979 resultados para Genetic-statistic parameters


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Maize (Zea mays L.) is a very important cereal to world-wide economy which is also true for Brazil, particularly in the South region. Grain yield and plant height have been chosen as important criteria by breeders and farmers from Santa Catarina State (SC), Brazil. The objective of this work was to estimate genetic-statistic parameters associated with genetic gain for grain yield and plant height, in the first cycle of convergent-divergent half-sib selection in a maize population (MPA1) cultivated by farmers within the municipality of Anchieta (SC). Three experiments were carried out in different small farms at Anchieta using low external agronomic inputs; each experiment represented independent samples of half-sib families, which were evaluated in randomized complete blocks with three replications per location. Significant differences among half-sib families were observed for both variables in all experiments. The expected responses to truncated selection of the 25% better families in each experiment were 5.1, 5.8 and 5.2% for reducing plant height and 3.9, 5.7 and 5.0% for increasing grain yield, respectively. The magnitudes of genetic-statistic parameters estimated evidenced that the composite population MPA1 exhibits enough genetic variability to be used in cyclical process of recurrent selection. There were evidences that the genetic structure of the base population MPA1, as indicated by its genetic variability, may lead to expressive changes in the traits under selection, even under low selection pressure.


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To assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure parameters, nine populations of Oryza glumaepatula from the Amazon biome, four from the Pantanal biome, and one collected at Rio Xingu, Mato Grosso, totaling 14 populations and 333 individuals were studied with isozyme markers. Six loci were evaluated showing a moderate allozyme variability (A = 1.21, P = 20.7%, Ho = 0.005, He = 0.060). The populations from the Pantanal biome showed higher diversity levels than the Amazon biome. High genetic differentiation among the populations, expected for self-fertilizing species, was observed (FST=0.763), with lower differentiation found among the Pantanal populations (FST=0.501). The average apparent outcrossing rate was higher for the Pantanal populations (t a = 0.092) than for the Amazonian populations (t a = 0.003), while the average for the 14 populations was 0.047, in accordance with a self-fertilization mating system.


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The study of the genetic structure of wild plant populations is essential for their management and conservation. Several DNA markers have been used in such studies, as well as isozyme markers. In order to provide a better comprehension of the results obtained and a comparison between markers which will help choose tools for future studies in natural populations of Oryza glumaepatula, a predominantly autogamous species, this study used both isozymes and microsatellites to assess the genetic diversity and genetic structure of 13 populations, pointing to similarities and divergences of each marker, and evaluating the relative importance of the results for studies of population genetics and conservation. A bulk sample for each population was obtained, by sampling two to three seeds of each plant, up to a set of 50 seeds. Amplified products of eight SSR loci were electrophoresed on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels, and the fragments were visualized using silver staining procedure. Isozyme analyses were conducted in polyacrylamide gels, under a discontinuous system, using six enzymatic loci. SSR loci showed higher mean levels of genetic diversity (A=2.83, p=0.71, A(P)=3.17, H-o=0.081, H-e=0.351) than isozyme loci (A=1.20, p=0.20, A(P)=1.38, H-o=0.006, H-e=0.056). Interpopulation genetic differentiation detected by SSR loci (R-ST=0.631, equivalent to F-ST=0.533) was lower than that obtained with isozymes (F-ST=0.772). However, both markers showed high deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations (F-IS=0.744 and 0.899, respectively for SSR and isozymes). The mean apparent outcrossing rate for SSR ((t) over bar (a)=0.14) was higher than that obtained using isozymes ((t) over bar (a)=0.043), although both markers detected lower levels of outcrossing in Amazonia compared to the Pantanal. The migrant number estimation was also higher for SSR (Nm=0.219) than isozymes (Nm=0.074), although a small number for both markers was expected due to the mode of reproduction of this species, defined as mixed with predominance of self fertilization. No correlation was obtained between genetic and geographic distances with SSR, but a positive correlation was found between genetic and geographic distances with isozymes. We conclude that these markers are divergent in detecting genetic diversity parameters in O. glumaepatula and that microsatellites are powerful for detecting information at the intra-population level, while isozymes are more powerful for inter-population diversity, since clustering of populations agreed with the expectations based on the geographic distribution of the populations using this marker. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (4): 1463-1478. Epub 2012 December 01.


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• Microsatellite primers were designed for Piptadenia gonoacantha (Fabaceae) and characterized to estimate genetic diversity parameters. The species is a native tree from the Atlantic Forest biome commonly used in forest restoration; it has medicinal potential and the wood is economically useful. • Twenty-eight microsatellite loci were identified from an enriched genomic library. Fifteen loci resulted in successful amplifications and were characterized in a natural population of 94 individuals. Twelve loci were polymorphic, with allele numbers ranging from three to 15 per locus, and expected and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.2142 to 0.8325 and 0.190 to 0.769, respectively. • The developed markers will be used in further studies of population genetics of P. gonoacantha, aimed at conservation and management of the species in natural populations and in forest restoration projects.


