984 resultados para Giardia - Microbiologia
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Background: Hsp90 from Giardia lamblia is expressed by splicing of two independently transcribed RNA molecules, coded by genes named HspN and HspC located 777 kb apart. The reasons underlying such unique trans-splicing based generation of GlHsp90 remain unclear. Principle Finding: In this study using mass-spectrometry we identify the sequence of the unique, junctional peptide contributed by the 5' UTR of HspC ORF. This peptide is critical for the catalytic function of Hsp90 as it harbours an essential ``Arg'' in its sequence. We also show that full length GlHsp90 possesses all the functional hall marks of a canonical Hsp90 including its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP. Using qRT-PCR as well as western blotting approach we find the reconstructed Hsp90 to be induced in response to heat shock. On the contrary we find GlHsp90 to be down regulated during transition from proliferative trophozoites to environmentally resistant cysts. This down regulation of GlHsp90 appears to be mechanistically linked to the encystation process as we find pharmacological inhibition of GlHsp90 function to specifically induce encystation. Significance: Our results implicate the trans-spliced GlHsp90 from Giardia lamblia to regulate an essential stage transition in the life cycle of this important human parasite.
El Manual de Teoría de Microbiología II tiene como principal objetivo reunir la mayor información básica de los contenidos establecidos en el programa de la asignatura, de esta forma los estudiantes adquieran los conocimientos necesarios. Les aporta además la forma estructurada para el aprendizaje, lo cual le posi- bilita un método de estudio y establecer las interrelaciones necesarias para un estudio sistemático. Como texto básico podrá después utilizar textos con mayor información teniendo de antemano los conocimientos previos y necesarios. La información reunida en el presente Manual de Microbiología II es el resultado de la recopilación de la información de autores y especialistas, solo nos correspondió sobre las experiencias de los que nos precedieron reunir y estructurar los contenidos. Es necesario establecer para su estudio un pensamiento lógico y de constante interrelación y a la vez de integración hacia el desarrollo de un pensamiento independiente y creativo. Es muy importante establecer un estudio sistemático y el uso de la síntesis y a la vez emplear un método científico, elevada avidez por saber y profundizar para adquirir la formación de un profesional preparado y capacitado para asumir las responsabilidades en el cumplimiento de sus compromisos sociales.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether rDNA of Giardia lamblia forms a nucleolus organizer region (NOR)-like structure and is in a very primitive state. STUDY DESIGN: G lamblia was used as the experimental animal, with Euglena gracilis as the control. The distribution was demonstrated indirectly by the modified Ag-I silver technique, which can specifically indicate the NOR under both light and electron microscopes. RESULTS: In the ultrathin sections of silver-stained Euglena cells, all the silver grains were concentrated in the fibrosa of the nucleolus, while no grains found in the cytoplasm, nucleoplasm, condensed chromosomes or pars granulosa of the nucleus. In the silver-stained Giardia cells, no nucleolus was found; a few silver grains were scattered in the nucleus but were not concentrated in any specific region. CONCLUSION: The distribution of silver grains in G lamblia showed that the transcription of rDNA occurs inside the nucleus, though no nucleolus is present. It is possible that chromosomes are in a very primitive state in diplomonad cells; as each chromosome has few prRNA genes, the transcription is independent of a nucleolus. These results imply that the rDNA of Giardia does not form a NOR-like structure and seems to represent a very primitive state in the evolution of the nucleolus.
