1000 resultados para Germplasm Characterization
The purpose of this study was to characterize cultivated genotypes of three jabuticaba species (Plinia cauliflora, P. trunciflora, and P. jaboticaba). Phenology and fruit growth, as well as leaf, flower and fruit traits were evaluated. Variability in all traits was observed among genotypes of the three jabuticaba species. The trait peduncle size is indicated for differentiation of the three species under study. The leaf and fruit sizes of the genotypes P. trunciflora 3, P. trunciflora 4, P. trunciflora 5 and P. jaboticaba 1 differ from those described in the literature for these species, indicating the formation of ecotypes. Jabuticaba fruit skin contains high anthocyanin and flavonoid concentrations, with potential use in food and pharmaceutical industries.
Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in taro (Colocasia esculenta)
Microsatellite-containing sequences were isolated from enriched genomic libraries of taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott). The sequencing of 269 clones yielded 77 inserts containing repeat motifs. The majority of these (81.7%) were dinucleotide or trinucleotide repeats. The GT/CA repeat motif was the most common, accounting for 42% of all repeat types. From a total of 43 primer pairs designed, 41 produced markers within the expected size range. Sixteen (39%) were polymorphic when screened against a restricted set of taro genotypes from Southeast Asia and Oceania, with an average of 3.2 alleles detected on each locus. These markers represent a useful resource for taro germplasm management, genome mapping, and marker-assisted selection.
The present work aimed at evaluating the divergence among common bean accessions by their agronomic, morphological and molecular traits, based on the Ward-MLM procedure. A collection of 57 accessions from the gene bank of Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo was used in this study, from which: 31 were landraces belonging to the community Fortaleza, in the municipality of Muqui, ES, Brazil; 20 accessions were provided by Embrapa Trigo; and 6 were commercial cultivars. Five agronomic traits (plant cycle, number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, weight of 100 seeds, and grain yield), five morphological traits (growth habit, plant size, seed shape, seed color, and commercial group) and 16 microsatellite primers were evaluated. High genetic variability was detected considering morphological, agronomic and molecular traits in the 57 common bean accessions studied. The Ward-MLM procedure showed that the ideal number of groups was five, according to the pseudo F and pseudo t² criteria. The accessions from Andean origin had heavier seeds than others and formed a cluster. The Ward-MLM statistical procedure is a useful technique to detect genetic divergence and to cluster genotypes by simultaneously using morphological, agronomic and molecular data.
The objective of this work was to characterize mandarin (Citrus spp.) germplasm from Southern Brazil by morphological and molecular analyses. Thirty seven cultivars from 34 distinct mandarin varieties were evaluated by morphological and agronomic traits of leaves, flowers and fruits, and by microsatellite markers. The morphological and agronomic characteristics suggested that almost all varieties can be produced for commercial use, and some, as the Satsuma variety, are recommended for breeding programs. Pooled DNA samples from 1-5 plants belonging to each cultivar were tested. Eight of the nine primers detected polymorphisms. Specific markers were found for some accessions. The dendrogram constructed with the morphological results divided the 37 cultivars into four groups, while that obtained with the microsatellites clustered 35 of the 37 cultivars into three groups only. Generally, intervarietal differences are not high, and this lack of agreement in the two multifactorial analyses indicates that diverse evolutionary factors are acting at these two levels of investigation.
The objective of this work was to characterize 119 accessions of guava and 40 accessions of "araçá" sampled in 35 Brazilian ecoregions, according to the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) descriptors. The majority of "araçá" accessions presented wide spacing of leaf veins, while guava accessions presented medium to close spacing. Most fruits of "araçá" accessions were classified as small, contrasting with medium to large fruits of guava accessions. Most of "araçá" accessions (91%) presented white flesh fruit color, while 58% of guava accessions presented pale pink, pink and dark pink colors. Fruit differences among wild and cultivated Psidium species indicate fruit as the most altered trait under artificial selection.