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Traditional biomarker parameters and aromatic compounds were applied to characterize and classify ten Cuban asphaltites (asphaltene-rich petroleum occurring as seeps or filling veins, joints, cavities and fissures). Genetic molecular parameters were compared in order to establish oil-oil correlations between samples. Thermal evolution was investigated using saturated biomarker and aromatic maturity parameters. All samples seem to represent petroleum in the early catagenetic stage. Statistical procedures used as auxiliary techniques show that they represent oils of Family II (marine anoxic carbonate sourced oils), except for 2 samples interpreted as belonging to Family III oils (normal marine siliciclastic suboxic sourced oils).


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The purpose of this study was to investigate and model the water absorption process by corn kernels with different levels of mechanical damage Corn kernels of AG 1510 variety with moisture content of 14.2 (% d.b.) were used. Different mechanical damage levels were indirectly evaluated by electrical conductivity measurements. The absorption process was based on the industrial corn wet milling process, in which the product was soaked with a 0.2% sulfur dioxide (SO2) solution and 0.55% lactic acid (C3H6O3) in distilled water, under controlled temperatures of 40, 50, 60, and 70 ºC and different mechanical damage levels. The Peleg model was used for the analysis and modeling of water absorption process. The conclusion is that the structural changes caused by the mechanical damage to the corn kernels influenced the initial rates of water absorption, which were higher for the most damaged kernels, and they also changed the equilibrium moisture contents of the kernels. The Peleg model was well adjusted to the experimental data presenting satisfactory values for the analyzed statistic parameters for all temperatures regardless of the damage level of the corn kernels.


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One of the greatest challenges for the agricultural system is to establish agricultural production combined with the conservation of genetic resources, mainly aiming to protect the Permanent Preservation Areas. In this context, mulungu ( Erythrina velutina Willd), among other native species, has been suffering with anthropogenic pressures in various ecosystems, causing reductions in its genetic basis. This work aims to identify ecological and genetic population parameters as indicators of sustainability in two natural populations of mulungu, located in riparian forest, in the state of Sergipe, and to assess the tendency to their sustainability, aiming genetic conservation of the species. The matrix of Pressure-State-Impact/Effect-Response (PEI/ER) was used with the selection of 13 indicators, from the use of RAPDmolecular markers and biochemical (enzymes) markers in populations, in order to present them as relevant information to measure progress as for sustainability and conservation ofmulungu. The studied populations presented low tendency to sustainability, requiring strategies to change this status.


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Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en general e Internet en particular han supuesto una revolución en nuestra forma de comunicarnos, relacionarnos, producir, comprar y vender acortando tiempo y distancias entre proveedores y consumidores. A la paulatina penetración del ordenador, los teléfonos inteligentes y la banda ancha fija y/o móvil ha seguido un mayor uso de estas tecnologías entre ciudadanos y empresas. El comercio electrónico empresa–consumidor (B2C) alcanzó en 2010 en España un volumen de 9.114 millones de euros, con un incremento del 17,4% respecto al dato registrado en 2009. Este crecimiento se ha producido por distintos hechos: un incremento en el porcentaje de internautas hasta el 65,1% en 2010 de los cuales han adquirido productos o servicios a través de la Red un 43,1% –1,6 puntos porcentuales más respecto a 2010–. Por otra parte, el gasto medio por comprador ha ascendido a 831€ en 2010, lo que supone un incremento del 10,9% respecto al año anterior. Si segmentamos a los compradores según por su experiencia anterior de compra podemos encontrar dos categorías: el comprador novel –que adquirió por primera vez productos o servicios en 2010– y el comprador constante –aquel que había adquirido productos o servicios en 2010 y al menos una vez en años anteriores–. El 85,8% de los compradores se pueden considerar como compradores constantes: habían comprado en la Red en 2010, pero también lo habían hecho anteriormente. El comprador novel tiene un perfil sociodemográfico de persona joven de entre 15–24 años, con estudios secundarios, de clase social media y media–baja, estudiante no universitario, residente en poblaciones pequeñas y sigue utilizando fórmulas de pago como el contra–reembolso (23,9%). Su gasto medio anual ascendió en 2010 a 449€. El comprador constante, o comprador que ya había comprado en Internet anteriormente, tiene un perfil demográfico distinto: estudios superiores, clase alta, trabajador y residente en grandes ciudades, con un comportamiento maduro en la compra electrónica dada su mayor experiencia –utiliza con mayor intensidad canales exclusivos en Internet que no disponen de tienda presencial–. Su gasto medio duplica al observado en compradores noveles (con una media de 930€ anuales). Por tanto, los compradores constantes suponen una mayoría de los compradores con un gasto medio que dobla al comprador que ha adoptado el medio recientemente. Por consiguiente es de interés estudiar los factores que predicen que un internauta vuelva a adquirir un producto o servicio en la Red. La respuesta a esta pregunta no se ha revelado sencilla. En España, la mayoría de productos y servicios aún se adquieren de manera presencial, con una baja incidencia de las ventas a distancia como la teletienda, la venta por catálogo o la venta a través de Internet. Para dar respuesta a las preguntas planteadas se ha investigado desde distintos puntos de vista: se comenzará