886 resultados para Gene Expression Regulation
The evolution of hybrid polyploid vertebrates, their viability and their perpetuation over evolutionary time have always been questions of great interest. However, little is known about the impact of hybridization and polyploidization on the regulatory networks that guarantee the appropriate quantitative and qualitative gene expression programme. The Squalius alburnoides complex of hybrid fish is an attractive system to address these questions, as it includes a wide variety of diploid and polyploid forms, and intricate systems of genetic exchange. Through the study of genome-specific allele expression of seven housekeeping and tissue-specific genes, we found that a gene copy silencing mechanism of dosage compensation exists throughout the distribution range of the complex. Here we show that the allele-specific patterns of silencing vary within the complex, according to the geographical origin and the type of genome involved in the hybridization process. In southern populations, triploids of S. alburnoides show an overall tendency for silencing the allele from the minority genome, while northern population polyploids exhibit preferential biallelic gene expression patterns, irrespective of genomic composition. The present findings further suggest that gene copy silencing and variable expression of specific allele combinations may be important processes in vertebrate polyploid evolution.
Résumé: Les environnements hémodynamiques, favorisant ou protégeant contre la formation de la plaque, induisent tout deux une augmentation de la production d'anion superoxide dans les cellules endothéliales (ECs). Par ailleurs, une régulation différente de l'expression des gènes a été décrite dans les cellules exposées à ces différentes conditions. Dans le but d'investiguer le rôle de l'augmentation du stress oxydatif dans l'expression des gènes régulée par le flux, nous avons d'abord exposé les EC à un flux unidirectionnel, non pulsé. Dans ces conditions, l'état oxydatif des cellules endothéliales est augmenté de façon transitoire. L'expression du gène de l'endothéline 1 (ET-1) est aussi induite de façon transitoire par un tel flux, alors que l'expression du gène de la nitiric oxyde synthase endothéliale (NOS III) est stimulé de façon durable. Au contraire, un flux unidirectionnel pulsé, qui induit une augmentation durable de la production d'anion superoxide, augmente aussi de façon durable l'expression des gènes de ET-1 comme de NOS III. Un flux oscillatoire (favorisant la plaque), qui lui aussi ,a des effets à long terme sur la production d'anion superoxide, a uniquement augmenté l'expression de ET-1. De plus, l'utilisation d'un antioxydant, a seulement partiellement inhibé la stimulation de l'expression du gène NOS III par le flux unidirectionnel pulsé, alors qu'il a complètement abrogé la stimulation de l'expression du gène ET-1 par le flux unidirectionnel pulsé et oscillatoire. Ceci suggère que les forces mécaniques régulent l'expression des gènes dans les EC par un double mécanisme dépendant et indépendant du stress oxidatif des cellules. Par ailleurs, ces résultats supportent ultérieurement l'hypothèse que la balance entre la réponse oxidative et anti-oxidante dans les cellules endothéliales exposées à un environnement hémodynamique est une des clés de la prédisposition à un dysfonctionnement endothélial observé dans des régions exposées à des flux perturbés. Abstract: Both plaque-free and plaque-prone hemodynamic environments induce an increase in the oxidative state of endothelial cells (ECs), whereas differential gene expression regulation was described in cells exposed to these conditions. In order to investigate the role of the increased oxidative state in flow-regulation of gene expression, we first exposed EC to non-pulsed unidirectional shear stress. These conditions only slightly increases ECs oxidative state and endothelin-1 (ET-1) mRNA expression, whereas endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS III) mRNA level were significantly up-regulated. On the contrary, both ET-1 and NOS III gene expression were significantly induced in EC exposed to pulsed-unidirectional flow (plaque-free). Only ET-1 gene expression was up-regulated by oscillatory flow (plaque-prone). Moreover, use of an antioxidant only partially inhibited NOS III gene up-regulation by unidirectional flow, whereas it completely abrogated ET-1 gene up-regulation by unidirectional and oscillatory flows. Thus suggesting that mechanical forces regulate gene expression in ECs both via oxidative stress-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
The TRANSFAC database on transcription factors and their DNA-binding sites and profiles (http://www.gene-regulation.de/) has been quantitatively extended and supplemented by a number of modules. These modules give information about pathologically relevant mutations in regulatory regions and transcription factor genes (PathoDB), scaffold/matrix attached regions (S/MARt DB), signal transduction (TRANSPATH) and gene expression sources (CYTOMER). Altogether, these distinct database modules constitute the TRANSFAC system. They are accompanied by a number of program routines for identifying potential transcription factor binding sites or for localizing individual components in the regulatory network of a cell.
