50 resultados para Geomagnetism


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Through the statistical analysis of the geomagnetic data from BMT in 2005, we get the period and frequency characteristic of Pc6 micropulsation in Beijing area. Pc6 micropulsation is a frequently occurred phenomenon in geomagnetism but we still do not have adequate knowledge to it. In this paper, we found that the periods of Pc 6 micropulsation focus on 10 to 30 minutes. They do not have distinct seasonal variation but obtain a little lower occurrence in the winter than other seasons. Then we analysis the geomagnetic data of BMT from 1998 to 2006, which is a solar activity cycle and get some results about the relationship between Pc6 micropulsation and solar activities. In this way, we discuss more about the origin and evolvement mechanism of the Pc6 micropulsation. When the solar is more active than usual years, there are more occurrences of Pc6 micropulsaton observed. The occurrence of Pc6 micropulsation is associated with geomagnetic index. With the increase of AE and Kp index, there are more occurrences of Pc6 micropulsation. Furthermore, we make use of the Doppler data from Peking University in 2005 make a comparative research between TID events and Pc6 micropulsation. There are 42 events can satisfy our request during Dec.23, 2004 to Mar.11, 2006. After the data analysis, we can draw a fundamental conclusion that there are positive links between Pc6 micropulsation and TID event. Moreover, when TID and Pc6 micropulsation occur simultaneously, their occurrences have a positive relationship with AE and Kp index. So we suppose there might be the same source of Pc6 micropulsation and TID event. Finally, we make use of two meridian geomagnetic stations network which has a distance about 1700 km to investigate the transmission characteristic of Pc6 micropulsation when Pc6 micropulsation and TID happened together. We found at that time Pc6 micropulsation is a local phenomenon.


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The Beishan orogenic collage locates at the triple-joint among Xinjiang, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia Provinces, at which the Siberian, Tarim and North China plates join together. It also occupies the central segment of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The main study area in the present suty focused on the southwest part of the Beishan Mountain, which can be subdivided into four units southernward, the Mazhongshan continental block, Huaniushan Arc, Liuyuan suture zone and Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc. 1. The Huaniushan Arc was formed by northernward dipping subduction from the Orcovician to Permian, in which volcanic rocks ranging from basic to acidic with island arc affinity were widely developed. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger southward, whichs indicates a southward rollback of slab. The granitiod intrusions are mainly composed of I type granites, and their geochemical compositions suggest that they have affinities of island arc settings. In the early Paleozoic(440Ma-390Ma). The Shibanshan-Daqishan Arc, however, were produced in the southernward dipping subduction system from Carboniferous to Permian. Volcanic rocks from basic to acidic rocks are typical calcic-alkaline rocks. The granitiod intrusions become smaller and younger northernward, indicating subdution with a northernward rollback. The granitiod intrusions mainly consist of I-type granites, of which geochemical data support they belong to island arc granite. 2. Two series of adakite intrusions and eruptive rocks have been discovered in the southern margin of the Huaniushan Island Arc. The older series formed during Silurian (441.7±2.5Ma) are gneiss granitoid. These adakite granites intruded the early Paleozoic Liuyuan accretionary complex, and have the same age as most of the granite intrusions in the Huanniushan Arc. Their geochemical compostions demonstrate that they were derived from partial melting of the subudcted oceanic slab. These characteristics indicate a young oceanic crust subduction in the early Paleozoic. The late stage adakites with compositons of dacites associate with Nb-enriched basalts, and island arc basalts and dacites. Their geochemistries demonstrate that the adakites are the products of subducted slab melts, whereas the Nb-enriched basalt is products of the mantle wedge which have metasomatized by adakite melts. Such a association indicates the existences of a young ocean slab subduction. 3. The Liuyuan suture zone is composed of late Paleozoic ophiolites and two series of accretionary complexes with age of early Paleozoic. The early Paleozoic accretionary complex extensively intruded by early Palozioc granites is composed of metamorphic clastics, marble, flysch, various metamorphic igneous rocks (ultramafic, mafic and dacite), and eclogite blocks, which are connected by faults. The original compositions of the rocks in this complex are highly varied, including MORB, E-MORB, arc rocks. Geochronological study indicates that they were formed during the Silurian (420.9±2.5Ma and 421.1±4.3Ma). Large-scale granitiods intruded in the accretionary complex suggest a fast growth effect at the south margin of the Huaniushan arc. During late Paleozoic, island arc were developed on this accretionary complex. The late Paleozoic ophiolite has an age of early Permian (285.7±2.2Ma), in which the rock assemblage includes ultra-mafic, gabbros, gabbros veins, massive basalts, pillow basalt, basaltic clastic breccias, and thin layer tuff, with chert on the top.These igneous rocks have both arc and MORB affinities, indicating their belonging to SSZ type ophiolite. Therefore, oceanic basins area were still existed in the Liuyuan area in the early Permian. 4. The mafic-ultramafic complexes are distributed along major faults, and composed of zoned cumulate rocks, in which peridotites are surrounded by pyroxenite, hornblendites, gabbros norite and diorite outward. They have island-arc affinities and are consistent with typical Alaska-type mafic-ultramafic complexes. The geochronological results indicate that they were formed in the early Permian. 5. The Liuyuan A-type granite were formed under post-collisional settings during the late Triassic (230.9±2.5Ma), indicating the persistence of orogenic process till the late Triassic in the study area. Geochronological results suggested that A-type granites become younger southward from the Wulungu A-type granite belt to Liuyuan A-type granite belt, which is in good agreement with the accretionary direction of the CAOB in this area, which indicate that the Liuyuan suture is the final sture of the Paleo-Asin Ocean. 6. Structural geological evidence demonstrate the W-E spreading of main tectonic terrenes. These terrenes had mainly underwent through S-N direction contraction and NE strike-faulting. The study area had experienced a S-N direction compression after the Permian, indicating a collisional event after the Permian. Based on the evidene from sedimentary geology, paleontology, and geomagnetism, our studies indicate that the orogenic process can be subdivided into five stages: (1) the pre-orogenic stage occurred before the Ordovicain; (2) the subduction orogenic stage occurred from the Orcovician to the Permian; (3) the collisional orogenic stage occurred from the late Permian to the late Triassic; (4) the post-collision stage occurred after the Triassic. The Liuyuan areas have a long and complex tectonic evolutional history, and the Liuyuan suture zone is one of the most important sutures. It is the finally suture zone of the paleo-Asian ocean in the Beishan area.


