996 resultados para Gold Colloid


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The preparative procedure of a kind of phospholipid/alkanethiol bilayers on a planar macroelectrode was copied to the as-prepared gold colloid electrodes. The electrochemical and spectral results show that the bilayers on colloid electrodes are interdigited, which are different from their 2-D counterparts on a planar macroelectrode.


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The target DNA was immobilized successfully on gold colloid particles associated with a cysteamine monolayer on gold electrode surface. Self-assembly of colloidal An onto a cysteamine modified gold electrode can enlarge the electrode surface area and enhance greatly the amount of immobilized single stranded DNA (ssDNA). The electrontransfer processes of [Fe(CN)(6)](4)-/[Fe(CN)(6)](3-) on the gold surface were blocked due to the procedures of the target DNA immobilization, which was investigated by impedance spectroscopy. Then single stranded target DNA immobilized on the gold electrode hybridized with the silver nanoparticle-oligonucleotide DNA probe, followed by the release of the silver metal atoms anchored on the hybrids by oxidative metal dissolution, and the indirect determination of the released solubilized Ag-1 ions by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) at a carbon fiber microelectrode. The results show that this method has good correlation for DNA detection in the range of 10-800 pmol/1 and allows the detection level as low as 5 pmol/1 of the target oligonucleotides.


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(3-Aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane (APTMS)-supported gold colloid electrode was constructed by virtue of a recently developed solution-based self-assembly strategy. The preparing procedure of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA)-bridged copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) multilayers on a planar macroelectrode (Bharathi et al. Langmuir 2001, 17, 7468) was copied to the as-prepared colloid electrode. The optical spectra, atomic force microscopy, and electrochemistry demonstrate successful copy of the multilayer system on a macroelectrode to the as-prepared colloid electrode. Remarkably, it was found that multilayer growth is highly selective to the nanoscale sites where gold nanoparticles are immobilized, and multilayer growth does not take place on the sites without nanoparticles. Interestingly, a preliminary electrochemical investigation indicates that electrochemical properties of multilayers systems on the colloid electrode are different from their counterparts on a planar macroelectrode, which might be due to high curvature effects of the gold nanoparticles. This indicates a different motif of multilayers on the colloid electrode from that on a planar macroelectrode.


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A bioassay technique, based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) tagged gold nanoparticles encapsulated with a biotin functionalised polymer, has been demonstrated through the spectroscopic detection of a streptavidin binding event. A methodical series of steps preceded these results: synthesis of nanoparticles which were found to give a reproducible SERS signal; design and synthesis of polymers with RAFT-functional end groups able to encapsulate the gold nanoparticle. The polymer also enabled the attachment of a biotin molecule functionalised so that it could be attached to the hybrid nanoparticle through a modular process. Finally, the demonstrations of a positive bioassay for this model construct using streptavidin/biotin binding. The synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles was performed by using tri-sodium citrate as the reducing agent. The shape of the silver nanoparticles was quite difficult to control. Gold nanoparticles were able to be prepared in more regular shapes (spherical) and therefore gave a more consistent and reproducible SERS signal. The synthesis of gold nanoparticles with a diameter of 30 nm was the most reproducible and these were also stable over the longest periods of time. From the SERS results the optimal size of gold nanoparticles was found to be approximately 30 nm. Obtaining a consistent SERS signal with nanoparticles smaller than this was particularly difficult. Nanoparticles more than 50 nm in diameter were too large to remain suspended for longer than a day or two and formed a precipitate, rendering the solutions useless for our desired application. Gold nanoparticles dispersed in water were able to be stabilised by the addition of as-synthesised polymers dissolved in a water miscible solvent. Polymer stabilised AuNPs could not be formed from polymers synthesised by conventional free radical polymerization, i.e. polymers that did not possess a sulphur containing end-group. This indicated that the sulphur-containing functionality present within the polymers was essential for the self assembly process to occur. Polymer stabilization of the gold colloid was evidenced by a range of techniques including, visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and Raman spectroscopy. After treatment of the hybrid nanoparticles with a series of SERS tags, focussing on 2-quinolinethiol the SERS signals were found to have comparable signal intensity to the citrate stabilised gold nanoparticles. This finding illustrates that the stabilization process does not interfere with the ability of gold nanoparticles to act as substrates for the SERS effect. Incorporation of a biotin moiety into the hybrid nanoparticles was achieved through a =click‘ reaction between an alkyne-functionalised polymer and an azido-functionalised biotin analogue. This functionalized biotin was prepared through a 4-step synthesis from biotin. Upon exposure of the surface-bound streptavidin to biotin-functionalised polymer hybrid gold nanoparticles, then washing, a SERS signal was obtained from the 2-quinolinethiol which was attached to the gold nanoparticles (positive assay). After exposure to functionalised polymer hybrid gold nanoparticles without biotin present then washing a SERS signal was not obtained as the nanoparticles did not bind to the streptavidin (negative assay). These results illustrate the applicability of the use of SERS active functional-polymer encapsulated gold nanoparticles for bioassay application.


