947 resultados para González Prada, Manuel


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El presente trabajo aborda las concepciones de la alteridad social en el ensayo Tempestad en los andes (1927) del indigenista peruano Luis Valcárcel, así como algunos aspectos de la trayectoria intelectual del autor, focalizando sobre las continuidades y rupturas ideológicas y epistemológicas respecto de la tradición de pensamiento previa -plasmada en los ensayos Carácter de la literatura del Perú independiente de José de la Riva Agüero y Las democracias latinas de América de Francisco García Calderón, así como también en el rupturista "Nuestros indios" de Manuel González Prada- y la contemporánea de J. C. Mariátegui.


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El presente trabajo aborda las concepciones de la alteridad social en el ensayo Tempestad en los andes (1927) del indigenista peruano Luis Valcárcel, así como algunos aspectos de la trayectoria intelectual del autor, focalizando sobre las continuidades y rupturas ideológicas y epistemológicas respecto de la tradición de pensamiento previa -plasmada en los ensayos Carácter de la literatura del Perú independiente de José de la Riva Agüero y Las democracias latinas de América de Francisco García Calderón, así como también en el rupturista "Nuestros indios" de Manuel González Prada- y la contemporánea de J. C. Mariátegui.


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El presente trabajo aborda las concepciones de la alteridad social en el ensayo Tempestad en los andes (1927) del indigenista peruano Luis Valcárcel, así como algunos aspectos de la trayectoria intelectual del autor, focalizando sobre las continuidades y rupturas ideológicas y epistemológicas respecto de la tradición de pensamiento previa -plasmada en los ensayos Carácter de la literatura del Perú independiente de José de la Riva Agüero y Las democracias latinas de América de Francisco García Calderón, así como también en el rupturista "Nuestros indios" de Manuel González Prada- y la contemporánea de J. C. Mariátegui.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Esta tesis doctoral aclara algunos interrogantes de la vida y actuación en el gobierno pastoral del Prelado de la Diócesis de Málaga, don Manuel González García, preconizado como Obispo titular el 22 de abril de 1920, cargo que ocupó hasta el 5 de agosto de 1935. También realiza un estudio del Seminario de Málaga e incorpora un primer acercamiento literario a su obra escrita. La primera parte comprende la revisión histórico-biográfica. Ubica al lector en el contexto político, económico y social de la España del siglo XIX y primer tercio del XX. Es el período de tiempo que coincide con la vida del Prelado, quien vivió a caballo entre el último tercio del primero y murió en el primer tercio del segundo. Luego realiza una aproximación al contexto político, económico y social de España del siglo XIX. Durante el reinado de Alfonso XIII estudia la compleja situación política con el sistema del ¿turnismo¿, entre los partidos liberales y conservadores, la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera y la Proclamación de la II República y analiza el papel de la Iglesia ante la II República. Del ámbito nacional pasa al local, describiendo la situación económica, política y social en Málaga, que es el centro de acción de la labor apostólica de don Manuel, como representante máximo de la Iglesia malagueña. Una vez realizada una exposición del marco histórico, se adentra en la figura principal del estudio, primero como Arcipreste de Huelva; segundo, como Obispo de Málaga; y tercero, como Obispo de Palencia. Da respuesta a lagunas históricas que ensombrecen el perfil moral de don Manuel González, criticado por abandonar la Diócesis en el año de 1931, cuando la Iglesia de Málaga vivía uno de sus peores momentos. Con documentación inédita hasta el presente (cartas, material hemerográfico y testimonios orales) analiza el comportamiento y la voluntad para regresar a la Diócesis y aclara las razones por las cuales permaneció en el exilio. También examina la reacción de su clero ante los sucesos ocurridos, desde su salida de Málaga, su nombramiento como Obispo de Palencia y hasta su muerte. La segunda parte consiste en un estudio filosófico sobre la simbología en el Seminario malacitano y otro léxico-semántico sobre tres símbolos en la obra escrita. Revela dos facetas de su persona: la del pensador de la obra cumbre y la del escritor. Ambas partes descubren la sensibilidad artística de su época. La primera pone de manifiesto la amplitud de la cultura religiosa y secular del pensador y artista, que comunica a través de espacios arquitectónicos y representaciones visuales la esencia de su carisma personal, contenidos teológicos, filosóficos y morales. Subraya la dedicación del hombre comprometido con su Diócesis, sus seminaristas y su pueblo. La segunda parte realiza una valoración de su lenguaje desde un nuevo paradigma teórico, en este caso el de la relación entre la experiencia mística y el lenguaje. Considera la cuestión del proceso de redacción, desde la experiencia de Palomares del Río hasta la redacción del suceso, y toma como ejemplo tres palabras de alto contenido semántico (puerta, mirada y corazón), frecuentes en otros contextos a lo largo de toda su obra. Infravalorado durante mucho tiempo, fue considerado como lenguaje piadoso, típico de una expresividad propia de su tiempo. Dirigido no a una élite, sino a un destinatario popular, el estudio léxico-semántico con que termina el trabajo revela que el lenguaje en prosa contiene palabras con alto contenido simbólico. Su capacidad para expresar misterios profundos a través del lenguaje sencillo, asequible al pueblo, pone de manifiesto otra faceta del hombre: en este caso el compromiso con su pueblo.


