998 resultados para Gold adsorption


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STM and impedance results of the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) formed with thionicotinamide (TNA) on gold indicate the presence of defects that increase with the immersion time of the electrode in the TNA solution affecting the SAM electroactivity toward the electron transfer reaction of the cytochrome e metalloprotein and [Fe(CN)(6)](4-) and [Ru(NH(3))(6)](3+) complexes. It was observed that this electroactivity was also affected by the pH of the electrolyte solution. SERS and STM data indicate sulfur coordination to the surface with contribution of the NH(2) group. From the dependence of the TNA surface coverage on the temperature and concentration in solution, thermodynamic parameters of adsorption were determined.


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The self-assembled monolayer(SAM) of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid [HS(CH2)(10)COOH] was formed on a gold electrode and the effect of the charge of end group on the electrochemical response of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) at the SAM modified electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry. At high pH, when the -COOH groups are dissociated, the current of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) is suppressed; as the solution pH is lowered, the current of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) increases. The electrochemical titration curve was obtained by correlating the currents of Fe(CN)(6)(3-) to the different pH values of electrolyte, from which the surface pK(a) was obtained to be 3. 0+/-0. 2. Furthermore, the reason of small pK(a) value was explained using SAMs of different surface coverage.


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In this paper, we studied the reactions of both potassium ferricyanide and hexaammineruthenium(III) chloride at a 4-aminobenzoic acid (4-ABA) modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in different pH solutions. The surface of the modified electrode has carboxyl groups, the dissociation of which are strongly dependent upon the solution pH values. The rate constant kb of the oxidation of ferrocyanide on the modified electrode can be obtained by fitting the experimental tip current-distance (I-T-d) curves with the theoretical values. The surface pK(a) of the 4-ABA modified GCE was estimated from the plot of standard rate constant k(o) versus the solution pH and is equal to 3.2, which is in good agreement with the reported result. The SECM approach curves for Ru(NH3)(6)(3+) both on the bare and the modified electrodes show similar diffusion control processes. These results can be explained by the electrostatic interactions between the modified electrode surface and the model compounds with different charges. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.


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Dins dels processos de recuperació de metalls de dissolucions diluïdes s'ha realitzat un estudi del procés d'extracció d'or i de zinc mitjançant resines amberlite XAD-2 impregnades amb sulfur de triisobutil fosfina (TIBPS) i àcid di-(2-etilhexil) fosfòric (DEHPA) respectivament. S'ha realitzat un estudi de l'equilibri de l'adsorció d'espècies metàl·liques d'aquests metalls amb les resines indicades anteriorment. Amb la metodologia emprada per a la determinació dels punts d'equilibri dels experiments en batch i en columna, s'ha vist que una única isoterma no podia descriure el fenomen global d'equilibri i que en funció de la metodologia emprada s'obtenien isotermes diferents. Es va introduir una nova variable per poder explicar el fenomen observat, i per tant, amb aquesta nova variable l'equació de la isoterma es converteix amb l'equació d'una supèrfície que s'ha definit com a Superfície d'Equilibri. S'han determinat les equacions de les Suprfícies d'Equilibri dels sistemes d'adsorció estudiats (Au(III) TIBPS/XAD-2 i Zn(II) DEHPA/XAD-2) observan una bona coincidència de tots els punts d'equilibri obtinguts sobre la superfície, així com, un bon ajust de totes les isotermes obtingudes en funció de les diferents metodologies emprades sobre les respectives superfícies d'equilibri. Aquest nou concepte generalitza el concepte d'isoterma d'un procés d'adsorció. Fimalment, s'ha plantejat un model matemàtic d'adsorció per a determinar el coeficient efectiu de difusió (De) i el coeficient de transferància de matèria (kf) per ambdós sistemes d'adsorció estudiats mitjançant l'aplicació del model de difusió de sòlid homogeni (HSDM), utilitzant com a condició de contorn en el model la isoterma de Langmuir obtinguda mitjançant els experiments en columna de llit fix i emprant també l'equació obtinguda mitjançant el nou concepte de Superfície d'Equilibri. Els resultats obtinguts són molt satisfactoris, per tant, es pot concloure que la Superfície d'Equilibri és una bona eina per a descriure l'equilibri en els processos d'adsorció d'or i zinc amb les resines amberlite XAD-2 impregnades amb TIBPS i DEHPA respectivament.


