51 resultados para Glycosyltransferase


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The Haemophilus influenzae HMW1 adhesin is a high-molecular weight protein that is secreted by the bacterial two-partner secretion pathway and mediates adherence to respiratory epithelium, an essential early step in the pathogenesis of H. influenzae disease. In recent work, we discovered that HMW1 is a glycoprotein and undergoes N-linked glycosylation at multiple asparagine residues with simple hexose units rather than N-acetylated hexose units, revealing an unusual N-glycosidic linkage and suggesting a new glycosyltransferase activity. Glycosylation protects HMW1 against premature degradation during the process of secretion and facilitates HMW1 tethering to the bacterial surface, a prerequisite for HMW1-mediated adherence. In the current study, we establish that the enzyme responsible for glycosylation of HMW1 is a protein called HMW1C, which is encoded by the hmw1 gene cluster and shares homology with a group of bacterial proteins that are generally associated with two-partner secretion systems. In addition, we demonstrate that HMW1C is capable of transferring glucose and galactose to HMW1 and is also able to generate hexose-hexose bonds. Our results define a new family of bacterial glycosyltransferases.


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The attachment of a sugar to a hydrophobic polyisoprenyl carrier is the first step for all extracellular glycosylation processes. The enzymes that perform these reactions, polyisoprenyl-glycosyltransferases (PI-GTs) include dolichol phosphate mannose synthase (DPMS), which generates the mannose donor for glycosylation in the endoplasmic reticulum. Here we report the 3.0 Å resolution crystal structure of GtrB, a glucose-specific PI-GT from Synechocystis, showing a tetramer in which each protomer contributes two helices to a membrane-spanning bundle. The active site is 15 Å from the membrane, raising the question of how water-soluble and membrane-embedded substrates are brought into apposition for catalysis. A conserved juxtamembrane domain harbours disease mutations, which compromised activity in GtrB in vitro and in human DPM1 tested in zebrafish. We hypothesize a role of this domain in shielding the polyisoprenyl-phosphate for transport to the active site. Our results reveal the basis of PI-GT function, and provide a potential molecular explanation for DPM1-related disease.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (EC is an enzyme that produces cyclodextrins from starch via an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction. An alkalophilic Bacillus strain, isolated from cassava peels, was identified as Bacillus licheniformis. CGTase production by this strain was better when potato starch was used as carbon source, followed by cassava starch and amylopectin. Glucose and amylose, on the other hand, acted as synthesis repressors. When the cultivation was supplemented with sodium ions and had the pH adjusted between 6.0 and 9.0, the microorganism maintained the growth and enzyme production capacity. This data is interesting because it contradicts the concept that alkalophilic microorganisms do not grow in this pH range. After ultrafiltration-centrifugation, one protein of 85.2 kDa with CGTase activity was isolated. This protein was identified in plates with starch and phenolphthalein. Determination of the optimum temperature showed higher activities at 25 degrees C and 55 degrees C, indicating the possible presence of more than one CGTase in the culture filtrate. Km and Vmax values were 1.77 mg/mL and 0.0263 U/mg protein, respectively, using potato starch as substrate.


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) is an enzyme that produces cyclodextrins from starch by an intramolecular transglycosylation reaction. Cyclodextrins have been shown to have a number of applications in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. In the current study, the production of CGTase by Paenibacillus campinasensis strain H69-3 was examined in submerged and solid-state fermentations. P. campinasensis strain H69-3 was isolated from the soil, which grows at 45 C, and is a Gram-variable bacterium. Different substrate sources such as wheat bran, soybean bran, soybean extract, cassava solid residue, cassava starch, corn starch, and other combinations were used in the enzyme production. CGTase activity was highest in submerged fermentations with the greatest production observed at 48-72 h. The physical and chemical properties of CGTase were determined from the crude enzyme produced from submerged fermentations. The optimum temperature was found to be 70-75 degrees C, and the activity was stable at 55 degrees C for 1 h. The enzyme displayed two optimum pH values, 5.5 and 9.0 and was found to be stable between a pH of 4.5 and 11.0.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Cyclodextrin glycosyltransferase (CGTase) activity was produced by the Bacillus sp., subgroup alcalophilus in a culture medium containing cassava starch. A central composite design and response surface methodology were used to study the influence of carbon source (cassava starch), nitrogen sources (yeast extract and tryptone) and sodium carbonate in the production medium. Assays were performed in 300 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL of production medium maintained in a shaker at 150 rpm at 35±1°C for 72 h of fermentation. The independent variables [0.75% cassava starch, nitrogen sources (0.375% yeast extract and 0.375% tryptone) and 1% Na2CO3] produced an enzyme activity of 96.07 U mL-1.© Academic Journals Inc.


