11 resultados para Geopark


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A pesquisa acima intitulada objetiva analisar a influência do Geoparque no Geossítio Colina do Horto desde a visão geoturística e ambiental bem como as políticas de conservação para essa área. Localizado no Sul do Estado do Ceará, Brasil, na Região do Complexo Sedimentar do Araripe, os geossítios selecionados contêm rochas, sedimentos e fósseis, correspondentes aos diferentes períodos geológicos. A metodologia adotada se deu com o levantamento in loco, diagnosticando as potencialidades geoturísticas, o espaço, paisagem, além de pesquisas em literatura específica. O geossítio Colina do Horto, objeto da pesquisa, se encontra na Serra do Horto em Juazeiro do Norte/Ceará, onde está situado também o monumento do Pe. Cícero. Este geossítio é de suma importância por ser uma área de interesse cultural, turístico e religioso. Identifica-se uma presença maciça de romeiros para cultuar suas devoções ao Padre, é ocupado por comerciantes, vendedores e os moradores do entorno. É necessária a conservação ambiental, planejamento, arborização e uma melhor ocupação do espaço, pois trata-se de área de visitação e pesquisa.


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A criação de Geoparks é uma estratégia de proteção dos recursos naturais adotada pela UNESCO. Seus objetivos permitem compatibilizar a conservação do patrimônio natural, notadamente o geológico, e cultural do seu território, ao mesmo tempo em que impulsiona o desenvolvimento sustentável local. Os Geoparks são avaliados a cada quatro anos sob pena de perder a chancela da UNESCO, caso não cumpram os requisitos exigidos. Portanto, um manejo efetivo do Geopark permitirá o cumprimento dos seus objetivos. O Brasil possui um Geopark, o Geopark Araripe, localizado no Estado do Ceará, na Região Nordeste do País. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: analisar a efetividade de manejo do Geopark Araripe; testar uma adaptação da metodologia de efetividade de manejo para o caso do Geopark Araripe; avaliar qual âmbito está mais efetivo e qual está menos efetivo; comparar o seu grau de efetividade de manejo com outras áreas protegidas; e propor medidas para aumentar sua efetividade. Foi utilizada adaptação da metodologia para medição da efetividade de manejo de áreas protegidas elaborada por Cifuentes et al (2000). Depois de analisadas 45 variáveis, a análise de manejo do Geopark Araripe resultou em 60,9% do seu total ótimo, classificando-se como Medianamente Satisfatória.  A análise desses resultados evidencia que muitas metas encontram-se regulares e, portanto, ainda precisam ser alavancadas.


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This study focuses on the granite mountain known as Monte Pindo (627 m above sea level) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (NW Spain). This territory is included in the area classified as “Costa da Morte” in the “Politica de Ordenación Litoral” (POL) (Coastal Planning Policy) for the region of Galicia. This coastal unit, located between “Rías Baixas” and “Cape Fisterra” has great potential for demonstrating geological processes and its geomorphological heritage is characterized by a high degree of geodiversity of granite landforms. The main objective of our work is to assess the geomorphological heritage of the site, thus revealing its wide geodiversity. We shall analyze and highlight: its scientific value, developing an inventory of granite landforms; its educational valuel and its geotouristic potential. It must be ensured that the Administration understands that natural diversity is composed of both geodiversity and biodiversity. Only then will the sustainable management of Monte Pindo become possible by integrating natural and cultural heritage values. The goal is to ensure that Monte Pindo and its immediate surroundings become a geopark with the aim of promoting local development projects based on the conservation and valorization of its geological heritage.


