8 resultados para Georeferenciamento


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Introdução: O estudo da estatura é muito importante, pois a altura definitiva alcançada por uma população é um poderoso indicador das condições de vida na infância. Se o meio em que a criança vive não estiver em condições ideais seu crescimento pode estar prejudicado. O crescimento total atingido por uma população não é determinado apenas por fatores biológicos. A combinação dos fatores sócio-econômicos com a dieta e as condições de saúde podem ser os maiores contribuidores. Do ponto de vista genético nascemos com um potencial de crescimento que poderá ou não ser atingido dependendo das condições de vida a que estamos expostos na infância. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a evolução da estatura de conscritos, na idade de 18 anos, no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e fatores associados. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 5 painéis sucessivos de estatura. Analisaram-se os dados de 97976 indivíduos do sexo masculino nascidos e alistados nos municípios do RS. O período de alistamento variou de 2000 a 2004. Os anos de nascimento variaram de 1982 a 1986. Os dados foram analisados no software SPSS 10.0 e Statisca 4.3. Para o georeferenciamento utilizou-se o software TabWin do Ministério da Saúde. Resultados: A média de estatura encontrada foi de 173,70 cm com desvio padrão de 6,94 cm. Verificou-se uma tendência positiva na evolução da estatura para o Estado com um todo. O aumento real foi de 0,29 cm em 5 anos. A média de anos de estudo foi de 7,98 anos com desvio padrão de 2,48 anos. O aumento real foi de 0,7 anos de estudo. O Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal Total (IDHMT) entre os anos de 1980-1986 teve uma média de 0,765 com desvio padrão de 0,044. A análise de regressão linear entre estatura e ano de nascimento mostrou um aumento significativo da estatura no Estado (p<0,001). Essa tendência positiva de crescimento foi vista nas mesorregiões Noroeste, Ocidental e Oriental. A mesorregião Sudeste apresentou um decréscimo real significativo (p<0,001) na estatura de 1,50 cm para conscritos nascidos entre 1982-1986. A análise de regressão linear mostrou associação significativa (p<0,001) entre as variáveis explicativas ano de nascimento, Índices de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipais e anos de estudo quando analisadas individualmente. O modelo final, que testou as 3 variáveis em conjunto, teve melhor significância com as variáveis anos de estudo e IDHMT. Conclusão: As médias de estatura e anos de estudo aumentaram em conscritos no RS. Este aumento foi significativo no Estado. A mesorregião Sudeste foi a única a apresentar um decréscimo significativo na altura. A estatura mostrou-se associada as variáveis anos de estudo, ano de nascimento e IDHMT.


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This research aims the analysis of the urbanization process that has taken place in the coastal city of Tibau/RN in the period comprising 1980-2012, due to the (re) production of space to consumption of leisure and recreation, through the so called practice of Maritime Villeggiatura. Such practice exists so that people settle temporarily on the beach as a second home, interfering in the Regulation of the land use as well as in the urban planning of Tibau, promoting urbanization based in the logic of leisure, with enormous capacity for appropriation and space consumption. The practice of Maritime Villeggiatura in Tibau began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more relevant in the 1980s, when the practice became fashionable for the citizens of Mossoró City, in view of their economic strength, and consumption power to invest in this type of domicile. Tibau has become a great depository of second homes for leisure practice, which contributed even to the city administrative and political emancipation in 1997. The intensification of Real Estate activities, expanding second homes along the coast, results in the urbanization of Tibau territory with the assistance of Local Government, whom was interested in entering Tibau on the State tourism routes. The used methodology comprised literature review, data collection and local observation. Questionnaires were applied in the form of interviews to the villeggiaturistas, local residents, business and trade services local companies, a local agricultural firm named Agricultura Famosa Ltda., Municipal government and the Association of Senior Citizens of the municipality of Tibau. A photographic record was made to visualize the urbanization evolution of Tibau. It has also been taken georeference measures of the area object of study in this research, in order to analyze the use and occupation of the territory by urban and social agents villeggiaturistas and residents. The conclusion is that the urbanization process that has been taken in Tibau occurred along the coast shore, with low population density, and therefore creating difficulties to governance of the Municipal government. Real Estate Sector has been promoting the value increase of urban land in order to fragment the space with private condominiums segregating local resident population to outlying areas of the city, away from the coastline and lacking infrastructure and basic urban services


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aimed to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution as well as the factors and areas of risk associated with bovine cysticercosis in the State of Sao Paulo. 34.443 cattle, males and females with ages from 18 to 60 months were inspected. The animals were from 97 cities in the state of Sao Paulo and identified and slaughtered in the period October 2010 to August 2011, in a refrigerator located in Ipua - SP, under the supervision of SIF 1387. The state of Sao Paulo was divided into regional centers, and the data of the municipalities belonging to its core, were grouped according to the Department of Agriculture and Food Supply of Sao Paulo, totaling 13 cores studied. Based on these results, we can conclude that of the 97 cities analyzed, cattle were found positive for the disease in 86. The average prevalence of bovine cysticercosis in the state of Sao Paulo was 4.80 %, while the core inflation Franca and Barretos were the ones with the highest number of cases illness during the analysis period. Moreover, the largest number of cases in these core coincided with the lowest human development index covering education, with the largest acreage of coffee (core Franca) and also as the largest area of cane sugar grown (core Barretos) in these locations, which in turn may indicate that the presence of labor, temporary labor in rural areas, combined with socioeconomic/cultural factors might contribute to the spread and establishment of bovine cysticercosis in these areas.


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No-till has been used in many different regions of Brazil. However, depending on the location and intensity of machinery traffic, this has caused the problem of soil compaction and many producers are scarification the land as a solution to break through the layer that is restricting plant growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of scarification (0.30 m) in the physical properties of a dystrophic Alfisol comparing the results with a non-scarified contiguous area; both were previously conducted using no-till. The density and pressure of pre-consolidation were sampled in two areas of non-tillage, one with chiseling (PDCE) and one without (PDSE) by using the UMAS -Mobile Soil Sampling Unit built by NEMPA – Agroforestry Machinery and Tire Testing Center/FCA / UNESP, Botucatu ,SP. The UMAS is equipped with GPS which allows the samples to be georeferenced. The samples were evaluated in the laboratory through the collection of standardized rings. Sampling was performed at a dimension of 15 x 50 m, with 160 rings being collected. The samples containing rings which were used in determining the density and also for testing the consolidometer, were collected from the layers of 0 to 0.10 m, 0.10 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.30 0.30 to I 0.40 m. For the odometer test the undisturbed sample rings were used in obtaining the load bearing capacity of the soil. The soil management adopted provided a decrease in soil density using no-tillage with scarification depths from 0.0 to 0.10 0.10 to 0.20 m while the other depths did not show any decrease. The pre-consolidation pressure in combination with soil aggregate resistance identified that the management process PDCE within all layers was subjected to water content reliability regarding a greater load bearing capacity of the soil. For the PDSE that only was possible in the 0 to 0.10 m, showing greater consolidation of this layer.