894 resultados para Global Alcohol Producers Group


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Alcohol has been estimated to cost Australia $36 Billion per year, almost double that of all illegal drugs combined. This thesis uncovered seven friendship group-level motives for alcohol consumption, these motives were: Competition, Copying, Commitments, Conformity, Winding down, Play, and Confidence. These motives were then measured and their correlation with self-reported alcohol consumption was assessed. Using these results will allow social marketers to design targeted programmes that achieve meaningful behaviour change that goes beyond merely informing or raising awareness about the dangers of alcohol.


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In this editorial the Editors of Addiction join over 500 public health leaders and 27 organizations in their endorsement of the ‘Statement of Concern’ addressed to the Director General of the World Health Organization. The Editors support the Statement’s contention that the global alcohol industry should have no role in the formulation of public health policies.


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Aims The functional BDNF single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6265 has been associated with many disorders including schizophrenia and alcohol dependence. However, studies have been inconsistent, reporting both positive and negative associations. Comorbid alcohol dependence has a high prevalence in schizophrenia so we investigated the role of rs6265 in alcohol dependence in Australian populations of schizophrenia and alcohol dependent patients. Methods Two BDNF SNPs rs6265 and a nearby SNP rs7103411 were genotyped in a total of 848 individuals. These included a schizophrenia group (n = 157) and a second schizophrenia replication group (n = 235), an alcohol dependent group (n = 231) that had no schizophrenia diagnosis and a group of healthy controls (n = 225). Results Allelic association between rs7103411 and comorbid alcohol dependence was identified (P = 0.044) in the primary schizophrenia sample. In the replication study, we were able to detect allelic associations between both BDNF SNPs and comorbid alcohol dependence (rs6265, P = 0.006; rs7103411, P = 0.014). Moreover, we detected association between both SNPs and risk-taking behaviour after drinking (rs6265, P = 0.005; rs7103411, P = 0.009) and we detected strong association between both SNPs and alcohol dependence in males (rs6265, P = 0.009; rs7103411, P = 0.013) while females showed association with multiple behavioural measures reflecting repetitive alcohol consumption. Haplotype analysis revealed the rs6265-rs7103411 A/C haplotype is associated with comorbid alcohol dependence (P = 0.002). When these SNPs were tested in the non-schizophrenia alcohol dependent group we were unable to detect association. Conclusion We conclude that these BDNF SNPs play a role in development of comorbid alcohol dependence in schizophrenia while our data does not indicate that they play a role in alcohol dependent patients who do not have schizophrenia.


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Background: Intentional consumption of alcohol based hand gels has been reported especially amongst non-UK national, alcohol dependent, homeless individuals in London. Whilst alcohol misuse is known to be associated with impaired cognitive functioning and mental health problems, the effects of additional ingestion of alcohol gel are unknown. Objectives: To explore cognitive and psychological functioning in users who intentionally ingest alcohol gel compared with ethyl-alcohol only misusers and controls. Methods: Male, Central and Eastern European alcohol only misusers, (n=14; mean age 39 years), alcohol gel users (n=14; mean age 43 years) and controls (n=12; mean age 31 years) were recruited from a London Homeless Service during 2013/14. Alcohol misusers, alcohol gel users and controls were compared on the Forwards and Backwards Digit Span Test; Block Design test; Retrospective and Prospective Memory Questionnaire (PRMQ) and the Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS). Results: Alcohol gel users performed significantly worse on the Block Design task (p<0.01) and PRMQ (p<0.01) relative to both alcohol only and control groups, and significantly worse on the digit span relative to controls (p=0.01). Both alcohol misusing groups scored comparatively on digit span backwards (p<0.01), with both groups performing significantly worse than controls. The alcohol gel group reported significantly higher levels of anxiety relative to controls (p=0.02). Conclusions: Whilst there could be constitutional differences between alcohol misusers who additionally abuse alcohol gel, the findings suggest that alcohol gel ingestion may have a greater impact on psychological functioning than traditional alcohol misuse.