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Intelectuales y Vida pública reúne once ensayos sobre autores, temas y problemas de la tradición hispanoamericana, desde la Carta de Jamaica de Simón Bolívar a la obra crítica de Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot. Por estas páginas circulan los nombres representativos de Andrés Bello, José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi, Domingo F. Sarmiento, Juan García del Río, Ignacio Manuel Altamirano, Manuel González Prada, Tomás Carrasquilla, José Luis Romero y Octavio Paz, entre otros. La unidad del libro descansa en la discusión de la herencia hispánica en los debates intelectuales de Hispanoamérica en el curso de los siglos XIX y XX. Ellos quieren ser una contribución a la discusión sobre el Bicentenario, pero además se convierten en una discusión sobre la identidad hispanoamericana que aflora en las obras más significativas de estos dos siglos. En estos ensayos se esboza, por lo demás, una tipología sociológica de la vida intelectual, que busca superar la tendencia descriptiva y la reducción nacionalista de los autores y los temas tratados. El tema de España, pero la atención a las instituciones literarias y medios de expresión de la inteligencia hispanoamericana, son presentados en tres momentos o períodos característicos. El primero, trata de los debates independentistas y posindependentistas (el intelectual-político) en el marco de la formación de las naciones republicanas; el segundo, de la búsqueda de un\' nuevo ideal de perfección estético, a la luz de los conflictos de fin de siglo (el intelectual puro o "libremente vacilante"); y el tercero, de las exigencias de la formación de las disciplinas sociales (intelectual-científico social), en el marco del desarrollo de las ciudades masificadas de mediados del siglo XX. Los ensayos no pretender proporcionar un análisis exhaustivo de las discusiones intelectuales enunciadas, sino prefiguran un panorama sintético de la historia de nuestras letras, abierto a las diversas e insinuantes rutas de una ingente producción y a los horizontes renovados que demanda cada nueva lectura para el presente.


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1.Marine ecosystems provide critically important goods and services to society, and hence their accelerated degradation underpins an urgent need to take rapid, ambitious and informed decisions regarding their conservation and management. 2.The capacity, however, to generate the detailed field data required to inform conservation planning at appropriate scales is limited by time and resource consuming methods for collecting and analysing field data at the large scales required. 3.The ‘Catlin Seaview Survey’, described here, introduces a novel framework for large-scale monitoring of coral reefs using high-definition underwater imagery collected using customized underwater vehicles in combination with computer vision and machine learning. This enables quantitative and geo-referenced outputs of coral reef features such as habitat types, benthic composition, and structural complexity (rugosity) to be generated across multiple kilometre-scale transects with a spatial resolution ranging from 2 to 6 m2. 4.The novel application of technology described here has enormous potential to contribute to our understanding of coral reefs and associated impacts by underpinning management decisions with kilometre-scale measurements of reef health. 5.Imagery datasets from an initial survey of 500 km of seascape are freely available through an online tool called the Catlin Global Reef Record. Outputs from the image analysis using the technologies described here will be updated on the online repository as work progresses on each dataset. 6.Case studies illustrate the utility of outputs as well as their potential to link to information from remote sensing. The potential implications of the innovative technologies on marine resource management and conservation are also discussed, along with the accuracy and efficiency of the methodologies deployed.


