998 resultados para Graduate schools


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The aim of this paper is to reflect on how conceptions of networked learning have changed, particularly in relation to educational practices and uses of technology, that can nurture new ideas of networked learning to sustain multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. Our work is framed using two theoretical frameworks: Giddens's (1984) structuration theory and Callon & Latour's (1981) Actor Network Theory as critiqued by Fox (2005) in relation to networked learning. We use these frameworks to analyse and critique ideas of networked learning embodied in both cases. We investigate three questions: (a) the role of individual agency in the development of networked learning; (b) the impact of technological developments on approaches to supporting students within institutional infrastructures; and (c) designing networked learning to incorporate Web 2.0 practices that sustain multiple communities and foster engagement with knowledge in new ways. We use an interpretivist approach by drawing on experiential knowledge of the Masters programme in Networked Collaborative Learning and the decision making process of designing the virtual graduate schools. At this early stage, we have limited empirical data related to the student experience of networked learning in current and earlier projects. Our findings indicate that the use of two different theoretical frameworks provided an essential tool in illuminating, situating and informing the process of designing networked learning that involves supporting multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. These theoretical frameworks have also helped us to analyze our existing projects as case studies and to problematize and begin to understand the challenges we face in facilitating the participation of research students in networked learning communities of practice and the barriers to that participation. We have also found that this process of theorizing has given us a way of reconceptualizing communities of practice within research settings that have the potential to lead to new ideas of networked learning.


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As graduate schools seek to increase enrollment, faculty and staff must consider the impacts of enrollment increases on program curricula, faculty workloads, and course delivery methods. This brief examines how other institutions prepare for and implement increases in graduate enrollment. More specifically, the report reviews how graduate enrollment goals and rates impact faculty workloads, program curriculum and course delivery methods.


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Difference and Dispersion is the fourth in a series of annual research papers produced by doctoral students from The Graduate School of Education, The University of Queensland, following their presentation at the School’s annual Postgraduate Research Conference in Education. The work featured herein celebrates the diversity of cultural and disciplinary backgrounds of education researchers who come from as far afield as Germany, Hong Kong, China, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, Thailand and of course different parts of Australia. In keeping with a postmodern epistemology, ‘difference’ and ‘dispersion’ are key themes in apprehending the multiplicity of their research topics, methodologies, methods and speaking/writing positions. From widely differing contexts and situations, these writers address the consequences, implications and possibilities for education at the beginning of the third millennium. Their interest ranges from location-specific issues in schools and classrooms, change in learning contexts and processes, educational discourses and relations of power in diverse geographical settings, and the differing articulations of the local and the global in situated policy contexts. Conceived and developed in a spirit of ongoing dialogue with and insight to alternative views and visions of education and society, this edited collection exemplifies the quality in diversity and the high levels of scholarship and supervision at one of Australia’s finest Graduate Schools of Education.


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O objeto do presente estudo são as práticas profissionais dos psicólogos na Saúde, em especial na atenção básica. Faz um mapeamento das atividades realizadas por essa categoria profissional na rede básica de saúde do Município do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo adota três premissas: (1) a necessidade de construção de práticas nos serviços públicos de saúde, que extrapolem a assistência psicoterápica individual (2) a inadequação da formação profissional do psicólogo para prepará-lo para atuar na rede pública de saúde e (3) o entendimento de que mudanças na formação e na prática profissionais podem ser concomitantes. O desenho da pesquisa é qualitativo e exploratório. Os métodos de pesquisa utilizados na coleta de dados foram: (1) observações; (2) entrevistas individuais com roteiros semi-estruturados e (3) questionário de caracterização profissional. O estudo teve como cenários os serviços de Psicologia da rede básica de saúde do Município do Rio de Janeiro, os Fóruns de Saúde Mental e as Supervisões de Território. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram os gestores e os psicólogos de uma área programática (AP 5) escolhida para aprofundamento do estudo. Os dados foram analisados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Estipulou-se três eixos analíticos a partir da análise do material coletado: (1) Desafios às práticas; (2) Relação formação-prática profissional e (3) Iniciativas de Educação Permanente. Os resultados evidenciam que os desafios à prática na rede básica de saúde encontram-se intrinsecamente relacionados à demanda de priorizar atendimentos à casos graves, contexto da Reforma Psiquiátrica; (2) a formação profissional do psicólogo precisa ser continuamente revista de modo a se adequar às necessidades do Sistema Único de Saúde e (3) os Fóruns de Saúde Mental e as Supervisões de Território caminham na direção das propostas de Educação Permanente, constituindo-se como espaços fundamentais para a discussão e a mudança do processo de trabalho do psicólogo na rede. Faz-se necessário a continuidade das discussões sobre a prática profissional do psicólogo na Saúde de modo a auxiliar na resolução das dificuldades encontradas no cotidiano de trabalho.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the dynamics of the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) in Australia through the lens of a changing higher education landscape. The paper reflects on issues raised in a previous analysis of DBA programmes undertaken a decade ago, and highlights persistent challenges and emerging opportunities for professional Doctorate programmes in the Australian context.Design/methodology/approach – Interviews were undertaken with higher degree research directors, deans of graduate schools, and DBA programme directors from all 18 Australian institutions offering the DBA in 2013. Quantitative data on enrolments, accreditation requirements, course structures; and demographics are contextualised within a qualitative view of programme purposes, student and institutional motivations, rationales and concerns. Particular focus is given to perceptions of the difference between traditional research doctorates (PhDs) and professional doctorates, especially the DBA.Findings – In the decade from 2003 to 2013 DBA enrolments are down but enquiries are up, indicating unmet demand. There is a shift in the players, with some smaller, regional universities dramatically increasing their enrolments, and larger, traditional institutions exiting the space altogether. Significant changes in accreditation criteria have generated a perceptual shift: where DBAs previously suffered from “academic snobbery” regarding their legitimacy, this perception is being challenged by standards which require DBA equivalence with a PhD. This shift in standards has also created some confusion amongst supervisors and candidates.Originality/value – There is limited research into the DBA award or its candidates, and academic literature is generally silent on DBA supervision. This piece of research, one of very few that specifically examine the DBA, reflects on the past decade, analyses the present context and identifies emerging issues for the delivery of DBA programmes in Australia.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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Hypertutorials optimize five features - presentation, learner control, practice, feedback, and elaborative learning resources. Previous research showed graduate students significantly and overwhelmingly preferred Web-based hypertutorials to conventional "Book-on-the-Web" statistics or research design lessons. The current report shows that the source of hypertutorials' superiority in student evaluations of instruction lies in their hypertutorial features. Randomized comparisons between the two methodologies were conducted in two successive iterations of a graduate level health informatics research design and evaluation course. The two versions contained the same text and graphics, but differed in the presence or absence of hypertutorial features: Elaborative learning resources, practice, feedback, and amount of learner control. Students gave high evaluations to both Web-based methodologies, but consistently rated the hypertutorial lessons as superior. Significant differences localized in the hypertutorial subscale that measured student responses to hypertutorial features.