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Monodisperse silica nanoparticles were synthesised by the well-known Stober protocol, then dispersed in acetonitrile (ACN) and subsequently added to a bisacetonitrile gold(I) coordination complex ([Au(MeCN)2]?) in ACN. The silica hydroxyl groups were deprotonated in the presence of ACN, generating a formal negative charge on the siloxy groups. This allowed the [Au(MeCN)2]? complex to undergo ligand exchange with the silica nanoparticles and form a surface coordination complex with reduction to metallic gold (Au0) proceeding by an inner sphere mechanism. The residual [Au(MeCN)2]? complex was allowed to react with water, disproportionating into Au0 and Au(III), respectively, with the Au0 adding to the reduced gold already bound on the silica surface. The so-formed metallic gold seed surface was found to be suitable for the conventional reduction of Au(III) to Au0 by ascorbic acid (ASC). This process generated a thin and uniform gold coating on the silica nanoparticles. The silica NPs batches synthesised were in a size range from 45 to 460 nm. Of these silica NP batches, the size range from 400 to 480 nm were used for the gold-coating experiments.


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A novel "bottom-up" approach to highly controllable nanoelectrode ensembles (NEEs) has been developed using colloidal nanoparticle self-assembly techniques. Ibis solution-based strategy allows flexible control over nanoelectrode size, shape, and interspacing of the as-prepared NEEs. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was proved to be a powerful tool to monitor the NEE topography, which yields parameters that can be used to calculate the fractional nanoelectrode area of the NEEs. AFM, ac impedance, and cyclic voltammetry studies demonstrate that most of nanoelectrodes on the NEEs (at least by 9-min self-assembly) are not diffusionally isolated under conventional ac frequency range and scan rates. As a result, the NEEs behave as "nanoelectrode-patch" assemblies. Besides, the as-prepared NEEs by different self-assembling times show an adjustable sensitivity to heterogeneous electron-transfer kinetics, which may be helpful to sensor applications. Like these NEEs constructed by other techniques, the present NEEs prepared by chemical self-assembly also exhibit the enhancement of electroanalytical detection limit consistent with NEE theory prediction.


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In this presentation, a reverse micelle technique was described to create colloid gold nanoparticles and their self-organization into superlattices. Gold nanoparticles were prepared by the reduction of HAuCL4 in CTAB/octane + 1-butanol/H2O reverse micelle system using NaBH4 as reducing agent. Dodecanethiol (C12H25SH) was used to passivate the gold nanoparticles immediately after formation of the gold colloid. After re-dispersing in toluene under ultrasonication, a supernatant containing nearly monodispersed dodecanethiol-capped gold nanoparticles was obtained. Self-organization of the gold nanoparticles into 1D, 2D and 3D superlattices was observed on the carbon-coated copper grid by TEM. UV-vis absorption spectra were also used to characterize the gold colloids with and without dodecanethiol capping. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thickness of the gold film and its morphology, including the surface roughness, are very important for getting a good, reproducible response in the SPR technique. Here, we report a novel alternative approach for preparing SPR-active substrates that is completely solution-based. Our strategy is based on self-assembly of the gold colloid monolayer on a (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane-modified glass slide, followed by electroless gold plating. Using this method, the thickness of films can be easily controlled at the nanometer scale by setting the plating time in the same conditions. Surface roughness and morphology of gold films can be modified by both tuning the size of gold nanoparticles and agitation during the plating. Surface evolution of the Au film was followed in real time by UV-vis spectroscopy and in situ SPRS. To assess the surface roughness and electrochemical stability of the Au films, atomic force microscopy and cyclic voltammetry were used. In addition, the stability of the gold adhesion is demonstrated by three methods. The as-prepared Au films on substrates are reproducible and stable, which allows them to be used as electrodes for electrochemical experiments and as platforms for studying SAMs.


