996 resultados para Gender Expression
De grandes enquêtes en milieu scolaire, au Québec comme ailleurs, ont documenté depuis les années 2000 la portée des violences homophobes, particulièrement à l’école secondaire, ainsi que leurs impacts négatifs sur les élèves qui en sont victimes, qu’ils s’identifient ou non comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ). La diffusion des résultats de ces enquêtes, ainsi que les constats similaires d’acteurs sur le terrain, ont fait accroitre les appels à la vigilance des écoles quant aux discriminations homophobes pouvant prendre forme en leur enceinte. Plusieurs des responsabilités résultant de cette mobilisation ont échoué par défaut aux enseignants, notamment en raison de leur proximité avec leurs élèves. Cependant, malgré la panoplie de publications et de formations visant explicitement à les outiller à ce sujet, les enseignants rapportent de manière consistante manquer de formation, d’habiletés, de soutien et d’aise à l’idée d’intervenir contre l’homophobie ou de parler de diversité sexuelle en classe. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à comprendre les pratiques d’intervention et d’enseignement que rapportent avoir les enseignants de l’école secondaire québécoise, toutes orientations sexuelles confondues, par rapport à la diversité sexuelle et à l’homophobie. Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, nous avons interrogé la sociologie de l’éducation, les études de genre (gender studies) et les études gaies et lesbiennes, ainsi qu’emprunté aux littératures sur les pratiques enseignantes et sur l’intervention sociale. Les données colligées consistent en des entrevues semi-structurées menées auprès de 22 enseignants du secondaire, validées auprès de 243 enseignants, par le biais d’un questionnaire en ligne. Étayés dans trois articles scientifiques, les résultats de notre recherche permettent de mieux saisir la nature des pratiques enseignantes liées à la diversité sexuelle, mais également les mécanismes par lesquels elles viennent ou non à être adoptées par les enseignants. Les témoignages des enseignants ont permis d’identifier que les enseignants sont globalement au fait des attentes dont ils font l’objet en termes d’intervention contre l’homophobie. Ceci dit, en ce qu’ils sont guidés dans leurs interventions par le concept limité d’homophobie, ils ne paraissent pas toujours à même de saisir les mécanismes parfois subtils par lesquels opèrent les discriminations sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle, mais aussi des expressions de genre atypiques. De même, si la plupart disent condamner vertement l’homophobie dont ils sont témoins, les enseignants peuvent néanmoins adopter malgré eux des pratiques contribuant à reconduire l’hétérosexisme et à alimenter les mêmes phénomènes d’infériorisation que ceux qu’ils cherchent à combattre. Sauf exception, les enseignants tendent à comprendre le genre et l’expression de genre davantage comme des déterminants de type essentialiste avec lesquels ils doivent composer que comme des normes scolaires et sociales sur lesquelles ils peuvent, comme enseignants, avoir une quelconque influence. Les stratégies de gestion identitaire des enseignants LGB influencent les pratiques qu’ils rapportent être en mesure d’adopter. Ceux qui optent pour la divulgation, totale ou partielle, de leur homosexualité ou bisexualité peuvent autant rapporter adopter des pratiques inclusives que choisir de se tenir à distance de telles pratiques, alors que ceux qui favorisent la dissimulation rapportent plutôt éviter autant que possible ces pratiques, de manière à se garder de faire face à des situations potentiellement délicates. Également, alors que les enseignants LGB étaient presque exclusivement vus jusqu’ici comme ceux chez qui et par qui se jouaient ces injonctions à la vie privée, les enseignants hétérosexuels estiment également être appelés à se positionner par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle lorsqu’ils mettent en œuvre de telles pratiques. Nos résultats révèlent un double standard dans l’évocation de la vie privée des enseignants. En effet, la divulgation d’une orientation hétérosexuelle, considérée comme normale, est vue comme conciliable avec la neutralité attendue des enseignants, alors qu’une révélation similaire par un enseignant LGB est comprise comme un geste politique qui n’a pas sa place dans une salle de classe, puisqu’elle se fait au prix du bris d’une présomption d’hétérosexualité. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il existe de fortes prescriptions normatives relatives à la mise en genre et à la mise en orientation sexuelle à l’école. Les enseignants s’inscrivent malgré eux dans cet environnement hétéronormatif. Ils peuvent être amenés à y jouer un rôle important, que ce soit en contribuant à la reconduction de ces normes (par exemple, en taisant les informations relatives à la diversité sexuelle) ou en les contestant (par exemple, en expliquant que certains stéréotypes accolés à l’homosexualité relèvent d’aprioris non fondés). Les discours des enseignants suggèrent également qu’ils sont traversés par ces normes. Ils peuvent en effet choisir de se conformer aux attentes normatives dont ils font l’objet (par exemple, en affirmant leur hétérosexualité), ou encore d’y résister (par exemple, en divulguant leur homosexualité à leurs