992 resultados para Good genes


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鞑靼荞麦是我国特有的农业产品,具有抗寒耐旱特性和较高的营养保健功能。荞麦的开花习性及遗传特点导致其人工杂交授粉难以成功,这成为荞麦杂交育种难以获得突破的重要原因。因此利用转基因技术导入有益基因有可能成为荞麦遗传改良的新途径,而再生及转化体系的建立是开展转基因研究的基础。 本文研究了苗龄、外植体、几种激素配比对鞑靼荞麦(Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.)离体培养的影响,初步建立了鞑靼荞麦离体再生体系。结果表明,鞑靼荞麦离体再生的最佳取材时间为苗龄6-8d;诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基为MS+2.0 mg/L 2,4-D+1.5 mg/L 6-BA,子叶诱愈率达75%左右,下胚轴的可高达86.62%;愈伤组织分化的最适培养基为MS 0.1mg/L IAA+2.0mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L KT+0.5mg/L TDZ,下胚轴的分化率可达9.52%。下胚轴的诱愈率与分化率均高于子叶,更适于离体再生培养。培养基中加入AgNO3后,能有效降低褐化率。生根最适培养基为含有0.5mg/L NAA的1/2MS培养基,生根率在50%左右。TDZ在诱导鞑靼荞麦的愈伤组织分化出芽的过程中起到明显的促进作用,可提高分化率约20%。 在上述研究基础上,本文还对鞑靼荞麦的遗传转化体系进行了探索性研究。分别利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法和微粒轰击法(基因枪法)对黑水苦荞下胚轴进行遗传转化。 在农杆菌介导的方法中,携带有质粒pCAMBIA2301的农杆菌菌株EHA105用于转化。载体质粒pCAMBIA2301包含有gus和npt-II 基因, 并受35s启动子驱动。研究结果表明,在侵染方式选择上,浸泡方式比吸打方式更有效,根癌农杆菌侵染的较适浓度为OD600=0.5,共培养3天,恢复培养7天,能检测到gus基因的表达。 基因枪法使用质粒pBI121,同样包含有gus和npt-II基因, 并受CaMV35s 启动子驱动。轰击距离为9cm较合适,甘露醇前处理在本研究中未表现出明显优势。 两种转化方法比较,基因枪法比农杆菌介导法更快速有效。 本研究为进一步的遗传操作研究打下基础。 Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn.), the traditional and unique agricultural product of China, is a kind of crop with strong drought and cold tolerance, abundant nutrition and high medical value. Artificial hybridization is hard in buckwheat because of its flowering habits and genetic characteristics, which leads to no breakthrough in tartary buckwheat breeding. However, biotechnological approaches, especially genetic transformation for the direct introduction of good genes into tartary buckwheat for quality improvement, hold great promise. In this study, we established tartary buckwheat regeneration system in vitro. It is the foundation for genetic manipulation of this crop. The effects of seedling age, hypocotyl and cotyledon as explants, and proportions of several growth regulators were tested in tissue culture of tartary buckwheat for establishing its in vitro regeneration system. The results showed that the best seedling age for callus induction was 6 to 8 days. On the MS medium containing 2.0mg/L 2, 4-D and 1.5mg/L 6-BA, the induction rate of callus from hypocotyls was up to 86.62%, while from cotyledons was about 75%. The suitable shooting medium was the MS medium+0.1mg/L IAA+2.0mg/L 6-BA+1.0 mg/L KT+0.5mg/L TDZ, and the shooting rate from hypocotyls was 9.52%. The callus induction and shooting rates were higher from hypocotyls than from cotyledons. Browning reduced when the medium mixed with AgNO3. Half strength MS supplemented with 0.5mg/L NAA was the best for rooting, the rate was around 50% after 30 days culture. TDZ can accelerate the shoot differentiation distinctively, and it could improve the shooting rate nearly 20%. On the base of above, the explorative research of the genetic transformation in tartary buckwheat was done. In the study, hypocotyls from Heishui tartary buckwheat were transformed by Agrobacterium-mediated method and microprojectile bombardment method (gene-gun), comparatively. In Agrobacterium-mediated method, a disarmed Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA105 harboring plasmid pCAMBIA2301 was used. The vector pCAMBIA2301 contains gus and npt-II genes, driven by CaMV35s promoter. The results showed that the appropriate concentration of Agrobacterium tumefaciens for infecting was OD600=0.5, and co-culture time was 3d. Seven days later after coculture, GUS expression could be tested. In particle bombardment transformation, plasmid pBI121 was used. pBI121 also contains gus and npt-II genes, driven by 35s promoter. Hypocotyls pretreated with mannitol, no effect was observed, and the suitable distance of bombardment is 9cm. Comparing with Agrobacterium-mediated method, gene-gun method is more convenient and effective. All above results could be a basic work for further study in tartary buckwheat transformation.