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A unique reverse micelle method has been developed to prepare gold-coated iron (Fe@Au) nanoparticles. XRD, UV/vis, TEM, and magnetic measurements are utilized to characterize the nanocomposites. XRD only gives FCC patterns of gold for the obtained nanoparticles. The absorption band of the Fe@Au colloid shifts to a longer wavelength and broadens relative to that of the pure gold colloid. TEM results show that the average size of Fe@Au nanoparticles is about 10 nm, These nanoparticles are self-assembled into chains on micron scale under a 0.5 T magnetic field. Magnetic measurements show that the particles are superparamagnetic with a blocking temperature (T-B) of 42 K, At 300 K (above T-B), no coercivity (Hc) and remanence (M-r) is observed in the magnetization curve, while at 2K (below T-B) He and M, are observed to be 728 Oe and 4.12 emu/g, respectively, (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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PURPOSE: The authors investigated the receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) and intracellular trafficking of insulin and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in cultured retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs). METHODS: Low-density lipoprotein and insulin were conjugated to 10 nm colloidal gold, and these ligands were added to cultured bovine RVECs for 20 minutes at 4 degrees C. The cultures were then warmed to 37 degrees C and fixed after incubation times between 30 seconds and 1 hour. Control cells were incubated with unconjugated gold colloid at times and concentrations similar to those of the ligands. Additional control cells were exposed to several concentrations of anti-insulin receptor antibody or a saturating solution of unconjugated insulin before incubation with gold insulin. RESULTS: Using transmission electron microscopy, insulin gold and LDL gold were both observed at various stages of RME. Insulin-gold particles were first seen to bind to the apical plasma membrane (PM) before clustering in clathrin-coated pits and internalization in coated vesicles. Gold was later visualized in uncoated cytoplasmic vesicles, corresponding to early endosomes and multivesicular bodies (MVBs) or late endosomes. In several instances, localized regions of the limiting membrane of the MVBs appeared coated, a feature of endosomal membranes not previously described. After RME at the apical PM and passage through the endosomal system, the greater part of both insulin- and LDL-gold conjugates was seen to accumulate in large lysosome-like compartments. However, a small but significant proportion of the internalized ligands was transcytosed and released as discrete membrane-associated quanta at the basal cell surface. The uptake of LDL gold was greatly increased in highly vacuolated, late-passage RVECs. In controls, anti-insulin receptor antibody and excess unconjugated insulin caused up to 89% inhibition in gold-insulin binding and internalization. CONCLUSION: These results illustrate the internalization and intracellular trafficking by RVECs of insulin and LDL through highly efficient RME, and they provide evidence for at least two possible fates for the endocytosed ligands. This study outlines a route by which vital macromolecules may cross the inner blood-retinal barrier.


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A series of monoclonal antibodies was prepared against tegumental and internal antigens of Fasciola hepatica by immunizing mice with whole adult-fluke homogenates prior to harvesting the splenic lymphocytes for fusion. Preliminary screening by the Indirect Fluorescent Antibody technique indicated the occurrence of discrete groups of monoclonals differing from one another in tissue-specificity but within which IFA labelling patterns were fairly consistent. Representative hybridomas for 5 of these groups were stabilized and used to produce ascites fluid in mice. By application of an immunogold labelling technique it was possible to map the distribution of antigens for which each monoclonal antibody had affinity throughout the tissues of 4-week and 12-week flukes. Several monoclonals specifically labelled antigenic determinants on the important tegumental antigen T1. However the distribution of gold colloid labelling suggested that epitopes other than that normally exposed to the infected host were recognized; and several monoclonals specifically attached to T1 antigen in the tegument of juvenile worms only. The glycocalyx of the gut and excretory system of flukes shared T1 antigenicity with the tegument. Monoclonal antibodies were produced against an internal immunogen associated with ribosomes and heterochromatin in active protein-producing cells, and against interstitial material of adult flukes. Monoclonals against antigens in parenchymal cell cytoplasm and in mature vitelline cells were recognized but the corresponding hybridomas were not stabilized.