con un estudio descriptivo desde el punto de vista de la demanda que trata de caracterizar la situación del comercio electrónico B2C en España, poniendo el foco en las diferencias entre los compradores constantes y los nuevos compradores. Posteriormente, la investigación de modelos de adopción y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologías y de los factores que inciden en dicha continuidad –con especial interés en el comercio electrónico B2C–, permiten afrontar el problema desde la perspectiva de las ecuaciones estructurales pudiendo también extraer conclusiones de tipo práctico. Este trabajo sigue una estructura clásica de investigación científica: en el capítulo 1 se introduce el tema de investigación, continuando con una descripción del estado de situación del comercio electrónico B2C en España utilizando fuentes oficiales (capítulo 2). Posteriormente se desarrolla el marco teórico y el estado del arte de modelos de adopción y de utilización de las tecnologías (capítulo 3) y de los factores principales que inciden en la adopción y continuidad en el uso de las tecnologías (capítulo 4). El capítulo 5 desarrolla las hipótesis de la investigación y plantea los modelos teóricos. Las técnicas estadísticas a utilizar se describen en el capítulo 6, donde también se analizan los resultados empíricos sobre los modelos desarrollados en el capítulo 5. El capítulo 7 expone las principales conclusiones de la investigación, sus limitaciones y propone nuevas líneas de investigación. La primera parte corresponde al capítulo 1, que introduce la investigación justificándola desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico. También se realiza una breve introducción a la teoría del comportamiento del consumidor desde una perspectiva clásica. Se presentan los principales modelos de adopción y se introducen los modelos de continuidad de utilización que se estudiarán más detalladamente en el capítulo 3. En este capítulo se desarrollan los objetivos principales y los objetivos secundarios, se propone el mapa mental de la investigación y se planifican en un cronograma los principales hitos del trabajo. La segunda parte corresponde a los capítulos dos, tres y cuatro. En el capítulo 2 se describe el comercio electrónico B2C en España utilizando fuentes secundarias. Se aborda un diagnóstico del sector de comercio electrónico y su estado de madurez en España. Posteriormente, se analizan las diferencias entre los compradores constantes, principal interés de este trabajo, frente a los compradores noveles, destacando las diferencias de perfiles y usos. Para los dos segmentos se estudian aspectos como el lugar de acceso a la compra, la frecuencia de compra, los medios de pago utilizados o las actitudes hacia la compra. El capítulo 3 comienza desarrollando los principales conceptos sobre la teoría del comportamiento del consumidor, para continuar estudiando los principales modelos de adopción de tecnología existentes, analizando con especial atención su aplicación en comercio electrónico. Posteriormente se analizan los modelos de continuidad en el uso de tecnologías (Teoría de la Confirmación de Expectativas; Teoría de la Justicia), con especial atención de nuevo a su aplicación en el comercio electrónico. Una vez estudiados los principales modelos de adopción y continuidad en el uso de tecnologías, el capítulo 4 analiza los principales factores que se utilizan en los modelos: calidad, valor, factores basados en la confirmación de expectativas –satisfacción, utilidad percibida– y factores específicos en situaciones especiales –por ejemplo, tras una queja– como pueden ser la justicia, las emociones o la confianza. La tercera parte –que corresponde al capítulo 5– desarrolla el diseño de la investigación y la selección muestral de los modelos. En la primera parte del capítulo se enuncian las hipótesis –que van desde lo general a lo particular, utilizando los factores específicos analizados en el capítulo 4– para su posterior estudio y validación en el capítulo 6 utilizando las técnicas estadísticas apropiadas. A partir de las hipótesis, y de los modelos y factores estudiados en los capítulos 3 y 4, se definen y vertebran dos modelos teóricos originales que den respuesta a los retos de investigación planteados en el capítulo 1. En la segunda parte del capítulo se diseña el trabajo empírico de investigación definiendo los siguientes aspectos: alcance geográfico–temporal, tipología de la investigación, carácter y ambiente de la investigación, fuentes primarias y secundarias utilizadas, técnicas de recolección de datos, instrumentos de medida utilizados y características de la muestra utilizada. Los resultados del trabajo de investigación constituyen la cuarta parte de la investigación y se desarrollan en el capítulo 6, que comienza analizando las técnicas estadísticas basadas en Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales. Se plantean dos alternativas, modelos confirmatorios correspondientes a Métodos Basados en Covarianzas (MBC) y modelos predictivos. De forma razonada se eligen las técnicas predictivas dada la naturaleza exploratoria de la investigación planteada. La segunda parte del capítulo 6 desarrolla el análisis de los resultados de los modelos de medida y modelos estructurales construidos con indicadores formativos y reflectivos y definidos en el capítulo 4. Para ello se validan, sucesivamente, los modelos de medida y los modelos estructurales teniendo en cuenta los valores umbrales de los parámetros estadísticos necesarios para la validación. La quinta parte corresponde al capítulo 7, que desarrolla las conclusiones basándose en los resultados del capítulo 6, analizando los resultados desde el punto de vista de las aportaciones teóricas y prácticas, obteniendo conclusiones para la gestión de las empresas. A continuación, se describen las limitaciones de la investigación y se proponen nuevas líneas de estudio sobre distintos temas que han ido surgiendo a lo largo del trabajo. Finalmente, la bibliografía recoge todas las referencias utilizadas a lo largo de este trabajo. Palabras clave: comprador constante, modelos de continuidad de uso, continuidad en el uso de