164 resultados para Gilpin


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Joseph Smith states in his Catalogue of Friends' books that Charles Gilpin edited this work.


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"This volume has been compiled from the third edition of the life of Mr. Gilpin, by his descendant, Rev. William Gilpin, published in 1780"--p. 5.


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Appended to the biography is "A sermon preached in the court at Greenwich, before King Edward VI ... MDLII, by Bernard Gilpin. Reprinted in the year 1752" (52 p.).


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Several protocols for isolation of mycobacteria from water exist, but there is no established standard method. This study compared methods of processing potable water samples for the isolation of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare using spiked sterilized water and tap water decontaminated using 0.005% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). Samples were concentrated by centrifugation or filtration and inoculated onto Middlebrook 7H10 and 7H11 plates and Lowenstein-Jensen slants and into mycobacterial growth indicator tubes with or without polymyxin, azlocillin, nalidixic acid, trimethoprim, and amphotericin B. The solid media were incubated at 32°C, at 35°C, and at 35°C with CO2 and read weekly. The results suggest that filtration of water for the isolation of mycobacteria is a more sensitive method for concentration than centrifugation. The addition of sodium thiosulfate may not be necessary and may reduce the yield. Middlebrook M7H10 and 7H11 were equally sensitive culture media. CPC decontamination, while effective for reducing growth of contaminants, also significantly reduces mycobacterial numbers. There was no difference at 3 weeks between the different incubation temperatures.


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Experimental and theoretical studies have been made of the electrothermal waves occurring in a nonequilibrium MHD plasma. These waves are caused by an instability that occurs when a plasma having a dependence of conductivity on current density is subjected to crossed electric and magnetic fields. Theoretically, these waves were studied by developing and solving the equations of a steady, one-dimensional nonuniformity in electron density. From these nonlinear equations, predictions of the maximum amplitude and of the half width of steady waves could be obtained. Experimentally, the waves were studied in a nonequilibrium discharge produced in a potassium-seeded argon plasma at 2000°K and 1 atm. pressure. The behavior of such a discharge with four different configurations of electrodes was determined from photographs, photomultiplier measurements, and voltage probes. These four configurations were chosen to produce steady waves, to check the stability of steady waves, and to observe the manifestation of the waves in a MHD generator or accelerator configuration.

Steady, one-dimensional waves were found to exist in a number of situations, and where they existed, their characteristics agreed with the predictions of the steady theory. Some extensions of this theory were necessary, however, to describe the transient phenomena occurring in the inlet region of a discharge transverse to the gas flow. It was also found that in a discharge away from the stabilizing effect of the electrodes, steady waves became unstable for large Hall parameters. Methods of prediction of the effective electrical conductivity and Hall parameter of a plasma with nonuniformities caused by the electrothermal waves were also studied. Using these methods and the values of amplitude predicted by the steady theory, it was found that the measured decrease in transverse conductivity of a MHD device, 50 per cent at a Hall parameter of 5, could be accounted for in terms of the electrothermal instability.


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This is the report on the strategic stock assessment survey of the Colton Beck catchment in 1994 with particular reference to salmonids in Colton Beck, River Ea, River Gilpin and Rusland Pool. This report forms one part of the third year of a triennial survey programme for the South West Cumbria and South Cumbria catchments. It was produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1994. Colton Beck had excellent densities of sea trout (Salmo trutta) and a small population of salmon (Salmo salar) in its lowest reaches. The total productivity was very good throughout the catchment. Stocking of sea trout fry in 1993 has enhanced the population with survivors through to parr probably adding to the scoring of double class A at two sites in the survey in 1994. Stocking was not undertaken in 1994, but the population appears to be maintaining itself at a very high level.


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Understanding the dynamics of fine sediment transport across the upper intertidal zone is critical in managing the erosion and accretion of intertidal areas, and in managed realignment/estuarine habitat recreation strategies. This paper examines the transfer of sediments between salt marsh and mudflat environments in two contrasting macrotidal estuaries: the Seine (France) and the Medway (UK), using data collected during two joint field seasons undertaken by the Anglo-French RIMEW project (Rives-Manche Estuary Watch). High-resolution ADCP, Altimeter, OBS and ASM measurements from mudflat and marsh surface environments have been combined with sediment trap data to examine short-term sediment transport processes under spring tide and storm flow conditions. In addition, the longer-term accumulation of sediment in each salt marsh system has been examined via radiometric dating of sediment cores. In the Seine, rapid sediment accumulation and expansion of salt marsh areas, and subsequent loss of open intertidal mudflats, is a major problem, and the data collected here indicate a distinct net landward flux of sediments into the marsh interior. Suspended sediment fluxes are much higher than in the Medway estuary (averaging 0.09 g/m(3)/s), and vertical accumulation rates at the salt marsh/mudflat boundary exceed 3 cm/y. Suspended sediment data collected during storm surge conditions indicate that significant in-wash of fine sediments into the marsh interior can occur during (and following) these high-magnitude events. In contrast to the Seine, the Medway is undergoing erosion and general loss of salt marsh areas. Suspended sediment fluxes are of the order of 0.03 g/m(3)/s, and the marsh system here has much lower rates of vertical accretion (sediment accumulation rates are ca. 4 mm/y). Current velocity data for the Medway site indicate higher velocities on the ebb tide than occur on the flood tide, which may be sufficient to remobilise sediments deposited on the previous tide and so force net removal of material from the marsh.