946 resultados para Golgi bodies


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Light and electron microscopy were used to characterize the structure of secretory cells and their products involved in attachment of two monogenean parasites of fish, in order to understand their role in the attachment process. In Bravohollisia rosetta and Bravohollisia gussevi, peduncular gland cells with two nuclei, granular endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies produce dual electron-dense (DED) secretory bodies with a homogenous electron-dense rind and a less electron-dense fibrillar core (oval and concave in B. rosetta and oval in B. gussevi). The DED secretory bodies are altered as they migrate from the gland cell to the haptoral reservoir, the superficial anchor grooves, and into the gill tissues. The contents of the DED secretory bodies are exocytosed into the reservoirs, fibrillar cores persisting in the matrix, some of which condense, forming highly electron-dense spherical bodies. Small, oval, electron-dense bodies occur in the grooves, while no inclusions are visible in the homogenous exudate within the gill tissues. The single tubular extension of the reservoir enters a bifurcate channel within the anchor via a concealed, crevice-like opening on one side of the anchor. The channel directs secretions into the left and the right grooves via concealed apertures. The secretions, introduced into the tissues by the anchors, probably assist in attachment. The secretions are manifested externally as net-like structures and observed in some cases to be still attached to the point of exudation, on anchors detached from the gill tissues. This suggests that despite having the anchors detached, the worms can still remain anchored to the gill tissues via these net-like structures. Based on this, it is postulated that the net-like secretions probably function as a safety line to anchor the worm during the onset of locomotion and in doing so reduce the risk of tearing host tissues.


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Using mice harbouring early Fasciola hepatica infections, six monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a tegumental antigen present in T1 granules and glycocalyx of flukes. Blocking tests indicated that all monoclonals bound the same T1 epitope (or epitopes in close proximity on the antigen molecule), but this was not the determinant recognized by sheep and cattle. Localization of antibody binding at light and electron microscope levels showed that T1-type antigen also occurred in metacercarial tegument and in glycocalyx of gut cells and excretory ducts in juvenile and adult flukes. This indicates that the natural host-antibody response to F. hepatica may be to one antigen early in the infection. Protein A-gold labelling of monoclonal treated fluke sections revealed that the epitope was probably a polypeptide, unmodified by glycosylation in Golgi bodies. When isolated by immunoadsorption and separated electrophoretically under reducing conditions T1-type antigen was found to consist of a polypeptide mol. wt. 50 000, possibly linked to smaller entities mol. wt. 25-40 000. Tissue-specific variations in the antigen molecule might be conferred by linkage of different polypeptides or carbohydrate side-chains to an antigenic core polypeptide. A component of T1-type antigen was found to have mol. wt. of 25 000, possibly resembling a polypeptide of mol. wt. 24 000 from Schistosoma mansoni tegument.


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A postembedding method has been developed for localizing water soluble allergens in rye-grass pollen. This uses dry fixation in glutaraldehyde vapour, followed by 2,2-dimethoxypropane, prior to a 100% ethanol series leading into embedment in LR Gold. This has allowed the attachment of specific monoclonal antibodies to the allergen, which are themselves probed with specific immunogold labels to the antibodies. Wall and cytoplasmic sites have been identified, representing an improvement of fixation and localization of allergens over previous studies employing polyclonal, broad spectrum antibodies.

Rye-grass allergens are labelled in mature pollen grains in the exine (tectum, nexine and central chamber), and in the electron opaque areas of the cytoplasm, especially mitochondria. The allergens are absent from the intine, polysaccharide (P) particles, amyloplasts, Golgi bodies and endoplasmic reticulum. IgE antibodies derived from humans allergic to rye-grass pollen, bind to similar sites in the cytoplasm but only to the outer surface of the pollen grain wall. This method now provides a valuable tool for further developmental studies on the pollen grains, in order to establish the site/s of synthesis of the allergens.


