997 resultados para Global thresholding


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This paper presents a novel segmentation method for cuboidal cell nuclei in images of prostate tissue stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The proposed method allows segmenting normal, hyperplastic and cancerous prostate images in three steps: pre-processing, segmentation of cuboidal cell nuclei and post-processing. The pre-processing step consists of applying contrast stretching to the red (R) channel to highlight the contrast of cuboidal cell nuclei. The aim of the second step is to apply global thresholding based on minimum cross entropy to generate a binary image with candidate regions for cuboidal cell nuclei. In the post-processing step, false positives are removed using the connected component method. The proposed segmentation method was applied to an image bank with 105 samples and measures of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy were compared with those provided by other segmentation approaches available in the specialized literature. The results are promising and demonstrate that the proposed method allows the segmentation of cuboidal cell nuclei with a mean accuracy of 97%. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a method for segmentation of cell nuclei regions in epithelium of prostate glands. This structure provides information to diagnosis and prognosis of prostate cancer. In the initial step, the contrast stretching technique was applied in image in order to improve the contrast between regions of interest and other regions. After, the global thresholding technique was applied and the value of threshold was defined empirically. Finally, the false positive regions were removed using the connected components technique. The performance of the proposed method was compared with the Otsu technique and statistical measures of accuracy were calculated based on reference images (gold standard). The result of the mean value of accuracy of proposed method was 93% ± 0.07.


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This review will discuss the use of manual grading scales, digital photography, and automated image analysis in the quantification of fundus changes caused by age-related macular disease. Digital imaging permits processing of images for enhancement, comparison, and feature quantification, and these techniques have been investigated for automated drusen analysis. The accuracy of automated analysis systems has been enhanced by the incorporation of interactive elements, such that the user is able to adjust the sensitivity of the system, or manually add and remove pixels. These methods capitalize on both computer and human image feature recognition and the advantage of computer-based methodologies for quantification. The histogram-based adaptive local thresholding system is able to extract useful information from the image without being affected by the presence of other structures. More recent developments involve compensation for fundus background reflectance, which has most recently been combined with the Otsu method of global thresholding. This method is reported to provide results comparable with manual stereo viewing. Developments in this area are likely to encourage wider use of automated techniques. This will make the grading of photographs easier and cheaper for clinicians and researchers. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system using the local colour and texture features of selected image sub-blocks and global colour and shape features of the image. The image sub-blocks are roughly identified by segmenting the image into partitions of different configuration, finding the edge density in each partition using edge thresholding, morphological dilation and finding the corner density in each partition. The colour and texture features of the identified regions are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) respectively. A combined colour and texture feature vector is computed for each region. The shape features are computed from the Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD). Euclidean distance measure is used for computing the distance between the features of the query and target image. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods


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This paper describes the real time global vision system for the robot soccer team the RoboRoos. It has a highly optimised pipeline that includes thresholding, segmenting, colour normalising, object recognition and perspective and lens correction. It has a fast ‘paint’ colour calibration system that can calibrate in any face of the YUV or HSI cube. It also autonomously selects both an appropriate camera gain and colour gains robot regions across the field to achieve colour uniformity. Camera geometry calibration is performed automatically from selection of keypoints on the field. The system acheives a position accuracy of better than 15mm over a 4m × 5.5m field, and orientation accuracy to within 1°. It processes 614 × 480 pixels at 60Hz on a 2.0GHz Pentium 4 microprocessor.


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Quantifying global patterns of terrestrial nitrogen (N) cycling is central to predicting future patterns of primary productivity, carbon sequestration, nutrient fluxes to aquatic systems, and climate forcing. With limited direct measures of soil N cycling at the global scale, syntheses of the (15)N:(14)N ratio of soil organic matter across climate gradients provide key insights into understanding global patterns of N cycling. In synthesizing data from over 6000 soil samples, we show strong global relationships among soil N isotopes, mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual precipitation (MAP), and the concentrations of organic carbon and clay in soil. In both hot ecosystems and dry ecosystems, soil organic matter was more enriched in (15)N than in corresponding cold ecosystems or wet ecosystems. Below a MAT of 9.8°C, soil δ(15)N was invariant with MAT. At the global scale, soil organic C concentrations also declined with increasing MAT and decreasing MAP. After standardizing for variation among mineral soils in soil C and clay concentrations, soil δ(15)N showed no consistent trends across global climate and latitudinal gradients. Our analyses could place new constraints on interpretations of patterns of ecosystem N cycling and global budgets of gaseous N loss.