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National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)


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Plant cell walls largely consist of matrix polysaccharides that are linked to cellulose microfibrils. Xyloglucan, the primary hemicellulose of the cell wall matrix, consists of a repeating glucose tetramer structure with xylose residues attached to the first three units ('XXXG'). In Arabidopsis thaliana, the core XXXG structure is further modified by enzymatic addition of galactose and fucose residues to the xylose side chains to produce XLXG, XXLG, XLLG and XLFG structures. GT14 is a putative glycosyltransferase in the GT47 gene family. Initial predictions of GT14's hydrophobic regions, based on its translated amino acid sequence, are almost identical to its Arabidopsis homolog MUR3, which is a xyloglucan galactosyltransferase targeted to the Golgi membrane. This suggests that, like MUR3, GT14 possesses a transmembrane domain and that it is targeted to the Golgi. The monosaccharide composition of leaves from T-DNA insertion knockouts of GT14 was analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography. The gt14 plants were found to have lower fucose and higher mannose contents than wild type plants. Analysis of cell wall and soluble fractions from gt14 and wild type plants revealed that most of the deficiency in fucose was accounted for in the cell wall, supporting the idea that GT14's target is xyloglucan. Finally, gt14 and wild type plants were transformed with GT14 for complementation and overexpression analysis. The majority of transformed plants did not show significant changes with regard to monosaccharide composition. This may be because the plants were in the T1 generation and, thus, hemizygous. Analysis of homozygous plants in the T2 generation may reveal noticeable changes. Further studies on the xyloglucan composition of gt14 plants are necessary to put the observed reduction in cell wall fucose into a meaningful context.


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The synthesis of the plant cell wall is very complex, and understanding how this process occurs will lead to many benefits for future research and industries dependent upon cell walls for their products. The recent discovery of the functions of AtMUR3 and AtGT18 in Arabidopsis thaliana as xyloglucan galactosyltransferases has led to the identification of many more putative glycosyltransferases in the Arabidopsis genome. Due to the structural differences between the xyloglucans of Arabidopsis and solanaceous plants, we decided to search for putative arabinosyltransferases in the Solanaceae. Solanaceous xyloglucan is substituted by one to two arabinosyl residues at the second xylose position, and sometimes contains an arabinose at the first xylose position. In contrast, Arabidopsis xyloglucan does not contain arabinose, and is substituted by galactose at the second and third xylose position. Furthermore, the second galactose residue in Arabidopsis xyloglucan is usually fucosylated, a modification not found in solanaceous plants. Searching the database of expressed sequence tags (dbEST), we identified many likely glycosyltransferases in solanaceous plants, including tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). AtMUR3 and AtGT18 search queries resulted in the identification of three putative glycosyltransferases in L. esculentum, which were tentatively designated LeGT1, Le1GT18, and Le2GT18. Based on phylogenetic considerations, Le2GT18 was thought to be a putative arabinosyltransferase. The gene was transformed into atmur3-3 and atgt18 mutant plants, and the resulting plants will be screened for homozygous plants with the inserted gene. The homozygous T2 plants can then be screened for changes in the composition of their cell walls. Because Le2GT18 is thought to be an arabinosyltransferase, the levels of arabinose may be increased in the xyloglucan fraction of the cell wall. If so, further testing can be performed to reveal the true function of Le2GT18.