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center dot Background and Aims Nectar production in the Bignoniaceae species lacking a nectariferous functional disc is ascribed to trichomatic glands around the ovary base and/or on the inner corolla wall. Nevertheless, knowledge about the secretion and function of these glands is very incomplete. The purpose of this paper is to study, from a developmental viewpoint, the ultrastructure, histochemistry and secretory process of the peltate trichomes on the ovary of Zeyheria montana, a species in the Bignoniaceae which has a rudimentary disc.center dot Methods Samples of the gynoecium at various developmental stages were fixed and processed for light and electron microscopy. Histochemistry and cytochemistry tests were performed to examine the chemical composition of exudates. Thin layer chromatography was used to determine the presence of alkaloids and terpenes in gynoecium and fruit extracts, and in fresh nectar stored in the nectar chamber.center dot Key Results Peltate trichomes at different developmental stages appear side by side from floral budding up to pre-dispersal fruit. Large plastids with an extensive internal membrane system consisting of tubules filled with lipophilic material, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum, few Golgi bodies, lipophilic deposits in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and scattered cytoplasmic oil droplets are the main characteristics of mature head cells. The secretion which accumulates in the subcuticular space stains positively for hydrophilic and lipophilic substances, with lipids prevailing for fully peltate trichomes. Histochemistry and thin layer chromatography detected terpenes and alkaloids. Fehling's test to detect of sugars in the secretion was negative.center dot Conclusions the continuous presence and activity of peltate trichomes on the ovary of Z. montana from early budding through to flowering and fruiting set, and its main chemical components, alkaloids and terpenes, suggest that they serve a protective function and are not related to the floral nectar source or to improving nectar quality.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solenopsis saevissima has a midgut composed of columnar, regenerative, and goblet cells. The midgut epithelium was covered by a basal lamina. Outside the basal lamina, layers of inner oblique, circular, and outer longitudinal muscles were present. Columnar cells showed a basal plasma membrane containing numerous folds, mitochondria, and the nucleus. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, membrane bounded vacuoles, and spherocrystals were found in this region. The apical plasma membrane was constituted by microvilli, which were above a region rich in mitochondria. Regenerative cells were found in groups lying by the basal lamina. Goblet cells were associated with an ion-transporting mechanism between the haemolymph and the midgut epithelium. These cells were lying by the midgut lumen and large microvilli were evident, but the cytoplasmic features were similar to the columnar cells.


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The salivary glands of termites are composed of several secretory acini connected by ducts. These glands, in the Brazilian termite Serritermes serrifer, were examined through the electron microscope. The ultrastructure of worker salivary acinus revealed central ductule cells and four different types of cells. Cells of type I contain an abundance of electron-lucid vacuoles of various sizes which fuse to form enormous vacuolar structures that fill up most of the cell. Cells of type II are narrow cells in which the secretion is contained in small clear vacuoles of approximately equal diameter. Both of these cellular types have numerous Golgi bodies and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Type III or parietal cells have an apical plasma membrane deeply infolded and lined by microvilli. This type of cell is located in the acinar periphery and occurs in pairs. Cells of type IV are completely filled with electrondense secretion. The secretory granules can be small in some cells or large and similar to fingerprints in others. This is the first report of the occurrence of these spiral or concentric rings of dense material in the salivary gland of Isoptera.


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The salivary glands of termites are composed of several secretory acini connected by ducts. These glands, in the Brazilian termite Serritermes serrifer, were examined through the electron microscope. The ultrastructure of worker salivary acinus revealed central ductule cells and four different types of cells. Cells of type I contain an abundance of electron-lucid vacuoles of various sizes which fuse to form enormous vacuolar structures that fill up most of the cell. Cells of type II are narrow cells in which the secretion is contained in small clear vacuoles of approximately equal diameter. Both of these cellular types have numerous Golgi bodies and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Type III or parietal cells have an apical plasma membrane deeply infolded and lined by microvilli. This type of cell is located in the acinar periphery and occurs in pairs. Cells of type IV are completely filled with electrondense secretion. The secretory granules can be small in some cells or large and similar to fingerprints in others. This is the first report of the occurrence of these spiral or concentric rings of dense material in the salivary gland of Isoptera.