The objective of the present work was to characterize banana accessions from the Germplasm Bank at Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura Tropical (Brazil), using agronomical, physical and physicochemical characteristics of fruit and simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers. Twenty-six accessions were analyzed, in which high genetic variability was found, especially for the agronomical characters number of fruit and weight of bunch. Accessions with high contents of carotenoids (diploid 'Jaran'), polyphenols (triploid 'Caipira' and tetraploid 'Teparod') and vitamin C (diploid 'Tuugia' and an unknown triploid AAA) in the fruit were identified. Thirteen microsatellite primers revealed an average of 7.23 alleles, which showed high variability. A dendrogram was prepared using the Gower algorithm for the distance matrices obtained from the agronomical, physical and physicolchemical analysis of fruit and SSR markers. Adopting the average genetic divergence as the cut-off point, three clusters were found: G1, formed by the diploids 'Jaran', 028003-01 and M-48; G2, by the diploids 'Malbut' and 'Ido 110'; and G3, by 21 tri-and tetraploid accessions, including one diploid, 'Tuugia'. The triploids with the B genome 'Thap Maeo', 'Walha', 'Pacha Nadan' and 'Champa Madras' were grouped in G2. Results from this work can be used for breeding hybrids with good agronomical traits and fruit quality.
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates from 35 grapefruit accessions belonging to Citrus Active Germplasm Bank of the "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas" located at the "Centro APTA Citros Sylvio Moreira", Cordeirópolis, São Paulo state, Brazil, were characterized and evaluated through symptoms in the trees, biological indexing, immunological diagnosis with different monoclonal antibodies and SSCP analysis (single-strand conformation polymorphism) of the coat protein gene. Symptomatology indicated that, in general, the group of plants with smaller canopy volume and severe stem pitting differed significantly from the group that presented greater vegetative development and mild to moderate stem pitting. However, the isolates from most of the accessions induced mild reaction on Mexican lime. The serological evaluation through the DAS-ELISA using monoclonal antibodies did not reveal any association between virus titer in the plant tissue and symptoms. The reaction with different monoclonal antibodies and the distinct electrophoresis patterns obtained through SSCP showed that there is a high degree of diversity among the isolates that infect these grapefruit accessions. High complexity within the same isolate was also observed in the SSCP profiles. This finding indicates that the CTV isolates from these plants are a complex mixture of CTV haplotypes. Similar SSCP banding patterns were observed among some plants with strong stem pitting symptoms, and among some plants with weak or moderate stem pitting symptoms.
Pimenta-de-macaco é uma espécie que possui propriedades que permitem o desenvolvimento de defensivos agrícolas naturais e medicamentos, apresentando, portanto, grande potencial de uso pela humanidade. Com o objetivo de determinar a variabilidade fenotípica, foram estudadas 41 matrizes amostradas nos Estados do Pará e Amazonas. Utilizou-se análises de componentes principais e critério de Jolliffe para descarte de variáveis, subsidiado pela correlação de Pearson. Foram necessários sete componentes para explicar 80% da variação. O rendimento de óleo essencial e o número de folhas por ramo foram sugeridos para descarte por serem as características que menos contribuíram para a variação total. A dispersão gráfica 3D formou um grupo relativamente homogêneo e contínuo, permitindo identificar um par divergente: PA-020 (Marabá-PA) e PA-035 (Santa Isabel-PA). Concluiu-se que os caracteres analisados possuem variabilidade potencialmente capaz de discriminar as matrizes, com 83,3% de tais caracteres podendo ser utilizados para este objetivo. Os genótipos divergentes, identificados na análise gráfica 3D, podem ser usados em programas de melhoramento para obtenção de genótipos superiores. A comparação com os dados moleculares, previamente existentes, de alguns desses genótipos permite concluir, também, que a caracterização molecular, apesar de apresentar certo grau de concordância com a caracterização morfológica, teve maior poder discriminatório, utilizando um menor número de genótipos e procedências, identificando grupos dissimilares e genótipos divergentes, embora analisado por método estatístico multivariado diferente.
This thesis aimed to characterise two large tetraploid germplasm collections. The Global Durum Panel, involving modern cultivars and landrances and the Tetraploid Global Collection which comprises all the tetraploid wheat subgroups. Two distinct parallel studies were carried out. The first is focused on the characterisation of both collection for yield and quality related traits. The panel were phenotyped for two consecutive years each. In this phase the following traits were collected: the number of fertile spikelets per spike, the number of fertile florets of central spikelet for the spike-related traits. The following grain related traits were also phenotyped: the thousand kernel weight, the average grain area, average grain length, average grain width, grain brightness, grain redness, grain yellowness. GWAS analysis were performed for each collected trait and major QTLs were subjected to candidate gene analysis. Major QTLs emerging from GWA study were located on chromosome 2A with a strong bibliographic evidence for grain number-related traits such as the fertile spikelet number, the number of fertile florets per central spikelet. On the other hand two evident peaks were detected on chromosomes 6A and 7B for grain size and weight related traits. The second work was focused on the characterisation of the Global Durum Panel for root system architecture components, namely the root growth angle. GWAS analysis was perfomed and three major QTLs were detected on chromosome 2A, 6A and 7A. These three QTLs all have a bibliographic evidence.
