999 resultados para Genetic typing


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A total of 72 Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from different hosts and geographical regions of western Venezuela, where Chagas disease is endemic, were typed using ribosomal and mini-exon gene markers. The isolates were obtained from wild, peridomestic and domestic sources including triatomine-bugs, human acute chagasic patients and other mammals. Results showed that T. cruzi two major phylogenetic lineages, T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II were present. However, a remarkable predominance of T. cruzi I (96%) over T. cruzi II (4%) was observed. The present results suggest that in western Venezuela circulation of both T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II isolates is independent from the source of isolation and the geographical area where they occur, with predominance of T. cruzi I. The epidemiological significance of the present results is discussed.


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In the past years, research in embryo technologies is moving to the establishment of preimplantation genetic typing or also denominated preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). The objectives of these tests are the prevention of genetic diseases transmission and the prediction of phenotypic characteristics, as well as sex determination, genetic disorders and productive and reproductive profiles, prior to the embryo transfer or freezing, during early stages of development. This paper points out the state-of-the-art of PGD, mainly in cattle and discuss the perspectives of multiloci genetic analysis of embryos. (C) 2001 by Elsevier B.V.


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We recently characterized three novel alphaviruses isolated from mosquitoes captured in New South Wales, Australia. Initial cross-neutralization studies revealed antigenic similarity to the Sindbis virus (SINV)-like Whataroa virus (WHAV), heretofore found only in New Zealand. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the WHAV-Iike viruses shared >99% nucleotide sequence similarity with each other, and 96-97% similarity with prototype WHAV. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactions of a panel of monoclonal antibodies to SINV showed that the novel WHAV-Iike viruses displayed identical binding patterns and were antigenically distinct from all SINV isolates examined. Although these viruses displayed a similar binding pattern to prototype WHAV, three monoclonal antibodies discriminated them from the New Zealand virus. Our results suggest that these novel alphaviruses are antigenic variants of WHAV and represent the first reported isolations of this virus from outside New Zealand. The monoclonal antibodies used in this study will be useful for typing new SINV and SINV-like isolates.


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Through microsatellite analysis of 53 monoclonal populations of Trypanosoma cruzi, we found a remarkable degree of genetic polymorphism with no single multilocus genotype being observed more than once. The microsatellite profile proved to be stable during 70 generations of the CL Brener clone in culture. The microsatellite profiling presented also high diagnostic sensitivity since DNA amplifications could be achieved with less than 100 fg DNA, corresponding to half parasite total DNA content. Based on these technical attributes the microsatellite assay turns out to be an important tool for direct typing T. cruzi in biological samples. By using this approach we were able to type T. cruzi in feces of artificially infected bugs and in single cells sorted by FACS. The microsatellites have shown to be excellent markers for T. cruzi phylogenetic reconstruction. We used maximum parsimony based on the minimum number of mutational steps to build an unrooted Wagner network, which confirms previous conclusions based on the analysis of the D7 domain of the LSU rDNA gene that T. cruzi is composed by two major groups. We also obtained evidence that strains belonging to rRNA group 2 are subdivided into two genetically distant clusters, and that one of these clusters is more related to rRNA group 1/2. These results suggest different origins for these strains.


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Genetic typing of pathogenic agents and of vectors has known impressive developments in the last 10 years, thanks to the progresses of molecular biology, and to the contribution of the concepts of evolutionary genetics. Moreover, we know more and more on the genetic susceptibility of man to infectious diseases. I propose here to settle a new, synthetic field of research, which I call `integrated genetic epidemiology of infectious diseases' (IGEID). I aim at evaluating, by an evolutionary genetic approach, the respective impact, on the transmission and pathogenicity of infectious diseases, of the host's, the pathogen's and the vector's genetic diversity, and their possible interactions (co-evolution phenomena). Chagas' disease constitutes a fine model to develop the IGEID methodology, by both field and experimental studies.


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Our results have shown the wide diversity of parasites within New World Leishmania. Biochemical and molecular characterization of species within the genus has revealed that much of the population heterogeneity has a genetic basis. The source of genetic diversity among Leishmania appears to arise from predominantly asexual, clonal reproduction, although occasional bouts of sexual reproduction can not be ruled out. Genetic variation is extensive with some clones widely distributed and others seemingly unique and localized to a particular endemic focus. Epidemiological studies of leishmaniasis has been directed to the ecology and dynamics of transmission of Leishmania species/variants, particularly in localized areas. Future research using molecular techniques should aim to identify and follow Leishmania types in nature and correlate genetic typing with important clinical characteristics such as virulence, pathogenicity, drug resistance and antigenic variation. The epidemiological significance of such variation not only has important implications for the control of the leishmaniases, but would also help to elucidate the evolutionary biology of the causative agents.