目的 探讨蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 (Giardialamblia)磷酸丙糖异构酶基因种内差异。方法 提取虫体总DNA ,对所有虫株磷酸丙糖异构酶 (tim)基因部分片段进行PCR扩增。测定序列后 ,用简约法和NJ法构建系统树进行系统发育分析。结果 共有 12 4个位点存在变异 (占所有测定序列中的 2 3% ) ,且大多数为发生在密码子的同义突变。两种构树方法所得二树的分枝结构相似 ,均将受试的 16株蓝氏贾第虫分为明显的两组。结论 宿主及地理因素对蓝氏贾第虫群体的遗传多样性影响不大。在DNA分子进化水平上 ,自然选择的影响十分显著。可将tim基因作为蓝氏贾第虫群体遗传结构一个十分有效的遗传标记。
Objective To confirm the genetic relation between Giardia lamblia (G. lamblia) isolates from different geographic regions of China and other countries. Methods Genomic DNA were extracted from the trophozoites or cysts of Giardia lamblia. The triose phosphate isomerase (tim) gene was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. PCR products were digested with endonuclease and sequenced. The data of sequencing were analyzed with the DNAstar software and compared with that of the isolates acquired from GenBank. Results Of nine isolates of Giardia lamblia from China (C1, C2, CH2 and CH3), Cambodia (CAM), Australia (A1 and A2) and America (BP and CDC), respectively, 3 (A1, A2 and CAM) fit into Group 1 (WB), 2 (CH2 and CH3) into Group 2, and 4 (C1, C2, BP and CDC) into Group 3 (GS). The results confirmed the genetic relatedness of G. lamblia isolates from all over the world. Conclusion Genotyping isolates of G. Lamblia provides important information for establishing the phylogenetic relationship or for the epidemiological evaluation of the spreading of this organism.
The genes encoding type II DNA topoisomerases were investigated in Giardia lamblia genome, and a type IIA gene, GlTop 2 was identified. It is a single copy gene with a 4476 by long ORF without intron. The deduced amino acid sequence shows strong homology to eukaryotic DNA Top 2. However, some distortions were found, such as six insertions in the ATPase domain and the central domain, a similar to 100 as longer central domain; a similar to 200 as shorter C-terminal domain containing rich charged residues. These features revealed by comparing with Top 2 of the host, human, might be helpful in exploiting drug selectivity for antigiardial therapy. Phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic enzymes showed that kinetoplastids, plants, fungi, and animals were monophyletic groups, and the animal and fungi lineages shared a more recent common ancestor than either did with the plant lineage; microsporidia grouped with fungi. However, unlike many previous phylogenetic analyses, the "amitochondriate" G. lamblia was not the earliest branch but diverged after mitochondriate kinetoplastids in our trees. Both the finding of typical eukaryotic type IIA topoisomerase and the phylogenetic analysis suggest G. lamblia is not possibly as primitive as was regarded before and might diverge after the acquisition of mitochondria. This is consistent with the recent discovery of mitochondrial remnant organelles in G. lamblia.
Giaridia lamblia was long considered to be one of the most primitive eukaryotes and to lie close to the transition between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, but several supporting features, such as lack of mitochondrion and Golgi, have been challenged recently. It was also reported previously that G. lamblia lacked nucleolus, which is the site of pre-rRNA processing and ribosomal assembling in the other eukaryotic cells. Here, we report the identification of the yeast homolog gene, krr1, in the anucleolate eukaryote, G. lamblia. The krr1 gene, encoding one of the pre-rRNA processing proteins in yeast, is actively transcribed in G. lamblia. The deduced protein sequence of G. lamblia krr1 is highly similar to yeast KRR1p that contains a single-KH domain. Our database searches indicated that krr1 genes actually present in diverse eukaryotes and also seem to present in Archaea. However, only the eukaryotic homologs, including that of G. lamblia, have the single-KH domain, which contains the conserved motif KR(K)R. Fibrillarin, another important pre-rRNA processing protein has also been identified previously in G. lamblia. Moreover, our database search shows that nearly half of the other nucleolus-localized protein genes of eukaryotic cells also have their homologs in Giardia. Therefore, we suggest that a common mechanism of pre-RNA processing may operate in the anucleolate eukaryote G. lamblia and in the other eukaryotes and that like the case of "lack of mitochondrion," "lack of nucleolus" may not be a primitive feature, but a secondarily evolutionary condition of the parasite.