tecnologías, comercio electrónico, B2C, adopción de tecnologías, modelos de adopción tecnológica, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intención de continuidad, satisfacción, confianza percibida, justicia, emociones, confirmación de expectativas, calidad, valor, PLS. ABSTRACT Information and Communication Technologies in general, but more specifically those related to the Internet in particular, have changed the way in which we communicate, relate to one another, produce, and buy and sell products, reducing the time and shortening the distance between suppliers and consumers. The steady breakthrough of computers, Smartphones and landline and/or wireless broadband has been greatly reflected in its large scale use by both individuals and businesses. Business–to–consumer (B2C) e–commerce reached a volume of 9,114 million Euros in Spain in 2010, representing a 17.4% increase with respect to the figure in 2009. This growth is due in part to two different facts: an increase in the percentage of web users to 65.1% en 2010, 43.1% of whom have acquired products or services through the Internet– which constitutes 1.6 percentage points higher than 2010. On the other hand, the average spending by individual buyers rose to 831€ en 2010, constituting a 10.9% increase with respect to the previous year. If we select buyers according to whether or not they have previously made some type of purchase, we can divide them into two categories: the novice buyer–who first made online purchases in 2010– and the experienced buyer: who also made purchases in 2010, but had done so previously as well. The socio–demographic profile of the novice buyer is that of a young person between 15–24 years of age, with secondary studies, middle to lower–middle class, and a non–university educated student who resides in smaller towns and continues to use payment methods such as cash on delivery (23.9%). In 2010, their average purchase grew to 449€. The more experienced buyer, or someone who has previously made purchases online, has a different demographic profile: highly educated, upper class, resident and worker in larger cities, who exercises a mature behavior when making online purchases due to their experience– this type of buyer frequently uses exclusive channels on the Internet that don’t have an actual store. His or her average purchase doubles that of the novice buyer (with an average purchase of 930€ annually.) That said, the experienced buyers constitute the majority of buyers with an average purchase that doubles that of novice buyers. It is therefore of interest to study the factors that help to predict whether or not a web user will buy another product or use another service on the Internet. The answer to this question has proven not to be so simple. In Spain, the majority of goods and services are still bought in person, with a low amount of purchases being made through means such as the Home Shopping Network, through catalogues or Internet sales. To answer the questions that have been posed here, an investigation has been conducted which takes into consideration various viewpoints: it will begin with a descriptive study from the perspective of the supply and demand that characterizes the B2C e–commerce situation in Spain, focusing on the differences between experienced buyers and novice buyers. Subsequently, there will be an investigation concerning the technology acceptance and continuity of use of models as well as the factors that have an effect on their continuity of use –with a special focus on B2C electronic commerce–, which allows for a theoretic approach to the problem from the perspective of the structural equations being able to reach practical conclusions. This investigation follows the classic structure for a scientific investigation: the subject of the investigation is introduced (Chapter 1), then the state of the B2C e–commerce in Spain is described citing official sources of information (Chapter 2), the theoretical framework and state of the art of technology acceptance and continuity models are developed further (Chapter 3) and the main factors that affect their acceptance and continuity (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 explains the hypothesis behind the investigation and poses the theoretical models that will be confirmed or rejected partially or completely. In Chapter 6, the technical statistics that will be used are described briefly as well as an analysis of the empirical results of the models put forth in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 explains the main conclusions of the investigation, its limitations and proposes new projects. First part of the project, chapter 1, introduces the investigation, justifying it from a theoretical and practical point of view. It is also a brief introduction to the theory of consumer behavior from a standard perspective. Technology acceptance models are presented and then continuity and repurchase models are introduced, which are studied more in depth in Chapter 3. In this chapter, both the main and the secondary objectives are developed through a mind map and a timetable which highlights the milestones of the project. The second part of the project corresponds to Chapters Two, Three and Four. Chapter 2 describes the B2C e–commerce in Spain from the perspective of its demand, citing secondary official sources. A diagnosis concerning the e–commerce sector and the status of its maturity in Spain is taken on, as well as the barriers and alternative methods of e–commerce. Subsequently, the differences between experienced buyers, which are of particular interest to this project, and novice buyers are analyzed, highlighting the differences between their profiles and their main transactions. In order to study both groups, aspects such as the place of purchase, frequency with which online purchases are made, payment methods used and the attitudes of the purchasers concerning making online purchases are taken into consideration. Chapter 3 begins by developing the main concepts concerning consumer behavior theory in order to continue the study of the main existing acceptance models (among others, TPB, TAM, IDT, UTAUT and