By interacting with MHC class II molecules, CD4 facilitates lineage development as well as activation of Th cells. Expression of physiological levels of CD4 requires a proximal CD4 enhancer to stimulate basic CD4 promoter activity. T cell factor (TCF)-1/beta-catenin pathway has previously been shown to regulate thymocyte survival via up-regulating antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-xL. By both loss and gain of function studies, in this study we show additional function of TCF-1/beta-catenin pathway in the regulation of CD4 expression in vivo. Mice deficient in TCF-1 displayed significantly reduced protein and mRNA levels of CD4 in CD4+ CD8+ double-positive (DP) thymocytes. A transgene encoding Bcl-2 restored survival but not CD4 levels of TCF-1(-/-) DP cells. Thus, TCF-1-regulated survival and CD4 expression are two separate events. In contrast, CD4 levels were restored on DP TCF-1(-/-) cells by transgenic expression of a wild-type TCF-1, but not a truncated TCF-1 that lacks a domain required for interacting with beta-catenin. Furthermore, forced expression of a stabilized beta-catenin, a coactivator of TCF-1, resulted in up-regulation of CD4. TCF-1 or stabilized beta-catenin greatly stimulated activity of a CD4 reporter gene driven by a basic CD4 promoter and the CD4 enhancer. However, mutation of a potential TCF binding site located within the enhancer abrogated TCF-1 and beta-catenin-mediated activation of CD4 reporter. Finally, recruitment of TCF-1 to CD4 enhancer was detected in wild-type but not TCF-1 null mice by chromatin-immunoprecipitation analysis. Thus, our results demonstrated that TCF/beta-catenin pathway enhances CD4 expression in vivo by recruiting TCF-1 to stimulate CD4 enhancer activity.
We investigated the impact of GLUT2 gene inactivation on the regulation of hepatic glucose metabolism during the fed to fast transition. In control and GLUT2-null mice, fasting was accompanied by a approximately 10-fold increase in plasma glucagon to insulin ratio, a similar activation of liver glycogen phosphorylase and inhibition of glycogen synthase and the same elevation in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNAs. In GLUT2-null mice, mobilization of glycogen stores was, however, strongly impaired. This was correlated with glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) levels, which remained at the fed values, indicating an important allosteric stimulation of glycogen synthase by G6P. These G6P levels were also accompanied by a paradoxical elevation of the mRNAs for L-pyruvate kinase. Re-expression of GLUT2 in liver corrected the abnormal regulation of glycogen and L-pyruvate kinase gene expression. Interestingly, GLUT2-null livers were hyperplasic, as revealed by a 40% increase in liver mass and 30% increase in liver DNA content. Together, these data indicate that in the absence of GLUT2, the G6P levels cannot decrease during a fasting period. This may be due to neosynthesized glucose entering the cytosol, being unable to diffuse into the extracellular space, and being phosphorylated back to G6P. Because hepatic glucose production is nevertheless quantitatively normal, glucose produced in the endoplasmic reticulum may also be exported out of the cell through an alternative, membrane traffic-based pathway, as previously reported (Guillam, M.-T., Burcelin, R., and Thorens, B. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 12317-12321). Therefore, in fasting, GLUT2 is not required for quantitative normal glucose output but is necessary to equilibrate cytosolic glucose with the extracellular space. In the absence of this equilibration, the control of hepatic glucose metabolism by G6P is dominant over that by plasma hormone concentrations.
Little is known about the role of the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta in liver. Here we set out to better elucidate the function of PPARbeta/delta in liver by comparing the effect of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion using whole genome transcriptional profiling and analysis of plasma and liver metabolites. In fed state, the number of genes altered by PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion was similar, whereas in fasted state the effect of PPARalpha deletion was much more pronounced, consistent with the pattern of gene expression of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta. Minor overlap was found between PPARalpha- and PPARbeta/delta-dependent gene regulation in liver. Pathways upregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion were connected to innate immunity and inflammation. Pathways downregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion included lipoprotein metabolism and various pathways related to glucose utilization, which correlated with elevated plasma glucose and triglycerides and reduced plasma cholesterol in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Downregulated genes that may underlie these metabolic alterations included Pklr, Fbp1, Apoa4, Vldlr, Lipg, and Pcsk9, which may represent novel PPARbeta/delta target genes. In contrast to PPARalpha-/- mice, no changes in plasma free fatty acid, plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate, liver triglycerides, and liver glycogen were observed in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Our data indicate that PPARbeta/delta governs glucose utilization and lipoprotein metabolism and has an important anti-inflammatory role in liver. Overall, our analysis reveals divergent roles of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta in regulation of gene expression in mouse liver.