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The Lec35 gene product (Lec35p) is required for utilization of the mannose donor mannose-P-dolichol (MPD) in synthesis of both lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLOs) and glycosylphosphatidylinositols, which are important for functions such as protein folding and membrane anchoring, respectively. The hamster Lec35 gene is shown to encode the previously identified cDNA SL15, which corrects the Lec35 mutant phenotype and predicts a novel endoplasmic reticulum membrane protein. The mutant hamster alleles Lec35.1 and Lec35.2 are characterized, and the human Lec35 gene (mannose-P-dolichol utilization defect 1) was mapped to 17p12-13. To determine whether Lec35p was required only for MPD-dependent mannosylation of LLO and glycosylphosphatidylinositol intermediates, two additional lipid-mediated reactions were investigated: MPD-dependent C-mannosylation of tryptophanyl residues, and glucose-P-dolichol (GPD)-dependent glucosylation of LLO. Both were found to require Lec35p. In addition, the SL15-encoded protein was selective for MPD compared with GPD, suggesting that an additional GPD-selective Lec35 gene product remains to be identified. The predicted amino acid sequence of Lec35p does not suggest an obvious function or mechanism. By testing the water-soluble MPD analog mannose-β-1-P-citronellol in an in vitro system in which the MPD utilization defect was preserved by permeabilization with streptolysin-O, it was determined that Lec35p is not directly required for the enzymatic transfer of mannose from the donor to the acceptor substrate. These results show that Lec35p has an essential role for all known classes of monosaccharide-P-dolichol-dependent reactions in mammals. The in vitro data suggest that Lec35p controls an aspect of MPD orientation in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane that is crucial for its activity as a donor substrate.


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Treatment of the human promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine:beta-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferase (GM2-synthase; EC and CMP-sialic acid:alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase (GD3-synthase; EC sequences effectively down-regulated the synthesis of more complex gangliosides in the ganglioside synthetic pathways after GM3, resulting in a remarkable increase in endogenous GM3 with concomitant decreases in more complex gangliosides. The treated cells underwent monocytic differentiation as judged by morphological changes, adherent ability, and nitroblue tetrazolium staining. These data provide evidence that the increased endogenous ganglioside GM3 may play an important role in regulating cellular differentiation and that the antisense DNA technique proves to be a powerful tool in manipulating glycolipid synthesis in the cell.


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Heparan sulfate proteoglycans cooperate with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF/FGF2) signaling to control osteoblast growth and differentiation, as well as metabolic functions of osteoblasts. FGF2 signaling modulates the expression and activity of Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2/Cbfa1), a key regulator of osteoblast proliferation and maturation. Here, we have characterized novel Runx2 target genes in osteoprogenitors under conditions that promote growth arrest while not yet permitting sustained phenotypic maturation. Runx2 enhances expression of genes related to proteoglycan-mediated signaling, including FGF receptors (e.g., FGFR2 and FGFR3) and proteoglycans (e.g., syndecans [Sdc1, Sdc2, Sdc3], glypicans [Gpc1], versican [Vcan]). Runx2 increases expression of the glycosyltransferase Exostosin-1 (Ext1) and heparanase, as well as alters the relative expression of N-linked sulfotransferases (Ndst1 = Ndst2 > Ndst3) and enzymes mediating O-linked sulfation of heparan sulfate (Hs2st > Hs6st) or chondroitin sulfate (Cs4st > Cs6st). Runx2 cooperates with FGF2 to induce expression of Sdc4 and the sulfatase Galns, but Runx2 and FGF2 suppress Gpc6, thus suggesting intricate Runx2 and FGF2 dependent changes in proteoglycan utilization. One functional consequence of Runx2 mediated modulations in proteoglycan-related gene expression is a change in the responsiveness of bone markers to FGF2 stimulation. Runx2 and FGF2 synergistically enhance osteopontin expression (>100 fold), while FGF2 blocks Runx2 induction of alkaline phosphatase. Our data suggest that Runx2 and the FGF/proteoglycan axis may form an extracellular matrix (ECM)-related regulatory feed-back loop that controls osteoblast proliferation and execution of the osteogenic program.