868 resultados para Glioblastoma -- metabolism


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Overexpression of the polycomb group protein enhancer of zeste homologue 2 (EZH2) occurs in diverse malignancies, including prostate cancer, breast cancer, and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Based on its ability to modulate transcription of key genes implicated in cell cycle control, DNA repair, and cell differentiation, EZH2 is believed to play a crucial role in tissue-specific stem cell maintenance and tumor development. Here, we show that targeted pharmacologic disruption of EZH2 by the S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNep), or its specific downregulation by short hairpin RNA (shRNA), strongly impairs GBM cancer stem cell (CSC) self-renewal in vitro and tumor-initiating capacity in vivo. Using genome-wide expression analysis of DZNep-treated GBM CSCs, we found the expression of c-myc, recently reported to be essential for GBM CSCs, to be strongly repressed upon EZH2 depletion. Specific shRNA-mediated downregulation of EZH2 in combination with chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that c-myc is a direct target of EZH2 in GBM CSCs. Taken together, our observations provide evidence that direct transcriptional regulation of c-myc by EZH2 may constitute a novel mechanism underlying GBM CSC maintenance and suggest that EZH2 may be a valuable new therapeutic target for GBM management.


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Patients with glioblastoma (GBM) have variable clinical courses, but the factors that underlie this heterogeneity are not understood. To determine whether the presence of the telomerase-independent alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALTs) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for survival, we performed a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. The presence of ALT was identified in paraffin sections using a combination of immunofluorescence for promyelocytic leukemia body and telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization. Alternative lengthening of telomere was present in 15% of the GBM patients. Patients with ALT had longer survival that was independent of age, surgery, and other treatments. Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1mut) 1 frequently accompanied ALT, and in the presence of both molecular events, there was significantly longer overall survival. These data suggest that most ALT+ tumors may be less aggressive proneural GBMs, and the better prognosis may relate to the set of genetic changes associated with this tumor subtype. Despite improved overall survival of patients treated with the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy and surgery, ALT and chemotherapy independently provided a survival advantage, but these factors were not found to be additive. These results suggest a critical need for developing new therapies to target these specific GBM subtypes.


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Gene expression-based prediction of genomic copy number aberrations in the chromosomal region 12q13 to 12q15 that is flanked by MDM2 and CDK4 identified Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (WIF1) as a candidate tumor suppressor gene in glioblastoma. WIF1 encodes a secreted Wnt antagonist and was strongly downregulated in most glioblastomas as compared with normal brain, implying deregulation of Wnt signaling, which is associated with cancer. WIF1 silencing was mediated by deletion (7/69, 10%) or epigenetic silencing by promoter hypermethylation (29/110, 26%). Co-amplification of MDM2 and CDK4 that is present in 10% of glioblastomas was associated in most cases with deletion of the whole genomic region enclosed, including the WIF1 locus. This interesting pathogenetic constellation targets the RB and p53 tumor suppressor pathways in tandem, while simultaneously activating oncogenic Wnt signaling. Ectopic expression of WIF1 in glioblastoma cell lines revealed a dose-dependent decrease of Wnt pathway activity. Furthermore, WIF1 expression inhibited cell proliferation in vitro, reduced anchorage-independent growth in soft agar, and completely abolished tumorigenicity in vivo. Interestingly, WIF1 overexpression in glioblastoma cells induced a senescence-like phenotype that was dose dependent. These results provide evidence that WIF1 has tumor suppressing properties. Downregulation of WIF1 in 75% of glioblastomas indicates frequent involvement of aberrant Wnt signaling and, hence, may render glioblastomas sensitive to inhibitors of Wnt signaling, potentially by diverting the tumor cells into a senescence-like state.