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Summary: Recent research on the evolution of language and verbal displays (e.g., Miller, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2002) indicated that language is not only the result of natural selection but serves as a sexually-selected fitness indicator that is an adaptation showing an individual’s suitability as a reproductive mate. Thus, language could be placed within the framework of concepts such as the handicap principle (Zahavi, 1975). There are several reasons for this position: Many linguistic traits are highly heritable (Stromswold, 2001, 2005), while naturally-selected traits are only marginally heritable (Miller, 2000a); men are more prone to verbal displays than women, who in turn judge the displays (Dunbar, 1996; Locke & Bogin, 2006; Lange, in press; Miller, 2000a; Rosenberg & Tunney, 2008); verbal proficiency universally raises especially male status (Brown, 1991); many linguistic features are handicaps (Miller, 2000a) in the Zahavian sense; most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age (Miller, 1999). However, neither an experimental study investigating the causal relation between verbal proficiency and attractiveness, nor a study showing a correlation between markers of literary and mating success existed. In the current studies, it was aimed to fill these gaps. In the first one, I conducted a laboratory experiment. Videos in which an actor and an actress performed verbal self-presentations were the stimuli for counter-sex participants. Content was always alike, but the videos differed on three levels of verbal proficiency. Predictions were, among others, that (1) verbal proficiency increases mate value, but that (2) this applies more to male than to female mate value due to assumed past sex-different selection pressures causing women to be very demanding in mate choice (Trivers, 1972). After running a two-factorial analysis of variance with the variables sex and verbal proficiency as factors, the first hypothesis was supported with high effect size. For the second hypothesis, there was only a trend going in the predicted direction. Furthermore, it became evident that verbal proficiency affects long-term more than short-term mate value. In the second study, verbal proficiency as a menstrual cycle-dependent mate choice criterion was investigated. Basically the same materials as in the former study were used with only marginal changes in the used questionnaire. The hypothesis was that fertile women rate high verbal proficiency in men higher than non-fertile women because of verbal proficiency being a potential indicator of “good genes”. However, no significant result could be obtained in support of the hypothesis in the current study. In the third study, the hypotheses were: (1) most literature is produced by men at reproduction-relevant age. (2) The more works of high literary quality a male writer produces, the more mates and children he has. (3) Lyricists have higher mating success than non-lyric writers because of poetic language being a larger handicap than other forms of language. (4) Writing literature increases a man’s status insofar that his offspring shows a significantly higher male-to-female sex ratio than in the general population, as the Trivers-Willard hypothesis (Trivers & Willard, 1973) applied to literature predicts. In order to test these hypotheses, two famous literary canons were chosen. Extensive biographical research was conducted on the writers’ mating successes. The first hypothesis was confirmed; the second one, controlling for life age, only for number of mates but not entirely regarding number of children. The latter finding was discussed with respect to, among others, the availability of effective contraception especially in the 20th century. The third hypothesis was not satisfactorily supported. The fourth hypothesis was partially supported. For the 20th century part of the German list, the secondary sex ratio differed with high statistical significance from the ratio assumed to be valid for a general population.