Germplasm molecular and phenotypic characterization is instrumental to its utilization and to genetic variability incorporation into rice breeding programmes. The diversity within 192 Japanese rice accessions was analysed for 22 agro-morphological traits and 24 single sequence repeat markers. A total of 181 alleles were detected, 38 of which were exclusive. The number of alleles/marker ranged from 2 to 16, with an average of 7.54 alleles/locus and the H(e) value ranged from 0.01 to 0.82, with an average of 0.46. The accessions showed diversity at molecular and phenotypic level and few showed also good agronomic performance. Tocher`s method applied on a total-dissimilarity matrix was used to determine cluster formation of 13 diversity groups. Most of the accessions (81%) were clustered within a group, whereas eight accessions (Kyuushuu, Eika Ine, Ishiwari Mochi, Col/Fukui/1965, Ookuma Nishiki, Suzume Shirazu, Iwate Ryoon and Toga) did not cluster with other accessions.
P>Curcuma longa L. is a sterile, triploid, vegetatively-propagated crop cultivated mainly in Southeast Asia. When dried rhizomes are ground, the resulting yellow powder is used by the food industry as a natural food dye. Moreover, many pharmacological compounds have broadened the commercial application of the crop. However, conventional breeding is difficult and hence, improvement has been limited to germplasm selection. To better utilize the germplasm collections and facilitate genotype selection, a total of 17 polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed using a CT/GT/CTT enriched genomic library. All microsatellites resulted in amplified PCR products, showing a banding pattern of 2-11 polymorphic bands per locus, enabling genotype discrimination. These results can be used in further studies aimed at characterizing C. longa genetic resource collections and also to improve breeding strategies.
Castor (Ricinus communis L.) is an important oleaginous plant from both economic and social points of view. The seeds contain an oil with excellent properties for industrial uses. This paper presents the main results of a study aiming to develop microsatellite markers for castor. Twelve new polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated and characterized in 38 genotypes accessions from the castor germplasm of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA). Knowledge on the genetic diversity of castor can be used to gain a better understanding on genetic diversity conservation, and germplasm management, guiding breeding programs and conservation strategies.
Because of the increasing demand of the industry for the production of essential oils, studies highlight the genetic variability of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum species according to their patterns of spatial distribution, showing the Amazon region as the source of superior genetic material in the production of safrole and dillapiole. Thus, the objective this study was to characterize the morphology and the phytochemistry of Piper hispidinervum and P. aduncum populations in the Active Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Acre to generate subsidies for the genetic improvement of these species. The results showed that the average values for leaf width and length were 141.67 and 48.04 mm, and petioles length and diameter measurements were 2.83 and 1.78 mm for P. hispidinervum and 189.22; 67.74; 6.03 and 2.22 mm for P. aduncum respectively. The average height and canopy volume measurements were 2.39 m and 6.30 m3 and 2.70 m and 7.78 m3 respectively for each species. For P. hispidinervum, the population with higher performance indried yield and content of safrole was population 02, with 3.9%, and the population 04 showed 94.3% safrole content, both with genetic material from the region of Acrelândia and Plácido de Castro. To P. aduncum, the populations with better performance were 207, 208 and 209, forming a homogeneous group with dried yield average of 3.8% and dillapiol content of 84-85%. Such populations are indicated for selection in breeding program of these species due to better performance.
The objective of this work was to characterize the grape germplasm in Santa Catarina, Brazil, using microsatellite DNA markers (simple sequence repeats - SSR). The DNA samples were collected from leaves and shoots of accessions of public and private collections from the counties Urussanga, Nova Trento, Rodeio, São Joaquim, Campos Novos, Videira, and Água Doce. Ten SSR loci (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD27, VrZAG62, VrZAG79, VVMD25, VVMD28, VVMD31, and VVMD32) were analysed by capillary electrophoresis. Molecular profiling was conducted for 190 grapevines (European, American, and hybrids), and 67 genotypes were obtained. The data were compared with each other and with those from the literature and from online databases, in order to identify varieties and discover cases of synonymy and homonymy. Forty molecular profiles corresponded to known varieties, while 27 genotypes were described for the first time. The existence of typical germplasm composed mainly of American and hybrid varieties is an important finding for local viticulture. Applications of the results rely on quality control and certification at the nursery level. Increasing precision in the characterization of grapevine genotypes may help breeding programs.