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In this paper, we studied the secular variations of the main geomagnetic field during 1900-2000 in details. Emphasis is put on three aspects of the secular variations, i.e. westward drifts and intensity variations of non-dipole part, the decay of the dipole field. Firstly, we introduced the method of correlation analysis of moving random pattern into Geomagnetism in order to overcome the weakness of available methods on westward drift studies. We had committed testing and modifying the method, and analyzed the westward drifts and intensity variations of the non-dipole parts of geomagnetic field and 6 planetary-scale geomagnetic anomalies by this way. The globe and area characters of the westward drifts and intensity variations were discussed in detail. Second, the lat-dependence and dispersion of drift velocities were examined carefully. The results showed the velocities of the different wavelengths (from m = 1 to m = 10) geomagnetic potential were changing with the latitude. The lat-dependence of drift velocities is related to the latitude distributing of the geomagnetic potential. There was a negative dispersion in the westward drift, namely, the components of long wavelength drift faster than that of short wavelengths. Finally, we calculated the moments of the geomagnetic dipole, and found that the intensity of the dipole fields has been decreasing. Linking to the results in paleomagnetism, we draw a conclusion that the geomagnetic polarities may be reversed in 700 years.


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Solar energetic particles (SEPs) occasionally contribute additional atmospheric ionization beyond that arising from the usual galactic cosmic ray background. During an SEP event associated with a solar flare on April 11, 2013, the vertical ionization rate profile obtained using a balloon-borne detector showed enhanced ionization with a 26% increase at 20 km, over Reading, United Kingdom. Fluctuations in atmospheric electrical parameters were also detected at the surface, beneath the balloon’s trajectory. As no coincident changes in geomagnetism occurred, the electrical fluctuations are very likely to be associated with increased ionization, as observed by the balloon measurements. The lack of response of surface neutron monitors during this event indicates that energetic particles that are not detected at the surface by neutron monitors can nevertheless enter and influence the atmosphere’s weather-generating regions.


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The four Cluster spacecraft offer a unique opportunity to study structure and dynamics in the magnetosphere and we discuss four general ways in which ground-based remote-sensing observations of the ionosphere can be used to support the in-situ measurements. The ionosphere over the Svalbard islands will be studied in particular detail, not only by the ESR and EISCAT incoherent scatter radars, but also by optical instruments, magnetometers, imaging riometers and the CUTLASS bistatic HF radar. We present an on-line procedure to plan coordinated measurements by the Cluster spacecraft with these combined ground-based systems. We illustrate the philosophy of the method, using two important examples of the many possible configurations between the Cluster satellites and the ground-based instruments.


