993 resultados para Gis-Web


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Maps have been published on the world wide web since its inception (Cartwright, 1999) and are still accessed and viewed by millions of users today (Peterson, 2003). While early webbased GIS products lacked a complete set of cartographic capabilities, the functionality within such systems has significantly increased over recent years. Functionalities once found only in desktop GIS products are now available in web-based GIS applications, for example, data entry, basic editing, and analysis. Applications based on web-GIS are becoming more widespread and the web-based GIS environment is replacing the traditional desktop GIS platforms in many organizations. Therefore, development of a new cartographic method for web-based GIS is vital. The broad aim of this project is to examine and discuss the challenges and opportunities of innovative cartography methods for web-based GIS platforms. The work introduces a recently developed cartographic methodology, which is based on a web-based GIS portal by the Survey of Israel (SOI). The work discusses the prospects and constraints of such methods in improving web-GIS interfaces and usability for the end user. The work also tables the preliminary findings of the initial implementation of the web-based GIS cartographic method within the portal of the Survey of Israel, as well as the applicability of those methods elsewhere.


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Decision support systems (DSS) have evolved rapidly during the last decade from stand alone or limited networked solutions to online participatory solutions. One of the major enablers of this change is the fastest growing areas of geographical information system (GIS) technology development that relates to the use of the Internet as a means to access, display, and analyze geospatial data remotely. World-wide many federal, state, and particularly local governments are designing to facilitate data sharing using interactive Internet map servers. This new generation DSS or planning support systems (PSS), interactive Internet map server, is the solution for delivering dynamic maps and GIS data and services via the world-wide Web, and providing public participatory GIS (PPGIS) opportunities to a wider community (Carver, 2001; Jankowski & Nyerges, 2001). It provides a highly scalable framework for GIS Web publishing, Web-based public participatory GIS (WPPGIS), which meets the needs of corporate intranets and demands of worldwide Internet access (Craig, 2002). The establishment of WPPGIS provides spatial data access through a support centre or a GIS portal to facilitate efficient access to and sharing of related geospatial data (Yigitcanlar, Baum, & Stimson, 2003). As more and more public and private entities adopt WPPGIS technology, the importance and complexity of facilitating geospatial data sharing is growing rapidly (Carver, 2003). Therefore, this article focuses on the online public participation dimension of the GIS technology. The article provides an overview of recent literature on GIS and WPPGIS, and includes a discussion on the potential use of these technologies in providing a democratic platform for the public in decision-making.


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Detta arbete har bedrivits i syfte att kartlägga funktionalitet, teknik och användningsområde gällande Web Services. Innehållet utgör således en teoretisk utvärdering av Web Services, samt tester av grundläggande programmeringslösningar. De frågor arbetet ämnar besvara är hur en Web Services på lämpligt sätt kan baseras på en befintlig tjänst, samt på vilket sätt denna Web Services kan göra aktuell tjänst lättare att använda. Dessutom belyses eventuella problem som kan uppstå i samband med denna Web Services-anpassning. I syfte att presentera ett lösningsförslag på ovan nämnda frågor granskades, via en litteraturstudie, ett antal informatikrelaterade begrepp liksom faktorer förknippade med kommersiell verksamhet på Internet. Erhållen teoretisk fakta analyserades via empiriskt arbete. Resultaten av analysen indikerar att en Web Services baserad på karttjänsten MapService kan innebära vissa fördelar för det aktuella företaget såväl som för deras kunder. Att bredda tjänsteutbudet med en marknadsdominerande standard innebär vissa fördelar för ett företag, inte minst i form av ett potentiellt större kundunderlag. Kundens vinster utgörs främst av för ändamålet utformade toolkits. Dessa hjälpmedel och verktyg underlättar implementationen av aktuell tjänst. Den ansats som här valts, att designa Web Servicen som en parser (tolk/konverterare) vars huvudsakliga syfte är att förmedla kommunikation mellan användare och befintlig tjänst, har vissa fördelar. Främst det faktum att redan befintlig funktionalitet kan utnyttjas. All kommunikation mellan användare och server hanteras av Web Servicen, som enligt denna princip utgör ett nytt gränssnitt med vilket tjänsten MapService kan användas. Till följd av det omfattande teoretiska utredningsarbetet har detta arbete inte genererat några prototyper, annat än på ett teoretiskt plan. Det problem som återstår är att utreda exakt hur ovan nämnda parser skall vara utformad, för att sedan implementera all funktionalitet som en helhet.


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ACM Computing Classification System (1998): H.5.2, H.2.8, J.2, H.5.3.


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The first use of computing technologies and the development of land use models in order to support decision-making processes in urban planning date back to as early as mid 20th century. The main thrust of computing applications in urban planning is their contribution to sound decision-making and planning practices. During the last couple of decades many new computing tools and technologies, including geospatial technologies, are designed to enhance planners' capability in dealing with complex urban environments and planning for prosperous and healthy communities. This chapter, therefore, examines the role of information technologies, particularly internet-based geographic information systems, as decision support systems to aid public participatory planning. The chapter discusses challenges and opportunities for the use of internet-based mapping application and tools in collaborative decision-making, and introduces a prototype internet-based geographic information system that is developed to integrate public-oriented interactive decision mechanisms into urban planning practice. This system, referred as the 'Community-based Internet GIS' model, incorporates advanced information technologies, distance learning, sustainable urban development principles and community involvement techniques in decision-making processes, and piloted in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.