élèves, ou en évitant de conforter les attentes dont ils font l’objet) au risque d’être conséquemment pénalisés. Bien entendu, cette influence des normes de genre diffère d’un enseignant à l’autre, mais semble jouer autant sur les enseignants hétérosexuels que LGB. Les enseignants qui choisissent de contester, explicitement ou implicitement, certaines de ces normes dominantes rapportent chercher des appuis formels à leurs démarches. Dans ce contexte, une telle quête de légitimation (par exemple, la référence aux règlements contre l’homophobie, la mobilisation des similitudes entre l’homophobie et le racisme, ou encore le rapprochement de ces enseignements avec les apprentissages prescrits pour leur matière) est à comprendre comme un outillage à la contestation normative. La formation professionnelle des enseignants sur l’homophobie et sur la diversité sexuelle constitue un autre de ces outils. Alors que les enseignants québécois continuent d’être identifiés comme des acteurs clés dans la création et le maintien d’environnements scolaires non-discriminatoires et inclusifs aux réalités de la diversité sexuelle, il est impératif de les appuyer en multipliant les signes formels tangibles sur lesquelles leurs initiatives peuvent prendre appui (politiques explicites, curriculum scolaire inclusif de ces sujets, etc.). Nos résultats plaident en faveur d’une formation enseignante sur la diversité sexuelle, qui ferait partie du tronc commun de la formation initiale des maîtres. Chez les enseignants en exercice, il nous apparait préférable de miser sur une accessibilité accrue des formations et des outils disponibles. En réponse toutefois aux limites que pose à long terme une approche cumulative des formations spécifiques portant sur différents types d’oppressions (l’homophobie, le racisme, le sexisme, etc.), nous argumentons en faveur d’un modèle d’éducation anti-oppressive au sein duquel les élèves seraient invités à considérer, non seulement la multiplicité et le caractère situé des divers types d’oppressions, mais également les mécanismes d’attribution de privilège, de constitution de la normalité et de la marginalité, et de présentation de ces arbitraires culturels comme des ordres naturels.
The sexual system of the symbiotic shrimp Thor amboinensis is described, along with observations on sex ratio and host-use pattern of different populations. We used a comprehensive approach to elucidate the previously unknown sexual system of this shrimp. Dissections, scanning electron microscopy, size-frequency distribution analysis, and laboratory observations demonstrated that T amboinensis is a protandric hermaphrodite: shrimp first mature as males and change into females later in life. Thor amboinensis inhabited the large and structurally heterogeneous sea anemone Stichoclactyla helianthus in large groups (up to 11 individuals) more frequently than expected by chance alone. Groups exhibited no particularly complex social structure and showed male-biased sex ratios more frequently than expected by chance alone. The adult sex ratio was male-biased in the four separate populations studied, one of them being thousands of kilometers apart from the others. This study supports predictions central to theories of resource monopolization and sex allocation. Dissections demonstrated that unusually large males were parasitized by an undescribed species of isopod (family Entoniscidae). Infestation rates were similarly low in both sexes (approximate to 11%-12%). The available information suggests that T. amboinensis uses pure search promiscuity as a mating system. This hypothesis needs to be formally tested with mating behavior observations and field measurements on the movement pattern of both sexes of the species. Further detailed studies on the lifestyle and sexual system of all the species within this genus and the development of a molecular phylogeny are necessary to elucidate the evolutionary history of gender expression in the genus Thor.
Apresentamos neste artigo algumas problematizações a respeito da expressão travesti, que, não se apoiando em um modelo único de referência sexual e de gênero para sua efetivação, nos permitiria falar em processos de 'travestilização'. Esses processos se constituem através de dispositivos em que lineamentos duros, flexíveis e de fuga participam da criação de seus corpos, desejos e prazeres, transitando entre efeitos-consequências de discursos normativos e singularizadores. Sua circulação no mundo coloca em xeque as matrizes binárias heteronormativas do sistema sexo/gênero/desejo, que se desmancham diante de modos de subjetivação orientados por potências subversivas criadoras de novos campos possíveis de existencialização. Nessa perspectiva, queremos mostrar que as expressões sexuais e de gêneros das travestis formulam novas questões a respeito dos modelos identitários vigentes, demonstrando que a coerência e a inteligibilidade impostas pelos códigos heteronormativos precisam ser urgentemente revistas, de modo a questionar a respeito da ordem social que apresenta o gênero associado ao sexo reprodutivo, para ressignificar as expressões sexuais, gendradas e subjetivas, em sua processualidade histórica que explode os binarismos, despreza os universais e desmancha o absolutismo da ideia de verdade, enraizados nos sistemas binários de pensamentos sedentários, fechados, universais e a-históricos.