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Cette recherche s'applique aux témoins glaciaires des Chablais dans quatre de leurs dimensions : géopatrimoine, connaissance objective, inventaire de géosites et valorisation. Elle est organisée sur le canevas d'un processus de patrimonialisation auquel elle participe et qu'elle interroge à la fois. En 2009, débutait le projet 123 Chablais, pour une durée de quatre ans. Il concernait l'ensemble du territoire chablaisien, réparti sur deux pays (France et Suisse) et trois entités administratives (département de la Haute-Savoie, cantons de Vaud et du Valais). Ce projet, élaboré dans le cadre du programme Interreg IV France-Suisse, avait pour but de dynamiser le développement économique local en s'appuyant sur les patrimoines régionaux. Le géopatrimoine, identifié comme une de ces ressources, faisait donc l'objet de plusieurs actions, dont cette recherche. En parallèle, le Chablais haut-savoyard préparait sa candidature pour rejoindre l'European Geopark Network (EGN). Son intégration, effective dès 2012, a fait de ce territoire le cinquième géoparc français du réseau. Le Geopark du Chablais fonde son identité géologique sur l'eau et la glace, deux thématiques intimement liées aux témoins glaciaires. Dans ce contexte d'intérêt pour le géopatrimoine local et en particulier pour le patrimoine glaciaire, plusieurs missions ont été assignées à cette recherche qui devait à la fois améliorer la connaissance objective des témoins glaciaires, inventorier les géosites glaciaires et valoriser le patrimoine glaciaire. Le premier objectif de ce travail était d'acquérir une vision synthétique des témoins glaciaires. Il a nécessité une étape de synthèse bibliographique ainsi que sa spatialisation, afin d'identifier les lacunes de connaissance et la façon dont ce travail pouvait contribuer à les combler. Sur cette base, plusieurs méthodes ont été mises en oeuvre : cartographie géomorphologique, reconstitution des lignes d'équilibre glaciaires et datations de blocs erratiques à l'aide des isotopes cosmogéniques produits in situ. Les cartes géomorphologiques ont été élaborées en particulier dans les cirques et vallons glaciaires. Les datations cosmogéniques ont été concentrées sur deux stades du glacier du Rhône : le Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) et le stade de Monthey. Au terme de cette étape, les spécificités du patrimoine glaciaire régional se sont révélées être 1) une grande diversité de formes et des liens étroits avec différents autres processus géomorphologiques ; 2) une appartenance des témoins glaciaires à dix grandes étapes de la déglaciation du bassin lémanique. Le second objectif était centré sur le processus d'inventaire des géosites glaciaires. Nous avons mis l'accent sur la sélection du géopatrimoine en développant une approche basée sur deux axes (temps et espace) identifiés dans le volet précédent et avons ainsi réalisé un inventaire à thèmes, composé de 32 géosites. La structure de l'inventaire a également été explorée de façon à intégrer des critères d'usage de ces géosites. Cette démarche, soutenue par une réflexion sur les valeurs attribuées au géopatrimoine et sur la façon d'évaluer ces valeurs, nous a permis de mettre en évidence le point de vue anthropo - et scientifico - centré qui prévaut nettement dans la recherche européenne sur le géopatrimoine. L'analyse des résultats de l'inventaire a fait apparaître quelques caractéristiques du patrimoine glaciaire chablaisien, discret, diversifié, et comportant deux spécificités exploitables dans le cadre d'une médiation scientifique : son statut de « berceau de la théorie glaciaire » et ses liens étroits avec des activités de la vie quotidienne, en tant que matière première, support de loisir ou facteur de risque. Cette recherche a débouché sur l'élaboration d'une exposition itinérante sur le patrimoine glaciaire des Chablais. Ce produit de valorisation géotouristique a été conçu pour sensibiliser la population locale à l'impact des glaciers sur son territoire. Il présente une série de sept cartes de stades glaciaires, encadrées par les deux mêmes thématiques, l'histoire de la connaissance glaciaire d'une part, les témoins glaciaires et la société, d'autre part. -- This research focuses on glacial witnesses in the Chablais area according to four dimensions : geoheritage, objective knowledge, inventory and promotion of geosites. It is organized on the model of an heritage's process which it participates and that it questions both. In 2009, the project 123 Chablais started for a period of four years. It covered the entire chablaisien territory spread over two countries and three administrative entities (département of Haute-Savoie, canton of Vaud, canton of Valais). This project, developed in the framework of the Interreg IV France-Switzerland program, aimed to boost the local development through regional heritage. The geoheritage identified as one of these resources, was therefore the subject of several actions, including this research. In parallel, the French Chablais was preparing its application to join the European Geopark Network (EGN). Its integration, effective since 2012, made of this area the fifth French Geopark of the network. The Chablais Geopark geological identity was based on water and ice, two themes closely linked to the glacial witnesses. In this context of interest for the regional geoheritage and especially for the glacial heritage, several missions have been assigned to this research which should improve objective knowledge of glacial witnesses, inventory and assess glacial geosites. The objective knowledge's component was to acquire a synthetic vision of the glacial witnesses. It required a first bibliography synthesis step in order to identify gaps in knowledge and how this work could help to fill them. On this basis, several methods have been implemented: geomorphological mapping, reconstruction of the equilibrium-line altitude and dating of glacial erratic blocks using cosmogenic isotopes produced in situ. Geomorphological maps have been developed especially in glacial cirques and valleys. Cosmogenic datings were concentrated on two stages of the Rhone glacier: the Last Local Glacial Maximum (LLGM) and « the stage of Monthey ». After this step, the specificities of the regional glacial heritage have emerged to us as 1) a wide variety of forms and links to various other geomorphological processes; 2) belonging of glacial witnesses to ten major glacial stages of Léman Lake's deglaciation. In the inventory of glacial geosites component we focused on the selection of geoheritage. We developed an approach based on two axes (time and space) identified in the preceding components. We obtained a thematic inventory, consisting of 32 geosites. The structure of the inventory was also explored in the aim to integrate use criteria of geosites. This approach, supported by a thought on the values attributed to the geoheritage and how to assess these values allowed us to highlight the point of view much anthropological - and scientific -centered prevailing in the European research on geoheritage. The analysis of the inventory's results revealed some characteristics of chablaisien glacial heritage, discrete, diverse, and with two features exploitable in the context of a scientific mediation: its status as « cradle of the glacial theory » and its close links with activities of daily life, as raw material, leisure support and risk factor. This research leads to the development of a traveling exhibition on the glacial heritage of the Chablais area. It presents a series of seven glacial stage's cards, framed by the two themes mentioned above: « history of glacial knowledge » and « glacial witnesses and society ».