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It has been acknowledged through sociobiological research that women seek men who will provide good genes to produce strong healthy offspring, and men seek women who are attractive, because these women are seen to be most suitable for producing fit children. According to the author in last two centuries, in western societies, mate selection has also frequently led to marriage. If the man fails to meet these genetic standards, women may be driven to have extramarital affairs so that they can obtain good genetic stock, but will still keep their husband if he provides good support resources for her and her children.


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Although 90% of passerine birds live in socially monogamous pair bonds, molecular studies have revealed that genetic polygamy occurs in 86% of surveyed passerines, because individuals engage in copulations outside the pair bond (extrapair copulations; EPCs). Most explanations for the occurrence of EPCs involve female gaining indirect benefits from the extrapair male. The sedge warbler is a socially monogamous species in which some offspring result from EPCs (8% in this study). Complex song is a sexually selected male trait used by females which select mates based on a variety of male qualities. We used microsatellite DNA profiling to detect extrapair young and assign paternity. ‘Good genes’ theory predicts that females should engage in EPCs with males of higher quality than their social mate, with resulting fitness benefits. Extrapair males had smaller song repertoires and smaller territories than the social mate. This apparent preference for small-repertoire males as extrapair mates conflicts with the predictions from previous studies of this species. Sudden cessation of song after pairing may mean that song cues are unavailable for later extrapair matings and females may switch to other cues. Such behaviour may lead to different patterns of female choice during social and extrapair mating in the sedge warbler. We conclude that multiple reasons underlie patterns of female choice in this species.


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The complex song of the male sedge warbler functions mainly in sexual attraction and the evolution of repertoire size is driven primarily by female choice. As male song ceases upon pairing, male–male singing interactions are relatively brief and have not been studied to our knowledge. This study shows that young males in their first breeding season shared significantly more syllables with their nearest neighbour than with their fathers or more distant males. Moreover, daily recordings revealed that rapid learning and modification of syllable repertoires occurred, resulting in a progressive increase in sharing within just a few days. This does not lead to a gradual increase in repertoire size as some syllables are dropped and new ones are acquired. This turnover process allows males to share syllables with their neighbours, whilst repertoire size, known to be important in female choice, remains relatively constant in any one year. Individual males were followed for several years and also showed considerable syllable turnover between years. However, in this case, repertoire size was found to increase between years, the largest increase occurring between the first and second years. We obtained a significant positive correlation between repertoire size and age, suggesting that females choosing males with larger repertoires may gain indirect (genetic) benefits for their offspring, such as good genes for viability. Whilst these results reveal a more flexible picture of repertoire turnover than previously suspected, the relative stability of repertoire size within a season and the increase with age suggests that repertoire size remains a likely target for sexual selection by female choice.


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In a recent paper, we demonstrated that male-female genetic relatedness determines male probability of paternity in experimental sperm competition in the Peron's tree frog (Litoria peronii), with a more closely related male out-competing his rival. Here, we test the hypothesis that a male-male difference in siring success with one female significantly predicts the corresponding difference in siring success with another female. With male sperm concentration held constant, and the proportion of viable sperm controlled statistically, the male-male difference in siring success with one female strongly predicted the corresponding difference in siring success with another female, and alone explained more than 62 per cent of the variance in male-male siring differences. This study demonstrates that male siring success is primarily dictated by among-male differences in innate siring success with less influence of male-female relatedness.


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The genetic benefits individuals receive from mate choice have been the focus of numerous studies, with several showing support for both intrinsic genetic benefits and compatibility effects on fertilization success and offspring viability. However, the robustness of these effects have rarely been tested across an ecologically relevant environmental gradient. In particular, sperm environment is a crucial factor determining fertilization success in many species, especially those with external fertilization. Here, we test the importance of sperm environment in mediating compatibility-based selection on fertilization using a factorial breeding design. We detected a significant intrinsic male effect on fertilization success at only one of four sperm concentrations. Compatibility effects were significant at the two highest sperm concentrations and, interestingly, the magnitude of the compatibility effect consistently increased with sperm concentration. This suggests that females are able to modify the probability of sperm-egg fusion as the amount of sperm available increases.


