996 resultados para Gel induït per calor


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L'objectiu és millorar els gels de plasma porcí induïts per calor a pH àcid utilitzant transglutaminasa microbiana (MTGasa). El tractament millora textura i CRA dels gels a pH 5,5, però les millores no són suficients per recuperar les pèrdues degut a l'acidificació. L'estructura globular de les proteïnes dificulta l'atac enzimàtic. La reactivitat de l'enzim no millora amb l'addició de cisteïna a plasma amb MTGasa. El tractament del plasma amb MTGasa sota alta pressió (HP) millora la duresa dels gels. No obstant, la CRA només millora lleugerament. La duresa es pot incrementar mantenint les solucions de plasma pressuritzat sota refrigeració, encara que no millora la CRA. Es pot concloure que les pèrdues en la textura dels gels de plasma induïts per calor a pH àcid es poden recuperar parcialment tractant amb MTGasa, especialment afegint cisteïna o sota HP. Encara que la CRA només es veu lleugerament millorada en el segon cas.


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El coneixement de la ciència i la tècnica es representa i es transfereix a través de paraules que tenen un significat especialitzat, precís i concís. L’accés al coneixement especialitzat permet l’ús adequat de la terminologia. Treballar el llenguatge juntament amb el coneixement científic des dels inicis és crucial. En el projecte «Jugant a definir la ciència» (I i II) partim del supòsit que les bases del coneixement especialitzat es comencen a adquirir en els primers anys de vida d’una persona. El nostre objecte d’estudi és presentar recursos per treballar col·laborativament paraules bàsiques de la ciència a l’escola com ara aigua, espai, estrella, cervell, gel, mort, sol, calor, velocitat, aire, vida, etc. Enguany, el projecte ha saltat a la xarxa. En aquest article presentem, a més, la plataforma digital, «El club lèxic», que fomenta el treball col·laboratiu.


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Utilitzant temperatura i pressió com a agents desnaturalitzants s'ha explorat la contribució a l'estabilitat de diferents residus del principal nucli hidrofòbic de la RNasa A. Aquests resutats suggereixen que el principal nucli hidrofòbic d'aquest enzim, està fortament empaquetat i ha revelat l'existència de reordenacions en l'interior de la proteïna. El mètode dels valors , han permès estudiar el paper de les interaccions hidrofòbiques establertes pels residus del principal nucli hidrofòbic de la RNasa A en el seu estat de transició induït per pressió. En conjunt, aquests resultats suggereixen que l'estat de transició de la RNasa A, s'assemblaria a un glòbul col·lapsat amb una cadena estructurada però amb un debilitat nucli hidrofòbic. S'ha explorat també, el paisatge energètic del plegament/desplegament proteic de la variant Y115W de la RNasa A. L'estat de transició sembla interaccionar fortament amb la capa d'hidratació d'aquest estat, tal i com indiquen els resultats en presència de glicerol.


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Negli impianti utilizzati per la produzione di energia elettrica che sfruttano l'energia solare, quali la tecnologia solare a concentrazione (Solare Termodinamico) sviluppata da ENEA, per minimizzare le dispersioni di calore è necessaria una elevata selettività spettrale. Per ottimizzare l'efficienza dell'impianto è quindi necessario lo sviluppo di materiali innovativi, in grado di minimizzare la quantità di energia dispersa per riflessione. In questo studio, per incrementare la trasmittanza solare dei componenti in vetro presenti nei tubi ricevitori dell'impianto, sono state utilizzate tipologie diverse di rivestimenti antiriflesso (multistrato e a singolo strato poroso). I rivestimenti sono stati ottenuti mediante via umida, con tecnica di sol-gel dip-coating. I sol coprenti sono stati preparati da alcossidi o sali metallici precursori degli ossidi che costituiscono il rivestimento. Sono state approfondite sia la fase di sintesi dei sol coprenti, sia la fase di deposizione sul substrato, che ha richiesto la progettazione e realizzazione di una apparecchiatura prototipale, ossia di un dip-coater in grado di garantire un accurato controllo della velocità di emersione e dell'ambiente di deposizione (temperatura e umidità). Il materiale multistrato applicato su vetro non ha migliorato la trasmittanza del substrato nell'intervallo di lunghezze d'onda dello spettro solare, pur presentando buone caratteristiche antiriflesso nell'intervallo dell'UV-Vis. Al contrario, l'ottimizzazione del rivestimento a base di silice porosa, ha portato all'ottenimento di indici di rifrazione molto bassi (1.15 to 1.18) e ad un incremento della trasmittanza solare dal 91.5% al 96.8%, efficienza superiore agli attuali rivestimenti disponibili in commercio.