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In 2009, the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group (SARG) at Sheffield University developed the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model version 2.0 (SAPM) to appraise the potential impact of alcohol policies, including different levels of MUP, for the population of England. In 2013, SARG were commissioned by the DHSSPS and the Department for Social Development to adapt the Sheffield Model to NI in order to appraise the potential impact of a range of alcohol pricing policies. The present report represents the results of this work. Estimates from the Northern Ireland (NI) adaptation of the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model - version 3 - (SAPM3) suggest: 1. Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policies would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, alcohol related harms (including alcohol-related deaths, hospitalisations, crimes and workplace absences) and the costs associated with those harms. 2. A ban on below-cost selling (implemented as a ban on selling alcohol for below the cost of duty plus the VAT payable on that duty) would have a negligible impact on alcohol consumption or related harms. 3. A ban on price-based promotions in the off-trade, either alone or in tandem with an MUP policy would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, related harms and associated costs. 4. MUP and promotion ban policies would only have a small impact on moderate drinkers at all levels of income. Somewhat larger impacts would be experienced by increasing risk drinkers, with the most substantial effects being experienced by high risk drinkers. 5. MUP and promotion ban policies would have larger impacts on those in poverty, particularly high risk drinkers, than those not in poverty. However, those in poverty also experience larger relative gains in health and are estimated to marginally reduce their spending due to their reduced drinking under the majority of policies åÊ


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BACKGROUND. The present report was carried out to determine whether alcohol intake could induce prostate lesions.METHODS. We tested male rats for 300 days. Animals were divided into three groups: controls received only tap water as liquid diet; the chronic alcohol intake group received only ethanol solution in semivoluntary research; and the withdrawal group received the same treatment as chronic alcohol intake until 240 days, after which they reverted to drinking water.RESULTS. Chronic alcohol intake increased lipoperoxide concentrations and acid phosphatase activities. Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) was decreased at 60 days, but approached controls values at 300 days following treatment. The serum increased alkaline phosphatase, and alanine transaminase activities reflected the chronic toxic effect of ethanol.CONCLUSIONS. Since SOD activity was unable to scavenge superoxide radical and lipoperoxide formation, we can conclude that superoxide is an important intermediate in prostate damage of chronic alcohol intake. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Morphological and functional alterations caused by chronic alcohol ingestion in testes and accessory sex organs have been studied both in man and in laboratory animals. The aim of the present study was to examine the possible occurrence of deleterious effects of chronic alcohol ingestion on the secretory epithelium of the ventral prostate of mice. Twenty-four adult male C57BL/6J mice were divided into three groups. The alcohol-treated group was allowed to drink only 6% (v/v) ethanol, the isocaloric group received a diet of water/sucrose with a calorie content equivalent to a 6% alcohol solution and the control group received water. Both groups were fed ad libitum with solid Purina rat chow. After 120 days, animals from each group were anesthetized with ethyl ether, weighed and processed for light and transmission electron microscopy. The results demonstrated reduction in the glandular epithelium cell height and disorganization of the Golgi complex. Moreover, abundant membrane-bound structures, most likely representing cytoplasmic material, were observed, as well as accumulation of dense bodies. Statistical analysis showed that bodyweight gain was similar for both groups. In conclusion, chronic alcohol ingestion has harmful effects on the secretory epithelium cells of the ventral lobe of the prostate of mice after 120 days of treatment. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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Chordomas are very rare bone malignant tumours that have had a shortage of effective treatments for a long time. New treatments are now available for both the local and the metastatic phase of the disease, but the degree of uncertainty in selecting the most appropriate treatment remains high and their adoption remains inconsistent across the world, resulting in suboptimum outcomes for many patients. In December, 2013, the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) convened a consensus meeting to update its clinical practice guidelines on sarcomas. ESMO also hosted a parallel consensus meeting on chordoma that included more than 40 chordoma experts from several disciplines and from both sides of the Atlantic, with the contribution and sponsorship of the Chordoma Foundation, a global patient advocacy group. The consensus reached at that meeting is shown in this position paper.


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Transnational governance has been advanced as a viable option for regulating commodities produced in emerging economies—where incapable or unwilling states may undersupply institutions requisite for overseeing supply chains consistent with the quality, safety, environmental, or social standards demanded by the global marketplace. Producers from these jurisdictions, otherwise left with few venues for securing market access and price premiums, ostensibly benefit from whatever pathways transnational actors offer to minimize barriers to entry—including voluntary certification for compliance with a panoply of public and private rules, such as those promulgated by NGOs like the Fair Trade Federation or multinational retailers like Wal-Mart. Yet, such transnational “sustainability” governance may neither be effective nor desirable. Regulatory schemes, like third-party certification, often privilege the interests of primary architects and beneficiaries—private business associations, governments, NGOs, and consumers in the global North—over regulatory targets—producers in the global South. Rather than engaging with the international marketplace via imported and externally-driven schemes, some producer groups are instead challenging existing rules and innovating homegrown institutions. These alternatives to commercialization adopt some institutional characteristics of their transnational counterparts yet deliver benefits in a manner more aligned with the needs of producers. Drawing on original empirical cases from Nicaragua and Mexico, this dissertation examines the role of domestic institutional alternatives to transnational governance in enhancing market access, environmental quality and rural livelihoods within producer communities. Unlike the more technocratic and expert-driven approaches characteristic of mainstream governance efforts, these local regulatory institutions build upon the social capital, indigenous identity, “ancestral” knowledge, and human assets of producer communities as new sources of power and legitimacy in governing agricultural commodities.