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Deutsch:In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten neue Methoden zur Synthese anorganischer Materialien mit neuartiger Architektur im Mikrometer und Nanometer Maßstab beschrieben werden. Die zentrale Rolle der Formgebung basiert dabei auf der templatinduzierten Abscheidung der anorganischen Materialien auf selbstorganisierten Monoschichten. Als Substrate eignen sich goldbedampfte Glasträger und Goldkolloide, die eine Mittelstellung in der Welt der Atome bzw. Moleküle und der makroskopischen Welt der ausgedehnten Festkörper einnehmen. Auf diesen Substraten lassen sich Thiole zu einer monomolekularen Schicht adsorbieren und damit die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Substrates ändern. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dieser Arbeit stellt die Synthese speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Anwendung ausgerichteten Thiole dar.Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden goldbedampfte Glasoberflächen als Template verwendet. Die Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat wurde in Abhängigkeit der Schichtdicke der adsorbierten Monolage untersucht. Aragonit, eine der drei Hauptphasen des Calciumcarbonat Systems, wurde auf polyaromatischen Amid - Oberflächen mit Schichtdicken von 5 - 400 nm Dicke unter milden Bedingung abgeschieden. Die einstellbaren Parameter waren dabei die Kettenlänge des Polymers, der w-Substituent, die Bindung an die Goldoberfläche über Verwendung verschiedener Aminothiole und die Kristallisationstemperatur. Die Schichtdickeneinstellung der Polymerfilme erfolgte hierbei über einen automatisierten Synthesezyklus.Titanoxid Filme konnten auf Oberflächen strukturiert werden. Dabei kam ein speziell synthetisiertes Thiol zum Einsatz, das die Funktionalität einer Styroleinheit an der Oberflächen Grenze als auch eine Möglichkeit zur späteren Entfernung von der Oberfläche in sich vereinte. Die PDMS Stempeltechnik erzeugte dabei Mikrostrukturen auf der Goldoberfläche im Bereich von 5 bis 10 µm, die ihrerseits über die Polymerisation und Abscheidung des Polymers in den Titanoxid Film überführt werden konnten. Drei dimensionale Strukturen wurden über Goldkolloid Template erhalten. Tetraethylenglykol konnte mit einer Thiolgruppe im Austausch zu einer Hydroxylgruppe monofunktionalisiert werden. Das erhaltene Molekül wurde auf kolloidalem Gold selbstorganisiert; es entstand dabei ein wasserlösliches Goldkolloid. Die Darstellung erfolgte dabei in einer Einphasenreaktion. Die so erhaltenen Goldkolloide wurden als Krstallisationstemplate für die drei dimensionale Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat verwendet. Es zeigte sich, dass Glykol die Kristallisation bzw. den Habitus des krsitalls bei niedrigem pH Wert modifiziert. Bei erhöhtem pH Wert (pH = 12) jedoch agieren die Glykol belegten Goldkolloide als Template und führen zu sphärisch Aggregaten. Werden Goldkolloide langkettigen Dithiolen ausgesetzt, so führt dies zu einer Aggregation und Ausfällung der Kolloide aufgrund der Vernetzung mehrer Goldkolloide mit den Thiolgruppen der Alkyldithiole. Zur Vermeidung konnte in dieser Arbeit ein halbseitig geschütztes Dithiol synthetisiert werden, mit dessen Hilfe die Aggregation unterbunden werden konnte. Das nachfolgende Entschützten der Thiolfunktion führte zu Goldkolloiden, deren Oberfläche Thiol funktionalisiert werden konnte. Die thiolaktiven Goldkolloide fungierten als template für die Abscheidung von Bleisulfid aus organisch/wässriger Lösung. Die Funktionsweise der Schutzgruppe und die Entschützung konnte mittels Plasmonenresonanz Spektroskopie verdeutlicht werden. Titanoxid / Gold / Polystyrol Komposite in Röhrenform konnten synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurde ein menschliches Haar als biologisches Templat für die Formgebung gewählt.. Durch Bedampfung des Haares mit Gold, Assemblierung eines Stryrolmonomers, welches zusätzlich eine Thiolfunktionalität trug, Polymerisation auf der Oberfläche, Abscheidung des Titanoxid Films und anschließendem Auflösen des biologischen Templates konnte eine Röhrenstruktur im Mikrometer Bereich dargestellt werden. Goldkolloide fungierten in dieser Arbeit nicht nur als Kristallisationstemplate und Formgeber, auch sie selbst wurden dahingehend modifiziert, dass sie drahtförmige Agglormerate im Nanometerbereich ausbilden. Dazu wurden Template aus Siliziumdioxid benutzt. Zum einen konnten Nanoröhren aus amorphen SiO2 in einer Sol Gel Methode dargestellt werden, zum anderen bediente sich diese Arbeit biologischer Siliziumoxid Hohlnadeln aus marinen Schwämmen isoliert. Goldkolloide wurden in die Hohlstrukturen eingebettet und die Struktur durch Ausbildung von Kolloid - Thiol Netzwerken mittels Dithiol Zugabe gefestigt. Die Gold-Nanodrähte im Bereich von 100 bis 500 nm wurden durch Auflösen des SiO2 - Templates freigelegt.


