711 resultados para Generalized corrosion
Electrochemical corrosion measurements of AISI H13 steel treated by Pill process in 3.5% (wt) NaCl solution were investigated. So far the corrosion behavior of AISI H 13 steel by Pill has not been studied. The electrochemical results are correlated with the surface morphology, nitrogen content and hardness of the nitride layer. Ion implantation of nitrogen into H 13 steel was carried out by Pill technique. SEM examination revealed a generalized corrosion and porosity over all analyzed sample surfaces. Penetration of nitrogen reaching more than 20 gm was achieved at 450 degrees C and hardness as high as 1340 HV (factor of 2.7 enhancement over standard tempered and annealed H 13) was reached by a high power, 9 h Pill treatment. The corrosion behavior of the samples was studied by potentiodynamic polarization method. The noblest corrosion behavior was observed for the samples treated by PIII at 450 degrees C, during 9 h. Anodic branches of polarization curves of PIII processed samples show a passive region associated with the formation of a protective film. The passive region current density of PIII treated H13 samples (3.5 x 10(-6) A/cm(2)) is about 270 times lower than the one of untreated specimens, which demonstrates the higher corrosion resistance for the Pill treated H 13 samples. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nickel, a component of stainless steels (SS) applied in orthopedic implants may cause allergic processes in human tissues P558 nickel free SS was studied to verify its viability as a substitute for stainless steel containing nickel Its performance is compared to ISO 5832-9 and F138 most used nowadays grades in implants fabrications, in minimum essential medium. MEM, at 37 degrees C. Potentiodynamic polarization curves, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and ""in vitro"" cytotoxicity were used as techniques. From the electrochemical point of view P558 SS is comparable to ISO 5832-9 SS in MEM It remains passivated until the transpassivation potential, above which generalized corrosion occurs F138 presents pitting corrosion at 370 mV/SCE. The cytotoxicity results showed that P558. ISO 5832-9 and F138 do not present cytotoxic character Therefore, these results suggest that P558 SS can be applied in orthopedic implants (C) 2010 Elsevier BV All rights reserved
Estudou-se o comportamento do aço AISI 1010 em AISI 1010 em àlcool etílico puro com 3,5% H20 e diferentes aditivos (acetato de sódio, um aditivo comercial e trietanolamina) em meio arejado e desarejado, com e sem agitação. Os resultados experimentais mostram que os aditivos usados exercem efeito inibidor da corrosão no aço. A água (3,5%) origina um período de incubação até o aparecimento de pite. A reação de redução catódica do oxigênio apresenta duas ondas, o que permite dizer que a presença de algum filme modifica a mesma. Os ensaios em etanol carburante, a longo prazo, apresentaram corrosão localizada em meio arejado (a qual é evitada com adição de 10-² M de acetato de sódio), e corrosão generalizada em meio desarejado.
In this paper it is proposed a method to characterize the corrosion reactions of many metals and alloys in acid media and to evaluate the corrosion rate. An alloy of aluminum and zinc was partially dissolved in HCl solution and the medium acidity decrease was monitored at different time intervals by using a pHmeter. Data analysis and physical chemistry treatment permitted associate the pH increase with the alloy mass loss. This proposal promotes learning of terminology and concepts involved as well as contribute to better understand the corrosion phenomena.
This dissertation demonstrates an explanation of damage and reliability of critical components and structures within the second law of thermodynamics. The approach relies on the fundamentals of irreversible thermodynamics, specifically the concept of entropy generation due to materials degradation as an index of damage. All failure mechanisms that cause degradation, damage accumulation and ultimate failure share a common feature, namely energy dissipation. Energy dissipation, as a fundamental measure for irreversibility in a thermodynamic treatment of non-equilibrium processes, leads to and can be expressed in terms of entropy generation. The dissertation proposes a theory of damage by relating entropy generation to energy dissipation via generalized thermodynamic forces and thermodynamic fluxes that formally describes the resulting damage. Following the proposed theory of entropic damage, an approach to reliability and integrity characterization based on thermodynamic entropy is discussed. It is shown that the variability in the amount of the thermodynamic-based damage and uncertainties about the parameters of a distribution model describing the variability, leads to a more consistent and broader definition of the well know time-to-failure distribution in reliability engineering. As such it has been shown that the reliability function can be derived from the thermodynamic laws rather than estimated from the observed failure histories. Furthermore, using the superior advantages of the use of entropy generation and accumulation as a damage index in comparison to common observable markers of damage such as crack size, a method is proposed to explain the prognostics and health management (PHM) in terms of the entropic damage. The proposed entropic-based damage theory to reliability and integrity is then demonstrated through experimental validation. Using this theorem, the corrosion-fatigue entropy generation function is derived, evaluated and employed for structural integrity, reliability assessment and remaining useful life (RUL) prediction of Aluminum 7075-T651 specimens tested.