other models derived from them) – paying special attention to their application in e–commerce–. Subsequently, the models of technology reuse are analyzed (CDT, ECT; Theory of Justice), focusing again specifically on their application in e–commerce. Once the main technology acceptance and reuse models have been studied, Chapter 4 analyzes the main factors that are used in these models: quality, value, factors based on the contradiction of expectations/failure to meet expectations– satisfaction, perceived usefulness– and specific factors pertaining to special situations– for example, after receiving a complaint justice, emotions or confidence. The third part– which appears in Chapter 5– develops the plan for the investigation and the sample selection for the models that have been designed. In the first section of the Chapter, the hypothesis is presented– beginning with general ideas and then becoming more specific, using the detailed factors that were analyzed in Chapter 4– for its later study and validation in Chapter 6– as well as the corresponding statistical factors. Based on the hypothesis and the models and factors that were studied in Chapters 3 and 4, two original theoretical models are defined and organized in order to answer the questions posed in Chapter 1. In the second part of the Chapter, the empirical investigation is designed, defining the following aspects: geographic–temporal scope, type of investigation, nature and setting of the investigation, primary and secondary sources used, data gathering methods, instruments according to the extent of their use and characteristics of the sample used. The results of the project constitute the fourth part of the investigation and are developed in Chapter 6, which begins analyzing the statistical techniques that are based on the Models of Structural Equations. Two alternatives are put forth: confirmatory models which correspond to Methods Based on Covariance (MBC) and predictive models– Methods Based on Components–. In a well–reasoned manner, the predictive techniques are chosen given the explorative nature of the investigation. The second part of Chapter 6 explains the results of the analysis of the measurement models and structural models built by the formative and reflective indicators defined in Chapter 4. In order to do so, the measurement models and the structural models are validated one by one, while keeping in mind the threshold values of the necessary statistic parameters for their validation. The fifth part corresponds to Chapter 7 which explains the conclusions of the study, basing them on the results found in Chapter 6 and analyzing them from the perspective of the theoretical and practical contributions, and consequently obtaining conclusions for business management. The limitations of the investigation are then described and new research lines about various topics that came up during the project are proposed. Lastly, all of the references that were used during the project are listed in a final bibliography. Key Words: constant buyer, repurchase models, continuity of use of technology, e–commerce, B2C, technology acceptance, technology acceptance models, TAM, TPB, IDT, UTAUT, ECT, intention of repurchase, satisfaction, perceived trust/confidence, justice, feelings, the contradiction of expectations, quality, value, PLS.


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El principal objetivo de este trabajo es aportar conocimiento para contestar la pregunta: ¿hasta que punto los ensayos en túnel aerodinámico pueden contribuir a determinar las características que afectan la respuesta dinámica de los aerogeneradores operando en terreno complejo?. Esta pregunta no es nueva, de hecho, el debate en la comunidad científica comenzó en el primer tercio del siglo pasado y aún está intensamente vivo. El método generalmente aceptado para enfrentar el mencionado problema consiste en analizar un caso de estudio determinado en el cual se aplican tanto ensayos a escala real como análisis computacionales y ensayos en túnel aerodinámico. Esto no es ni fácil ni barato. Esta es la razón por la cual desde el experimento de Askervein en 1988, los modelizadores del flujo atmosférico tuvieron que esperar hasta 2007 a que el experimento de Bolund fuese puesto en marcha con un despliegue de medios técnicos equivalentes (teniendo en cuenta la evolución de las tecnologías de sensores y computación). El problema contempla tantos aspectos que ambas experiencias fueron restringidas a condiciones de atmósfera neutra con efectos de Coriolis despreciables con objeto de reducir la complejidad. Este es el contexto en el que se ha desarrollado la presente tesis doctoral. La topología del flujo sobre la isla de Bolund ha sido estudiada mediante la reproducción del experimento de Bolund en los túneles aerodinámicos A9 y ACLA16 del IDR. Dos modelos de la isla de Bolund fueron fabricados a dos escalas, 1:230 y 1:115. El flujo de entrada en el túnel aerodinámico simulando la capa límite sin perturbar correspondía a régimen de transición (transitionally rough regime) y fue usado como situación de referencia. El modelo a escala 1:230 fue ensayado en el túnel A9 para determinar la presión sobre su superficie. La distribución del coeficiente de presión sobre la isla proporcionó una visualización y estimación de una región de desprendimiento sobre el pequeño acantilado situado al frente de la misma. Las medidas de presión instantánea con suficiente grado de resolución temporal pusieron de manifiesto la no estacionariedad en la región de desprendimiento. El modelo a escala 1:115 fue ensayado utilizando hilo caliente de tres componentes y un sistema de velocimetría por imágenes de partículas de dos componentes. El flujo fue caracterizado por el ratio de aceleración, el incremento normalizado de energía cinética turbulenta y los ángulos de inclinación y desviación horizontal. Los resultados a lo largo de la dirección 270°y alturas de 2 m y 5 m presentaron una gran similitud con los resultados a escala real del experimento de Bolund. Los perfiles verticales en las localizaciones de las torres meteorológicas mostraron un acuerdo significativo con los resultados