280 resultados para Gluteus Maximus


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It was evaluated movements of lower limb in the double pulley system equipment on ten male volunteers during contraction of gastrocnemius (caput laterale ) and gluteus maximus muscles in the following movements: 1) hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk, 2) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk, 5) hip abduction along the midline, 7) hip abduction with extension beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, and 9) adduction with hip extension beyond the midline. Myoelectric signals were taken up by Lec Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx electromyographic signal amplifier coupled with a computer equipped with a model CAD 10/26 analogue digital conversion board and with a specific software for signal recording and analysis. We observed weak gastrocnemius muscle activity for all movements studied. In the case of gluteus maximus, the most important potentials were observed for movement 2, while for the remaining movements the actions were of reasonable intensity. Compared to gluteus, gastrocnemius was less required for all movements.


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Queiroz BC, Cagliari MF, Amorim CF, Sacco IC. Muscle activation during four Pilates core stability exercises in quadruped position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91: 86-92. Objective: To compare the activity of stabilizing trunk and hip muscles in 4 variations of Pilates stabilizing exercises in the quadruped position. Design: Repeated-measures descriptive study. Setting: A biomechanics laboratory at a university school of medicine. Participants: Healthy subjects (N=19; mean age +/- SD, 31 +/- 5y; mean weight +/- SD, 60 +/- 11 kg; mean height +/- SD, 166 +/- 9cm) experienced in Pilates routines. Interventions: Surface electromyographic signals of iliocostalis, multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and external and internal oblique muscles were recorded in 4 knee stretch exercises: retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk; anteverted pelvis with extended trunk; neutral pelvis with inclined trunk; and neutral pelvis with trunk parallel to the ground. Main Outcome Measures: Root mean square values of each muscle and exercise in both phases of hip extension and flexion, normalized by the maximal voluntary isometric contraction. Results: The retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk position led to significantly increased external oblique and gluteus maximus muscle activation. The anteverted pelvis with trunk extension significantly increased multifidus muscle activity. The neutral pelvis position led to significantly lower activity of all muscles. Rectus abdominis muscle activation to maintain body posture was similar in all exercises and was not influenced by position of the pelvis and trunk. Conclusions: Variations in the pelvic and trunk positions in the knee stretch exercises change the activation pattern of the multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. The lower level of activation of the rectus abdominis muscle suggests that pelvic stability is maintained in the 4 exercise positions.


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Introdução: Os padrões de movimento podem sofrer alterações por atraso no timing de ativação e/ou modificações na sequência de recrutamento muscular, predispondo o indivíduo a disfunções, nomeadamente a dor lombo-pélvica. Objetivo: Investigar o timing e o padrão de ativação de músculos do core abdominal, durante o movimento de extensão da anca, do membro dominante, em indivíduos com e sem dor lombo- pélvica crónica inespecífica. Pretende-se, também, pesquisar a existência do padrão de ativação considerado “normal“ e verificar a relação entre o padrão de ativação e o tilt pélvico, em ambos os indivíduos. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 64 estudantes universitários, divididos em dois grupos: 31 sem e 33 com dor lombo-pélvica. Através de eletromiografia de superfície foi recolhida a atividade muscular dos Eretores da Espinha ipsilateral e contralateral, Glúteo Máximo e Bicípite Femoral ipsilaterais. Foi analisado o timing de ativação muscular e as respetivas ordens de ativação. Adicionalmente foi medido o tilt pélvico. Resultados: O grupo com dor lombo-pélvica apresentou um atraso significativo no timing de ativação dos músculos Glúteo Máximo ipsilateral (t=-3,171;p=0,002) e Bicípite Femoral ipsilateral (t=-2,092;p=0,041), em comparação com o grupo sem dor. Verificou-se uma associação significativa entre as 5 ordens de ativação mais frequentes e a presença de dor lombo-pélvica (xf2=11,54;p=0,015). A ordem de ativação "normal" – Glúteo Máximo ipsilateral>Bicípite Femoral ipsilateral>Eretor da Espinha contralateral>Eretor da Espinha ipsilateral – não foi utilizada. Verificou-se que o Bicípite Femoral ipsilateral foi maioritariamente o primeiro a ativar-se e o Glúteo Máximo ipsilateral o último em ambos os grupos. Verificou-se um tilt pélvico significativamente superior nos indivíduos que ativam primeiro o Bicípite Femoral ipsilateral nos grupos com (U=51;p=0,001) e sem dor (U=41p=0,001). Conclusão: Os indivíduos com dor lombo-pélvica apresentaram um atraso no timing de ativação dos músculos do core abdominal. Os resultados parecem refutar a ordem de ativação "normal" que tem sido proposta. Não foi possível apoiar nem contestar a teoria de que um atraso na ativação do Glúteo Máximo está associado com dor lombo-pélvica.