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Carotenoid-based sexual ornaments are hypothesized to be reliable signals of male quality, based on an allocation trade-off between the use of carotenoids as pigments and their use in antioxidant defence against reactive oxygen species. Carotenoids appear to be poor antioxidants in vivo, however, and it is not clear whether variation in ornament expression is correlated with measures of oxidative stress (OXS) under natural conditions. We used single-cell gel electrophoresis to assay oxidative damage to erythrocyte DNA in the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), a sexually dichromatic warbler in which sexual selection favours components of the males’ yellow ‘bib’. We found that the level of DNA damage sustained by males predicted their overwinter survivorship and was reflected in the quality of their plumage. Males with brighter yellow bibs showed lower levels of DNA damage, both during the year the plumage was sampled (such that yellow brightness signalled current OXS) and during the previous year (such that yellow brightness signalled past OXS). We suggest that carotenoid-based ornaments can convey information about OXS to prospective mates and that further work exploring the proximate mechanism(s) linking OXS to coloration is warranted.


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Female mate preferences are complex due to their greater selectivity in mates according to the good genes sexual selection theory. Additionally, research shows that female’s behaviors and mate preferences change cyclically due to the importance of attracting amate when conception risk is highest. However, research has not examined whether there is a relationship between menstrual cycle changes and mate expulsion (the casting off of a mate or ending a relationship). The present research examined whether fertility riskaffects mate expulsion decisions. Female participants completed a questionnaire which included demographic questions, such as information about the length and date of their menstrual cycle, mate expulsion scenarios, and a social desirability scale. Effects ofcurrent relationship status (a demographic measure) were also examined. If fertility risk does have an influence, the following patterns were hypothesized. High fertility women will be less likely to expel their mate due to an increased chance of conception and a need for access to parental investment resources from their mate. The results obtained indicate that fertility risks do not influence female’s decisions to expel their mates. Current relationship status in conjunction with fertility risk does affect mate expulsion. Thesefindings are discussed in terms of prior research and evolutionary theory.


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The net effect of sexual selection on nonsexual fitness is controversial. On one side, elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual fitness of individuals possessing them, as well as their offspring, In contrast, sexual selection may reinforce nonsexual fitness if an individual's attractiveness and quality are genetically correlated. According to recent models, such good-genes mate choice should increase both the extent and rate of adaptation. We evolved 12 replicate populations of Drosophila serrata in a powerful two-way factorial experimental design to test the separate and combined contributions of natural and sexual selection to adaptation to a novel larval food resource. Populations evolving in the presence of natural selection had significantly higher mean nonsexual fitness when measured over three generations (13-15) during the course of experimental evolution (16-23% increase). The effect of natural selection was even more substantial when measured in a standardized, monogamous mating environment at the end of the experiment (generation 16; 52% increase). In contrast, and despite strong sexual selection on display traits, there was no evidence from any of the four replicate fitness measures that sexual selection promoted adaptation. In addition, a comparison of fitness measures conducted under different mating environments demonstrated a significant direct cost of sexual selection to females, likely arising from some form of male-induced harm. Indirect benefits of sexual selection in promoting adaptation to this novel resource environment therefore appear to be absent in this species, despite prior evidence suggesting the operation of good-genes mate choice in their ancestral environment. How novel environments affect the operation of good-genes mate choice is a fundamental question for future sexual selection research.


