978 resultados para Geometric morphometry


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The finding of Panstrongylus geniculatus nymphs inside a house in northeastern Antioquia, Colombia, and the reports related to their increasing presence in homes suggest the need for surveillance methods for monitoring the invasion processes. We analyzed the morphological differences between a wild population and its laboratory descendants, using the techniques of geometric morphometry, with the idea that such differences might parallel those between sylvatic and synanthropic populations. The analyses over five generations showed differences in size but not in shape. Head size and wing size were both reduced from sylvatic to laboratory populations, but the decrease in head size occurred only up to the second generation while the decrease in wing size proceeded up to the fifth generation. In contrast, although a decrease in sexual size dimorphism has been proposed as a marker of colonization in human dwellings, we did not detect any significant loss of dimorphism between sexes of P. geniculatus over the five generations studied. We conclude that size changes may have a physiological origin in response to a change of ecotopes, but more than five generations may be required for the expression of permanent morphological markers of human dwellings colonization.


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Currently, the identification of pollinators is a critical necessity of conservation programs. After it was found that features extracted from patterns of wing venation are sufficient to discriminate among insect species, various studies have focused on this structure. We examined wing venation patterns of males and workers of five stingless bee species in order to determine if there are differences between sexes and if these differences are greater within than between species. Geometric morphometric analyses were made of the forewings of males and workers of Nannotrigona testaceicornis, Melipona quadrifasciata, Frieseomelitta varia, and Scaptotrigona aff. depilis and Plebeia remota. The patterns of males and workers from the same species were more similar than the patterns of individuals of the same sex from different species, and the patterns of both males and workers, when analyzed alone, were sufficiently different to distinguish among these five species. This demonstrates that we can use this kind of analysis for the identification of stingless bee species and that the sex of the individual does not impede identification. Computer-assisted morphometric analysis of bee wing images can be a useful tool for biodiversity studies and conservation programs.


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Wings of a Rhodnius specimen from Alto Beni (Bolivia) was examined for identification and compared with R. stali, R. robustus, (certified Bolivian species), R. pictipes and R. prolixus (suspected Bolivian species). A projection of the unidentified wings as supplementary data into a discriminant analysis of shape revealed clear cut differences with R. stali and R. pictipes, less differences with R. prolixus, and none with R. robustus. Combining global size and shape of the wings, the unknown specimen was identified as R. robustus. Thus, this study confirmed the presence of R. robustus in Bolivia. It also highlighted the possibility of morphometrics to taxonomically interpret one individual, or even one piece of an individual, when related species data are available for comparison.


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Triatoma venosa presents a restricted geographical distribution in America and is considered as a secondary vector of Chagas disease in Colombia and Ecuador. A total of 120 adult insects were collected in domestic and peridomestic habitats in an endemic area of the department of Boyacá, Colombia, in order to determine their genetic structure through morphometric and molecular techniques. The head and wings of each specimen were used for the analyses of size, shape, and sexual dimorphism. A significant sexual dimorphism was found, although no differences in size among the studied groups were detected. Differences were found in the analyzed structures except for male heads. DNA was extracted from the legs in order to carry out the internal transcriber space-2 (ITS-2) amplification and the randon amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses. Length polymorphisms were not detected in the ITS-2. Fst and Nm values were estimated (0.047 and 3.4, respectively). The high genetic flow found among the insects captured in the domicile and peridomiciliary environment does not permit a genetic differentiation, thus establishing the peridomicile as an important place for epidemiological surveillance.


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The presence of Triatoma infestans in habitats treated with insecticides constitutes a frequent problem in endemic areas. Basing our study on the hypothesis that descendants of a residual population should be more similar to the pre-treatment population than to any other, we compared the indications of two quantitative morphological approaches. This study seeks to find the origin of 247 T. infestans from three populations found in two chicken coops and a goat corral after treatment with insecticides. The results obtained by quantitative morphology suggest that the T. infestans found between three-34 months after the application of insecticides formed mixed populations with insects derived from residual foci and neighbouring habitats. Our analyses also showed the presence of a phenotype which does not resemble neither the pre-treatment phenotype nor the one from neighbouring populations, suggesting the presence of a particular post-treatment phenotype. The heads size showed some variations in males from different populations and remained unchanged in females, which reinforces the hypothesis of an intraspecific competition for food with priority for females. This article presents, for the first time, the combined analysis of geometric morphometry of heads and antennal phenotypes to identify the composition of reinfesting populations.