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The cells of secretory region of the salivary glands of Pachycondyla (=Neoponera) villosa at the time of enzyme production presents the basal cellular membranes profusely folded and the intercellular junctional membranes present a few enlarged spaces. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi bodies shift from being flat and small vesicular cisternae to enlarged vesicular cisternae according to the cell physiological state and characterize an asynchronic cell cycle. Enzymes are released into the lumen by microapocrine secretion. The stage of silk production is detected after a behavioral act, when the nurse worker separates the mature larva. At this time, the salivary gland cells present only one physiological state (synchronized secretory cycle): this state was characterized by basal cellular membrane poorly folded, intercellular junctions presenting some small spaces, rough endoplasmic reticulum compounded by flat cistenae, enlarged Golgi bodies with fibrous material inside and a few secretory vesicles containing silk, which undergo exocytosis. The silk in the lumen shows 2 forms: tactoid and flocculent material.


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Melanins are dark, insoluble pigments that are resistant to concentrated acids and bleaching by oxidising agents. Phytomelanin (or phytomelan) is present in the seed coat of some Asparagales and in the fruits of some Compositae. In Compositae fruits, melanin is deposited in the schizogenous spaces between the hypodermis and underlying fibrous layer. Phytomelanin in Compositae is poorly understood, and there are only speculations regarding the cells that produce the pigment and the cellular processes involved in the secretion and polymerisation of phytomelanin. This report describes the cellular processes involved in the secretion of phytomelanin in the pericarp of Praxelis diffusa, a species with a structure typical of the family. The ovaries and fruits at different stages were fixed and processed according to the standard methods of studies of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Hypodermal cells have abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, and the nuclei have chromatin that is less dense than other cells. These characteristics are typical of cells that synthesise protein/amino acids and suggest no carbohydrate secretion. The fibres, however, have a dense cytoplasm rich in the Golgi bodies that are associated with vesicles and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, common characteristics of carbohydrate secretory cells. Our results indicate that the hypodermal cells are not responsible for the secretion of phytomelanin, as previously described in the literature; in contrast, this function is assigned to the adjacent fibres, which have an organisation typical of cells that secrete carbohydrates. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The successive stages of oogenesis and the changes involved in the oocyte degeneration process in the penshell Atrina maura were examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. The ovarian maturation process is asynchronous, as oocytes at different developmental stages can be found simultaneously. Oocytes develop from oogonia and then undergo three distinct stages of oogenesis: previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis and postvitellogenesis with mature oocytes. Atrina maura displays a solitary oogenesis type, in which follicular cells become associated with oocytes from the earliest stages of development and seem to play an integral role in vitellogenesis. The cytoplasm of vitellogenic oocytes contains numerous whorls of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies, suggesting that auto-synthetic vitellogenesis may occur in this species. In addition, the degeneration process of postvitellogenic oocytes triggered by a seasonal increase in water temperature (> 25°C) is described.


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The successive stages of oogenesis and the changes involved in the oocyte degeneration process in the penshell Atrina maura were examined using light and transmission electron microscopy. The ovarian maturation process is asynchronous, as oocytes at different developmental stages can be found simultaneously. Oocytes develop from oogonia and then undergo three distinct stages of oogenesis: previtellogenesis, vitellogenesis and postvitellogenesis with mature oocytes. Atrina maura displays a solitary oogenesis type, in which follicular cells become associated with oocytes from the earliest stages of development and seem to play an integral role in vitellogenesis. The cytoplasm of vitellogenic oocytes contains numerous whorls of rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi bodies, suggesting that auto-synthetic vitellogenesis may occur in this species. In addition, the degeneration process of postvitellogenic oocytes triggered by a seasonal increase in water temperature (> 25°C) is described.