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Intratumoural (i.t.) injection of radio-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), a thymidine (dThd) analogue, is envisaged for targeted Auger electron- or beta-radiation therapy of glioblastoma. Here, biodistribution of [(125)I]IdUrd was evaluated 5 hr after i.t. injection in subcutaneous human glioblastoma xenografts LN229 after different intravenous (i.v.) pretreatments with fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd). FdUrd is known to block de novo dThd synthesis, thus favouring DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd. Results showed that pretreatment with 2 mg/kg FdUrd i.v. in 2 fractions 0.5 hr and 1 hr before injection of radio-IdUrd resulted in a mean tumour uptake of 19.8% of injected dose (% ID), representing 65.3% ID/g for tumours of approx. 0.35 g. Tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd in non-pretreated mice was only 4.1% ID. Very low uptake was observed in normal nondividing and dividing tissues with a maximum concentration of 2.9% ID/g measured in spleen. Pretreatment with a higher dose of FdUrd of 10 mg/kg prolonged the increased tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd up to 5 hr. A competition experiment was performed in FdUrd pretreated mice using i.t. co-injection of excess dThd that resulted in very low tumour retention of [(125)I]IdUrd. DNA isolation experiments showed that in the mean >95% of tumour (125)I activity was incorporated in DNA. In conclusion, these results show that close to 20% ID of radio-IdUrd injected i.t. was incorporated in tumour DNA after i.v. pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of FdUrd and that this approach may be further exploited for diffusion and therapy studies with Auger electron- and/or beta-radiation-emitting radio-IdUrd.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most malignant variant of human glial tumors. A prominent feature of this tumor is the occurrence of necrosis and vascular proliferation. The regulation of glial neovascularization is still poorly understood and the characterization of factors involved in this process is of major clinical interest. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a pleiotropic cytokine released by leukocytes and by a variety of cells outside of the immune system. Recent work has shown that MIF may function to regulate cellular differentiation and proliferation in normal and tumor-derived cell lines, and may also contribute to the neovascularization of tumors. Our immunohistological analysis of MIF distribution in GBM tissues revealed the strong MIF protein accumulation in close association with necrotic areas and in tumor cells surrounding blood vessels. In addition, MIF expression was frequently associated with the presence of the tumor-suppressor gene p53. To substantiate the concept that MIF might be involved in the regulation of angiogenesis in GBM, we analyzed the MIF gene and protein expression under hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress conditions in vitro. Northern blot analysis showed a clear increase of MIF mRNA after hypoxia and hypoglycemia. We could also demonstrate that the increase of MIF transcripts on hypoxic stress can be explained by a profound transcriptional activation of the MIF gene. In parallel to the increase of MIF transcripts, we observed a significant rise in extracellular MIF protein on angiogenic stimulation. The data of our preliminary study suggest that the up-regulation of MIF expression during hypoxic and hypoglycemic stress might play a critical role for the neovascularization of glial tumors.


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Use of radiolabeled nucleotides for tumor imaging is hampered by rapid in vivo degradation and low DNA-incorporation rates. We evaluated whether blocking of thymidine (dThd) synthesis by 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FdUrd) could improve scintigraphy with radio-dThd analogues, such as 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine (IdUrd). We first show in vitro that coincubation with FdUrd substantially increased incorporation of [125I]IdUrd and [3H]dThd in the three tested human glioblastoma lines. Flow cytometry analysis showed that a short coincubation with FdUrd (1 h) produces a signal increase per labeled cell. We then measured biodistribution 24 h after i.v. injection of [125I]IdUrd in nude mice s.c. xenografted with the three glioblastoma lines. Compared with animals given [125I]IdUrd alone, i.v. preadministration for 1 h of 10 mg/kg FdUrd increased the uptake of [125I]IdUrd in the three tumors 4.8-6.8-fold. Compatible with previous reports, there were no side effects in mice observed for 2 months after receiving such a treatment. The tumor uptake of [125I]IdUrd was increased < or =13.6-fold when FdUrd preadministration was stepwise reduced to 1.1 mg/kg. Uptake increases remained lower (between 1.7- and 5.8-fold) in normal proliferating tissues (i.e., bone marrow, spleen, and intestine) and negligible in quiescent tissues. DNA extraction showed that 72-80% of radioactivity in tumor and intestine was bound to DNA. Scintigraphy of xenografted mice was performed at different times after i.v. injection of 3.7 MBq [125I]IdUrd. Tumor detection was significantly improved after FdUrd preadministration while still equivocal after 24 h in mice given [125I]IdUrd alone. Furthermore, background activity could be greatly reduced by p.o. administration of KClO4 in addition to potassium iodide. We conclude that FdUrd preadministration may improve positron or single photon emission tomography with cell division tracers, such as radio-IdUrd and possibly other dThd analogues.


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BACKGROUND: Immune checkpoint inhibitors targeting programmed cell death 1 (PD1) or its ligand (PD-L1) showed activity in several cancer types. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemistry for CD3, CD8, CD20, HLA-DR, phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), PD-1, and PD-L1 and pyrosequencing for assessment of the O6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation status in 135 glioblastoma specimens (117 initial resection, 18 first local recurrence). PD-L1 gene expression was analyzed in 446 cases from The Cancer Genome Atlas. RESULTS: Diffuse/fibrillary PD-L1 expression of variable extent, with or without interspersed epithelioid tumor cells with membranous PD-L1 expression, was observed in 103 of 117 (88.0%) newly diagnosed and 13 of 18 (72.2%) recurrent glioblastoma specimens. Sparse-to-moderate density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) was found in 85 of 117 (72.6%) specimens (CD3+ 78/117, 66.7%; CD8+ 52/117, 44.4%; CD20+ 27/117, 23.1%; PD1+ 34/117, 29.1%). PD1+ TIL density correlated positively with CD3+ (P < .001), CD8+ (P < .001), CD20+ TIL density (P < .001), and PTEN expression (P = .035). Enrichment of specimens with low PD-L1 gene expression levels was observed in the proneural and G-CIMP glioblastoma subtypes and in specimens with high PD-L1 gene expression in the mesenchymal subtype (P = 5.966e-10). No significant differences in PD-L1 expression or TIL density between initial and recurrent glioblastoma specimens or correlation of PD-L1 expression or TIL density with patient age or outcome were evident. CONCLUSION: TILs and PD-L1 expression are detectable in the majority of glioblastoma samples but are not related to outcome. Because the target is present, a clinical study with specific immune checkpoint inhibitors seems to be warranted in glioblastoma.


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The development of targeted treatment strategies adapted to individual patients requires identification of the different tumor classes according to their biology and prognosis. We focus here on the molecular aspects underlying these differences, in terms of sets of genes that control pathogenesis of the different subtypes of astrocytic glioma. By performing cDNA-array analysis of 53 patient biopsies, comprising low-grade astrocytoma, secondary glioblastoma (respective recurrent high-grade tumors), and newly diagnosed primary glioblastoma, we demonstrate that human gliomas can be differentiated according to their gene expression. We found that low-grade astrocytoma have the most specific and similar expression profiles, whereas primary glioblastoma exhibit much larger variation between tumors. Secondary glioblastoma display features of both other groups. We identified several sets of genes with relatively highly correlated expression within groups that: (a). can be associated with specific biological functions; and (b). effectively differentiate tumor class. One prominent gene cluster discriminating primary versus nonprimary glioblastoma comprises mostly genes involved in angiogenesis, including VEGF fms-related tyrosine kinase 1 but also IGFBP2, that has not yet been directly linked to angiogenesis. In situ hybridization demonstrating coexpression of IGFBP2 and VEGF in pseudopalisading cells surrounding tumor necrosis provided further evidence for a possible involvement of IGFBP2 in angiogenesis. The separating groups of genes were found by the unsupervised coupled two-way clustering method, and their classification power was validated by a supervised construction of a nearly perfect glioma classifier.


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Tenascin-C is an adhesion-modulating extracellular matrix molecule that is highly expressed in tumor stroma and stimulates tumor cell proliferation. Adhesion of T98G glioblastoma cells to a fibronectin substratum is inhibited by tenascin-C. To address the mechanism of action, we performed a RNA expression analysis of T89G cells grown in the presence or absence of tenascin-C and found that tenascin-C down-regulates tropomyosin-1. Upon overexpression of tropomyosin-1, cell spreading on a fibronectin/tenascin-C substratum was restored, indicating that tenascin-C destabilizes actin stress fibers through down-regulation of tropomyosin-1. Tenascin-C also increased the expression of the endothelin receptor type A and stimulated the corresponding mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway, which triggers extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation and c-Fos expression. Tenascin-C additionally caused down-regulation of the Wnt inhibitor Dickkopf 1. In consequence, Wnt signaling was enhanced through stabilization of beta-catenin and stimulated the expression of the beta-catenin target Id2. Finally, our in vivo data derived from astrocytoma tissue arrays link increased tenascin-C and Id2 expression with high malignancy. Because increased endothelin and Wnt signaling, as well as reduced tropomyosin-1 expression, are closely linked to transformation and tumorigenesis, we suggest that tenascin-C specifically modulates these signaling pathways to enhance proliferation of glioma cells.