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House re-invasion by native triatomines after insecticide-based control campaigns represents a major threat for Chagas disease vector control. We conducted a longitudinal intervention study in a rural section (Area III, 407 houses) of Pampa del Indio, northeastern Argentina, and used wing geometric morphometry to compare pre-spray and post-spray (re-infestant bugs) Triatoma infestanspopulations. The community-wide spraying with pyrethroids reduced the prevalence of house infestation by T. infestans from 31.9% to < 1% during a four-year follow-up, unlike our previous studies in the neighbouring Area I. Two groups of bug collection sites differing in wing shape variables before interventions (including 221 adults from 11 domiciles) were used as a reference for assigning 44 post-spray adults. Wing shape variables from post-spray, high-density bug colonies and pre-spray groups were significantly different, suggesting that re-infestant insects had an external origin. Insects from one house differed strongly in wing shape variables from all other specimens. A further comparison between insects from both areas supported the existence of independent re-infestation processes within the same district. These results point to local heterogeneities in house re-infestation dynamics and emphasise the need to expand the geographic coverage of vector surveillance and control operations to the affected region.


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One of the largest genera of Orchidaceae in the Neotropics with about 450 species, Maxillaria presents several taxonomic uncertainties about its generic circumscription and the delimitation of species groups, mainly due to the large variability of some species. The present study aims at verifying the morphological variation and species delimitation in the Brasiliorchis picta complex, a recent new genus derived from Maxillaria, using morphometric multivariate analysis. A total of 340 specimens belonging to six species (B. chrysantha (Barb. Rodr.) R.B. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali, B. gracilis (Lodd.) R.B. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali, B. marginata (Lindl.) R.B. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali, B. picta (Hook.) R. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali, B. porphyrostele (Rchb. f.) R.B. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali and B. ubatubana (Hoehne) R.B. Singer, S. Koehler & Carnevali) were analyzed using multivariate methods (PCA, CVA, DA, and Cluster Analysis with UPGMA). B. gracilis shows the largest morphological discontinuity, mainly due to its smaller size. The other species tend to form distinct groups, but intermediate characteristics between pairs of species induce overlaps among the individuals of different species and thus confuse the distinction of each one. Hybridization and geographic distribution can be involved in the differentiation of the species and lineages in this complex. Because the species classified a priori in this work cannot be recognized by the quantitative characters measured here, such other tools as geometric morphometry and molecular data should be employed in future works to clarify species relationships in this complex.


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We see today many efforts to quantify biodiversity in different biomes. It is very important then to develop and to apply other methodologies that allow us to assess biodiversity. Here we present an example of application of three tools with this goal. We analyzed two populations of Plebeia remota from two distinct biomes that already showed several differences in morphology and behavior. Based on these differences, it has been suggested that the populations of Cunha and Prudentopolis do not represent a single species. In order to verify the existence or absence of gene flow between these two groups, we characterized the patterns of mtDNA through RFLP, the patterns of wing venation through geometric morphometry, and the cuticular hydrocarbons through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We used bees collected in these two locations and also from colonies which have being kept for around 9 years at Sao Paulo University. We found six different haplotypes in these specimens, of which three of them occurred exclusively in the population of Cunha and three only in the Prudentopolis population. The fact that the populations do not share haplotypes suggests no maternal gene flow between them. The two populations were differentiated by the pattern of the wing veins. They also had different mixtures of cuticle hydrocarbons. Furthermore it was shown that the colonies kept at the university did not hybridize. These two groups may constitute different species. We also show here the importance of using other methodologies than traditional taxonomy to assess and understand biodiversity, especially in bees.