The aim of this dissertation is to propose a translation into Italian of two American picturebooks: Is That For a Boy or a Girl? written by S. Bear Bergman and illustrated by Rachel Dougherty, and Jacob's New Dress written by Sarah and Ian Hoffman and illustrated by Chris Case. The common thread of the two books is the critique of gender stereotypes in children’s literature and in other aspects of childhood at large, such as gender expression. The two titles were in fact selected from the bibliography created by the European project G-BOOK (Gender Identity: Child Readers and Library Collections), which was spearheaded by Centro MeTRa, an Italian research centre affiliated with the University of Bologna which aims to promote gender-positive and inclusive literature. The thesis is divided into four chapters, the first of which is devoted to a discussion of children's literature as a whole and to the analysis of the illustrated fiction subgenre, the category to which the above-mentioned volumes belong. The second chapter focuses on diversity, highlighting its key role in education and the relevant trends in publishing and translation studies. The third chapter consists of a brief presentation of the works I have chosen. Following the introduction of the plot and the biography of the authors, the chapter focuses on the analysis of the two illustrated books from a linguistic, stylistic, iconographic and commercial point of view, in preparation for translation. Finally, in the fourth chapter I present my translation proposal, complete with a commentary on the problems I encountered and the translation techniques that allowed me to overcome them.
According to the Brazilian Federal Medical Association, transsexualism is recognized as a gender identity disorder if a long-term diagnostic therapeutic process has demonstrated that the transposition of gender roles is irreversible, and if only hormonal and surgical procedures are appropriate to relieve the stress associated with the gender identity. Although such treatment will only be initiated with caution and after a long phase of intense diagnostic screening, the differentiation between pure identity disorders and transsexual feelings secondary to an ongoing psychopathologic process, such as schizophrenia, can be arduous for many health professionals. To report a case of a female patient with schizophrenia and transsexualism and the risks of a potential diagnostic confusion. A 19-year-old black woman, with an 8-year history of undifferentiated schizophrenia and intense gender dysphoria, was referred for sex reassignment surgery evaluation in the Ambulatory for the Treatment of Sexual Disorders of the ABC Medical School. After a more adequate antipsychotic treatment, her masculine behavior has persisted, but her desire to change her own genital organs has decreased. A better acceptance of the multiplicity of possible genders should neither contribute to inadequate interpretations of the signs and symptoms of our patients nor facilitate dangerous clinical or surgical recommendations. Baltieri DA, and De Andrade AG. Schizophrenia Modifying the expression of gender identity disorder. J Sex Med **;**:**-**.
Background: Gender can influence post-infarction cardiac remodeling. Objective: To evaluate whether gender influences left ventricular (LV) remodeling and integrin-linked kinase (ILK) after myocardial infarction (MI). Methods: Female and male Wistar rats were assigned to one of three groups: sham, moderate MI (size: 20-39% of LV area), and large MI (size: ≥40% of LV area). MI was induced by coronary occlusion, and echocardiographic analysis was performed after six weeks to evaluate MI size as well as LV morphology and function. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot were used to quantify ILK in the myocardium. Results: MI size was similar between genders. MI resulted in systolic dysfunction and enlargement of end-diastolic as well as end-systolic dimension of LV as a function of necrotic area size in both genders. Female rats with large MI showed a lower diastolic and systolic dilatation than the respective male rats; however, LV dysfunction was similar between genders. Gene and protein levels of ILK were increased in female rats with moderate and large infarctions, but only male rats with large infarctions showed an altered ILK mRNA level. A negative linear correlation was evident between LV dimensions and ILK expression in female rats with large MI. Conclusions: Post-MI ILK expression is altered in a gender-specific manner, and higher ILK levels found in females may be sufficient to improve LV geometry but not LV function.