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We first suggested a one-pot method to synthesize monodisperse raspberry-like submicrometer gold spheres (MRSGS) with high yield. The resulting gold spheres were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersed X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electrochemical technology. It was found that the rough structure provided by raspberry-like gold spheres led to a tremendous electrochemical active area, which was very important because these novel hierarchical gold spheres will probably find important applications in biosensors, electrocatalysis, and others.


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Oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) decorated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have potential applications in bionanotechnology due to their unique property of preventing the nonspecific absorption of protein on the colloidal surface. For colloid-protein mixtures, a previous study (Zhang et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 12229) has shown that the OEG SAM-coated AuNPs become unstable upon addition of proteins (BSA) above a critical concentration, c*. This has been explained as a depletion effect in the two-component system. Adding salt (NaCl) can reduce the value of c*; that is, reduce the stability of the mixture. In the present work, we study the influence of the nature of the added salt on the stability of this two-component colloid-protein system. It is shown that the addition of various salts does not change the stability of either protein or colloid in solution in the experimental conditions of this work, except that sodium sulfate can destabilize the colloidal solutions. In the binary mixtures, however, the stability of colloid-protein mixtures shows significant dependence on the nature of the salt: chaotropic salts (NaSCN, NaClO4, NaNO3, MgCl2) stabilize the system with increasing salt concentration, while kosmotropic salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, NH4Cl) lead to the aggregation of colloids with increasing salt concentration. These observations indicate that the Hofmeister effect can be enhanced in two-component systems; that is, the modification of the colloidal interface by ions changes significantly the effective depletive interaction via proteins. Real time SAXS measurements confirm in all cases that the aggregates are in an amorphous state.


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We have studied the kinetics of the phase-separation process of mixtures of colloid and protein in solutions by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy. Complementary small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was employed to determine the structures involved. The colloids used are gold nanoparticles functionalized with protein resistant oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol, HS(CH(2))(11)(OCH(2)CH(2))(6)OMe (EG6OMe). After mixing with protein solution above a critical concentration, c*, SAXS measurements show that a scattering maximum appears after a short induction time at q = 0.0322 angstrom(-1) stop, which increases its intensity with time but the peak position does not change with time, protein concentration and salt addition. The peak corresponds to the distance of the nearest neighbor in the aggregates. The upturn of scattering intensities in the low q-range developed with time indicating the formation of aggregates. No Bragg peaks corresponding to the formation of colloidal crystallites could be observed before the clusters dropped out from the solution. The growth kinetics of aggregates is followed in detail by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy, using the flocculation parameter defined as the integral of the absorption in the range of 600-800 nm wavelengths. At low salt addition (<0.5 M), a kinetic crossover from reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA) to diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) growth model is observed, and interpreted as being due to the effective repulsive interaction barrier between colloids within the depletion potential. Above 0.5 M NaCl, the surface charge of proteins is screened significantly, and the repulsive potential barrier disappeared, thus the growth kinetics can be described by a DLCA model only.