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The fishes of the order Perciformes are characterized as an important model for understanding the genetic structure of marine populations, because besides they present examples of conservation chromosomal, also they present the karyotype diversification for some groups. Gobiidae family is the most specious in the marine environment. Among its representatives, many species are part of a cryptic fauna little noticed and studied, a wide distribution with behavioral and reproductive characteristics, that make them conducive to the action of biogeographical barriers. Morphologically this family presents reduced body structures through simplification and regressions. Despite their importance in evolutionary inferences, cytogenetics data are incipient facing their species diversity, especially with western Atlantic species. In order to estimate the evolutionary diversity in Gobiidae, it were developed cytogenetic analysis and the standards body, through geometric morphometrics in five species on the Brazilian coast, Coryphopterus glaucofraenum, Bathygobius mystacium, B. soporator, Ctenogobius smaragdus e C. Boleosoma. The data show significant karyotype and morphological diversity among the species. The pericentric inversions and mergers play an important role in chromosomal evolution of this family, causing karyotypic structural and numerical differences in all species. Karyotypic and morphological comparisons among geographic samples of B. soporator from the coast of Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte and Bahia showed cytogenetics patterns commons, but different morphological patterns. A sample from the Atol das Rocas revealed conspicuous morphological and karyotypic differentiation of another continental populations, confirming the presence of a new island species. The approaches done reveal diversification consistent with characteristics of a group of low vagile and largely able to environmental selection due from peculiar ecological requirements


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Imantodes compreende um grupo de serpentes primariamente arborícolas, com ampla distribuição Neotropical, agrupando sete espécies atualmente reconhecidas com grande variação cromática, sendo I. cenchoa a que apresenta a maior distribuição (sul do México ao norte da Argentina). A necessidade de estudos abordando a variação morfológica de I. cenchoa na América do Sul foi apontada por alguns autores, que sugeriram a provável existência de mais de um táxon distinguível. Estudos com base em dados moleculares apresentaram resultados divergentes quanto à diversidade genética de I. cenchoa. Assumindo que a diferenciação genética pode refletir a variação morfológica, a proposição de barreiras impedindo o fluxo gênico de I. cenchoa pode ser testada mediante um estudo criterioso de variação morfológica das populações sul-americanas, abordando e verificando os padrões populacionais e a estruturação destes padrões. Para isto, este trabalho foi organizado em três seções: Introdução Geral, capítulos 1 e 2. Na Introdução Geral apresentamos informação sobre polimorfismo cromático em Imantodini e um breve histórico taxonômico de Imantodes cenchoa. No capítulo 1 abordamos a variação morfológica externa e interna das populações de I. cenchoa (folidose, morfometria linear e geométrica, coloração e padrão de manchas e hemipênis), dentro e entre as diferentes fitofisionomias do Brasil, comparando-a às demais populações da América do Sul, e descrevemos uma nova espécie para a Mata Atlântica. No capítulo 2, a partir da análise comparativa do material de Imantodes da América do Sul cis e trans-Andina, descrevemos uma nova espécie de Imantodes para a Cordilheira Oriental da Colômbia.


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Fatores ecológicos como a utilização do ambiente e a alimentação, podem influenciar na morfologia corporal e cefálica de um organismo, porém, esta também pode ser o reflexo da linhagem filogenética a que ele pertence. A subfamília Dipsadinae inclui serpentes sul-americanas formadas por dois clados, um incluindo Geophis e Atractus e outro incluindo Dipsas, Ninia, Sibon e Sibynomorphus, que formam a tribo Dipsadini. As serpentes desta tribo apresentam um alto grau de modificações na morfologia corporal e cefálica relacionadas ao ambiente e a alimentação malacófaga. As espécies de Dipsas e Sibon possuem especializações relacionadas à utilização do ambiente arborícola, conferindo um melhor desempenho na locomoção pela vegetação, enquanto que as espécies de Sibynomorphus, em sua grande maioria, são adaptadas ao ambiente terrestre. Quanto à alimentação todas elas apresentam, em diferentes graus, uma série de modificações cranianas relacionadas à manipulação e ingestão de gastrópodes, lesmas e caramujos. Considerando que existe uma relação direta entre a forma da cabeça e a dieta, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as divergências da morfologia cefálica relacionadas à dieta entre espécies de Dipsas e Sibynomorphus, assim como analisar possíveis convergências entre espécies destes gêneros e Tomodon dorsatus, espécie da tribo Tachymenini, reconhecidamente especialista em lesmas. Para isto este trabalho está estruturado em duas partes: a primeira refere-se à Introdução geral, onde é apresentada uma ampla abordagem sobre as adaptações morfológicas relacionadas à alimentação dos Dipsadini, assim como as vantagens da utilização da técnica de morfometria geométrica em estudos morfológicos; e a segunda parte refere-se ao trabalho propriamente dito, intitulado “Ecomorfologia de três espécies de Dipsas Laurenti, 1768 e Sibynomorphus Fitzinger, 1843 (Dipsadidae: Dipsadinae)”.