This study evaluated the corrosion kinetics and surface topography of Ti-6Al-4V alloy exposed to mouthwash solutions (0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, 0.053% cetylpyridinium chloride and 3% hydrogen peroxide) compared to artificial saliva (pH6.5) (control). Twenty Ti-6Al-4V alloy disks were used and divided into 4 groups (n=5). For the electrochemical assay, standard tests as open circuit potential and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were applied at baseline, 7 and 14days after immersion in the solutions. Scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and profilometry (average roughness - Ra) were used for surface characterization. Total weight loss of disks was calculated. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Bonferroni's test (α=0.05). Hydrogen peroxide generated the lowest polarization resistance (Rp) values for all periods (P<0.05). For the capacitance (Cdl), similar results were observed among groups at baseline (P=0.098). For the 7 and 14-day periods, hydrogen peroxide promoted the highest Cdl values (P<0.0001). Hydrogen peroxide promoted expressive superficial changes and greater Ra values than the others (P<0.0001). It could be concluded that solutions containing cetylpyridinium chloride and chlorhexidine digluconate might be the mouthwashes of choice during the post-operatory period of dental implants. However, hydrogen peroxide is counter-indicated in these situations. Further studies evaluating the dynamics of these solutions (tribocorrosion) and immersing the disks in daily cycles (two or three times a day) to mimic a clinical situation closest to the application of mouthwashes in the oral cavity are warranted to prove our results.
We study how the crossover exponent, phi, between the directed percolation (DP) and compact directed percolation (CDP) behaves as a function of the diffusion rate in a model that generalizes the contact process. Our conclusions are based in results pointed by perturbative series expansions and numerical simulations, and are consistent with a value phi = 2 for finite diffusion rates and phi = 1 in the limit of infinite diffusion rate.
We consider a nontrivial one-species population dynamics model with finite and infinite carrying capacities. Time-dependent intrinsic and extrinsic growth rates are considered in these models. Through the model per capita growth rate we obtain a heuristic general procedure to generate scaling functions to collapse data into a simple linear behavior even if an extrinsic growth rate is included. With this data collapse, all the models studied become independent from the parameters and initial condition. Analytical solutions are found when time-dependent coefficients are considered. These solutions allow us to perceive nontrivial transitions between species extinction and survival and to calculate the transition's critical exponents. Considering an extrinsic growth rate as a cancer treatment, we show that the relevant quantity depends not only on the intensity of the treatment, but also on when the cancerous cell growth is maximum.
This article focuses on the identification of the number of paths with different lengths between pairs of nodes in complex networks and how these paths can be used for characterization of topological properties of theoretical and real-world complex networks. This analysis revealed that the number of paths can provide a better discrimination of network models than traditional network measurements. In addition, the analysis of real-world networks suggests that the long-range connectivity tends to be limited in these networks and may be strongly related to network growth and organization.
In the last decade the Sznajd model has been successfully employed in modeling some properties and scale features of both proportional and majority elections. We propose a version of the Sznajd model with a generalized bounded confidence rule-a rule that limits the convincing capability of agents and that is essential to allow coexistence of opinions in the stationary state. With an appropriate choice of parameters it can be reduced to previous models. We solved this model both in a mean-field approach (for an arbitrary number of opinions) and numerically in a Barabaacutesi-Albert network (for three and four opinions), studying the transient and the possible stationary states. We built the phase portrait for the special cases of three and four opinions, defining the attractors and their basins of attraction. Through this analysis, we were able to understand and explain discrepancies between mean-field and simulation results obtained in previous works for the usual Sznajd model with bounded confidence and three opinions. Both the dynamical system approach and our generalized bounded confidence rule are quite general and we think it can be useful to the understanding of other similar models.