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Introdução e objetivos – A contração muscular do quadricípete, isquiotibiais e rotadores externos apresenta um papel crucial no controlo da estabilidade articular dinâmica, nomeadamente no valgo de joelho no plano frontal. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a existência de relação entre a ativação muscular (medida pela recolha eletromiográfica do reto anterior, dos isquiotibiais e do grande glúteo) e a variação da angulação do joelho durante a fase de apoio do salto vertical no plano frontal (medida pela análise cinemática de vídeo) através de um estudo‑piloto. Metodologia – Trata‑se de um estudo descritivo correlacional com uma amostra de 220 saltos verticais (110 saltos correspondentes a cada um dos membros inferiores) realizados por 4 executantes (dois do género feminino e dois do género masculino com idade média de 28 anos ± 6,4). Resultados – Verificou‑se a existência de correlações significativas entre a ativação muscular do reto anterior na fase descendente do salto à direita e à esquerda e a tendência para um menor ou maior ângulo de valgo, respetivamente. O género influencia a dinâmica do joelho, verificando‑se que as mulheres apresentam estratégias de ativação diferentes dos homens. Conclusão – A diminuição da ativação muscular da anca parece influenciar os movimentos dinâmicos do joelho no plano frontal, enquadrando‑se nos resultados obtidos por outros autores. O material utilizado na recolha de dados, o sincronismo entre o trigger e o vídeo e o número reduzido de executantes que realizaram a amostra poderão constituir limitações ao estudo que se deverão considerar na realização de estudos futuros.


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A 67-year-old woman was referred for staging of a mucosa-associated lymphoid tumor lymphoma involving the left conjunctiva. CT scan had shown paravertebral and pelvic masses, and a breast nodule. FDG PET/CT demonstrated moderately increased uptake in the left ocular conjunctiva and confirmed the paravertebral and pelvic masses and the breast nodule. Moreover, abnormal FDG uptake was shown in 2 breast nodules, the flank, the gluteus maximus, and the gastric cardia. The patient received 6 cycles of rituximab-bendamustine chemotherapy with a complete clinical and metabolic response at the 6-month follow-up PET/CT and remained relapse-free without visual acuity problem after a 36-month follow-up.


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Calcium hydroxyapatite crystal deposition is a common disorder, which sometimes causes acute pain as calcifications dissolve and migrate into adjacent soft tissue. Intraosseous calcium penetration has also been described. We illustrate the appearance of these lesions using a series of 35 cases compiled by members of the French Society of Musculoskeletal Imaging (Société d'Imagerie Musculo-Squelettique, SIMS). The first group in our series (7 cases) involved calcification-related cortical erosions of the humeral and femoral diaphyses, in particular at the pectoralis major and gluteus maximus insertions. A second group (28 cases) involved the presence of calcium material in subcortical areas. The most common site was the greater tubercle of the humerus, accompanying a calcifying tendinopathy of the supraspinatus. In addition, an extensive intramedullary diffusion of calcium deposits was observed in four of these cases, associated with cortical erosion in one case and subcortical lesions in three cases. Cortical erosions and intraosseous migration of calcifications associated with calcific tendinitis may be confused with neoplasm or infection. It is important to recognize atypical presentations of hydroxyapatite deposition to avoid unnecessary investigation or surgery.