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Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a significant cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in all age groups, particularly in children. Two genetic groups and four subgroups of hMPV have been described. They co-circulate during an epidemic in variable proportions. The aims were to characterize the genotypes of hMPV recovered from children hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection and to establish the molecular epidemiology of strains circulating in Santiago of Chile during a 2-year period. The detection of the N gene by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction was carried out for screening 545 infants hospitalized for acute lower respiratory tract infection in Santiago during 2003-2004. The genetic typing of hMPV was performed by analyzing the fusion gene sequences. hMPV was detected in 10.2% (56/545 cases). Phylogenetic analysis of F gene sequences from 39 Chilean hMPV strains identified the two groups and four subgroups previously described. Strains clustered into group A were split further into the sub lineages A1, A2, and A3. Most Chilean strains clustered into the proposed novel A3 sub lineage (59%). A3 viruses were present in both years, while A1 and A2 circulated just in I year. In conclusion, hMPV is a relevant cause of acute lower respiratory infection in Chilean children and the potential novel cluster of group A emphasize the need for further regional genetic variability studies. J. Med. Virol. 81:340-344, 2009. (c) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiological agent of enzootic pneumonia in swine. Various reports indicate that different strains are circulating in the swine population. We investigated the variety of M. hyopneumoniae strains by a newly developed genetic typing method based on the polyserine repeat motif of the LppS homolog P146. PCR amplification using M. hyopneumoniae specific, conserved primers flanking the region encoding the repeat motif, followed by sequencing and cluster analysis was carried out. The study included strains isolated from different geographic regions as well as lysates from lung swabs from a series of pig farms in Switzerland. High diversity of M. hyopneumoniae was observed but farms being in close geographic or operative contact generally seemed to be affected by the same strains. Moreover, analysis of multiple samples from single pig farms indicated that these harbored the same, farm-specific strain. The results indicate that multiple strains of M. hyopneumoniae are found in the swine population but that specific strains or clones are responsible for local outbreaks. The method presented is a highly reproducible epidemiologic tool allowing direct typing of M. hyopneumoniae from clinical material without prior isolation and cultivation of strains.


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The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of renal cysts and other renal abnormalities in purebred Maine Coon cats, and to characterise these through genetic typing. Voluntary pre-breeding screening programmes for polycystic kidney disease (PKD) are offered for this breed throughout Switzerland, Germany and other northern European countries. We performed a retrospective evaluation of Maine Coon screening for renal disease at one institution over an 8-year period. Renal ultrasonography was performed in 187 healthy Maine Coon cats. Renal changes were observed in 27 of these cats. Renal cysts were found in seven cats, and were mostly single and unilateral (6/7, 85.7%), small (mean 3.6 mm) and located at the corticomedullary junction (4/6, 66.7%). Sonographical changes indicating chronic kidney disease (CKD) were observed in 10/187 (5.3%) cats and changes of unknown significance were documented in 11/187 (5.9%) cats. All six cats genetically tested for PKD1 were negative for the mutation, and gene sequencing of these cats did not demonstrate any common genetic sequences. Cystic renal disease occurs with a low prevalence in Maine Coons and is unrelated to the PKD observed in Persians and related breeds. Ultrasonographical findings compatible with CKD are not uncommon in juvenile Maine Coons.