Previous studies have shown that glucose increases the glucose transporter (GLUT2) mRNA expression in the liver in vivo and in vitro. Here we report an analysis of the effects of glucose metabolism on GLUT2 gene expression. GLUT2 mRNA accumulation by glucose was not due to stabilization of its transcript but rather was a direct effect on gene transcription. A proximal fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the mouse GLUT2 gene linked to a reporter gene was transiently transfected into liver GLUT2-expressing cells. Glucose stimulated reporter gene expression in these cells, suggesting that glucose-responsive elements were included within the proximal region of the promoter. A dose-dependent effect of glucose on GLUT2 expression was observed over 10 mM glucose irrespective of the hexokinase isozyme (glucokinase K(m) 16 mM; hexokinase I K(m) 0.01 mM) present in the cell type used. This suggests that the correlation between extracellular glucose and GLUT2 mRNA concentrations is simply a reflection of an activation of glucose metabolism. The mediators and the mechanism responsible for this response remain to be determined. In conclusion, glucose metabolism is required for the proper induction of the GLUT2 gene in the liver and this effect is transcriptionally regulated.
A fetal rat telencephalon organotypic cell culture system was found to reproduce the developmental pattern of Na-K-adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) gene expression observed in vivo [Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Cell Physiol. 27): C1062-C1069, 1990]. We have used this culture system to study the effects of triiodothyronine (T3; 0.003-30 nM) on mRNA abundance and basal transcription rates of Na-K-ATPase isoforms. Steady-state mRNA levels were low at culture day 6 (corresponding to the day of birth) but distinct for each isoform alpha 3 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 2 greater than alpha 1. At culture day 6, T3 did not modify mRNA abundance of any isoform. At culture day 12 (corresponding to day 7 postnatal), T3 increased the mRNA level of alpha 2 (4- to 7-fold), beta 2 (4- to 5-fold), alpha 1 (3- to 6-fold), and beta 1 (1.5-fold), whereas alpha 3 mRNA levels remained unchanged. Interestingly, the basal transcription rate for each isoform differed strikingly (alpha 2 greater than alpha 1 much greater than beta 1 = beta 2 greater than alpha 3) but remained stable throughout 12 days of culture and was not regulated by T3. Thus we observed an inverse relationship between rate of transcription and rate of mRNA accumulation for each alpha-isoform, suggesting that alpha 1- and alpha 2-mRNA are turning over rapidly whereas alpha 3-mRNA is turning over slowly. Our data indicate that one of the mechanisms by which T3 selectively controls Na-K-ATPase gene expression during brain development in vitro occurs at the posttranscriptional level.
The CD44 adhesion receptor is silenced in highly malignant neuroblastomas (NBs) with MYCN amplification. Because its functional expression is associated with decreased tumorigenic properties, CD44 behaves as a tumor suppressor gene in NB and other cancers. Given that the precise mechanisms responsible for CD44 silencing are not elucidated, we investigated whether CD44 expression could be regulated by DNA hypermethylation. The methylation status of CD44 gene promoter and exon 1 regions was analyzed in 12 NB cell lines and 21 clinical samples after bisulfite genomic modification, followed by PCR and single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and genomic sequencing. The results showed that almost all CD44-negative cell lines displayed hypermethylation in both regions, whereas all CD44-expressing cell lines were unmethylated. These observations correlated with the ability to restore CD44 mRNA and protein expression by treatment of CD44-negative cells with the 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine demethylating agent. In contrast, no CD44 gene hypermethylation could be detected in 21 NB clinical samples of different stages, irrespective of CD44 expression. Although our results suggest that aberrant methylation of promoter and exon 1 regions is involved in CD44 silencing in NB cell lines, they also indicate that methylation of unidentified regulatory sequences or methylation-independent mechanisms also control the expression of CD44 in primary NB tumors and cell lines. We therefore conclude that CD44 silencing is controlled by complex and tumor cell-specific processes, including gene hypermethylation. Further investigation of other mechanisms and genes involved in CD44 regulation will be needed before demethylation-mediated reactivation of the CD44 gene can be considered as therapeutic strategy for neuroblastoma and perhaps other related cancers.
Vitamin A and its metabolite retinoic acid (RA) are essential elements for normal lung development and the differentiation of lung epithelial cells. We previously showed that RA rapidly activated cyclic AMP response element-binding protein (CREB) in a nonclassical manner in normal human tracheobronchial epithelial (NHTBE) cells. In the present study, we further demonstrated that this nonclassical signaling of RA on the activation of CREB plays a critical role in regulating the expression of airway epithelial cell differentiation markers, the MUC2, MUC5AC, and MUC5B genes. We found that RA rapidly activates the protein kinase Calpha isozyme and transmits the activation signal to CREB via the Raf/MEK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase/p90 ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) pathway. Activated RSK translocated from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it phosphorylates CREB. Activated CREB then binds to a cis-acting replication element motif on the promoter (at nucleotides [nt] -878 to -871) of the MUC5AC gene. The depletion of CREB using small interfering RNA abolished not only the RA-induced MUC5AC but also RA-induced MUC2 and MUC5B. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that CREB activation via this nonclassical RA signaling pathway may play an important role in regulating the expression of mucin genes and mediating the early biological effects of RA during normal mucous differentiation in NHTBE cells.