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Este proyecto de investigación es un estudio de factibilidad de importación del calzado para dama desde China para la empresa colombiana Kenzo Jeans a través del cual se evalúan a profundidad estrategias en producto, precio y distribución para que la empresa valore la conveniencia del proceso. El objetivo de esta investigación es generar herramientas y estrategias necesarias para que la empresa logre tener una visión más completa al importar calzado desde China para la distribución en el mercado colombiano. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de brindar información para que la gerencia pueda tomar decisiones correctas, eliminando el desconocimiento que pueda generar mayor incertidumbre al involucrarse en un proceso de importación. Para llevar a cabo este proceso se determinaron unos criterios de evaluación y selección mínimos respecto al diseño del producto, precio, calidad, número de unidades mínimas para realizar el pedido, empaque y etiquetado con el que debían contar los posibles proveedores en China. Esto se realizó a través de un acercamiento a los potenciales proveedores y permitió filtrar a aquellos que podrían cumplir con los criterios exigidos por Kenzo Jeans. Una vez realizado el proceso de clasificación y selección se logró determinar que existe potencial en la importación de calzado de dama desde China. Hecho este proceso se sugiere a Kenzo Jeans realizar contacto directo con estas empresas a través de un posible viaje de negocios.


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Purpose: This chapter discusses the opportunity of Islamic project financing implementation for public infrastructure development in Indonesia. Design/Methodology/Approach: This chapter, firstly, reviewed existing literature on Islamic finance to explore the applicability of Islamic financing in infrastructure development. Interviews were conducted as the first stage of Delphi method approach. This was then followed by reviewing Indonesia’s government policies and regulations in infrastructure industry and Islamic financing. Findings: This chapter enlightens the implementation of Islamic financing on infrastructure project financing in Indonesia. The findings indicate that the government policies and regulations on both infrastructure investment and Islamic financing support the implementation of Islamic project financing, whereas, an improvement is still needed in order to overarch infrastructure business and Islamic financing investment. Research: Financing framework development for Indonesia infrastructure projects. Limitations/Implications: The result reported comprises the preliminary study of Islamic project paper written based on published research papers and interviews. Furthermore, the data collected for the study are limited to the case of Indonesian infrastructure projects. Practical Implication: Islamic financing in Indonesia infrastructure projects development has not been optimally implemented. Therefore, this chapter serves as a catalyst to explore alternative financial scheme such as Islamic financing for infrastructure development. Originality/Value: This chapter highlights possibilities and obstacles in applying Islamic scheme to infrastructure project financing. This provides a framework to analyse the steps to implement Islamic financing successfully in infrastructure development.


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The north Queensland banana industry is under pressure from government and community expectations to exhibit good environmental stewardship. The industry is situated on the high-rainfall north Queensland coast adjacent to 2 natural icons, the Great Barrier Reef to the east and World Heritage-listed rain forest areas to the west. The main environmental concern is agricultural industry pollutants harming the Great Barrier Reef. In addition to environmental issues the banana industry also suffers financial pressure from declining margins and production loss from tropical cyclones. As part of a broader government strategy to reduce land-based pollutants affecting the Great Barrier Reef, the formation of a pilot banana producers group to address these environmental and economic pressures was facilitated. Using an integrated farming systems approach, we worked collaboratively with these producers to conduct an environmental risk assessment of their businesses and then to develop best management practices (BMP) to address environmental concerns. We also sought input from technical experts to provide increased rigour for the environmental risk assessment and BMP development. The producers' commercial experience ensured new ideas for improved sustainable practices were constantly assessed through their profit-driven 'filter' thus ensuring economic sustainability was also considered. Relying heavily on the producers' knowledge and experience meant the agreed sustainable practices were practical, relevant and financially feasible for the average-sized banana business in the region. Expert input and review also ensured that practices were technically sound. The pilot group producers then implemented and adapted selected key practices on their farms. High priority practices addressed by the producers group included optimizing nitrogen fertilizer management to reduce runoff water nitrification, developing practical ground cover management to reduce soil erosion and improving integrated pest management systems to reduce pesticide use. To facilitate wider banana industry understanding and adoption of the BMP's developed by the pilot group, we conducted field days at the farms of the pilot group members. Information generated by the pilot group has had wider application to Australian horticulture and the process has been subsequently used with the north Queensland sugar industry. Our experiences have shown that integrated farming systems methodologies are useful in addressing complex issues like environmental and economic sustainability. We have also found that individual horticulture businesses need on-going technical support for change to more sustainable practices. One-off interventions have little impact, as farm improvement is usually an on-going incremental process. A key lesson from this project has been the need to develop practical, farm scale economic tools to clarify and demonstrate the financial impact of alternative management practices. Demonstrating continued profitability is critical to encourage widespread industry adoption of environmentally sustainable practices