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Studio, progettazione e realizzazione di un regolatore di carica per batterie al piombo gel, con algoritmo mppt, per applicazioni fotovoltaiche in isola


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This study extends the ‘zero scan’ method for CT imaging of polymer gel dosimeters to include multi-slice acquisitions. Multi slice CT images consisting of 24 slices of 1.2 mm thickness were acquired of an irradiated polymer gel dosimeter, and processed with the zero scan technique. The results demonstrate that zero scan based gel readout can be successfully applied to generate a three dimensional image of the irradiated gel field. Compared to the raw CT images the processed figures and cross gel profiles demonstrated reduced noise and clear visibility of the penumbral region. Moreover these improved results further highlight the suitability of this method in volumetric reconstruction with reduced CT data acquisition per slice. This work shows that 3D volumes of irradiated polymer gel dosimeters can be acquired and processed with x-ray CT.


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We report molecular dynamics simulations of bilayers using a united atom model with explicit solvent molecules. The bilayer consists of the single tail cationic surfactant behenyl trimethyl ammonium chloride (BTMAC) with stearyl alcohol (SA) as the cosurfactant. We study the gel to liquid crystalline transitions in the bilayer by varying the amount of water at fixed BTMAC to SA ratio as well as by varying the BTMAC to SA ratio at fixed water content. The bilayer is found to exist in the tilted, Lβ′ phase at low temperatures, and for the compositions investigated in this study, the Lβ′ to Lα melting transition occurred in the temperature range 330−338 K. For the highest BTMAC to SA composition (2:3 molar ratio), a diffuse headgroup−water interface is observed at lower temperatures, and an increase in the d-spacing occurs prior to the melting transition. This pretransition swelling is accompanied by a sharpening in the water density variation across the headgroup region of the bilayer. Signatures of this swelling effect which can be observed in the alkane density distributions, area per headgroup, and membrane thickness are attributed to the hydrophobic effect. At a fixed bilayer composition, the transition temperature (>338 K) from the Lβ′ to Lα transition obtained for the high water content bilayer (80 wt %) is similar to that obtained with low water content (54.3 wt %), confirming that the melting transition at these water contents is dominated by chain melting.


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Grafted polymers oil the surface of lipid membranes have potential applications in liposome-based drug delivery and Supported membrane systems. The effect of polymer grafting on the phase behavior of bilayers made up of single-tail lipids is investigated using dissipative particle dynamics. The bilayer is maintained in a tensionless state using a barostat. Simulations are carried Out by varying the grafting fraction, G(f), defined as the ratio of the number of polymer molecules to the number of lipid molecules, and the length of the lipid tails. At low G(f), the bilayer shows I sharp transition from the gel (L-beta) to the liquid-crystalline (L-alpha) phase. This main melting transition temperature is lowered as G(f) is increased, and above a critical value of G(f), the interdigitated L-beta I phase is observed prior to the main transition. The temperature range over which the intermediate phases are observed is a function of the lipid tail length and G(f). At higher grafting fractions, the presence of the L-beta I, phase is attributed to the increase in the area per head group due to the lateral pressure exerted by the polymer brush. The areal expansion and decrease in the melting temperatures as a function of G(f) were found to follow the scalings predicted by the self-consistent mean field theories for grafted polymer membranes. Our study shows that the grafted polymer density can be used to effectively control the temperature range and occurrence of a given bilayer phase.


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Highly (110) preferred orientated antiferroelectric PbZrO3 (PZ) and La-modified PZ thin films have been fabricated on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates using sol-gel process. Dielectric properties, electric field induced ferroelectric polarization, and the temperature dependence of the dielectric response have been explored as a function of composition. The Tc has been observed to decrease by ∼ 17 °C per 1 mol % of La doping. Double hysteresis loops were seen with zero remnant polarization and with coercive fields in between 176 and 193 kV/cm at 80 °C for antiferroelectric to ferroelectric phase transformation. These slim loops have been explained by the high orientation of the films along the polar direction of the antiparallel dipoles of a tetragonal primitive cell and by the strong electrostatic interaction between La ions and oxygen ions in an ABO3 perovskite unit cell. High quality films exhibited very low loss factor less than 0.015 at room temperature and pure PZ; 1 and 2 mol % La doped PZs have shown the room temperature dielectric constant of 135, 219, and 142 at the frequency of 10 kHz. The passive layer effects in these films have been explained by Curie constants and Curie temperatures. The ac conductivity and the corresponding Arrhenius plots have been shown and explained in terms of doping effect and electrode resistance.


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Polycrystalline Ni-Zn ferrites with a well-defined composition of Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2-xSbxO4 synthesized using sol-gel method. Morphological characterizations on the prepared samples were performed by high resolution transmission electron and field emission scanning electron microscopy. The powders were densified using microwave sintering method. The room temperature complex permittivity (epsilon' and epsilon aEuro(3)) and permeability (mu' and mu aEuro(3)) were measured over a wide frequency range from 1 MHz-1.8 GHz. The real part of permittivity varies as `x' concentration increases and the resonance frequency was observed at much higher frequencies and there is a significant decrease in the loss factor (tan delta). The electrical resistivity and permeability of NiZn ferrites increased with an increase of Sb content. As the concentration of `x' increases from 0 to 0.08 the saturation magnetisation decreases. The saturation magnetization (M-s) a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 52.211 A.m(2)/Kg for x = 0 at room temperature. The room temperature electro paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were studied.


