951 resultados para Granular UASB sludge


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Au cours des dernières décennies, l’intérêt pour la gazéification de biomasses a considérablement augmenté, notamment en raison de la grande efficacité de recouvrement énergétique de ce procédé par rapport aux autres procédés de génération de bioénergies. Les composants majoritaires du gaz de synthèse, le monoxyde de carbone (CO) et l’hydrogène (H2) peuvent entre autres servir de substrats à divers microorganismes qui peuvent produire une variété de molécules chimiques d’intérêts, ou encore produire des biocarburants, particulièrement le méthane. Il est donc important d'étudier les consortiums méthanogènes naturels qui, en syntrophie, serait en mesure de convertir le gaz de synthèse en carburants utiles. Cette étude évalue principalement le potentiel de méthanisation du CO par un consortium microbien issu d’un réacteur de type UASB, ainsi que les voies métaboliques impliquées dans cette conversion en conditions mésophiles. Des tests d’activité ont donc été réalisés avec la boue anaérobie du réacteur sous différentes pressions partielles de CO variant de 0.1 à 1,65 atm (0.09 à 1.31 mmol CO/L), en présence ou absence de certains inhibiteurs métaboliques spécifiques. Dès le départ, la boue non acclimatée au CO présente une activité carboxidotrophique relativement intéressante et permet une croissance sur le CO. Les tests effectués avec de l’acide 2- bromoethanesulfonique (BES) ou avec de la vancomycine démontrent que le CO est majoritairement consommé par les bactéries acétogènes avant d’être converti en méthane par les méthanogènes acétotrophes. De plus, un plus grand potentiel de méthanisation a pu être atteint sous une atmosphère constituée uniquement de CO en acclimatant auparavant la boue. Cette adaptation est caractérisée par un changement dans la population microbienne désormais dominée par les méthanogènes hydrogénotrophes. Ceci suggère un potentiel de production à large échelle de biométhane à partir du gaz de synthèse avec l’aide de biofilms anaérobies.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE


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As águas residuárias provenientes da indústria do charque são conhecidas por apresentarem elevado teor de cloreto de sódio, aliado a grandes concentrações de matéria orgânica proveniente do sangue liberado ao longo do processo industrial. Esse tipo de água residuária apresenta potencial para degradação biológica, contudo, o cloreto de sódio, em concentração elevada, pode inibir a atividade dos microrganismos e, em alguns casos, levar sistemas biológicos à falência. No presente trabalho, foi avaliada a viabilidade de degradação anaeróbia de efluente sintético de Charqueada contendo elevado teor de cloreto de sódio, em reator anaeróbio tipo UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket), em escala de laboratório. Foram utilizados 4 reatores, alimentados com água residuária sintética com características similares à água residuária de Charqueada. O reator 1 foi utilizado como controle, o reator 2 recebeu NaCl e os demais (3 e 4) foram operados na presença de NaCl acrescidos de: betaína e potássio com cálcio, respectivamente. Os compostos citados são conhecidos como antagonizantes, por possuirem capacidade de minimizar o efeito inibitório do sódio sobre o processo de digestão anaeróbia. Os reatores foram inoculados com lodo de reator UASB e submetidos à concentração de 5000 mg/L de matéria orgânica, como DQO. A carga orgânica aplicada foi de 5 Kg/m3.d e os reatores não suportaram tal carga. Reiniciou-se a operação com aumento progressivo da DQO de 500 a 2000 mg/L resultando em cargas orgânicas de 0,5 a 2,0 Kg/m3.d, respectivamente. Após estabilização dos reatores, iniciou-se a fase de introdução de cloreto de sódio (1.500 a 13.500 mg/L) e antagonizantes com aumento progressivo a cada fase. Na presença ou ausência de antagonizantes, os reatores 2, 3 e 4 não tiveram o desempenho alterado até a concentração de NaCl de 6000 mg/L. Na presença de 9000 mg/L de NaCl, a betaína se mostrou pouco efetiva como soluto compatível no reator 3 e os antagonizantes do reator 4, potássio e cálcio, apresentaram efeitos estimulatórios. As morfologias encontradas ao longo do experimento foram cocos, víbrios, bacilos, sarcinas, além de morfologias semelhantes a Methanosarcina sp. e Methanosaeta sp. O aumento da concentração de cloreto de sódio provocou a redição da população de Arqueas.