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People often use tools to search for information. In order to improve the quality of an information search, it is important to understand how internal information, which is stored in user’s mind, and external information, represented by the interface of tools interact with each other. How information is distributed between internal and external representations significantly affects information search performance. However, few studies have examined the relationship between types of interface and types of search task in the context of information search. For a distributed information search task, how data are distributed, represented, and formatted significantly affects the user search performance in terms of response time and accuracy. Guided by UFuRT (User, Function, Representation, Task), a human-centered process, I propose a search model, task taxonomy. The model defines its relationship with other existing information models. The taxonomy clarifies the legitimate operations for each type of search task of relation data. Based on the model and taxonomy, I have also developed prototypes of interface for the search tasks of relational data. These prototypes were used for experiments. The experiments described in this study are of a within-subject design with a sample of 24 participants recruited from the graduate schools located in the Texas Medical Center. Participants performed one-dimensional nominal search tasks over nominal, ordinal, and ratio displays, and searched one-dimensional nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio tasks over table and graph displays. Participants also performed the same task and display combination for twodimensional searches. Distributed cognition theory has been adopted as a theoretical framework for analyzing and predicting the search performance of relational data. It has been shown that the representation dimensions and data scales, as well as the search task types, are main factors in determining search efficiency and effectiveness. In particular, the more external representations used, the better search task performance, and the results suggest the ideal search performance occurs when the question type and corresponding data scale representation match. The implications of the study lie in contributing to the effective design of search interface for relational data, especially laboratory results, which are often used in healthcare activities.


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Greetings Biobank and Centers model collaboration – Enable work of young researchers AccPhD Scholars Find First Year Exciting, Challenging Event Salutes AccPhD Donors Fay named to UT System’s Academy of Health Science Education PARTNERS Luncheon – Opera star hails nurses as “Beautiful Angels” at 2011 PARTNERS Spring Luncheon Hodges Voted School’s 2011 McGovern Outstanding Teacher Graduates soar– Steady growth and success of DNP program follows being first in Texas Reception honors Freds “Best Graduate Schools” – Guide ranks UTHealth tops in Texas/Newsbriefs Faculty Publications Faculty Research Endowed Faculty Positions


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A relação entre jornal-laboratório e marketing das instituições de ensino superior é analisada no trabalho. Valendo-se do estudo de casos múltiplos, são comparados impressos laboratoriais, reconhecidos no meio acadêmico pelo valor pedagógico do exercício proporcionado aos alunos, com aqueles que circulam como ¬house-organs¬, trazendo informações positivas das respectivas faculdades. Eles são examinados com base nos conceitos de ensino de jornalismo e de marketing, especialmente para instituições educacionais. O objetivo é demonstrar que jornais-laboratório transformados em jornais de empresa, no intuito de atender a necessidades de comunicação das instituições com o mercado, contrariam o que é preconizado pelo ensino de jornalismo e pelo próprio marketing. É possível perceber que impressos laboratoriais que simulam a realidade da profissão, com o propósito pedagógico, estão mais adequados como produto ao mix de comunicação porque levam o estudante, como consumidor, a vivenciar situações marcantes de aprendizado, conforme estabelece o marketing de experiências para levar clientes à lealdade com as organizações.(AU)


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A relação entre jornal-laboratório e marketing das instituições de ensino superior é analisada no trabalho. Valendo-se do estudo de casos múltiplos, são comparados impressos laboratoriais, reconhecidos no meio acadêmico pelo valor pedagógico do exercício proporcionado aos alunos, com aqueles que circulam como ¬house-organs¬, trazendo informações positivas das respectivas faculdades. Eles são examinados com base nos conceitos de ensino de jornalismo e de marketing, especialmente para instituições educacionais. O objetivo é demonstrar que jornais-laboratório transformados em jornais de empresa, no intuito de atender a necessidades de comunicação das instituições com o mercado, contrariam o que é preconizado pelo ensino de jornalismo e pelo próprio marketing. É possível perceber que impressos laboratoriais que simulam a realidade da profissão, com o propósito pedagógico, estão mais adequados como produto ao mix de comunicação porque levam o estudante, como consumidor, a vivenciar situações marcantes de aprendizado, conforme estabelece o marketing de experiências para levar clientes à lealdade com as organizações.(AU)


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Vols. for 3rd- published under title: Journal of proceedings and addresses of the ... annual conference.