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In this study the population structure and connectivity of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Raja clavata (L., 1758) were investigated by analyzing the genetic variation of six population samples (N = 144) at seven nuclear microsatellite loci. The genetic dataset was generated by selecting population samples available in the tissue databases of the GenoDREAM laboratory (University of Bologna) and of the Department of Life Sciences and Environment (University of Cagliari), all collected during past scientific surveys (MEDITS, GRUND) from different geographical locations in the Mediterranean basin and North-east Atlantic sea, as North Sea, Sardinian coasts, Tuscany coasts and Cyprus Island. This thesis deals with to estimate the genetic diversity and differentiation among 6 geographical samples, in particular, to assess the presence of any barrier (geographic, hydrogeological or biological) to gene flow evaluating both the genetic diversity (nucleotide diversity, observed and expected heterozygosity, Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium analysis) and population differentiation (Fst estimates, population structure analysis). In addition to molecular analysis, quantitative representation and statistical analysis of morphological individuals shape are performed using geometric morphometrics methods and statistical tests. Geometric coordinates call landmarks are fixed in 158 individuals belonging to two population samples of Raja clavata and in population samples of closely related species, Raja straeleni (cryptic sibling) and Raja asterias, to assess significant morphological differences at multiple taxonomic levels. The results obtained from the analysis of the microsatellite dataset suggested a geographic and genetic separation between populations from Central-Western and Eastern Mediterranean basins. Furthermore, the analysis also showed that there was no separation between geographic samples from North Atlantic Ocean and central-Western Mediterranean, grouping them to a panmictic population. The Landmark-based geometric morphometry method results showed significant differences of body shape able to discriminate taxa at tested levels (from species to populations).


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Integrative taxonomy tests the validity of taxa using methods additional to traditional morphology. The existence of two different morphotypes in specimens identified as Chrysotoxum vernale Loew (Diptera: Syrphidae) prompted their taxonomic study using an integrative approach that included morphology, wing and male-surstylus geometric morphometrics, genetic and ecological analyses. As a result, a new species is recognised, Chrysotoxum montanum Nedeljković & Vujić sp. nov., and C. vernale is re-defined. A lectotype and paralectotypes are designated for C. vernale to stabilize this concept. An additional species, Chrysotoxum orthostylum Vujić sp. nov., with distinctive male genitalia is also described. The three species share an antenna with the basoflagellomere shorter than the scape plus pedicel and terga with yellow fasciae not reaching the lateral margins. This study confirms the value of integrative approach for resolving species boundaries.


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Quantitative data on lung structure are essential to set up structure-function models for assessing the functional performance of the lung or to make statistically valid comparisons in experimental morphology, physiology, or pathology. The methods of choice for microscopy-based lung morphometry are those of stereology, the science of quantitative characterization of irregular three-dimensional objects on the basis of measurements made on two-dimensional sections. From a practical perspective, stereology is an assumption-free set of methods of unbiased sampling with geometric probes, based on a solid mathematical foundation. Here, we discuss the pitfalls of lung morphometry and present solutions, from specimen preparation to the sampling scheme in multiple stages, for obtaining unbiased estimates of morphometric parameters such as volumes, surfaces, lengths, and numbers. This is demonstrated on various examples. Stereological methods are accurate, efficient, simple, and transparent; the precision of the estimates depends on the size and distribution of the sample. For obtaining quantitative data on lung structure at all microscopic levels, state-of-the-art stereology is the gold standard.