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A partir da Lei n. 6.938 de 31 de agosto de 1981, que constituiu o Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente, criou-se o Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente e instituiu-se o Cadastro Técnico Federal de Atividades e Instrumentos de Defesa Ambiental, a gestão ambiental pública ganhou um espaço cada vez maior nas administrações municipais, com a implementação de instrumentos de gestão ambiental propiciando aos municípios a possibilidade de ações efetivas que contribuam para uma melhor qualidade de vida a população. Esse trabalho propõe a criação de um método de classificação municipal que indicará qual o nível da gestão ambiental do município. Verificando o número de instrumentos de gestão ambiental constituído e o número de problemas ambientais ocorridos em cada município na visão do gestor local nos anos de 2006/2008. E ainda qual a influência do IDH tanto na implementação de tais instrumentos de gestão ambiental, como nas ocorrências dos problemas ambientais. Tal classificação tem a intenção de verificar se o município encontra-se bem aparelhado no que se refere à gestão ambiental, auxiliando para futuras decisões nas ações da política ambiental local. O foco desse trabalho serão os municípios dos estados de Minas Gerais, Piauí e Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados serão processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy) e apresentados em um website utilizando as linguagens de programação JSP, HTML, JavaScript e esse website armazenado em um servidor TomCat e tais resultados serão apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas e espaciais através de mapas temáticos em uma solução sig-web. Os dados estão armazenados em um Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados PostgreSQL com sua extensão espacial PostGIS, e o acesso aos mapas será feito através do servidor de mapas MapServer.


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Web GIS作为一门新兴的技术学科 ,依托互联网的环境和 Internet实用技术 ,成为地理信息系统理论研究和技术创新的增长点。随着网络技术和应用市场的不断发展和扩大 ,将促进 GIS新兴信息产业的形成。本文结合工作实践 ,论述了 Web GIS的技术背景与发展 ,以及系统功能等基础理论 ,重点讨论了 Web GIS的体系结构、实现策略和技术方法


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The objective of this study is to develop a Pollution Early Warning System (PEWS) for efficient management of water quality in oyster harvesting areas. To that end, this paper presents a web-enabled, user-friendly PEWS for managing water quality in oyster harvesting areas along Louisiana Gulf Coast, USA. The PEWS consists of (1) an Integrated Space-Ground Sensing System (ISGSS) gathering data for environmental factors influencing water quality, (2) an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for predicting the level of fecal coliform bacteria, and (3) a web-enabled, user-friendly Geographic Information System (GIS) platform for issuing water pollution advisories and managing oyster harvesting waters. The ISGSS (data acquisition system) collects near real-time environmental data from various sources, including NASA MODIS Terra and Aqua satellites and in-situ sensing stations managed by the USGS and the NOAA. The ANN model is developed using the ANN program in MATLAB Toolbox. The ANN model involves a total of 6 independent environmental variables, including rainfall, tide, wind, salinity, temperature, and weather type along with 8 different combinations of the independent variables. The ANN model is constructed and tested using environmental and bacteriological data collected monthly from 2001 – 2011 by Louisiana Molluscan Shellfish Program at seven oyster harvesting areas in Louisiana Coast, USA. The ANN model is capable of explaining about 76% of variation in fecal coliform levels for model training data and 44% for independent data. The web-based GIS platform is developed using ArcView GIS and ArcIMS. The web-based GIS system can be employed for mapping fecal coliform levels, predicted by the ANN model, and potential risks of norovirus outbreaks in oyster harvesting waters. The PEWS is able to inform decision-makers of potential risks of fecal pollution and virus outbreak on a daily basis, greatly reducing the risk of contaminated oysters to human health.


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This route planner, funded by the Palm Beach Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is a joint effort by Florida International University GIS Center and University of Florida Geomatics Program at Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. It is designed as a planning tool for bicyclists. Assistance was received from the Palm Beach County Bicycle, Greenways, Pedestrian Advisory Committee.


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This route planner, funded by the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization(MPO), is a joint effort by Florida International University GIS Center and University of Florida Geomatics Program at Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. It is designed as a planning tool for bicyclists. Assistance was received from the Miami-Dade County Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee and various cyclists and transportation professionals.


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This route planner, funded by the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is a joint effort by Florida International University GIS Center and University of Florida Geomatics Program at Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. It is designed as a planning tool for bicyclists. Assistance was received from the Broward County Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee and various cyclists and transportation professionals.


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Many producers of geographic information are now disseminating their data using open web service protocols, notably those published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. There are many challenges inherent in running robust and reliable services at reasonable cost. Cloud computing provides a new kind of scalable infrastructure that could address many of these challenges. In this study we implement a Web Map Service for raster imagery within the Google App Engine environment. We discuss the challenges of developing GIS applications within this framework and the performance characteristics of the implementation. Results show that the application scales well to multiple simultaneous users and performance will be adequate for many applications, although concerns remain over issues such as latency spikes. We discuss the feasibility of implementing services within the free usage quotas of Google App Engine and the possibility of extending the approaches in this paper to other GIS applications.