Using a combined computational program. we identified 50 potential microRNAs (miRNAs) in Giardia lamblia. one of the most primitive unicellular eukaryotes. These miRNAs are unique to G. lamblia and no homologues have been found in other organisms; miRNAs.
Background: Giardia are a group of widespread intestinal protozoan parasites in a number of vertebrates. Much evidence from G. lamblia indicated they might be the most primitive extant eukaryotes. When and how such a group of the earliest branching unicellular eukaryotes developed the ability to successfully parasitize the latest branching higher eukaryotes (vertebrates) is an intriguing question. Gene duplication has long been thought to be the most common mechanism in the production of primary resources for the origin of evolutionary novelties. In order to parse the evolutionary trajectory of Giardia parasitic lifestyle, here we carried out a genome-wide analysis about gene duplication patterns in G. lamblia. Results: Although genomic comparison showed that in G. lamblia the contents of many fundamental biologic pathways are simplified and the whole genome is very compact, in our study 40% of its genes were identified as duplicated genes. Evolutionary distance analyses of these duplicated genes indicated two rounds of large scale duplication events had occurred in G. lamblia genome. Functional annotation of them further showed that the majority of recent duplicated genes are VSPs (Variant-specific Surface Proteins), which are essential for the successful parasitic life of Giardia in hosts. Based on evolutionary comparison with their hosts, it was found that the rapid expansion of VSPs in G. lamblia is consistent with the evolutionary radiation of placental mammals. Conclusions: Based on the genome-wide analysis of duplicated genes in G. lamblia, we found that gene duplication was essential for the origin and evolution of Giardia parasitic lifestyle. The recent expansion of VSPs uniquely occurring in G. lamblia is consistent with the increment of its hosts. Therefore we proposed a hypothesis that the increment of Giradia hosts might be the driving force for the rapid expansion of VSPs.
Associações microbianas na nutrição nitrogenada da soja; Caracterização genética, fisiológica e bioquímica de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium para a cultura da soja e de solos da Região Sul e do Cerrado e com maior eficiência de fixação do nitrogênio e capacidade competitiva (; Experimentação em rede nacional para recomendação de estirpes de Bradyrhizobium e inoculantes (; Caracterizaao e seleção de genótipos de soja para a fixação biológica do N2 e observação de genótipos mais responsivos (; Interação entre espécies vegetais e microrganismos do solo em sistemas de rotação e sucessão de culturas em semeadura direta ou preparo convencional do solo (; Efeito ecológico e mutagênico do Al e Mn sobre o Bradyrhizobium japonicum e B. elkanii (04.1994.322-15); Compatibilidade de aplicação conjunta nas sementes, de fungicidas, micronutrientes e inoculantes, sobre a sobrevivência do Bradyrhizobium e a eficiência de fixação biológica do nitrogênio (
Taxonomia bacteriana ? aspectos atuais e perspectivas. Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans: fatores de virulência e modulação do sistema imune. Escherichia coli diarreiogênica em animais. Fatores de virulência em escherichia coli patogênica Extraintestinal. Enterococcus sp em alimentos: paradigmas. Resistência a carbapenêmicos em enterobactérias. Resistência em Staphylococcus aureus. Relação mútua entre Candida albicans e imunidade. Switching fenotípico em Candida spp Phytomonas spp.: modelo para estudo de processos biológicos da família Trypanosomatidae? Rotavirus. Antimicrobianos naturais produzidos por microrganismos: da busca à identificação. Antivirais naturais. Nanopartículas metálicas com atividade antimicrobiana. Plantas medicinais: A busca de novos fármacos no tratamento de doenças causadas por protozoários tripanossomatídeos. Introdução, estabelecimento e adaptação de Bradirrizóbios simbiontes da soja em solos brasileiros. Microrganismos e processos microbianos como bioindicadores de qualidade ambiental.