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Introduction: Les stratégies d’optimisation de la performance chez les athlètes sont de plus en plus exploitées par les entraîneurs et préparateurs physiques. La potentialisation de post- activation (PAP) est reconnue comme étant un phénomène pouvant mener à une augmentation des performances. L’objectif de la présente étude était de donc décrire les effets d’une pré-sollicitation à la hanche sur la coordination inter-musculaire et la performance au cours d’un exercice épuisant. Méthodes: Six athlètes de patins de vitesse de courte piste (3 de sexe masculin et 3 de sexe féminin; âge: 20.2 ± 2.8 ans; moyenne±écart-type) ont exécuté aléatoirement un exercice qui consistait en 2 séries de 9 blocs de squats sautés maximaux, entre-coupés d’un squat isométrique d’une durée de 5 secondes sans pré-sollicitation préalable (CON) et avec une tâche de pré-sollicitation unilatérale de squat isométrique (EXP) contre une barre fixe de 2x3 secondes. Le pic de puissance moyen, l’amplitude et la fréquence moyenne d’EMG, et la vitesse et l’accélération angulaires des premiers et derniers blocs étaient enregistrés. Résultats: La pré-sollicitation isométrique maximale des membres inférieurs n’a pas amélioré de manière significative la performance de sauts et la coordination des muscles stabilisateurs à la hanche. La fréquence spectrale moyenne a néanmoins témoigné de l’implication de stratégies compensatoires du membre inférieur gauche en réponse à la fatigue. Conclusion: La pré-sollicitation des stabilisateurs à la hanche n’augmenterait pas la performance de squats répétés. Par contre, la fréquence moyenne du grand fessier et du tibial antérieur gauche ont suggéré meilleure résistance à la fatigue des muscles du membre inférieur non-dominant avec une pré-sollicitation. Les résultats de la présente étude indiquent donc la pertinence de considérer la pré-sollicitation dans un objectif de performance et de réadaptation sachant que l’asymétrie est omniprésente chez les athlètes et qu’elle est impliquée dans le taux élevé de blessures enregistré chez cette population.


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DIEFENTHAELER, F. Avaliação dos efeitos da posição do selim na técnica da pedalada de ciclistas: estudo de casos. Dissertação de mestrado. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências do Movimento Humano. Escola de Educação Física. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2004. Tendo em vista a importância da otimização das forças aplicadas no pedal por ciclistas, o presente estudo objetivou analisar os efeitos de diferentes posturas do ciclista durante a pedalada, por meio da variação da posição do selim, e relacionando-as com as seguintes variáveis: (1) economia de movimento (EC); (2) aplicação das forças no pedal; (3) índice de efetividade (IE) da pedalada; (4) alterações nos ângulos das articulações do tronco, do quadril, do joelho e do tornozelo; e (5) ativação dos músculos selecionados. Participaram deste estudo três ciclistas da elite gaúcha. O protocolo constou da avaliação de quatro diferentes posições de selim (mais para frente, mais para trás, mais para cima e mais para baixo) a partir da posição de referência na qual o ciclista treina e na sua cadência preferida. Os atletas permaneceram durante 30 s em cada posição, contados após a estabilização da taxa da troca respiratória entre 0,90 e 1. A avaliação foi realizada em um ciclossimulador magnético com a bicicleta do atleta, na qual foi acoplado um pedal instrumentado para obtenção das forças aplicadas no pedal. Os músculos do membro inferior direito monitorados para a eletromiografia foram estes: gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, gastrocnemius medialis e tibialis anterior. A partir das forças normal e tangencial, foram calculadas as forças resultante e efetiva para obtenção do IE. A EC foi calculada a partir do VO2 e da potência gerada. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a média de 10 ciclos consecutivos de pedalada. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os ajustes na posição do selim modificaram a direção e a magnitude das forças e, conseqüentemente, o IE; e que os três ciclistas avaliados apresentaram IE e EC maiores na posição de referência. Os dados cinemáticos mostraram pequenas variações nos ângulos articulares em função das mudanças na posição do selim. A ativação muscular apresentou variação no período de ativação assim como na magnitude do valor RMS, nas diferentes posições de selim avaliadas.


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Queiroz BC, Cagliari MF, Amorim CF, Sacco IC. Muscle activation during four Pilates core stability exercises in quadruped position. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91: 86-92.Objective: To compare the activity of stabilizing trunk and hip muscles in 4 variations of Pilates stabilizing exercises in the quadruped position.Design: Repeated-measures descriptive study.Setting: A biomechanics laboratory at a university school of medicine.Participants: Healthy subjects (N=19; mean age +/- SD, 31 +/- 5y; mean weight +/- SD, 60 +/- 11 kg; mean height +/- SD, 166 +/- 9cm) experienced in Pilates routines.Interventions: Surface electromyographic signals of iliocostalis, multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and external and internal oblique muscles were recorded in 4 knee stretch exercises: retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk; anteverted pelvis with extended trunk; neutral pelvis with inclined trunk; and neutral pelvis with trunk parallel to the ground.Main Outcome Measures: Root mean square values of each muscle and exercise in both phases of hip extension and flexion, normalized by the maximal voluntary isometric contraction.Results: The retroverted pelvis with flexed trunk position led to significantly increased external oblique and gluteus maximus muscle activation. The anteverted pelvis with trunk extension significantly increased multifidus muscle activity. The neutral pelvis position led to significantly lower activity of all muscles. Rectus abdominis muscle activation to maintain body posture was similar in all exercises and was not influenced by position of the pelvis and trunk.Conclusions: Variations in the pelvic and trunk positions in the knee stretch exercises change the activation pattern of the multifidus, gluteus maximus, rectus abdominis, and oblique muscles. The lower level of activation of the rectus abdominis muscle suggests that pelvic stability is maintained in the 4 exercise positions.