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Drawing on social identity and social impact theory, this paper is the first to investigate the impact of religious preferences on share prices and expected returns at the country level. Using data from 12 European countries, our findings suggest that religion has a significant effect on the share price of companies whose activities are considered unethical, i.e., tobacco manufacturers and alcohol producers. The share price of these companies (called sin stocks) is depressed when they are located in a predominantly Protestant environment (relative to a Catholic environment). With investors in Protestant countries being more sin averse than in Catholic countries, they insist upon higher expected returns on sin stocks. Conversely, religious preferences do not have the same impact on the performance of other companies, e.g. socially responsible companies. Our results are robust to various methodologies and controlling for several firm-specific, industry-specific and country-specific characteristics.


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L'objectif principal de ce mémoire est d'évaluer le rôle modérateur de trois traits de personnalité, soit l'estime de soi, le sentiment de cohésion, ainsi que le centre de contrôle interne sur la relation entre les conditions de l'organisation du travail et la consommation d'alcool à risque, ainsi que la consommation de médicaments psychotropes des travailleurs canadiens. Les données sur lesquelles nous nous sommes basés proviennent de l'Enquête Nationale sur la Santé de la Population (ENSP) de Statistique Canada. Celle-ci a été conduite à des intervalles de deux ans, de l’année 1994 jusqu'à l’année 2003, et comprend ainsi cinq cycles longitudinaux. Les analyses multiniveaux que nous avons effectuées nous ont permises d’identifier cinq variables des conditions de l'organisation du travail qui s’associent de manière significative à la consommation d'alcool à risque, soit l’utilisation des compétences qui augmente de 7% le risque de faire partie du groupe de consommation d’alcool à risque par un travailleur, les demandes psychologiques qui augmentent ce risque de 69%, et les travailleurs confrontés à un horaire de travail irrégulier qui consomment 61% plus d’alcool à risque que les travailleurs qui ont un horaire de travail régulier. Inversement, l’insécurité d’emploi réduit de 12% le risque de faire partie du groupe de consommation d’alcool à risque, et les travailleurs bénéficiant d’un soutien social au travail courent 5% moins de risque de consommation d’alcool à risque. Pour ce qui est des médicaments psychotropes, nos analyses multiniveaux nous ont permises d’identifier deux variables des conditions de l’organisation du travail qui y sont associées de manière significative. Il s’agit de l’utilisation des compétences qui augmente de 8% le risque de faire partie du groupe de consommation de médicaments psychotropes, alors que le nombre d’heures travaillées diminue de 1% ce risque. En ce qui concerne les traits de personnalité, l’estime de soi augmente de 17% le risque de consommation d’alcool à risque, alors que le sentiment de cohésion diminue de 1% ce risque. L’estime de soi joue un rôle modérateur faible entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la consommation d’alcool à risque, puisque celle-ci diminue de 3% l’effet pathogène des demandes physiques imposées sur les travailleurs sur leur consommation d’alcool à risque. Pour ce qui est des médicaments psychotropes, nos résultats indiquent que l’estime de soi diminue de 4% le risque de consommation de médicaments psychotropes, le centre de contrôle interne diminue de 9% ce risque, et le sentiment de cohésion quant à lui, diminue ce risque de 3%. D’ailleurs, aucun trait de personnalité ne joue un rôle modérateur entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la consommation de médicaments psychotropes.