typically required it is for the reduction of an organic load, removal of colour, taste and / or odour. In terms of organic matter reduction, the primary aim is to achieve as much removal as possible to reduce or avoid the introduction of disinfection by products, the required removal in biodegradable dissolved organic carbon and assimilable organic carbon to produce a biologically stable potable water which prohibits the regrowth of biofilm in the distribution systems. The ozone has historically been used as an oxidant to reduce colour, taste and odour by oxidizing the organic matter and increasing the biodegradability of the organic matter, enhancing the effectiveness of organic removal in downstream biological activated carbon filters. Unfortunately, ozone is unstable in water and reacts with organic matter producing carboxylic acids, alcohols, and aldehydes, known as disinfection by products. This thesis has the following objectives: determination of the required parameters for the design of the biological activated filters, the requirement of ozonization as a pre-treatment for the biological activated filters, and a performance assessment of biofiltration when coagulation is applied as a pretreatment for biological activated carbon filters. The results show that the process design parameters of biofiltration are compatible with those of conventional filtration. The organic matter removal reduces its effectiveness as soon as the filter is saturated and the biological stage starts, but the biodegradation continues steadily and lasts for a long period of time without the need of carbon regeneration. The removal of the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon is enough to produce a biostable water according to the values shown on the existing literature; therefore ozone is not required prior to the filtration. Furthermore, the addition of coagulant and pH control before the biological activated carbon filter achieves a additional removal of organic matter, without affecting the biodegradation that occurs in the activated carbon whilst also complying with the required turbidity removal.


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Twenty domestic commercial filters, in order to determine the percentual retention of color, turbidity, dry residue, bicarbonates, carbonates, total hardness, nitrogens, iron, chlorides, fluorides, and residual chlorine (parameters of food legislation) and sulphides in thirteen water samples proceeding from springs, wells, rivers, lakes, drinking patterns and standards, before and after purification were evaluated. The results showed that purifiers presented adequate retention for nitrates (74.8 ± 16.2 %) and residual chlorine (74.0 ± 11.2) and medium retention for sulphides (61.7 ± 11.3); while porcelain plus activated carbon filters presented adequate retention for color (90.0 ± 19.7), turbidity (76.4 ± 18.4) and iron (83.5 ± 15.1). Therefore the retention of carbonates, bicarbonates, total hardness, chlorides, dry residue, fluorides, ammonium nitrogens and nitrites was less than 10%, and the values of pH didn't show significant variation, for all the filters studied.


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The persistence of MCs in aquatic environments and their difficult removal in the conventional water treatment is a challenge to companies of sanitation. However, the MCs are susceptible to degradation by bacteria present in water, sediment and sewage effluents. In this study, we investigated the biodegradation of MCs by microorganism present in carbon filters with biological activity (BAC) and their phylogenetic identification by sequencing gene 16S RNA. A study of water containing MCs was used, with different compositions, plus a filters BAC effluent. The results showed that of MCs were biodegraded by microorganism present in the biofilm. This study provides the ability to complete biodegradation of MCs by bacteria present in BAC filters and the possible use of these microorganisms as alternative of the removal of MCs in the treatment of drinking water


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A CNF-monolith sample (carbon nanofibres grown on a ceramic monolith), and a granular carbon xerogel have been used as supports for hybrid catalysts where the active species is an Rh diamine complex. The advantages of these supports are their open porous structure and their morphology, which make catalyst handling easier and avoid difficult separation processes. The obtained catalysts are noticeably more active than the homogeneous Rh complex and are stable against leaching. At first use, partial reduction of the Rh complex takes place and nanometer-sized Rh particles develop, which increases the catalyst activity. Despite the open porous structure, mass transport limitations are present, especially in the case of the carbon xerogel based catalyst. Differences in internal mass transfer limitations are essentially due to the different diffusional path lengths.


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The multi stage filtration (MSF) is an alternative that permits to enlarge the spectrum of application of the slow sand filtration as for the effluent quality and run duration. In this research the use of MSF technology associated to a granular activated carbon (GAC) column as polishing mechanism of the final effluent was evaluated; in the slow sand filters GAC was used as an intermediate layer and non-woven synthetic fabrics were utilized as a first layer of the filter media. Five different tests were conducted, where the systems subjected to the treatment were: water from the Ipe Lake (Ilha Solteira, Sao Paulo, Brazil); water from the lake with water from a recreational fish pond; water from the lake with a phytoplankton and cyanobacteria overload simulation, with and without the use of the pre-filters as a stage of the treatment. The synthetic fabrics and GAC use resulted in the best turbidity removal and an efficient apparent and true color removal; in spite that the polishing columns reported similar results for those parameters. The utilization of GAC as an intermediate layer contributed to a better organic matter removal and the fabrics improved chlorophyll-a removal. The pre-filtration columns made an efficient algae and cyanobacteria removal, a function that was completed by the filters and reached >98% efficiency. The synthetic non-woven fabrics and GAC inclusion in MSF operation improved performance of this technology with ease of application and operation.


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This article reports on the liquid phase adsorption of flavour esters onto granular activated carbon. Ethyl propionate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl isovalerate were used as adsorbates, and Filtrasorb 400 activated carbon was chosen as the adsorbent. Sips, Toth, Unilan, and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm equations which are generally used for heterogeneous adsorbents were used to fit the data. Although satisfactory in fitting the data, inconsistency in parameter values indicated these models to be inadequate. On the other hand the Dubinin-Radushkevich model gave more consistent and meaningful parameter values and adsorption capacities. By employing the Dubinin-Radushkevich equation, the limiting volume of the adsorbed space, which equals the accessible micropore volume, was determined, and found to correlate with the value from carbon dioxide adsorption.


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Convergent beam Kikuchi diffraction was used to accurately determine the orientation relationships (ORs) between austenite and martensite, and between austenite and granular bainite in two Fe-Ni-Mn-C alloys. Both martensite and granular bainite have the same crystallographic characteristics with the OR: (111)(A)parallel to(101)(F), [1 (1) over bar0](A) 2.5degrees +/- 2degrees from [1 (1) over bar(1) over bar](B).


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The adsorption and electroadsorption of arsenic from a natural water has been studied in a filter-press electrochemical cell using a commercial granular activated carbon as adsorbent and Pt/Ti and graphite as electrodes. A significant reduction of the arsenic concentration is achieved when current is imposed between the electrodes, especially when the activated carbon was located in the vicinity of the anode. This enhancement can be explained in terms of the presence of electrostatic interactions between the polarized carbon surface and the arsenic ions, and changes in the distribution of most stable species of arsenic in solution due to As(III) to As(V) oxidation. In summary, electrochemical adsorption on a filter-press cell can be used for enhancement the arsenic remediation with activated carbon in the treatment of a real groundwater.