We determined if the increased vascular responsiveness to endothelin-1 (ET-1) observed in male, but not in female, DOCA-salt rats is associated with differential vascular mRNA expression of ET-1 and/or ET A/ET B receptors or with functional differences in Ca2+ handling mechanisms by vascular myocytes. Uninephrectomized male and female Wistar rats received DOCA and drinking water containing NaCl/KCl. Control rats received vehicle and tap water. Blood pressure and contractile responses of endothelium-denuded aortic rings to agents which induce Ca2+ influx and/or its release from internal stores were measured using standard procedures. Expression of mRNA for ET-1 and ET A/ET B receptors was evaluated by RT-PCR after isolation of total cell RNA from both aorta and mesenteric arteries. Systolic blood pressure was higher in male than in female DOCA rats. Contractions induced by Bay K8644 (which activates Ca2+ influx through voltage-operated L-type channels), and by caffeine, serotonin or ET-1 in Ca2+-free buffer (which reflect Ca2+ release from internal stores) were significantly increased in aortas from male and female DOCA-salt compared to control aortas. DOCA-salt treatment of male, but not female, rats statistically increased vascular mRNA expression of ET-1 and ET B receptors, but decreased the expression of ET A receptors. Molecular up-regulation of vascular ET B receptors, rather than differential changes in smooth muscle Ca2+ handling mechanisms, seems to account for the increased vascular reactivity to ET-1/ET B receptor agonists and higher blood pressure levels observed in male DOCA-salt rats.
Meningiomas are common, usually benign tumors, with a high postoperative recurrence rate. However, the genesis and development of these tumors remain controversial. We aimed to investigate the presence and implications of a mutated p53 protein and dopamine D2 receptor in a representative series of meningiomas and to correlate these findings with age, gender, tumor grade, and recurrence. Tumor tissue samples of 157 patients diagnosed with meningioma (37 males and 120 females, mean age 53.6±14.3 years) who underwent surgical resection between 2003 and 2012 at our institution were immunohistochemically evaluated for the presence of p53 protein and dopamine D2 receptor and were followed-up to analyze tumor recurrence or regrowth. Tumors were classified as grades I (n=141, 89.8%), II (n=13, 8.3%), or grade III (n=3, 1.9%). Dopamine D2 receptor and p53 protein expression were positive in 93.6% and 49.7% of the cases, respectively. Neither of the markers showed significant expression differences among different tumor grades or recurrence or regrowth statuses. Our findings highlight the potential role of p53 protein in meningioma development and/or progression. The high positivity of dopamine D2 receptor observed in this study warrants further investigation of the therapeutic potential of dopamine agonists in the evolution of meningiomas.
Background Depression symptomatology was assessed with the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in a sample of Jewish adolescents, in order to compare the frequency and severity of depression with non-Jewish adolescents as well as examine gender difference of the expression of depressive symptomatology. Method Subjects comprised 475 students from Jewish private schools, aged 13-17 years, who were compared with an age-matched non-Jewish sample (n = 899). Kendall`s definition was adopted to classify these adolescents according to level of depressive symptoms. The frequency of depression was calculated for ethnicity, gender and age strata. Discriminant analysis and principal component analysis were performed to assess the importance of depression-specific and non-specific items, along with the factor structure of the BDI, respectively. Results The overall mean score on the BDI in the Jewish and the non-Jewish sample was 9.0 (SD = 6.4) and 8.6 (SD = 7.2), respectively. Jewish girls and boys had comparable mean BDI scores, contrasting with non-Jewish sample, where girls complained more of depressive symptoms than boys (p < 0.001). The frequency of depression, adopting a BDI cutoff of 20, was 5.1% for the Jewish sample and 6.3% for the non-Jewish sample. The frequency of depression for Jewish girls and boys was 5.5% (SE = 1.4) and 4.6% (SE = 1.5), respectively. On the other hand, the frequency of depression for non-Jewish girls and boys was 8.4% (SE = 1.2) and 4.0% (SE = 1.0), respectively. The female/male ratio of frequency of BDI-depression was 1.2 in the Jewish sample, but non-Jewish girls were twice (2.1) as likely to report depression as boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the BDI highly discriminates depressive symptomatology among Jewish adolescents, and measured specific aspects of depression. Factor analysis revealed two meaningful factors for the total sample and each gender (cognitive-affective dimension and somatic dimension), evidencing a difference between Jewish boys and Jewish girls in the symptomatic expression of depression akin to non-Jewish counterparts. Conclusions Ethnic-cultural factor might play a role in the frequency, severity and symptomatic expression of depressive symptoms in Jewish adolescents. The lack of gender effect on depression, which might persist from adolescence to adulthood among Jewish people, should be investigated in prospective studies.