a escala real. El análisis de los esfuerzos de Reynolds y el análisis espectral en las localizaciones de los mástiles meteorológicos presentaron niveles de acuerdo variados en ciertas posiciones, mientras que en otras presentaron claras diferencias. El mapeo horizontal del flujo, para una dirección de viento de 270°, permitió caracterizar el comportamiento de la burbuja intermitente de recirculación sobre el pequeño acantilado existente al frente de la isla así como de la región de relajación y de la capa de cortadura en la región corriente abajo de Bolund. Se realizaron medidas de velocidad con alta resolución espacial en planos perpendiculares a la dirección del flujo sin perturbar. Estas medidas permitieron detectar y caracterizar una estructura de flujo similar a un torbellino longitudinal con regiones con altos gradientes de velocidad y alta intensidad de turbulencia. Esta estructura de flujo es, sin duda, un reto para los modelos computacionales y puede considerarse un factor de riesgo para la operación de los aerogeneradores. Se obtuvieron y analizaron distribuciones espaciales de los esfuerzos de Reynolds mediante 3CHW y PIV. Este tipo de parámetros no constituyen parte de los resultados habituales en los ensayos en túnel sobre topografías y son muy útiles para los modelizadores que utilizan simulación de grades torbellinos (LES). Se proporciona una interpretación de los resultados obtenidos en el túnel aerodinámico en términos de utilidad para los diseñadores de parques eólicos. La evolución y variación de los parámetros del flujo a lo largo de líneas, planos y superficies han permitido identificar como estas propiedades del flujo podrían afectar la localización de los aerogeneradores y a la clasificación de emplazamientos. Los resultados presentados sugieren, bajo ciertas condiciones, la robustez de los ensayos en túnel para estudiar la topología sobre terreno complejo y su comparabilidad con otras técnicas de simulación, especialmente considerando el nivel de acuerdo del conjunto de resultados presentados con los resultados a escala real. De forma adicional, algunos de los parámetros del flujo obtenidos de las medidas en túnel son difícilmente determinables en ensayos a escala real o por medios computacionales, considerado el estado del arte. Este trabajo fue realizado como parte de las actividades subvencionadas por la Comisión Europea como dentro del proyecto FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008WAUDIT (Wind Resource Assessment Audit and Standardization) dentro de la FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network y por el Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad dentro del proyecto ENE2012-36473, TURCO (Determinación en túnel aerodinámico de la distribución espacial de parámetros estadísticos de la turbulencia atmosférica sobre topografías complejas) del Plan Nacional de Investigación (Subprograma de investigación fundamental no orientada 2012). El informe se ha organizado en siete capítulos y un conjunto de anexos. En el primer capítulo se introduce el problema. En el capítulo dos se describen los medios experimentales utilizados. Seguidamente, en el capítulo tres, se analizan en detalle las condiciones de referencia del principal túnel aerodinámico utilizado en esta investigación. En el capítulo tres se presentan resultados de ensayos de presión superficial sobre un modelo de la isla. Los principales resultados del experimento de Bolund se reproducen en el capítulo cinco. En el capítulo seis se identifican diferentes estructuras del flujo sobre la isla y, finalmente, en el capitulo siete, se recogen las conclusiones y una propuesta de lineas de trabajo futuras. ABSTRACT The main objective of this work is to contribute to answer the question: to which extend can the wind tunnel testing contribute to determine the flow characteristics that affect the dynamic response of wind turbines operating in highly complex terrains?. This question is not new, indeed, the debate in the scientific community was opened in the first third of the past century and it is still intensely alive. The accepted approach to face this problem consists in analysing a given case study where full-scale tests, computational modelling and wind tunnel testing are applied to the same topography. This is neither easy nor cheap. This is is the reason why since the Askervein experience in 1988, the atmospheric flow modellers community had to wait till 2007 when the Bolund experiment was setup with a deployment of technical means equivalent (considering the evolution of the sensor and computing techniques). The problem is so manifold that both experiences were restricted to neutral conditions without Coriolis effects in order to reduce the complexity. This is the framework in which this PhD has been carried out. The flow topology over the Bolund Island has been studied by replicating the Bolund experiment in the IDR A9 and ACLA16 wind tunnels. Two mock-ups of the Bolund island were manufactured at two scales of 1:230 and 1:115. The in-flow in the empty wind tunnel simulating the incoming atmospheric boundary layer was in the transitionally rough regime and used as a reference case. The 1:230 model was tested in the A9 wind tunnel to measure surface pressure. The mapping of the pressure coefficient across the island gave a visualisation and estimation of a detachment region on the top of the escarpment in front of the island. Time resolved instantaneous pressure measurements illustrated the non-steadiness in the detachment region. The 1:115 model was tested using 3C hot-wires(HW) and 2C Particle Image Velocimetry(PIV). Measurements at met masts M3, M6, M7 and M8 and along Line 270°were taken to replicate the result of the Bolund experiment. The flow was characterised by the speed-up ratio, normalised increment of the turbulent kinetic energy, inclination angle and turning angle. Results along line 270°at heights of 2 m and 5 m compared very well with the full-scale results of the Bolund experiment. Vertical profiles at the met masts showed a significant agreement with the full-scale results. The analysis of the Reynolds stresses and the spectral analysis at