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One of the most common means of gold nanoparticle (AuNP) biofunctionalization involves the manipulation of precursor citrate-capped AuNPs via ligand displacement. However, the molecular-level structural characteristics of the citrate overlayer adsorbed at the aqueous Au interface at neutral pH remain largely unknown. Access to atomistic-scale details of these interfaces will contribute much needed insight into how AuNPs can be manipulated and exploited in aqueous solution. Here, the structures of such citrate overlayers adsorbed at the aqueous Au(111) interface at pH 7 are predicted and characterized using atomistic molecular dynamics simulations, for a range of citrate surface densities. We find that the overlayers are disordered in the surface density range considered, and that many of their key characteristics are invariant with surface density. In particular, we predict the overlayers to have 3-D, rather than 2-D, morphologies, with the anions closest to the gold surface being oriented with their carboxylate groups pointing away from the surface. We predict both striped and island morphologies for our overlayers, depending on the citrate surface density, and in all cases we find bare patches of the gold surface are present. Our simulations suggest that both citrate-gold adsorption and citrate-counterion pairing contribute to the stability of these citrate overlayer morphologies. We also calculate the free energy of adsorption at the aqueous Au(111) interface of a single citrate molecule, and compare this with the corresponding value for a single arginine molecule. These findings enable us to predict the conditions under which ligand displacement of surface-adsorbed citrate by arginine may take place. Our findings represent the first steps toward elucidating a more elaborate, detailed atomistic-scale model relating to the biofunctionalization of citrate-capped AuNPs.


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In 0.1 mol/l KH2PO4–Na2HPO4 (pH 7.80) buffer solution, the potential of zero charge (PZC) and the open circuit potential of gold-coated silicon were determined to be about −0.6 and +0.10 V (vs SCE), respectively. The open circuit potential was higher than the PZC, which indicated that the surface of the gold-coated electrode had a positive charge. The ellipsometry experiment showed that the adsorption of fibrinogen onto the gold-coated silicon wafer surface arrived at a saturated state when the adsorption time exceeded 50 min. The percentage of surface without adsorbed protein, θ, was about 63%. This means that the proportion of surface actually occupied by fibrinogen was only about 37% after the adsorption arrived at saturation. The solution/protein capacitance value was determined in an impulse state around −0.59 V (vs SCE) and was stable (4.2×10−5 F) at other potentials.


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Imaging ellipsometry was combined with electrochemical methods for studying electrostatic interactions of protein and solid surfaces. The potential of zero charge for gold-coated silicon wafer/solution interfaces wad determined by AC impedance method. The potential of the gold-coated silicon wafer was controlled at the potential of zero charge, and the adsorption of fibrinogen on the potential-controlled and non-controlled surfaces was measured in real time at the same time by imaging ellipsometry The effect of electrostatic interaction was studied by comparing the difference between the potential of controlled adsorption and the Potential of noncontrolled adsorption. It was shown that the rate of fibrinogen adsorption on the potentiostatic surface was faster than that on the nonpotentiostatic surface. The electrostatic influence on fibrinogen adsorption on the gold-coated silicon wafer was weak, so the hydrophobic interaction should be the major affinity.


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Human serum albumin adsorption onto gold surfaces was investigated by electrochemical and ellipsometric methods. Albumin adsorption onto gold was confirmed by the change of the open circuit potential of gold and by the ellipsometric parameter variation during albumin immobilization. In both experiments the parameters reached stable values within 10-15 min. The albumin adsorption layer thickness measured with the ellipsometer was about 1.5 nm. The adsorption of albumin Under applied potential was also investigated and it was found that both positive and negative applied potential promote albumin adsorption. Changes in the optical parameters of bare gold and albumin adsorbed onto gold surface under applied potential were investigated with in Situ ellipsometry. The similarity and reversibility of the optical changes showed that adsorbed albumin was stable on the gold surface Under the applied potential range (-200-600 mV). The cyclic voltammograms of K3Fe(CN)(6) on the modified gold surface showed that albumin Could partly block the oxidation and reduction reaction. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The adsorption of dopamine (DA) molecules on gold and their interactions with Fe3+ were studied by a microcantilever in a flow cell. The microcantilever bent toward the Au side with the adsorption of DA due to the change Of Surface stress induced by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds of DA or the charge transfer effect between adsorbates and the Substrate. The interaction process between DA adsorbates and Fe3+ was revealed by the deflection curves of microcantilever. As indicated by the appearance of a variation during the decline of curves, two steps were observed in the curve at relative high concentrations of Fe3+. In this case, Fe3+ reacted with DA molecules only in the outer layers and the complexes removed with solution. Then Fe3+ reacted further with DA molecules forming the surface complex in the first layer next to the gold. At this stage, the stability Of Surface complexes was time dependent, i.e., unstable initially and stable finally. This may be due to the surface complexes change from mono-dentate to bi-dentate complexes. In another case, i.e., at relative low concentration of Fe3+, only the first step was observed as indicated by the absence of a variation.


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A detailed investigation on the adsorption behavior of Neutral Red (NR) molecules on mercaptoethane sulfonate-monolayer protected gold clusters (MES-MPCs) has been conducted by the spectroscopic method. It is found that cationic NR molecules are adsorbed on the negatively charged MPCs surfaces via electrostatic attractive forces. The absorption study shows that the optical properties of NR molecules are significantly influenced upon the adsorption. Based on the electrostatic adsorption nature and the excellent stability of MES-MPCs against the electrolytes, this association can be released by the addition of electrolyte salts, which can be monitored by both absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. In addition, dication Ca2+ is found to be more effective in the release of NR than univalent Na+. Moreover, the MES-MPCs exert energy transfer quenching of NR fluorescence by both static and dynamic quenching. However, static quenching seems to be the dominating quenching mechanism. Furthermore, this energy transfer quenching exhibits strong dependence of Au core size, and 5.0 nm MPCs show stronger ability in quenching the NR fluorescence than that of 2.7 nm MPCs.