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BACKGROUND: Postural instability is one of the major complications found in stroke survivors. Parameterising the functional reach test (FRT) could be useful in clinical practice and basic research. OBJECTIVES: To analyse the reliability, sensitivity, and specificity in the FRT parameterisation using inertial sensors for recording kinematic variables in patients who have suffered a stroke. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. While performing FRT, two inertial sensors were placed on the patient's back (lumbar and trunk). PARTICIPANTS: Five subjects over 65 who suffer from a stroke. MEASUREMENTS: FRT measures, lumbosacral/thoracic maximum angular displacement, maximum time of lumbosacral/thoracic angular displacement, time return initial position, and total time. Speed and acceleration of the movements were calculated indirectly. RESULTS: FRT measure is  12.75±2.06 cm. Intrasubject reliability values range from 0.829 (time to return initial position (lumbar sensor)) to 0.891 (lumbosacral maximum angular displacement). Intersubject reliability values range from 0.821 (time to return initial position (lumbar sensor)) to 0.883 (lumbosacral maximum angular displacement). FRT's reliability was 0.987 (0.983-0.992) and 0.983 (0.979-0.989) intersubject and intrasubject, respectively. CONCLUSION: The main conclusion could be that the inertial sensors are a tool with excellent reliability and validity in the parameterization of the FRT in people who have had a stroke.


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Background Balance dysfunction is one of the most common problems in people who suffer stroke. To parameterize functional tests standardized by inertial sensors have been promoted in applied medicine. The aim of this study was to compare the kinematic variables of the Functional Reach Test (FRT) obtained by two inertial sensors placed on the trunk and lumbar region between stroke survivors (SS) and healthy older adults (HOA) and to analyze the reliability of the kinematic measurements obtained. Methods Cross-sectional study. Five SS and five HOA over 65. A descriptive analysis of the average range as well as all kinematic variables recorded was developed. The intrasubject and intersubject reliability of the measured variables was directly calculated. Results In the same intervals, the angular displacement was greater in the HOA group; however, they were completed at similar times for both groups, and HOA conducted the test at a higher speed and greater acceleration in each of the intervals. The SS values were higher than HOA values in the maximum and minimum acceleration in the trunk and in the lumbar region. Conclusions The SS show less functional reach, a narrower, slower and less accelerated movement during the FRT execution, but with higher peaks of acceleration and speed when they are compared with HOA.


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Purpose: To establish whether there was a difference in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in people with chronic musculoskeletal disorders (PwCMSKD) after participating in a multimodal physiotherapy program (MPP) either two or three sessions a week. Methods: Total of 114 PwCMSKD participated in this prospective randomised controlled trial. An individualised MPP, consisting of exercises for mobility, motor-control, muscle strengthening, cardiovascular training, and health education, was implemented either twice a week (G2: n = 58) or three times a week) (G3: n = 56) for 1 year. Outcomes: HRQoL physical and mental health state (PHS/MHS), Roland Morris disability Questionnaire (RMQ), Neck-Disability-Index (NDI) and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities’ Arthritis Index (WOMAC) were used to measure outcomes of MPP for people with chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain and osteoarthritis, respectively. Measures were taken at baseline, 8 weeks (8 w), 6 months (6 m), and 1 year (1 y) after starting the programme. Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups (G2 and G3), except in NDI at 8 w (−3.34, (CI 95%: −6.94/0.84, p = 0.025 (scale 0–50)). All variables showed improvement reaching the following values (from baseline to 1 y) G2: PHS: 57.72 (baseline: 41.17; (improvement: 16.55%), MHS: 74.51 (baseline: 47.46, 27.05%), HRQoL 0.90 (baseline: 0.72, 18%)), HRQoL-VAS 84.29 (baseline: 58.04, 26.25%), RMQ 4.15 (baseline: 7.85, 15.42%), NDI 3.96 (baseline: 21.87, 35.82%), WOMAC 7.17 (baseline: 25.51, 19.10%). G3: PHS: 58.64 (baseline: 39.75, 18.89%), MHS: 75.50 (baseline: 45.45, (30.05%), HRQoL 0.67 (baseline: 0.88, 21%), HRQoL-VAS 86.91 (baseline: 52.64, 34.27%), RMQ 4.83 (baseline: 8.93, 17.08%), NDI 4.91 (baseline: 23.82, 37.82%), WOMAC 6.35 (baseline: 15.30, 9.32%). Conclusions: No significant differences between the two groups were found in the outcomes of a MPP except in the NDI at 8 weeks, but both groups improved in all variables during the course of 1 year under study.