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Intense selective pressures applied over short evolutionary time have resulted in homogeneity within, but substantial variation among, horse breeds. Utilizing this population structure, 744 individuals from 33 breeds, and a 54,000 SNP genotyping array, breed-specific targets of selection were identified using an FST-based statistic calculated in 500-kb windows across the genome. A 5.5-Mb region of ECA18, in which the myostatin (MSTN) gene was centered, contained the highest signature of selection in both the Paint and Quarter Horse. Gene sequencing and histological analysis of gluteal muscle biopsies showed a promoter variant and intronic SNP of MSTN were each significantly associated with higher Type 2B and lower Type 1 muscle fiber proportions in the Quarter Horse, demonstrating a functional consequence of selection at this locus. Signatures of selection on ECA23 in all gaited breeds in the sample led to the identification of a shared, 186-kb haplotype including two doublesex related mab transcription factor genes (DMRT2 and 3). The recent identification of a DMRT3 mutation within this haplotype, which appears necessary for the ability to perform alternative gaits, provides further evidence for selection at this locus. Finally, putative loci for the determination of size were identified in the draft breeds and the Miniature horse on ECA11, as well as when signatures of selection surrounding candidate genes at other loci were examined. This work provides further evidence of the importance of MSTN in racing breeds, provides strong evidence for selection upon gait and size, and illustrates the potential for population-based techniques to find genomic regions driving important phenotypes in the modern horse. © 2013 Petersen et al.


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Objective: To determine the nervous activation, muscle strength, and biomechanical parameters that influence the cost of walking in older fallers and non-fallers. Methods: Maximal voluntary isokinetic torque was measured for the hip, knee and ankle of older women. Oxygen consumption was measured at rest and during 8 min of walking at self-selected speed. An additional minute of walking was performed to collect kinematic variables and the electromyographic signal of trunk, hip, knee, and ankle muscles, which was analyzed by the linear envelope. Cost of walking was calculated by subtracting resting body mass-normalized oxygen consumption from walking body mass-normalized oxygen consumption. Stride time and length, and ankle and hip range of motion were calculated from kinematic data. Findings: Older adult fallers had 28% lower knee extensor strength (p = 0.02), 47% lower internal oblique activation at heel contact (p = 0.03), and higher coactivation between tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius lateralis in each of the gait phases (p < 0.05). For fallers, a higher activation of gluteus maximus was associated with a higher cost of walking (r = 0.55, p < 0.05 and r = 0.71, p < 0.01, before and after heel contact, respectively). For non-fallers, an association between cost of walking and age (r = 0.60, p = 0.01) and cost of walking and thigh muscle coactivation (r = 0.53, p = 0.01) existed. Interpretation: This study demonstrated that there may be links between lower-extremity muscle weakness, muscle activation patterns, altered gait, and increased cost of walking in older fallers. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction. Studies show that 70% of body weight in patients with stroke during the transfer from sitting to standing position is transferred to the uninvolved limb. Significantly interfering with activities of daily living. Objective. The influence of aquatic therapy on eight in the affected hemisphere during the transition from sitting to standing. Method. Participated in this study a patient with right hemiparesis, the protocol lasted eight sessions in a liquid medium. The data of activation of the gluteus muscle were collected from surface electromyography and data as the weight transfer was examined by baropodometry platform. Results. Initial electromyography (151.1uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus 229.1uv) and Final electromyography (113.6 uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus113.3uv). Evolution was 19% in weight transferin paretic hemibody compared the pre and post intervention. Conclusion. The results showed that treatment was favorable to the patient, because at the end of application of the observed activation of the gluteus maximus and improved weight-bearing, and consequently these factors interfered positively in the security and independe in transferring from sitting to standing position.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC