1000 resultados para Glacial epoch--Ontario--Mohawk Bay.


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This investigation comprises three parts: (1) the source, mechanism of transport, and distribution of pollen, spores and other palynomorphs in Georgian Bay bottom sediments and a comparison of these data with the contemporary vegetation, (2) the relative significance of fluvial transportation of pollen and spores, and (3) the late- and postglacial history of vegetational and climatic changes in the Georgicin Bay region. Modem pollen and spore assemblages in Georgian Bay do reflect the surrovinding vegetation when preservation and pollen production by the different species are considered and accounted for. Relative pollen percentage and concentration isopoll patterns indicate that rivers contribute large quantities of pollen and spores to Georgian Bay. This is further substantiated by large amounts of pollen and spores which were caught in traps in the Moon, Muskoka, and Nottawasaga Rivers which flow into Georgian Bay. The majority of pollen and spores caught in these traps were washed into the rivers by surface water runoff and so reflect the vegetation of the watershed in a regional sense. In a 12.9 metre long sediment core from northeastern Georgian Bay the relative percentage and absolute pollen concentrations allow correlation of Georgian Bay Lake phases with climatic and forest history. Four distinct pollen zones are distinguished: zone GB IV which is the oldest, reflects the succession from open spruce woodland to boreal forest; zone GB III represents a period of pine-mixed hardwoods forests from about 10,000 to 7,500 years ago. A pine-maplehemlock association dominated in zone GB II, although during the culmination of postglacial warming about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago the Georgian Bay forests had a more deciduous character. Zone GB I clearly shows European man's disturbance of the forest by logging activities.


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Core samples of postglacial sediments and sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake on the Bruce Peninsula, Harts Lake on the Canadian Shield, and two cores from Georgian Bay (core P-l in the western deep part and core P-7 in the eastern shallow part) have been analyzed for pH, grain size distribution, water content, bulk density, loss on ignition at 4500C and 11000 C, major oxides (Si02 ,A1203,!FeO,MgO,CaO, Na20,K20,Ti02 ,MnO and P205) and trace elements (Ba,Zr,Sr,y,S, Zn,Cu,Ni,Ce and Rb). The sediment in Georgian Bay are generally fine grained (fine silt to very fine silty clay) and the grain size decreases from the Canadian Shield (core p-7) towards the Bruce Peninsula (core P-l) along the assumed direction of sediment transport. This trend coincides with a decrease in sorting coefficient and an increase in roundness. Other physical characteristics, such as water content, bulk density and loss on ignition are positively correlated with the composition of sediments and their compaction, as well as with the energy of the depositional environment. Analyses of sediment surface samples from Shepherd Lake and Harts Lake indicate the influence of bedrock and surficial deposits in the watershed on pH condition that is also influenced by the organic matter content and probably I ! I man's activities. Organic matter content increases significantly in the surface sediment in these small lakes as a result of either natural eutrophication or anthropogenic organic loading. The extremely high organic matter content in Shepherd Lake sediment indicates rapid natural eutrophication in this closed basin and high biological productivity during postglacial time, probably due to high nutrient levels and shallow depth. The chemical composition of the Canadian Shield bedrock is positively correlated with the chemical characteristics of predominantly inorganic lake sediments that were derived from the Shield rocks by glacial abrasion and by postglacial weathering and erosion of both bedrock and surficial deposits. High correlation coefficients were found between organic matter in lake sediments and major oxides (Si02,AI203,.~FeO, MgO,CaO,K20 and MnO) , as well as some trace elements (Ba,Y, S,Zn,Cu,Ni and Rb). The chemical composition of sediments in Harts Lake and core P-7 in Georgian Bay on the Canadian Shield differs from the chemistry of sediments in Shepherd Lake and core P-l in Georgian Bay on the Bruce Peninsula. The difference between cores P-l and P-7 is indicated by values of Si02 , AI203 ,:LFeo,Mgo,CaO,Ba,Zr,Sr,y and S, and also by the organic matter content. This study indicates that the processes of sediment transport, depositional environment, weathering of the rocks and surficial deposits in the watershed, as well as chemical composition of source rocks all affect the chemical characteristics of lake sediments. The stratigraphic changes and variations in lake sediment chemistry with regard to major oxides, trace elements, and organic matter content are probably related to the history of glacial and postglacial lake stages of the Georgian Bay Region and, therefore, the geochemical data can make a useful contribution to a better understanding of the Late-Quaternary history of the Great Lakes.


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This investigation has three purposes I to make a comparative chemical study on sediment cores collected for Lake Lisgar (man-made lake in an urban center) and Lake Hunger (natural basin in a rural community) encompassing the time since European settlement I to determine the postglacial chemical history of Lake Hunger, and to determine the vegetational history of the Lake Hunger area from postglacial time to the present. The minus 80 mesh fraction of 108 soil samples and 18 stream sediment samples collected in the vicinity of Lakes' Lisgar and Hunger were analyzed for cold hydrochloric acid soluble lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, copper, aluminum, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese. Lacustrine sediments from 5 boreholes in the Lake Lisgar basin were collected. Boreholes 1, 2, 3, and 4 were analyzed for palynological and chemical information and Borehole 5 was subjected to pollen and ostracode analysis. Lacustrine sediments from 6 boreholes in the Lake Hunger basin were collected. Palyno- -logical and chemical analysis were performed on Boreholes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 and Borehole 5 was analyzed for pollen. In addition, radiocarbon dates were obtained on sediment samples from Boreholes 4 and 5. A total of 8 surface samples were collected from the margins of the Lake Hunger basin and these were chemically analyzed in the laboratory. All of the lacustrine sediments were ashed and analyzed for cold hydrochloric acid soluble lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, copper, aluminum, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese using a Perkin Elmer 40) Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer. The results . obtained for the 12 elements were expressed as parts per million in dry sediments. It was found that man's influence on the element distribution patterns in the sediments of Lake Lisgar appeared to be related to his urbanizing developments within the lake vicinity, whereas, the rural developments in the vicinity of lake Hunger appeared to have had little effect on the element distribution patterns in the lake sediments. The distribution patterns of lead, zinc, nickel, cobalt, aluminum, magnesium, sodium and potassium are similar to the % ash curve throughout postglacial time indicating that the rate of erosion in the drainage basin is the main factor which controls the concentration of these elements in the sediments of Lake Hunger. The vegetational history, from palynological analysis, of Lake Hunger from postglacial time to the present includes the following stages: tundra, open spruce forest, closed boreal forest, deciduous forest and the trend towards the re-establishment of pine following the clearing of land and the subsequent settlement of the Lake Hunger area by European settlers. The concentrations of some elements (cobalt, nickel, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) in the sediments of Lake Hunger appears to be higher during pre-cultural compared to post-cultural times. At least one complete postglacial record of the chemical history within a lake basin is necessary in order to accurately assess man's effects on his environment.


