893 resultados para Gerencia : Workflow


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Este trabalho apresenta uma arquitetura para Ambientes de Desenvolvimento de Software (ADS). Esta arquitetura é baseada em produtos comerciais de prateleira (COTS), principalmente em um Sistema de Gerência de Workflow – SGW (Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server – E2K) - e tem como plataforma de funcionamento a Internet, integrando também algumas ferramentas que fazem parte do grande conjunto de aplicativos que é utilizado no processo de desenvolvimento de software. O desenvolvimento de um protótipo (WOSDIE – WOrkflow-based Software Development Integrated Environment) baseado na arquitetura apresentada é descrito em detalhes, mostrando as etapas de construção, funções implementadas e dispositivos necessários para a integração de um SGW, ferramentas de desenvolvimento, banco de dados (WSS – Web Storage System) e outros, para a construção de um ADS. O processo de software aplicado no WOSDIE foi extraído do RUP (Rational Unified Process – Processo Unificado Rational). Este processo foi modelado na ferramenta Workflow Designer, que permite a modelagem dos processos de workflow dentro do E2K. A ativação de ferramentas a partir de um navegador Web e o armazenamento dos artefatos produzidos em um projeto de software também são abordados. O E2K faz o monitoramento dos eventos que ocorrem dentro do ambiente WOSDIE, definindo, a partir das condições modeladas no Workflow Designer, quais atividades devem ser iniciadas após o término de alguma atividade anterior e quem é o responsável pela execução destas novas atividades (assinalamento de atividades). A arquitetura proposta e o protótipo WOSDIE são avaliados segundo alguns critérios retirados de vários trabalhos. Estas avaliações mostram em mais detalhes as características da arquitetura proposta e proporcionam uma descrição das vantagens e problemas associados ao WOSDIE.


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Sistemas Gerenciadores de Workflow (SGWf) têm atraído muita atenção nos últimos anos, por serem baseados em um modelo simples que permite definir, executar e monitorar a execução de processos. Mas este esquema é um tanto quanto rígido e inflexível, apresentando alguns problemas quando da necessidade de sua utilização no controle de processos com características cooperativas, em que o comportamento humano deve ser levado em conta. Este tipo de processo deve apresentar uma certa flexibilidade de forma a possibilitar a troca de resultados entre tarefas, acabando com a dependência fim-início existente entre tarefas seqüenciais nos SGWfs tradicionais. A fim de possibilitar este tipo de comportamento, surge a antecipação de tarefas, que tem por objetivo oferecer meios de flexibilizar o fluxo de controle e o fluxo de dados para permitir que tarefas possam ser disparadas antes mesmo da conclusão de suas antecessoras. A antecipação implica no aumento da cooperação entre tarefas e em melhor desempenho com relação ao tempo de execução dos processos. O aumento na cooperação está relacionado diretamente à troca de resultados, permitindo que duas ou mais tarefas trabalhem sobre instâncias de um determinado dado que ainda está sendo produzido. O melhor desempenho deve-se ao paralelismo (parcial) criado entre tarefas que deveriam executar de maneira estritamente seqüencial, devido ao disparo das tarefas antes do previsto. Este trabalho então, apresenta um estudo das abordagens de flexibilização de SGWfs, visando encontrar maneiras de prover antecipação de tarefas. O principal objetivo do trabalho é verificar a melhoria de desempenho em termos de tempo de execução dos processos que se pode obter utilizando a antecipação de tarefas Para tal, foi desenvolvido um simulador que suporta a antecipação de tarefas e foram conduzidas simulações, que mostraram os ganhos e alguns padrões de comportamento da utilização da antecipação de tarefas. Para possibilitar o uso da antecipação em processos reais foram realizadas alterações na ferramenta de definição de processos Amaya Workflow e na máquina de workflow do projeto CEMT.


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Forensic analysis requires the acquisition and management of many different types of evidence, including individual disk drives, RAID sets, network packets, memory images, and extracted files. Often the same evidence is reviewed by several different tools or examiners in different locations. We propose a backwards-compatible redesign of the Advanced Forensic Formatdan open, extensible file format for storing and sharing of evidence, arbitrary case related information and analysis results among different tools. The new specification, termed AFF4, is designed to be simple to implement, built upon the well supported ZIP file format specification. Furthermore, the AFF4 implementation has downward comparability with existing AFF files.


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Simulation is widely used as a tool for analyzing business processes but is mostly focused on examining abstract steady-state situations. Such analyses are helpful for the initial design of a business process but are less suitable for operational decision making and continuous improvement. Here we describe a simulation system for operational decision support in the context of workflow management. To do this we exploit not only the workflow’s design, but also use logged data describing the system’s observed historic behavior, and incorporate information extracted about the current state of the workflow. Making use of actual data capturing the current state and historic information allows our simulations to accurately predict potential near-future behaviors for different scenarios. The approach is supported by a practical toolset which combines and extends the workflow management system YAWL and the process mining framework ProM.