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A diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (DM1) é o distúrbio endócrino-metabólico mais frequente em crianças. É uma doença autoimune resultado da destruição selectiva das células beta pancreáticas. A velocidade de destruição das células beta pode ser rápida em algumas pessoas e lenta em outras; esta última é típica de adulto é conhecido como diabetes autoimune latente em adulto (LADA). A sua etiologia envolve factores ambientais e genéticos, dos genes envolvidos a maior contribuição vem da região do genoma onde estão localizados os genes do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (MHC). A combinação de diferentes alelos do sistema de antigénio leucocitário humano tipo II (HLAII) esta associada a susceptibilidade da doença e as principais molécula envolvidas são a DQ e DR. O estágio pré-clínico da doença se caracteriza pela presença de auto-anticorpos, sendo o anti-GAD o mais sensível nesta patologia. OBJECTIVO: Analizar a frequência dos polimorfismos HLA-DR/DQ em angolanos portadores de diabetes tipo 1, residentes em Luanda. O tipo de estudo adotado foi casocontrolo num universo de voluntários provenientes da consulta externa de hospitais e clínicas locais no período de outubro de 2012 a outubro 2013. A amostra biológica utilizada foi sangue total, tendo sido processada no laboratório LABGENE, da Faculdade de Medicina (FM) da Universidade Agostinho Neto (UNA). Os auto-anticorpos, anti-GAD, foram doseados pelo método de ELISA. O ADN genómico foi extraído à partir de sangue total periférico e tipagem genética foi realizada mediante PCR-SSP.O alelo DQB1*02 (DQ2/DQ2) (p=0,033, OR= 4, IC (1,2-13,3) foi associado a susceptibilidade da DM1; os alelos DQB1*06 (DQ6/DQ6) (p=0,000, OR=0,30, IC (0,17-0,54); *11 (p=0,011, OR=0,14, IC=0,032-0,62); *13 (p=0,006, OR=0,13, IC=0,049-0,588) e *15 (p=0,001, OR=0,044, IC=0,005-0,39) foram associados a proteção. Foi encontrado 29,2% de positividade para o anti-GAD, não houve associação significativa (p=0,69) entre a resposta positiva do anti-GAD e a idade. Não foi encontrada associação significativa (p=0,39) entre o tempo de diagnóstico e resposta humoral. Observou-se associação significativa entre os alelos de risco DQB1*02 (p=0.000) e resposta positiva para anti-GAD; da mesma maneira houve uma associação significativa para os alelos DQB1*06 (p=0,002), DRB1*11 (p=0,048); *13 (p=0,004) e *15 (p=0,021) e a resposta negativa do anti-GAD.Os dados demostram o forte envolvimentos do gene HLA-II (DQ) com a suceptibilidade a DM1 e sugere que a autoimunidade se desenvolve na presença de susceptibilidade genética, quer dizer, em associação com alelos HLA-II específicos.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Ambiental e Molecular


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Recently we cloned and sequenced the first eight Trypanosoma cruzi polymorphic microsatellite loci and studied 31 clones and strains to obtain valuable information about the population structure of the parasite. We have now studied 23 further strains, increasing from 11 to 31 the number of strains obtained from patients with chronic Chagas disease. This expanded set of 54 strains and clones analyzed with the eight microsatellites markers confirmed the previously observed diploidy, clonal population organization and very high polymorphism of T. cruzi. Moreover, this new study disclosed two new features of the population genetic structure of T. cruzi. The first was the discovery that, similarly to what we had previously shown for strains isolated from insect vectors, mammals and humans with acute disease, isolates from patients in the chronic phase of Chagas disease could also be multiclonal, albeit at a reduced proportion. Second, when we used parsimony to display the genetic relationship among the clonal lineages in an unrooted Wagner network we observed, like before, a good correlation of the tree topography with the classification in three clusters on the basis of single locus analysis of the ribosomal RNA genes. However, a significant new finding was that now the strains belonging to cluster 2 split in two distant sub-clusters. This observation suggests that the evolutionary history of T. cruzi may be more complex than we previously thought.


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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an organism that is frequently transmitted in hospitals and perinatal units. The MRSA is considered a public health problem in neonatology because of its strong potential for dissemination in the wards associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. In this study we describe the bacteriological, epidemiological and molecular characteristics of MRSA isolated from anterior nares and blood cultures of newborns hospitalized in a public maternity hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The frequency of MRSA isolated from nasal swabs of newborns was 47.8% (43/90). The genetic analysis of MRSA strains from anterior nares, showed 8 different pulsed field gel electrophoresis patterns (PFGE). Upon analysis of PFGE patterns of the 12 MRSA strains isolated from blood cultures, 8 different patterns were observed, 9 (75%) strains were genetic related to nasal secretion isolates patterns. In conclusion, our data demonstrate the importance of screening of newborns for the presence of MRSA in Brazilian hospitals and the usefulness of genetic typing of these pathogen during epidemiologic studies. This should lead to a better knowledge on the significancy and spreading of MRSA in the hospitals.


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Simple sequence repeat anchored polymerase chain reaction amplification (SSR-PCR) is a genetic typing technique based on primers anchored at the 5' or 3' ends of microsatellites, at high primer annealing temperatures. This technique has already been used in studies of genetic variability of several organisms, using different primer designs. In order to conduct a detailed study of the SSR-PCR genomic targets, we cloned and sequenced 20 unique amplification products of two commonly used primers, CAA(CT)6 and (CA)8RY, using Biomphalaria glabrata genomic DNA as template. The sequences obtained were novel B. glabrata genomic sequences. It was observed that 15 clones contained microsatellites between priming sites. Out of 40 clones, seven contained complex sequence repetitions. One of the repeats that appeared in six of the amplified fragments generated a single band in Southern analysis, indicating that the sequence was not widespread in the genome. Most of the annealing sites for the CAA(CT)6 primer contained only the six repeats found within the primer sequence. In conclusion, SSR-PCR is a useful genotyping technique. However, the premise of the SSR-PCR technique, verified with the CAA(CT)6 primer, could not be supported since the amplification products did not result necessarily from microsatellite loci amplification.