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Observable GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) are affected by systematic errors due to free electrons present in the ionosphere. The error associated with the ionosphere depends on the Total Electron Content (TEC), which is influenced by several variables: solar cycle, season, local time, geomagnetic activity and geographic location. The GPS (Global Positioning System), GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System) and Galileo dual frequency receivers allow the calculation of the error that affects the GNSS observables and the TEC. Using the rate of change of TEC (ROT - Rate of TEC) indices that indicate irregularities of the ionosphere can be determined, allowing inferences about its behavior. Currently it is possible to perform such studies in Brazil, due to the several Active Networks available, such as RBMC/RIBaC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo/Rede INCRA de Bases Comunitárias) and GNSS Active Network of São Paulo. The proposed research aimed at estimating and analysing of indexes of irregularities of the ionosphere, besides supplying the geosciences of information about the behavior of the ionosphere.


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This paper describes a 1 : 2 500 000 scale aeromagnetic anomaly map produced by the joint efforts of VNIIOkeangeologia, Polar Marine Geological Research Expedition (PMGRE) and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWl) for the Weddell Sea region covering 1 850 000 km' of West Antarctica. Extensive regional magnetic survey flights with line-spacing of about 20 km and 5 km were carried out by the PMGRE between 1977 and 1989. In course of these investigations the PMGRE flew 9 surveys with flight-line spacing of 20 km and 6 surveys with flight-line spacing of 5 km mainly over the mountain areas of southern Palmer Land, western Dronning Maud Land, Coats Land and Pensacola Mountains, over the Ronne lee Shelf and the Filchner Ice Shelf and the central part of the Weddell Sea. More than 215 000 line-kilometers of total field aeromagnetic data have been acquired by using an Ilyushin Il-14 ski-equipped aircraft. Survey operations were centered on the field base stations Druzhnaya-1, -2, and -3, from which the majority of the Weddell Sea region network was completed. The composite map of the Weddell Sea region is prepared in colour, showing magnetic anomaly contours at intervals of 50-100 nT with supplemental contours at an interval of 25 nT in low gradient areas, on a polar stereographic projection. The compiled colour magnetic anomaly map of the Weddell Sea region demonstrates that features of large areal extent, such as geologic provinces, fold-belts, ancient eratonic fragments and other regional structural features can be readily delineated. The map allows a comparison of regional magnetic features with similar-scale geological structures on geological and geophysical maps. It also provides a database for the future production of the ''Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map of Antarctica'' in the framework of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (SCAR/IAGA) compilation.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Wachsende Karte der Magnetischen Meridiane und Parallelen : Gegründet auf die Beobachtungen der Declination welche sämmtlich auf das Jahr 1825 reducirt worden sind, von dem Schiffs Kapitain L. I. Duperrey. It was published by Stablstich (diretion v. Kleinecht) aus der Schweinfurter Geographischen Graviranstalt de Bibliographischen Instituts in [1849]. Scale [ca. 1:190,000,000]. Map in German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'Mercator' projection with the central meridian at 180 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as geomagnetic meridians, parallels, and magnetic declination, selected cities and other human settlements, shoreline features, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Darstellung der isodynamischen Linien : nach den Beobachtungen der magnetischen Intensität, die in den Jahren 1790 bis 1830 gemacht worden sind, Namen der Beobachter: De Rossel, A. v. Humboldt, Sabine, Hansteen, Duperrey, Keilhau u. Boeck, Keilhau, Litke, King, Due, Erman, Kupffer. Die vorlieg. Darstellung ist von Duperry, Kapitain der französ. Marine, entworfen. It was published by [Stablstich (diretion v. Kleinecht) aus der Schweinfurter Geographischen Graviranstalt de Bibliographischen Instituts] in [1849]. Scale [ca. 1:190,000,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to a non-standard 'Mercator' projection with the central meridian at 180 degrees west. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as geomagnetic isodynamic lines, selected cities and other human settlements, shoreline features, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Title varies slightly.


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Publication suspended 1910-14.


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Reprint from the 4th report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 1904.


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v.1. Histoire du voyage / par L. F. Martial -- v.2. Meteorologie / par J. Lephay -- v.3. Magnétisme terrestre -- v.4. Géologie, Hyades -- v.6. Zoologie, pt. e arachnides / E. Simon.