Maintenance of homeostasis is pivotal to all forms of life. In the case of plants, homeostasis is constantly threatened by the inability to escape environmental fluctuations, and therefore sensitive mechanisms must have evolved to allow rapid perception of environmental cues and concomitant modification of growth and developmental patterns for adaptation and survival. Re-establishment of homeostasis in response to environmental perturbations requires reprogramming of metabolism and gene expression to shunt energy sources from growth-related biosynthetic processes to defense, acclimation, and, ultimately, adaptation. Failure to mount an initial 'emergency' response may result in nutrient deprivation and irreversible senescence and cell death. Early signaling events largely determine the capacity of plants to orchestrate a successful adaptive response. Early events, on the other hand, are likely to be shared by different conditions through the generation of similar signals and before more specific responses are elaborated. Recent studies lend credence to this hypothesis, underpinning the importance of a shared energy signal in the transcriptional response to various types of stress. Energy deficiency is associated with most environmental perturbations due to their direct or indirect deleterious impact on photosynthesis and/or respiration. Several systems are known to have evolved for monitoring the available resources and triggering metabolic, growth, and developmental decisions accordingly. In doing so, energy-sensing systems regulate gene expression at multiple levels to allow flexibility in the diversity and the kinetics of the stress response.
Hox genes encode a family of transcriptional regulators that elicit distinct developmental programmes along the head-to-tail axis of animals. The specific regional functions of individual Hox genes largely reflect their restricted expression patterns, the disruption of which can lead to developmental defects and disease. Here, we examine the spectrum of molecular mechanisms controlling Hox gene expression in model vertebrates and invertebrates and find that a diverse range of mechanisms, including nuclear dynamics, RNA processing, microRNA and translational regulation, all concur to control Hox gene outputs. We propose that this complex multi-tiered regulation might contribute to the robustness of Hox expression during development.
Bisphenol-A (BPA) is one of the most widespread EDCs used as a base compound in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastics. The aim of our research has been to study how the exposure to BPA during pregnancy affects weight, glucose homeostasis, pancreatic β-cell function and gene expression in the major peripheral organs that control energy flux: white adipose tissue (WAT), the liver and skeletal muscle, in male offspring 17 and 28 weeks old. Pregnant mice were treated with a subcutaneous injection of 10 µg/kg/day of BPA or a vehicle from day 9 to 16 of pregnancy. One month old offspring were divided into four different groups: vehicle treated mice that ate a normal chow diet (Control group); BPA treated mice that also ate a normal chow diet (BPA); vehicle treated animals that had a high fat diet (HFD) and BPA treated animals that were fed HFD (HFD-BPA). The BPA group started to gain weight at 18 weeks old and caught up to the HFD group before week 28. The BPA group as well as the HFD and HFD-BPA ones presented fasting hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and high levels of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma compared with the Control one. Glucose stimulated insulin release was disrupted, particularly in the HFD-BPA group. In WAT, the mRNA expression of the genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, Srebpc1, Pparα and Cpt1β was decreased by BPA to the same extent as with the HFD treatment. BPA treatment upregulated Pparγ and Prkaa1 genes in the liver; yet it diminished the expression of Cd36. Hepatic triglyceride levels were increased in all groups compared to control. In conclusion, male offspring from BPA-treated mothers presented symptoms of diabesity. This term refers to a form of diabetes which typically develops in later life and is associated with obesity.
The histone deacetylase inhibitors sodium butyrate (NaBu) and trichostatin A (TSA) exhibit anti-proliferative activity by causing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. The mechanisms by which NaBu and TSA cause apoptosis and cell cycle arrest are not yet completely clarified, although these agents are known to modulate the expression of several genes including cell-cycle- and apoptosis-related genes. The enzymes involved in the process of translation have important roles in controlling cell growth and apoptosis, and several of these translation factors have been described as having a causal role in the development of cancer. The expression patterns of the translation mechanism, namely of the elongation factors eEF1A1 and eEF1A2, and of the termination factors eRF1 and eRF3, were studied in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction after a 24-h treatment with NaBu and TSA. NaBu induced inhibition of translation factors' transcription, whereas TSA caused an increase in mRNA levels. Thus, these two agents may modulate the expression of translation factors through different pathways. We propose that the inhibition caused by NaBu may, in part, be responsible for the cell cycle arrest and apoptosis induced by this agent in MCF-7 cells.