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The aim of this study was to determine the potential of biochemical parameters, such as enzyme activity and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, as monitors of process performance in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor utilizing a starch wastewater. The acid and alkaline phosphatase activity and the ATP content of the UASB sludge were measured in response to changes in flow rate and nutrient loading. Conventional parameters of process performance, such as gas production, acetic acid production, COD, phosphorus, nitrogen and suspended solids loadings and % COD removal were also monitored. The response of both biochemical and conventional parameters to changing process conditions was then compared. Alkaline phosphatase activity exhibited the highest activity over the entire study perioda A high suspended solids loading was observed to upset the system in terms of gas production, acetic acid production and % COD removala The initial rate of increase in alkaline phosphatase activity following an increase in loading was four times as great during process upset than under conditions of good performance. The change in enzyme actiVity was also more sensitive to process upset than changes in acetic acid production. The change in ATP content of the sludge with time suggested that enzyme actiVity was changing independently of the actual viable biomass present. The bacterial composition of the anaerobic sludge granules was similar to that of other sludge bed systems, at the light and scanning electron microscope level. Isolated serum bottle cultures produced several acids involved in anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism. The overall performance of the UASB system indicated that higher loadings of soluble nutrients could have been tolerated by the system.


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This study evaluated linear alkylbenzene sulfonate removal in an expanded granular sludge bed reactor with hydraulic retention times of 26 h and 32 h. Sludge bed and separator phase biomass were phylogenetically characterized (sequencing 16S rRNA) and quantified (most probable number) to determine the total anaerobic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea. The reactor was fed with a mineral medium supplemented with 14 mg l(-1) LAS, ethanol and methanol. The stage I-32 h consisted of biomass adaptation (without LAS influent) until reactor stability was achieved (COD removal >97%). In stage II-32 h, LAS removal was 74% due to factors such as dilution, degradation and adsorption. Higher HRT values increased the LAS removal (stage III: 26 h - 48% and stage IV: 32 h - 64%), probably due to increased contact time between the biomass and LAS. The clone libraries were different between samples from the sludge bed (Synergitetes and Proteobacteria) and the separator phase (Firmicutes and Proteobacteria) biomass. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Biological nutrient removal has been studied and applied for decades in order to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. However, more anthropogenic uses and the continued demand for water have forced the facilities to operate at their maximum capacity. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to obtain more compact systems for nutrient removal from domestic wastewater. In this sense, optimization and long-term stabilization of high volume exchange ratios reactors, treating higher volumes of wastewater, have been investigated. With the same target, aerobic granular sludge was proposed as a reliable alternative to reduce space and increase loading rates in treatment plants. However, the low organic loading rate from low-strength influents (less than 1 Kg COD•m-3d-1) results in slower granular formation and a longer time to reach a steady state. Because of that, different methodologies and operational conditions were investigated in order to enhance granulation and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater.


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We present a fast procedure for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in which hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) solvent, instead of the critical point drying, is used to remove liquids from a microbiological specimen. The results indicate that the HMDS solvent is suitable for drying samples of anaerobic cells for examination by SEM and does not cause cell structure disruption.


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In this work, the efficiency of two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors was evaluated in bench scale, for treating a liquid effluent from coffee pulping. Hydraulic detention times (HDT) were 4.0; 5.2 and 6.2 days, resulting in organic loading rates (OLR) of 5.8; 3.6 and 3.0g total COD per (L-d) in the first reactor (Rl) and HDT of 2.0; 2.6 and 3.1 days with OLR of 5.8; 0.5 and 0.4 g total COD per (L-d) in the second reactor (R2). The medium values of total COD affluent varied from 15.440 to 23.040 mg O 2/L, and in the effluent to the reactors 1 and 2 were from l.lOO to 11.500 mg 0 2/L and 420 to 9.000 mg O 2/L, respectively. The medium values of removal efficiencies of total COD and TSS varied from 66 to 98% and 93 to 97%, respectively, in the system of treatment with the UASB reactors, in two stages. The content of methane in the biogas varied from 69 to 89% in the Rl and from 52 to 73% in the R2. The maximum volumetric methane production of 0.483 m 3 CH 4per (m 3 reactor d) was obtained with OLR of 3.6 g total COD per (L reactor d) and HDT of 6.2 days in the Rl. The volatile fatty acids concentration was kept below 100mg/L with HDT of 5.2 and 6.2 days in the Rl and HDT of 2.6 and 3.1 days in the R2.