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Las preferencias en elección de pareja de hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer relaciones a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico ha sido un tema de interés para el análisis evolucionista, ya que existe debate frente a los resultados de las investigaciones y los planteamientos de las teorías de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales. Con el objetivo de identificar qué características son preferidas por hombres y mujeres interesados en establecer una relación a largo plazo con personas de su mismo sexo biológico y contribuir a esta discusión, se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo en el que analizamos el contenido de 732 perfiles de hombres y mujeres (H=491; M=241) que buscaban una relación estable con parejas de su mismo sexo biológico. Las categorías analizadas fueron: edad, atractivo físico (apariencia, contextura, estatura y peso), estatus socioeconómico (situación laboral, nivel educativo y zona de residencia buscada), estado civil, número de hijos y hábitos saludables (fumar y beber). Los resultados encontrados muestran que los hombres presentan rangos amplios en las características deseadas en una pareja (edad=16.87; estatura=11.37; peso=15.23) y además buscan personas menores a la edad ofrecida (M=-4.17 años). En las mujeres se encontró que los rangos son más restringidos (edad=13.85; estatura=9.83; peso=12.77) y además prefieren parejas mayores (M=2.89 años). A nivel general, se evidencia que los resultados encontrados en la mayoría de las variables podrían indicar congruencia con los planteamientos de la teoría de inversión parental y estrategias sexuales; sin embargo, en otras variables los resultados no son claros.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of the dopamine receptor genes, DRD1, DRD3, and DRD5 in the pathogenesis of migraine. BACKGROUND: Migraine is a chronic debilitating disorder affecting approximately 12% of the white population. The disease shows strong familial aggregation and presumably has a genetic basis, but at present, the type and number of genes involved is unclear. The study of candidate genes can prove useful in the identification of genes involved in complex diseases such as migraine, especially if the contribution of the gene to phenotypic expression is minor. Genes coding for proteins involved in dopamine metabolism have been implicated in a number of neurologic conditions and may play a contributory role in migraine. Hence, genes that code for enzymes and receptors modulating dopaminergic activity are good candidates for investigation of the molecular genetic basis of migraine. METHODS: We tested 275 migraineurs and 275 age- and sex-matched individuals free of migraine. Genotypic results were determined by restriction endonuclease digestion of polymerase chain reaction products to detect DRD1 and DRD3 alleles and by Genescan analysis after polymerase chain reaction using fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide primers for the DRD5 marker. RESULTS: Results of chi-square statistical analyses indicated that the allele distribution for migraine cases compared to controls was not significantly different for any of the three tested gene markers (chi2 = 0.1, P =.74 for DRD1; chi2 = 1.8, P =.18 for DRD3; and chi2 = 20.3, P =.08 for DRD5). CONCLUSIONS: These findings offer no evidence for allelic association between the tested dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms and the more prevalent forms of migraine and, therefore, do not support a role for these genes in the pathogenesis of the disorder.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects millions of people worldwide and is influenced by numerous factors, including lifestyle and genetics. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) influence gene expression and are good candidates for CVD risk. Founder-effect pedigrees can provide additional power to map genes associated with disease risk. Therefore, we identified eQTLs in the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island (NI) and tested for associations between these and CVD risk factors. We measured genome-wide transcript levels of blood lymphocytes in 330 individuals and used pedigree-based heritability analysis to identify heritable transcripts. eQTLs were identified by genome-wide association testing of these transcripts. Testing for association between CVD risk factors (i.e., blood lipids, blood pressure, and body fat indices) and eQTLs revealed 1,712 heritable transcripts (p < 0.05) with heritability values ranging from 0.18 to 0.84. From these, we identified 200 cis-acting and 70 trans-acting eQTLs (p < 1.84 × 10(-7)) An eQTL-centric analysis of CVD risk traits revealed multiple associations, including 12 previously associated with CVD-related traits. Trait versus eQTL regression modeling identified four CVD risk candidates (NAAA, PAPSS1, NME1, and PRDX1), all of which have known biological roles in disease. In addition, we implicated several genes previously associated with CVD risk traits, including MTHFR and FN3KRP. We have successfully identified a panel of eQTLs in the NI pedigree and used this to implicate several genes in CVD risk. Future studies are required for further assessing the functional importance of these eQTLs and whether the findings here also relate to outbred populations.