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Uberaba municipality, Western Minas Gerais State, has a great geotouristic potential, regarding its geological heritage. The igneous rocks from Serra Geral Formation are found in 12 points, highlighting Ponte Alta (40 meters) and Peirópolis III (7 meters) waterfalls. The sedimentary rocks from Uberaba Formation were described in 11 points, especially Giovane Cave and Waterfall (12 meters). In Marilia Formation sedimentary rocks, the Caieira outcrop (three-meter cave with stalactites and stalagmites) and Vale Encantado Waterfall (8 meters) can be pointed out, among other 8 spots. After the geodiversity assessment, an environmental diagnosis was conducted throughout the potential geotourism attractions, by using the Visitor Impact Management Method. The results indicate that only Vale Encantado Waterfall presents a moderate impact, the least when compared to 22 other sites, exhibiting high or worrisome impact, and 7 with very high impact. In addition to setting the management strategies, and monitoring the environmental impact indicators, this work provides the basis so that activities in the potential Geopark of Uberaba (MG) can be conducted with environmental responsibility and / or geoconservation.


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Within the framework of the potential of geopark development and the interest of the geological community in creating new areas for geoconservation in Brazil, the aim of this contribution is to show the importance of geoscience education as a strategy for both geoconservation and development, and for the success and maintenance of new geoparks. A historical and evolutionary approach to the theme reveals the current status of geoscience education in Brazil and offers a panorama of the challenges inherent in preparing for the creation of new geoconservation areas. Proposals that aim to promote geoconservation and sustainability in Brazil include projects that capitalize on geological heritage and its relationship with local communities, proposals that form partnerships between the government, universities, businesses, and non-governmental organizations for the development of education, and changes in the law specifically aimed at geoconservation. Improvement in the educational system, including Earth science education, is undoubtedly one of the best strategies to promote the preservation of our natural heritage, and a cultural change in education will certainly promote changes in other areas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No âmbito da disciplina de Biologia/Geologia, dois alunos da Escola Secundária Abade de Baçal realizaram um trabalho de pesquisa que consistiu em reunir informação, elaborar e apresentar na aula um trabalho relacionado com um geossítio de um Geoparque português. Foi escolhido o geossítio “Calcários de Salselas” que faz parte do Geopark Terras de Cavaleiros. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa bibliográfica e recolhida informação audiovisual durante uma visita ao local. Tudo isto permitiu elaborar um trabalho em vídeo recorrendo ao programa de edição de vídeo “Movie Maker” e à aplicação “Google Earth”.