The Sznajd model is a sociophysics model that mimics the propagation of opinions in a closed society, where the interactions favor groups of agreeing people. It is based in the Ising and Potts ferromagnetic models and, although the original model used only linear chains, it has since been adapted to general networks. This model has a very rich transient, which has been used to model several aspects of elections, but its stationary states are always consensus states. In order to model more complex behaviors, we have, in a recent work, introduced the idea of biases and prejudices to the Sznajd model by generalizing the bounded confidence rule, which is common to many continuous opinion models, to what we called confidence rules. In that work we have found that the mean field version of this model (corresponding to a complete network) allows for stationary states where noninteracting opinions survive, but never for the coexistence of interacting opinions. In the present work, we provide networks that allow for the coexistence of interacting opinions for certain confidence rules. Moreover, we show that the model does not become inactive; that is, the opinions keep changing, even in the stationary regime. This is an important result in the context of understanding how a rule that breeds local conformity is still able to sustain global diversity while avoiding a frozen stationary state. We also provide results that give some insights on how this behavior approaches the mean field behavior as the networks are changed.
A simple and completely general representation of the exact exchange-correlation functional of density-functional theory is derived from the universal Lieb-Oxford bound, which holds for any Coulomb-interacting system. This representation leads to an alternative point of view on popular hybrid functionals, providing a rationale for why they work and how they can be constructed. A similar representation of the exact correlation functional allows to construct fully nonempirical hyper-generalized-gradient approximations (HGGAs), radically departing from established paradigms of functional construction. Numerical tests of these HGGAs for atomic and molecular correlation energies and molecular atomization energies show that even simple HGGAs match or outperform state-of-the-art correlation functionals currently used in solid-state physics and quantum chemistry.
The present work is focused on the role of formaldehyde in indoors Pb corrosion, that is still a controversial issue. Pb coupons were exposed to the atmosphere produced by formaldehyde aqueous solutions (1% and 4% in volume) and corrosion was followed by Raman Microscopy. The compounds formed in both experiments were the same, but were not in agreement with previously reported results in the literature, that identified plumbonacrite, hidrocerussite and Pb oxide. The experiments here reported have clearly shown that formates are produced on Pb surfaces exposed to formaldehyde and that oxidants, such as H(2)O(2), are not necessary. Formaldehyde oxidation also occurs with powdered PbO in a controlled environment. The Raman spectra of the Pb formates are much more complex than the Pb(HCO(2))(2) spectrum and change when exposed to room conditions, by a slow reaction with CO(2), forming Pb carbonates (hidrocerussite and plumbonacrite mostly) and Pb(HCO(2))(2). Such spectral change may be responsible for the differences in terms of chemical composition of the corrosion layer when the data here reported is compared with the literature. Other factors that must be considered are the storage conditions (particularly relative humidity and CO(2) concentration) and time; the effect of metal composition cannot be discarded as it is well known that the presence of other metals can change significantly the Pb resistance to oxidation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper aims to study evolution of increase, distribution and classification of pits in 310S austenitic stainless steels obtained in the state as-received and heat-treated under different exposure times in saline. This work applicability has been based on a technique development for morphologic characterization of localized corrosion associated with description aspects of shapes, size and population-specific parameters. Methodology has been consisted in the following steps: specimens preparation, corrosion tests via salt spray in different conditions, microstructural analysis, pits profiles analysis and images analysis, digital processing and image analysis in order to characterize the pits distribution, morphology and size. Results obtained in digital processing and profiles image analysis have been subjected to statistical analysis using median as parameter in the alloy as received and treated. The alloy as received displays the following morphology: hemispheric pits> transition region A> transition region B> irregular> conic. The pits amount in the treated alloy at each exposure time is: transition region B> hemispherical> transition region A> conic> irregular.
Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been widely used in restorative surgery due to its high corrosion resistance and biocompatibility. Nevertheless, some studies showed that V and Al release in the organism might induce cytotoxic effects and neurological disorders, which led to the development of V-free alloys and both V- and Al-free alloys containing Nb, Zr, Ta, or Mo. Among these alloys, Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy is promising due to its better biomechanical compatibility than Ti-6Al-4V. In this work, the corrosion behavior of Ti, Ti-6Al-4V, and Ti-xNb-13Zr alloys (x=5, 13, and 20) was evaluated in Ringer`s solution (pH 7.5) at 37 degrees C through open-circuit potential measurements, potentiodynamic polarization, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Spontaneous passivity was observed for all materials in this medium. Low corrosion current densities (in the order of 10(-7) A/cm(2)) and high impedance values (in the order of 10(5) Omega cm(2) at low frequencies) indicated their high corrosion resistance. EIS results showed that the passivating films were constituted of an outer porous layer (very low resistance) and an inner compact layer (high resistance), the latter providing the corrosion resistance of the materials. There was evidence that the Ti-xNb-13Zr alloys were more corrosion resistant than both Ti and Ti-6Al-4V in Ringer`s solution.