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Coadsorption of ferrocene-terminated alkanethiols (FcCO(2)(CH2)(8)SH, Fc=(mu(5)-C5H5)Fe(mu(5)-C5H4)) with alkylthiophene thiols (2-mercapto-3-n-octylthiophene) yields stable, electroactive self-assembled monolayers on gold. The resulting mixed monolayer provides an energetically favorable hydrophobic surface for the adsorption of the surfactant aggregates in aqueous solution. The adsorptions have been characterized via their effect on the redox properties of ferrocenyl alkanethiols immobilized as minority components in the monolayers and on the interfacial capacitance of the electrode. Surfactant adsorption causes a decrease in the overall capacitance at the electrode and dramatically shifts the redox potential for ferrocene oxidation in a positive or negative direction depending on the identity of the surfactant employed. A structural model is proposed in which the alkane chains of the adsorbed surfactants interdigitate with those of the underlying self-assembled monolayer, leading to the formation of a hybrid bilayer membrane.


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A happy medium: Volumetric adsorption of carbon monoxide at 308 K and UHR-HAADF-STEM, HREM, and computer modeling techniques were compared. Experimental CO/Au ratios at saturation coverage for two supported gold catalysts were shown to fit very well the predictions of a nanostructural model that considers CO adsorption on gold sites with coordination numbers of less than eight.


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To create clinically useful gold nanoparticle (AuNP) based cancer therapeutics it is necessary to co-functionalize the AuNP surface with a range of moieties; e.g. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), peptides and drugs. AuNPs can be functionalized by creating either a mixed monolayer by attaching all the moieties directly to the surface using thiol chemistry, or by binding groups to the surface by means of a bifunctional polyethylene glycol (PEG) linker. The linker methodology has the potential to enhance bioavailability and the amount of functional agent that can be attached. While there is a large body of published work using both surface arrangements independently, the impact of attachment methodology on stability, non-specific protein adsorption and cellular uptake is not well understood, with no published studies directly comparing the two most frequently employed approaches. This paper compares the two methodologies by synthesizing and characterizing PEG and Receptor Mediated Endocytosis (RME) peptide co-functionalized AuNPs prepared using both the mixed monolayer and linker approaches. Successful attachment of both PEG and RME peptide using the two methods was confirmed using Dynamic Light Scattering, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and gel electrophoresis. It was observed that while the 'as synthesized' citrate capped AuNPs agglomerated under physiological salt conditions, all the mixed monolayer and PEG linker capped samples remained stable at 1M NaCl, and were stable in PBS over extended periods. While it was noted that both functionalization methods inhibited non-specific protein attachment, the mixed monolayer samples did show some changes in gel electrophoresis migration profile after incubation with fetal calf serum. PEG renders the AuNP stable in-vivo however, studies with MDA-MB-231 and MCF 10A cell lines indicated that functionalization with PEG, blocks cellular uptake. It was observed that co-functionalization with RME peptide using both the mixed monolayer and PEG linker methods greatly enhanced cellular internalization compared to PEG capped AuNPs.


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The ordered nano-structured surfaces, like self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are of a great scientific interest, due to the low cost, simplicity, and versatility of this method. SAMs found numerous of applications in molecular electronics, biochemistry and optical devices. Phthalocyanine (Pc) complexes are of particular interest for the SAM preparation. These molecules exhibit fascinating physical properties and are chemically and thermally stable. Moreover their complex structure is advantageous for the fabrication of switchable surfaces. In this work the adsorption process of Pcs derivatives, namely, subphthalocyanines (SubPcB) and terbium (2TbPc) sandwich complexes on gold has been investigated. The influence of the molecular concentration, chain length of peripheral groups, and temperature on the film formation process has been examined using a number of techniques. The SAMs formation process has been followed in situ and in real time by means of second harmonic generation (SHG) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. To investigate the quality of the SAMs prepared at different temperatures atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)measurements were performed. Valuable information about SubPcB and 2TbPc adsorbtion process has been obtained in the frame of this work. The kinetic data, obtained with SHG and SPR, shows the best conformance with the first order Langmuir kinetic model. Comparing SHG and SPR results, it has been found, that the film formation occurs faster than the formation of chemical bonds. Such, the maximum amount of molecules on the surface is reached after 6 min for SubPcB and 30 min for 2TbPc. However, at this time the amount of formed chemicals bonds is only 10% and 40% for SubPcB and 2TbPc, respectively. The most intriguing result, among others, was obtained at T = 2 °C, where the formation of the less dense SAMs have been detected with SHG.However, analyzing XPS and AFM data, it has been revealed, that there is the same amount of molecules on the surface at both temperature T = 2 °C, and T = 21 °C, but the amount of formed chemicals bond is different. At T = 2 °C molecules form aggregates, therefore many of available anchor groups stay unattached.