S100 beta is a soluble protein released by glial cells mainly under the activation of the 5-HT1A receptor. It has been reported as a neuro-trophic and -tropic factor that promotes neurite maturation and outgrowth during development. This protein also plays a role in axonal stability and the plasticity underlying long-term potentiation in adult brains. The ability of S100 beta to rapidly regulate neuronal morphology raises the interesting point of whether there are daily rhythm or gender differences in S100 beta level in the brain. To answer this question, the S100 beta expression in adult female and male rats, as well as in adult female CD-21 and S100 beta -/- female mice, were investigated. Scintillation counting and morphometric analysis of the immunoreactivity of S100 beta, showed rhythmic daily expression. The female and male rats showed opposite cycles. Females presented the highest value at the beginning of the rest phase (5:00 h), while in males the maximum value appeared in the beginning of the motor activity period (21:00 h). These results confirm previous S100 beta evaluations in human serum and cerebrospinal fluid reporting the protein`s function as a biomarker for brain damage (Gazzolo et al. in Clin Chem 49:967-970, 2003; Clin Chim Acta 330:131-133, 2003; Pediatr Res 58:1170-1174, 2005), similar behavior was also observed for GFAP in relation to Alzheimer Disease (Fukuyama et al. in Eur Neurol 46:35-38, 2001). The data should be taken into account when considering S100 beta as a biomarker of health condition. In addition, the results raise questions on which structure or condition imposes these rhythms as well as on the physiological meaning of the observed gender differences.
A differential expression of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA2a) and phospholamban (PLB) characterizes the remodeling process in heart failure and atrial arrhythmias in adult patients. Gender is known to modulate the course and prognosis of different forms of heart disease. We hypothesized that gender plays a role in molecular changes of myocardial calcium regulating components already in childhood. Moreover, we studied the influence of volume overloaded (VO) on SERCA2a and PLB in pediatric patients. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction was used to measure mRNA expression of SERCA2a and PLB in atrial myocardium from 30 pediatric patients (12 girls, 18 boys). Eighteen patients had VO right atria, and 12 patients had not-overloaded atria (NO). Protein expression was studied by Western blot. In the entire population, SERCA2a and PLB expression was not different between girls and boys. If hemodynamic overload was taken into account, SERCA2a mRNA expression was significantly reduced in the VO group compared with the NO group (P = 0.021). The VO versus NO difference was restricted to boys, which corresponds to a highly significant interaction of gender versus VO status (P = 0.002). The PLB to SERCA2a protein ratio was significantly lower in girls (P = 0.028). The decrease in SERCA2a mRNA expression in VO atrial myocardium and the PLB to SERCA2a ratio of protein expression was modulated by gender in this pediatric population. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show the impact of gender on the differential expression of calcium-regulating components in pediatric cardiac patients.
BDE-47 is one of the most widely found congeners of PBDEs in marine environments. The potential immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on fish complement system were studied using the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma as a model fish. Three-month-old O. melastigma were subjected to short-term (5 days) and long-term (21 days) exposure to two concentrations of BDE-47 (low dose at 290 +/- 172 ng/day; high dose at 580 +/- 344 ng/day) via dietary uptake of BDE-47 encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. Body burdens of BDE-47 and other metabolic products were analyzed in the exposed and control fish. Only a small amount of debrominated product, BDE-28, was detected, while other metabolic products were all under detection limit. Transcriptional expression of six major complement system genes involved in complement activation: C1r/s (classical pathway), MBL-2 (lectin pathway), CFP (alternative pathway), F2 (coagulation pathway), C3 (the central component of complement system), and C9 (cell lysis) were quantified in the liver of marine medaka. Endogenous expression of all six complement system genes was found to be higher in males than in females (p < 0.05). Upon dietary exposure of marine medaka to BDE-47, expression of all six complement genes were downregulated in males at day 5 (or longer), whereas in females, MBl-2, CFP, and F2 mRNAs expression were upregulated, but C3 and C9 remained stable with exposure time and dose. A significant negative relationship was found between BDE-47 body burden and mRNA expression of C1r/s, CFP, and C3 in male fish (r = -0.8576 to -0.9447). The above findings on changes in complement gene expression patterns indicate the complement system may be compromised in male O. melastigma upon dietary exposure to BDE-47. Distinct gender difference in expression of six major complement system genes was evident in marine medaka under resting condition and dietary BDE-47 challenge. The immunomodulatory effects of BDE-47 on transcriptional expression of these complement components in marine medaka were likely induced by the parent compound instead of biotransformed products. Our results clearly demonstrate that future direction for fish immunotoxicology and risk assessment of immunosuppressive chemicals must include parallel evaluation for both genders.