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Background and purpose There are no published studies on the parameterisation and reliability of the single-leg stance (SLS) test with inertial sensors in stroke patients. Purpose: to analyse the reliability (intra-observer/inter-observer) and sensitivity of inertial sensors used for the SLS test in stroke patients. Secondary objective: to compare the records of the two inertial sensors (trunk and lumbar) to detect any significant differences in the kinematic data obtained in the SLS test. Methods Design: cross-sectional study. While performing the SLS test, two inertial sensors were placed at lumbar (L5-S1) and trunk regions (T7–T8). Setting: Laboratory of Biomechanics (Health Science Faculty - University of Málaga). Participants: Four chronic stroke survivors (over 65 yrs old). Measurement: displacement and velocity, Rotation (X-axis), Flexion/Extension (Y-axis), Inclination (Z-axis); Resultant displacement and velocity (V): RV=(Vx2+Vy2+Vz2)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√ Along with SLS kinematic variables, descriptive analyses, differences between sensors locations and intra-observer and inter-observer reliability were also calculated. Results Differences between the sensors were significant only for left inclination velocity (p = 0.036) and extension displacement in the non-affected leg with eyes open (p = 0.038). Intra-observer reliability of the trunk sensor ranged from 0.889-0.921 for the displacement and 0.849-0.892 for velocity. Intra-observer reliability of the lumbar sensor was between 0.896-0.949 for the displacement and 0.873-0.894 for velocity. Inter-observer reliability of the trunk sensor was between 0.878-0.917 for the displacement and 0.847-0.884 for velocity. Inter-observer reliability of the lumbar sensor ranged from 0.870-0.940 for the displacement and 0.863-0.884 for velocity. Conclusion There were no significant differences between the kinematic records made by an inertial sensor during the development of the SLS testing between two inertial sensors placed in the lumbar and thoracic regions. In addition, inertial sensors. Have the potential to be reliable, valid and sensitive instruments for kinematic measurements during SLS testing but further research is needed.


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Aim The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of an 8-week multimodal physiotherapy programme (MPP), integrating physical land-based therapeutic exercise (TE), adapted swimming and health education, as a treatment for patients with chronic non-specific neck pain (CNSNP), on disability, general health/mental states and quality of life. Methods 175 CNSNP patients from a community-based centre were recruited to participate in this prospective study. Intervention: 60-minute session (30 minutes of land-based exercise dedicated to improving mobility, motor control, resistance and strengthening of the neck muscles, and 30 minutes of adapted swimming with aerobic exercise keeping a neutral neck position using a snorkel). Health education was provided using a decalogue on CNSNP and constant repetition of brief advice by the physiotherapist during the supervision of the exercises in each session. Study outcomes: primary: disability (Neck Disability Index); secondary: physical and mental health states and quality of life of patients (SF-12 and EuroQoL-5D respectively). Differences between baseline data and that at the 8-week follow-up were calculated for all outcome variables. Results Disability showed a significant improvement of 24.6% from a mean (SD) of 28.2 (13.08) at baseline to 16.88 (11.62) at the end of the 8-week intervention. All secondary outcome variables were observed to show significant, clinically relevant improvements with increase ranges between 13.0% and 16.3% from a mean of 0.70 (0.2) at baseline to 0.83 (0.2), for EuroQoL-5D, and from a mean of 40.6 (12.7) at baseline to 56.9 (9.5), for mental health state, at the end of the 8-week intervention. Conclusion After 8 weeks of a MPP that integrated land-based physical TE, health education and adapted swimming, clinically-relevant and statistically-significant improvements were observed for disability, physical and mental health states and quality of life in patients who suffer CNSNP. The clinical efficacy requires verification using a randomised controlled study design.