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In this study it was evaluated the efficiency of the treatment of wet-processed coffee wastewater in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors in two stages, in bench scale, followed by post-treatment with activated sludge in batch. The first UASB reactor was submitted to an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 6.2 d and organic loading rates (OLR) of 2.3 and 4.5g CODtotal (L d)-1, and the second UASB reactor to HRT of 3.1 d with OLR of 0.4 and 1.4g CODtotal (L d)-1. The average values of the affluent CODtotal increased from 13,891 to 27,926mg L-1 and the average efficiencies of removal of the CODtotal decreased from 95 to 91%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages. The volumetric methane production increased from 0.274 to 0.323L CH4 (L reactor d)-1 with increment in the OLR. The average concentrations of total phenols in the affluent were of 48 and 163mg L-1, and the removal efficiencies in the UASB reactors in two stages of 92 and 90%, respectively, and increased to 97% with post-treatment. The average values of the removal efficiencies of total nitrogen and phosphorus were of 57 to 80% and 44 to 60%, respectively, in the UASB reactors in two stages and increased to 91 and 84% with the post-treatment.


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A bench-scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor was used to study the treatment of acid mine drainage through the biological reduction of sulfate. The reactor was fed with acid mine drainage collected at the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine (Caldas, MG, Brazil) and supplemented with ethanol as an external carbon source. Anaerobic granular sludge originating from a reactor treating poultry slaughterhouse wastewater was used as the inoculum. The reactor's performance was studied according to variations in the chemical oxygen demand (COD)/SO42- ratio, influent dilution and liquid-phase recirculation. The digestion of a dilution of the acid mine drainage resulted in a 46.3% removal of the sulfate and an increase in the effluent pH (COD/SO42- = 0.67). An increase in the COD/SO42- ratio to 1.0 resulted in an 85.6% sulfate reduction. The reduction of sulfate through complete oxidation of the ethanol was the predominant path in the reactor, although the removal of COD was not greater than 68% in any of the operational stages. The replenishment of the liquid phase with tap water positively affected the reactor, whereas the recirculation of treated effluent caused disequilibrium and decreased efficiency. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The development of a strong, active granular sludge bed is necessary for optimal operation of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors. The microbial and mechanical structure of the granules may have a strong influence on desirable properties such as growth rate, settling velocity and shear strength. Theories have been proposed for granule microbial structure based on the relative kinetics of substrate degradation, but contradict some observations from both modelling and microscopic studies. In this paper, the structures of four granule types were examined from full-scale UASB reactors, treating wastewater from a cannery, a slaughterhouse, and two breweries. Microbial structure was determined using fluorescence in situ hybridisation probing with 16S rRNA-directed oligonucleotide probes, and superficial structure and microbial density (volume occupied by cells and microbial debris) assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The granules were also modelled using a distributed parameter biofilm model, with a previously published biochemical model structure, biofilm modelling approach, and model parameters. The model results reflected the trophic structures observed, indicating that the structures were possibly determined by kinetics. Of particular interest were results from simulations of the protein grown granules, which were predicted to have slow growth rates, low microbial density, and no trophic layers, the last two of which were reflected by microscopic observations. The primary cause of this structure, as assessed by modelling, was the particulate nature of the wastewater, and the slow rate of particulate hydrolysis, rather than the presence of proteins in the wastewater. Because solids hydrolysis was rate limiting, soluble substrate concentrations were very low (below Monod half saturation concentration), which caused low growth rates. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O aumento da concentração de nutrientes nos corpos receptores, principalmente nitrogênio e fósforo oriundos de efluentes sanitários e industriais pode gerar o fenômeno da eutrofização. Para que isto não ocorra é necessário que este efluente passe por um tratamento adequado, no entanto, o papel desempenhado por diversos grupos de microrganismos encontrados nos sistemas de tratamento de efluentes não é completamente compreendido devido à complexidade das interações. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a estrutura e dinâmica da comunidade microbiana (bactérias envolvidas no ciclo do nitrogênio e microfauna) e avaliar a atividade biológica dos reatores aeróbio e anaeróbio de uma indústria de alimentos. Os parâmetros físico-químicos da estação de tratamento foram monitorados, bem como foi feita a avaliação da estrutura e dinâmica da comunidade bacteriana envolvida no ciclo do nitrogênio por meio da técnica de Hibridização in situ Fluorescente. A microfauna do reator aeróbio foi caracterizada e classificada conforme o Índice Biótico do Lodo. A atividade biológica do lodo foi avaliada através do Teste de Respirometria e foram feitas correlações entre a microbiota encontrada no reator aeróbio e parâmetros físico-químicos. Os parâmetros físico-químicos analisados estiveram dentro dos limites permitidos pelas legislações federais e estaduais e os parâmetros Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio, Demanda Química de Oxigênio e Nitrogênio Kjeldahl foram reduzidos de 99,8%, 99,6% e 74,9%, respectivamente. Foi possível observar a presença tanto de bactérias oxidadoras de nitrito quanto de amônia em ambos os reatores analisados, bem como em cada ponto de coletas dentro dos reatores. A bactéria Pseudomonas fluorescens também ocorreu em todos os pontos de coleta dos dois reatores. Dentre os grupos que compõem a microfauna do lodo ativado, os ciliados rastejantes foram os mais frequentes, seguido pelas tecamebas, rotíferos, ciliados sésseis, ciliados livre natantes, flagelados e outros invertebrados. Além disso, não houve diferença entre as densidades dos grupos encontradas nos Pontos 1 e 2 do reator aeróbio e o Índice Biótico do Lodo encontrado foi igual a 8 (classe I). A semelhança apresentada entre a Taxa de Consumo de Oxigênio dos pontos 1 e 2, bem como a Taxa de Consumo de Oxigênio específica entre os pontos 1 e 2 sugere que o oxigênio é distribuído de forma homogênea dentro do tanque de aeração, fazendo com que os microrganismos tenham condições semelhantes de crescimento. Os ciliados livre natantes apresentaram correlação positiva com a DQO e DBO5 e os ciliados sésseis apresentaram correlação negativa com a DQO e com a DBO5. Os rotíferos apresentaram correlação negativa com Sólidos Suspensos Voláteis do reator aeróbio. Os ciliados rastejantes, tecamebas e rotíferos apresentaram correlação positiva com a microfauna total encontrada no reator aeróbio. Os ciliados livre natantes apresentaram correlação negativa com os ciliados sésseis, bactérias totais, Nitrobacter e outras bactérias; e correlação positiva com outros invertebrados. Os flagelados apresentaram correlação negativa com as bactérias totais, enquanto as outras bactérias apresentaram correlação positiva. Os outros invertebrados apresentaram correlação negativa com Nitrobacter.