the met mast locations gave a varied level of agreement at some locations while clear mismatch at others. The horizontal mapping of the flow field, for a 270°wind direction, allowed to characterise the behaviour of the intermittent recirculation bubble on top of the front escarpment followed by a relaxation region and the presence of a shear layer in the lee side of the island. Further detailed velocity measurements were taken at cross-flow planes over the island to study the flow structures on the island. A longitudinal vortex-like structure with high mean velocity gradients and high turbulent kinetic energy was characterised on the escarpment and evolving downstream. This flow structure is a challenge to the numerical models while posing a threat to wind farm designers when siting wind turbines. Spatial distribution of Reynold stresses were presented from 3C HW and PIV measurements. These values are not common results from usual wind tunnel measurements and very useful for modellers using large eddy simulation (LES). An interpretation of the wind tunnel results in terms of usefulness to wind farm designers is given. Evolution and variation of the flow parameters along measurement lines, planes and surfaces indicated how the flow field could affect wind turbine siting. Different flow properties were presented so compare the level of agreement to full-scale results and how this affected when characterising the site wind classes. The results presented suggest, under certain conditions, the robustness of the wind tunnel testing for studying flow topology over complex terrain and its capability to compare to other modelling techniques especially from the level of agreement between the different data sets presented. Additionally, some flow parameters obtained from wind tunnel measurements would have been quite difficult to be measured at full-scale or by computational means considering the state of the art. This work was carried out as a part of the activities supported by the EC as part of the FP7- PEOPLE-ITN-2008 WAUDIT project (Wind Resource Assessment Audit and Standardization) within the FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network and by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, within the framework of the ENE2012-36473, TURCO project (Determination of the Spatial Distribution of Statistic Parameters of Flow Turbulence over Complex Topographies in Wind Tunnel) belonging to the Spanish National Program of Research (Subprograma de investigación fundamental no orientada 2012). The report is organised in seven chapters and a collection of annexes. In chapter one, the problem is introduced. In chapter two the experimental setup is described. Following, in chapter three, the inflow conditions of the main wind tunnel used in this piece of research are analysed in detail. In chapter three, preliminary pressure tests results on a model of the island are presented. The main results from the Bolund experiment are replicated in chapter five. In chapter six, an identification of specific flow strutures over the island is presented and, finally, in chapter seven, conclusions and lines for future works related to the presented one are included.


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Entre as muitas aplicações das tecnologias de identificação biológica humana, estão as finalidades forenses. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar frequências alélicas de Short Tandem Repeat (STR) e os parâmetros estatísticos de interesse em genética de populações e forense para desenvolver o primeiro banco de dados populacional de DNA na Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo, (FOB/USP) para futuros usos forenses. Frequências alélicas de 15 locos autossômicos e do marcador de gênero amelogenina foram determinadas utilizando amostras de 200 μL de saliva doados por 296 alunos de graduação da FOB/USP, com idade ≥ 18 anos, após aprovação ética. Os testes laboratoriais foram feitos com kits comerciais. Resultados e parâmetros estatísticos foram obtidos por meio de programas clássicos: GeneMapper-ID-X, MS Excel 2002 versão 10.6871.6870, GenAlEx 6.5 e Arlequin 3.5, comparando quatro populações (brasileira, portuguesa, norte-americana e a população deste estudo). Os locos mais polimórficos foram D18S51 (17 alelos) e FGA (15 alelos), seguidos pelo D21S11 (13 alelos) e os menos polimórficos foram D16S539 e TH01 (7 alelos cada). A análise comparativa com amostra da população brasileira proveniente de estudos anteriores (n > 100.000) pelo teste goodness of fit X2 index não mostrou diferenças significativas entre estes grupos (p = 0,9999). Outros parâmetros estatísticos foram calculados comparando as populações: local (deste estudo), portuguesa e norte-americana. A análise de variância molecular (AMOVA) entre as três populações, entre as pessoas da mesma população e para cada pessoa de cada população mostrou que existe uma elevada variância individual (99%), que esta variância é mantida uniformemente entre as pessoas da mesma amostra/região (1%) e entre as três populações estudadas (0%). O estudo confirmou o elevado grau de polimorfismo e a alta heterozigosidade (96,5%) da população. Houve diferença significativa quanto ao gênero (79,7% mulheres) quando comparado à população brasileira em geral (50,4%), explicada pelas características do corpo discente da FOB/USP composto por 80,6% de pessoas do gênero feminino. Interessante foi a observação de uma microvariante alélica no loco D18S51, fora da escada padrão e da escala de abrangência do kit, correspondente ao alelo 29, ainda não definida na base de dados internacional (STRBase, atualizada em 07/08/2015). Esta microvariante deverá ser confirmada por testes familiares e sequenciamento de DNA para verificar a possibilidade de outra ocorrência familiar ou duplicação de nucleotídeos. No futuro, os dados obtidos neste estudo devem ser incorporados ao banco de dados da população brasileira e podem ser considerados como referência genética da população regional, ajudando a elucidar casos forenses. Após a confirmação, a potencial nova microvariante alélica contribuirá para a base de dados internacional STRBase.