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In this work, the volatile chromatographic profiles of roasted Arabica coffees, previously analyzed for their sensorial attributes, were explored by principal component analysis. The volatile extraction technique used was the solid phase microextraction. The correlation optimized warping algorithm was used to align the gas chromatographic profiles. Fifty four compounds were found to be related to the sensorial attributes investigated. The volatiles pyrrole, 1-methyl-pyrrole, cyclopentanone, dihydro-2-methyl-3-furanone, furfural, 2-ethyl-5-methyl-pyrazine, 2-etenyl-n-methyl-pyrazine, 5-methyl-2-propionyl-furan compounds were important for the differentiation of coffee beverage according to the flavour, cleanliness and overall quality. Two figures of merit, sensitivity and specificity (or selectivity), were used to interpret the sensory attributes studied.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Este trabalho avalia o desempenho de previsões sazonais do modelo climático regional RegCM3, aninhado ao modelo global CPTEC/COLA. As previsões com o RegCM3 utilizaram 60 km de resolução horizontal num domínio que inclui grande parte da América do Sul. As previsões do RegCM3 e CPTEC/COLA foram avaliadas utilizando as análises de chuva e temperatura do ar do Climate Prediction Center (CPC) e National Centers for Enviromental Prediction (NCEP), respectivamente. Entre maio de 2005 e julho de 2007, 27 previsões sazonais de chuva e temperatura do ar (exceto a temperatura do CPTEC/COLA, que possui 26 previsões) foram avaliadas em três regiões do Brasil: Nordeste (NDE), Sudeste (SDE) e Sul (SUL). As previsões do RegCM3 também foram comparadas com as climatologias das análises. De acordo com os índices estatísticos (bias, coeficiente de correlação, raiz quadrada do erro médio quadrático e coeficiente de eficiência), nas três regiões (NDE, SDE e SUL) a chuva sazonal prevista pelo RegCM3 é mais próxima da observada do que a prevista pelo CPTEC/COLA. Além disto, o RegCM3 também é melhor previsor da chuva sazonal do que da média das observações nas três regiões. Para temperatura, as previsões do RegCM3 são superiores às do CPTEC/COLA nas áreas NDE e SUL, enquanto o CPTEC/COLA é superior no SDE. Finalmente, as previsões de chuva e temperatura do RegCM3 são mais próximas das observações do que a climatologia observada. Estes resultados indicam o potencial de utilização do RegCM3 para previsão sazonal, que futuramente deverá ser explorado através de previsão por conjunto.


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The purpose of this study was to measure the prevalence of global and leisure-time physical activity and associated factors in the elderly. This was a population-based cross-sectional study covering a multiple-stage sample of 1,950 subjects 60 years or older living in areas of São Paulo State, Brazil. Prevalence of global physical activity (assessed through the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire - IPAQ) was 73.9%, and prevalence of leisure-time physical activity was 28.4%. The results highlight the differences between factors associated with global and leisure-time physical activities. The social groups most prone to overall sedentary lifestyle and especially to lack of leisure-time physical activity should be the main targets of health policies aimed at promoting healthier lifestyles.


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OBJETIVOS: avaliar a prevalência de obesidade global e obesidade abdominal, em mulheres pós-menopausa, segundo o grau de instrução, nível de atividade física, uso de terapia hormonal na menopausa (THM) e paridade. MÉTODOS: foram entrevistadas 157 mulheres na pós-menopausa, atendidas em dois ambulatórios públicos da cidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil. A obesidade foi determinada segundo o índice de massa corporal (IMC > 30,0) e segundo o percentual de gordura corporal (%GC > 37%). A obesidade abdominal foi determinada pela relação cintura-quadril (RCQ > 0,85). RESULTADOS: a prevalência de obesidade global foi 34,4% (segundo o IMC) e de 40,1% (segundo o %GC). A prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi de 73,8%. Grande parte das entrevistadas referiu até sete anos de instrução formal (47,8%), foi considerada sedentária ou insuficientemente ativa (52,3%) e nunca tinha utilizado THM oral ou tinha utilizado por menos de 12 meses (72,0%). Foi constatada maior prevalência de obesidade global no grupo de mulheres sedentárias ou insuficientemente ativas e no grupo de não usuárias de THM (p<0,05). Quanto à obesidade abdominal, fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), apenas o grau de instrução mostrou-se associado à RCQ (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: mulheres após a menopausa, fisicamente ativas e usuárias de THM exibiram menor prevalência de obesidade global, porém a prevalência de obesidade abdominal foi alta e ainda maior nas mulheres com menor grau de instrução


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In this paper we study the existence of global solutions for a class of abstract functional differential equation with nonlocal conditions. An application is considered.