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The oxygen and carbon isotopic compositions of the planktonic foraminifer, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), were determined at 20-cm intervals through the 'composite' top ~ 22 m of sediments at ODP Site 645 (Holes 645B, 645C, 645F, and 645G) and at 10-cm intervals through a 9-m piston core (85-027-016) collected during the Hudson site survey. Quantitative analyses of palynomorphs, notably dinocysts, and of planktonic foraminifers were performed. Organic and nitrogen contents and isotopic composition of nitrogen and carbon in organic matter also were determined. These data provide a high-resolution record of changes that occurred in surface-water masses during the last glacial cycle in Baffin Bay. The basin experienced low planktonic productivity during most of the late Pleistocene, either from dilution in surface water by meltwater discharges from the surrounding ice-sheet or from the presence of a relatively dense sea-ice cover. Peaks of meltwater discharge are indicated by d18O values as low as about 1.5 per mil, correlative d13C- d18O shifts, low concentration of planktonic foraminifers, high concentrations of glacially reworked pre-Quaternary palynomorphs, and low-salinity dinocyst assemblages. As a whole, d18O values ranging between 4.5 and 2.5 per mil allow the establishment of an 18O stratigraphy spanning isotopic stages 5 to 1. Because of the poor core recovery, the general paucity of microflora and microfauna, and the possible occurrence of slumping or debris flow at Site 645, further interpretation remains problematic.


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A series of samples from the five sites drilled across the continental shelf and upper slope in Prydz Bay during ODP Leg 119 were consolidation tested in an oedometer. Preconsolidation stresses increase downcore at Sites 739 and 742 in a stepwise manner, and the steps are interpreted to represent periods of increased action of grounded glaciers covering the entire shelf. By the use of theoretical ice sheet surface profiles giving the range of possible ice thicknesses, sediment loading and subsequent erosion seem to be the most important factor for increasing the overconsolidation ratios, and a total glacial erosion exceeding 1 km is possible. Four separate steps in consolidation, here termed "load events" have been identified. The lowermost load event, 1, is correlated to the onset of glaciations reaching the shelf edge and an early period of extensive glaciations, starting in early Oligocene or possibly earlier. Glacial activity related to the buildup of ice in West Antarctica in the late Miocene is tentatively correlated to load event 2. Event 3 is the trace of relatively extensive glacial erosion probably in the Pliocene, whereas the upper step in preconsolidation stress, load event 4, results from the last glaciation reaching the shelf edge, possibly during the late Weichselian. Correlations to other data related to Antarctic glacial history are, however, hampered by the poor age control of the cored diamictites. Consolidation tests may provide a tool for finding the position for hiatuses and unconformities formed subglacially and obscured by subglacial reworking.


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Radiolarians are abundant and well preserved in the Neogene of the Kerguelen Plateau. They are common and moderately to well preserved in the Oligocene sequences of Site 738, where the Eocene/Oligocene boundary was observed for the first time in subantarctic sediments, and Site 744. Radiolarians are absent from all glacial sediments from Prydz Bay. Classical Neogene stratigraphic markers were tabulated at all sites. Correlations with paleomagnetic ages were made at Sites 745 and 746 for 26 Pliocene-Pleistocene radiolarian events. Many Miocene to Holocene species are missing from Sites 736 and 737, which were drilled in shallow water (less than 800 m). The missing species are considered to be deepliving forms. Occurrences and relative abundances of morphotypes at six sites are reported. Two new genera (Eurystomoskevos and Cymaetron) and 17 new species (Actinomma kerguelenensis, A. campilacantha, Prunopyle trypopyrena, Stylodictya tainemplekta, Lithomelissa cheni, L. dupliphysa, Lophophaena(?) thaumasia, Pseudodictyophimus galeatus, Lamprocyclas inexpectata, L. prionotocodon, Botryostrobus kerguelensis, B. rednosus, Dictyoprora physothorax, Eucyrtidium antiquum, E.(?) mariae, Eurystomoskevos petrushevskaae, and Cymaetron sinolampas) are described from the middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments at Sites 738 and 744. Twenty-seven stratigraphic events are recorded in the middle to late Eocene of Site 738, and 27 additional stratigraphic datums are recorded, and correlated to paleomagnetic stratigraphy, in the early Oligocene at Sites 738 and 744. Eight radiolarian events are recorded in the late Oligocene at Site 744. New evolutionary lineages are proposed for Calocyclas semipolita and Prunopyle trypopyrena.


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At head of title: Published by Western Reserve historical society, Cleveland, O.


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Includes index.


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Reproduced from type-written copy.