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An Asset Management (AM) life-cycle constitutes a set of processes that align with the development, operation and maintenance of assets, in order to meet the desired requirements and objectives of the stake holders of the business. The scope of AM is often broad within an organization due to the interactions between its internal elements such as human resources, finance, technology, engineering operation, information technology and management, as well as external elements such as governance and environment. Due to the complexity of the AM processes, it has been proposed that in order to optimize asset management activities, process modelling initiatives should be adopted. Although organisations adopt AM principles and carry out AM initiatives, most do not document or model their AM processes, let alone enacting their processes (semi-) automatically using a computer-supported system. There is currently a lack of knowledge describing how to model AM processes through a methodical and suitable manner so that the processes are streamlines and optimized and are ready for deployment in a computerised way. This research aims to overcome this deficiency by developing an approach that will aid organisations in constructing AM process models quickly and systematically whilst using the most appropriate techniques, such as workflow technology. Currently, there is a wealth of information within the individual domains of AM and workflow. Both fields are gaining significant popularity in many industries thus fuelling the need for research in exploring the possible benefits of their cross-disciplinary applications. This research is thus inspired to investigate these two domains to exploit the application of workflow to modelling and execution of AM processes. Specifically, it will investigate appropriate methodologies in applying workflow techniques to AM frameworks. One of the benefits of applying workflow models to AM processes is to adapt and enable both ad-hoc and evolutionary changes over time. In addition, this can automate an AM process as well as to support the coordination and collaboration of people that are involved in carrying out the process. A workflow management system (WFMS) can be used to support the design and enactment (i.e. execution) of processes and cope with changes that occur to the process during the enactment. So far few literatures can be found in documenting a systematic approach to modelling the characteristics of AM processes. In order to obtain a workflow model for AM processes commonalities and differences between different AM processes need to be identified. This is the fundamental step in developing a conscientious workflow model for AM processes. Therefore, the first stage of this research focuses on identifying the characteristics of AM processes, especially AM decision making processes. The second stage is to review a number of contemporary workflow techniques and choose a suitable technique for application to AM decision making processes. The third stage is to develop an intermediate ameliorated AM decision process definition that improves the current process description and is ready for modelling using the workflow language selected in the previous stage. All these lead to the fourth stage where a workflow model for an AM decision making process is developed. The process model is then deployed (semi-) automatically in a state-of-the-art WFMS demonstrating the benefits of applying workflow technology to the domain of AM. Given that the information in the AM decision making process is captured at an abstract level within the scope of this work, the deployed process model can be used as an executable guideline for carrying out an AM decision process in practice. Moreover, it can be used as a vanilla system that, once being incorporated with rich information from a specific AM decision making process (e.g. in the case of a building construction or a power plant maintenance), is able to support the automation of such a process in a more elaborated way.


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In recent years several scientific Workflow Management Systems (WfMSs) have been developed with the aim to automate large scale scientific experiments. As yet, many offerings have been developed, but none of them has been promoted as an accepted standard. In this paper we propose a pattern-based evaluation of three among the most widely used scientific WfMSs: Kepler, Taverna and Triana. The aim is to compare them with traditional business WfMSs, emphasizing the strengths and deficiencies of both systems. Moreover, a set of new patterns is defined from the analysis of the three considered systems.


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"This column is distinguished from previous Impact columns in that it concerns the development tightrope between research and commercial take-up and the role of the LGPL in an open source workflow toolkit produced in a University environment. Many ubiquitous systems have followed this route, (Apache, BSD Unix, ...), and the lessons this Service Oriented Architecture produces cast yet more light on how software diffuses out to impact us all." Michiel van Genuchten and Les Hatton Workflow management systems support the design, execution and analysis of business processes. A workflow management system needs to guarantee that work is conducted at the right time, by the right person or software application, through the execution of a workflow process model. Traditionally, there has been a lack of broad support for a workflow modeling standard. Standardization efforts proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition in the late nineties suffered from limited support for routing constructs. In fact, as later demonstrated by the Workflow Patterns Initiative (www.workflowpatterns.com), a much wider range of constructs is required when modeling realistic workflows in practice. YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language that was developed to show that comprehensive support for the workflow patterns is achievable. Soon after its inception in 2002, a prototype system was built to demonstrate that it was possible to have a system support such a complex language. From that initial prototype, YAWL has grown into a fully-fledged, open source workflow management system and support environment


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Petri nets are often used to model and analyze workflows. Many workflow languages have been mapped onto Petri nets in order to provide formal semantics or to verify correctness properties. Typically, the so-called Workflow nets are used to model and analyze workflows and variants of the classical soundness property are used as a correctness notion. Since many workflow languages have cancelation features, a mapping to workflow nets is not always possible. Therefore, it is interesting to consider workflow nets with reset arcs. Unfortunately, soundness is undecidable for workflow nets with reset arcs. In this paper, we provide a proof and insights into the theoretical limits of workflow verification.


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Traditional workflow systems focus on providing support for the control-flow perspective of a business process, with other aspects such as data management and work distribution receiving markedly less attention. A guide to desirable workflow characteristics is provided by the well-known workflow patterns which are derived from a comprehensive survey of contemporary tools and modelling formalisms. In this paper we describe the approach taken to designing the newYAWL workflow system, an offering that aims to provide comprehensive support for the control-flow, data and resource perspectives based on the workflow patterns. The semantics of the newYAWL workflow language are based on Coloured Petri Nets thus facilitating the direct enactment and analysis of processes described in terms of newYAWL language constructs. As part of this discussion, we explain how the operational semantics for each of the language elements are embodied in the newYAWL system and indicate the facilities required to support them in an operational environment. We also review the experiences associated with developing a complete operational design for an offering of this scale using formal techniques.


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The field of workflow technology has burgeoned in recent years providing a variety of means of automating business processes. It is a great source of opportunity for organisations seeking to streamline and optimise their operations. Despite these advantages however, the current generation of workflow technologies are subject to a variety of criticisms, in terms of their restricted view of what comprises a business process, their imprecise definition and their general inflexibility. As a remedy to these potential difficulties, in this paper we propose a series of development goals for the next generation of workflow technology. We also present newYAWL, a formally defined, multi-perspective reference language for workflow systems.