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of increasing organic loading rates and of enzyme pretreatment on the stability and efficiency of a hybrid upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBh) treating dairy effluent. The UASBh was submitted to the following average organic loading rates (OLR) 0.98 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), 4.58 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), 8.89 Kg.m(-3).d(-1) and 15.73 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), and with the higher value, the reactor was fed with effluent with and without an enzymatic pretreatment to hydrolyze fats. The hydraulic detention time was 24 h, and the temperature was 30 +/- 2 degrees C. The reactor was equipped with a superior foam bed and showed good efficiency and stability until an OLR of 8.89 Kg.m(-3).d(-1). The foam bed was efficient for solid retention and residual volatile acid concentration consumption. The enzymatic pretreatment did not contribute to the process stability, propitiating loss in both biomass and system efficiency. Specific methanogenic activity tests indicated the presence of inhibition after the sludge had been submitted to the pretreated effluent It was concluded that continuous exposure to the hydrolysis products or to the enzyme caused a dramatic drop in the efficiency and stability of the process, and the single exposure of the biomass to this condition did not inhibit methane formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study characterizes the extracellular polymeric substances and bacterial community composition of aerobic granules exposed to cefalexin (CLX). The presence of CLX potentially decreases granular stabilities, resulting in a lowered granule diameter. Chemical oxygen demand and NH4+-N removal efficiencies were slightly decreased and the denitrification process was inhibited with CLX addition. Extracellular polymeric substance contents were significantly increased in aerobic granules exposed to CLX. The shifts of fluorescence intensities and peak locations in 3D-EEM fluorescence spectra indicated changes of EPS components. High-throughput sequencing analysis showed aerobic granules with CLX addition in synthetic wastewater had superior diversity of microbial species, and this was the reason that the level and components of EPS changed. The species richness for bacteria was increased from 341 to 352, which was revealed by Chao1. The Shannon index of diversity rose slightly from 3.59 to 3.73 with CLX addition. The abundance of Proteobacteria significantly decreased, while the abundance of Bacteroidetes and Chloroflexi underwent a highly significant increase in aerobic granules exposed to CLX.