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The long-term foetal surveillance is often to be recommended. Hence, the fully non-invasive acoustic recording, through maternal abdomen, represents a valuable alternative to the ultrasonic cardiotocography. Unfortunately, the recorded heart sound signal is heavily loaded by noise, thus the determination of the foetal heart rate raises serious signal processing issues. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for foetal heart rate estimation from foetal phonocardiographic recordings. A filtering is employed as a first step of the algorithm to reduce the background noise. A block for first heart sounds enhancing is then used to further reduce other components of foetal heart sound signals. A complex logic block, guided by a number of rules concerning foetal heart beat regularity, is proposed as a successive block, for the detection of most probable first heart sounds from several candidates. A final block is used for exact first heart sound timing and in turn foetal heart rate estimation. Filtering and enhancing blocks are actually implemented by means of different techniques, so that different processing paths are proposed. Furthermore, a reliability index is introduced to quantify the consistency of the estimated foetal heart rate and, based on statistic parameters; [,] a software quality index is designed to indicate the most reliable analysis procedure (that is, combining the best processing path and the most accurate time mark of the first heart sound, provides the lowest estimation errors). The algorithm performances have been tested on phonocardiographic signals recorded in a local gynaecology private practice from a sample group of about 50 pregnant women. Phonocardiographic signals have been recorded simultaneously to ultrasonic cardiotocographic signals in order to compare the two foetal heart rate series (the one estimated by our algorithm and the other provided by cardiotocographic device). Our results show that the proposed algorithm, in particular some analysis procedures, provides reliable foetal heart rate signals, very close to the reference cardiotocographic recordings. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A generic method for the estimation of parameters for Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations (SODEs) is introduced and developed. This algorithm, called the GePERs method, utilises a genetic optimisation algorithm to minimise a stochastic objective function based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Numerical simulations are utilised to form the KS statistic. Further, the examination of some of the factors that improve the precision of the estimates is conducted. This method is used to estimate parameters of diffusion equations and jump-diffusion equations. It is also applied to the problem of model selection for the Queensland electricity market. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for pre-weaning traits of Braunvieh cattle raised under tropical conditions in Brazil. The weight and weight gain parameters were birth weight (BW, N = 9955), weight at 120 days of age (W120, N = 5901), weaning weight at 205 days (WW, N = 6970), weight gain from birth to 205 days (GAIN205, N = 6013), weight gain from birth to 120 days (GAIN120, N = 5135), and weight gain from 120 to 205 days (GAIN85, N = 4482). Variance components were estimated using the animal model with the MTDFREML software. The relationship matrix included 35,188 animals; phenotypic measures were available for 18,688. Direct and maternal heritability increased from birth to weaning, with estimates of 0.23 +/- 0.037, 0.25 +/- 0.050, 0.41 +/- 0.059 for direct heritability for BW, W120 and WW, respectively, 0.08 +/- 0.012, 0.15 +/- 0.032, 0.22 +/- 0.036 for maternal genetic effects, and 0.18, 0.14 and 0.16 for total heritability estimates. For pre-weaning gains, estimates of heritability were 0.36 +/- 0.059, 0.30 +/- 0.059, 0.12 +/- 0.035 for direct genetic effects of the traits GAIN205, GAIN120 and GAIN85, respectively, 0.23 +/- 0.038, 0.17 +/- 0.037, 0.03 +/- 0.029 for estimates of maternal heritability, and 0.12, 0.13, 0.16 for total heritability, respectively. Genetic correlations between weights were greater between measures taken at shorter intervals. This information can be used to optimize the design of programs for genetic improvement of Braunvieh cattle raised under tropical conditions.