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International audience


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly invasive and radioresistant brain tumor. Aiming to study how glioma cells respond to gamma-rays in terms of biological processes involved in cellular responses, we performed experiments at cellular context and gene expression analysis in U343-MG-a GBM cells irradiated with 1 Gy and collected at 6 h post-irradiation. The survival rate was approximately 61% for 1 Gy and was completely reduced at 16 Gy. By performing the microarray technique, 859 cDNA clones were analyzed. The Significance Analysis of Microarray algorithm indicated 196 significant expressed genes (false discovery rate (FDR) = 0.42%): 67 down-regulated and 97 up-regulated genes, which belong to several classes: metabolism, adhesion/cytoskeleton, signal transduction, cell cycle/apoptosis, membrane transport, DNA repair/DNA damage signaling, transcription factor, intracellular signaling, and RNA processing. Differential expression patterns of five selected genes (HSPA9B, INPP5A, PIP5K1A, FANCG, and TPP2) observed by the microarray analysis were further confirmed by the quantitative real time RT-PCR method, which demonstrated an up-regulation status of those genes. These results indicate a broad spectrum of biological processes (which may reflect the radio-resistance of U343 cells) that were altered in irradiated glioma cells, so as to guarantee cell survival.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive brain tumor that, by virtue of its resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is currently incurable. Identification of molecules whose targeting may eliminate GBM cells and/or sensitize glioblastoma cells to cytotoxic drugs is therefore urgently needed. CD44 is a major cell surface hyaluronan receptor and cancer stem cell marker that has been implicated in the progression of a variety of cancer types. However, the major downstream signaling pathways that mediate its protumor effects and the role of CD44 in the progression and chemoresponse of GBM have not been established. Here we show that CD44 is upregulated in GBM and that its depletion blocks GBM growth and sensitizes GBM cells to cytotoxic drugs in vivo. Consistent with this observation, CD44 antagonists potently inhibit glioma growth in preclinical mouse models. We provide the first evidence that CD44 functions upstream of the mammalian Hippo signaling pathway and that CD44 promotes tumor cell resistance to reactive oxygen species-induced and cytotoxic agent-induced stress by attenuating activation of the Hippo signaling pathway. Together, our results identify CD44 as a prime therapeutic target for GBM, establish potent antiglioma efficacy of CD44 antagonists, uncover a novel CD44 signaling pathway, and provide a first mechanistic explanation as to how upregulation of CD44 may constitute a key event in leading to cancer cell resistance to stresses of different origins. Finally, our results provide a rational explanation for the observation that functional inhibition of CD44 augments the efficacy of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


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Glioblastoma (GBM) is a morphologically heterogeneous tumor type with a median survival of only 15 months in clinical trial populations. However, survival varies greatly among patients. As part of a central pathology review, we addressed the question if patients with GBM displaying distinct morphologic features respond differently to combined chemo-radiotherapy with temozolomide. Morphologic features were systematically recorded for 360 cases with particular focus on the presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component and respective correlations with outcome and relevant molecular markers. GBM with an oligodendroglioma-like component (GBM-O) represented 15% of all confirmed GBM (52/339) and was not associated with a more favorable outcome. GBM-O encompassed a pathogenetically heterogeneous group, significantly enriched for IDH1 mutations (19 vs. 3%, p = 0.003) and EGFR amplifications (71 vs. 48%, p = 0.04) compared with other GBM, while co-deletion of 1p/19q was found in only one case and the MGMT methylation frequency was alike (47 vs. 46%). Expression profiles classified most of the GBM-O into two subtypes, 36% (5/14 evaluable) as proneural and 43% as classical GBM. The detection of pseudo-palisading necrosis (PPN) was associated with benefit from chemotherapy (p = 0.0002), while no such effect was present in the absence of PPN (p = 0.86). In the adjusted interaction model including clinical prognostic factors and MGMT status, PPN was borderline nonsignificant (p = 0.063). Taken together, recognition of an oligodendroglioma-like component in an otherwise classic GBM identifies a pathogenetically mixed group without prognostic significance. However, the presence of PPN may indicate biological features of clinical relevance for further improvement of therapy.