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Resumen: Los materiales plásticos utilizados en la industria del embalaje y transporte de mercaderías familiares e industriales, presentan numerosas ventajas que los han puesto en su lugar durante los últimos 50 años. En la actualidad, son miles de millones de toneladas anuales de bolsas o embalajes de polietileno, las que diariamente se producen, se usan, se recuperan (en muy pequeña parte) y son finalmente dispuestas, quemadas o literalmente arrojadas al medio ambiente. La alta estabilidad química o la muy baja tasa de degradación, hace que estos residuos perduren en el medio - en la mayoría de los casos por más de 100 años- dependiendo las condiciones ambientales locales. Hace pocos años, se adaptaron conocimientos científicos a esta problemática, y de ello nacieron dos formas de atacar la eliminación del plástico como desecho (más allá del reciclado y uso racional): por un lado, la utilización de bioplásticos con propiedades biodegradables; y por otro, el agregado de aditivos pro-degradantes a plásticos convencionales. El presente trabajo, tiene por objeto tomar a esta última herramienta, sobre la cual se han comenzado a estudiar los mecanismos químicos por los cuales cumplen su función, evaluándolos en distintas condiciones aceleradas de laboratorio. De esta manera, se caracterizaron velocidades de degradación abiótica mediante envejecimientos acelerados con radiación ultravioleta y térmica, para films de polietileno aditivados con un compuesto oxodegradante comercial. Se estudiaron distintas concentraciones de aditivo en el polímero, en función del tiempo de envejecimiento. Las caracterizaciones incluyeron análisis mecánico, análisis térmico diferencial, espectroscopía de absorción infrarroja y de Absorción Atómica.


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Cellulose phenylcarbamate derivatives having methacrylate groups were synthesized with regioselective and non-regioselective procedures. These derivatives were chemically immobilized onto a vinylized silica gel, respectively, via a radical co-polymerization reaction. The immobilization was efficiently attained using a small amount of AIBN. The chiral recognition abilities of the prepared chiral stationary phases (CSPs) were evaluated by HPLC resolution of test enantiomers. It was observed that most of the enantiomers were completely resolved with markedly high column efficiency of 30,000-40,000 plates per metre for the eluted peaks. The effect of the amount of methacrylolyl chloride used for preparation on resolution was investigated. A direct comparison of the chiral recognition ability was made on the regioselectively and non-regioselectively prepared CSPs. In addition, the chemically bonded-type of CSPs were found to be relatively stable with addition of solvents such as tetrahydrofuran (THF) and chloroform into the mobile phase, which can lead to the dissolution of cellulose derivatives on the coated CSPs. Thus the choice of solvents used as the mobile phase is greatly extended and better resolution of several test enantiomers was observed on the prepared CSPs with THF and chloroform as a composition in the mobile phase. The batch-to-batch and run-to-run reproducibility was also discussed on the newly prepared CSPs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objectives: To investigate the pharmacokinetics (PK) of maraviroc, a CCR5-targeted HIV-1 entry inhibitor, in rhesus macaques following vaginal administration of various maraviroc-loaded aqueous hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) gels, and to correlate the PK data with efficacy in a single high-dose vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge model.

Methods: Maraviroc concentrations in vaginal fluid (Weck-Cel® sponge), vaginal tissue (punch biopsy) and plasma were assessed over 72 h following single dose vaginal application of various maraviroc-loaded HEC gels. The range of maraviroc gel concentrations was sufficiently broad (0.003 – 3.3% w/w) such that test gels included both fully solubilised and predominantly dispersed formulations. The efficacy of the HEC gels against a single high dose vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge was also measured, and correlated with the PK concentrations.

Results: Maraviroc concentrations in vaginal fluid (range 104 – 107 ng/mL), vaginal tissue (100-1200 ng/g) and plasma (< 102 ng/mL) were highly dependent on maraviroc gel loading, irrespective of the form of the maraviroc component within the gel (solubilised vs. dispersed). Fluid and plasma concentrations were generally highest 0.5 or 2 h after gel application, before declining steadily out to 72 h. Maraviroc concentrations in the various biological compartments correlated strongly with the extent of protection against vaginal SHIV-162P3 challenge. Complete protection was achieved with a 3.3% w/w maraviroc gel.

Conclusions: A high degree of correlation between PK and efficacy was observed. Based on the data obtained with the 3.3% w/w maraviroc gel, maintenance of vaginal fluid and tissue levels in the order of 107 ng/mL and 103 ng/g, respectively, are required for complete protection with this compound.


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The predominantly selfing slug species Arion (Carinarion) fasciatus, A. (C.) silvaticus and A. (C.) circumscriptus are native in Europe and have been introduced into North America, where each species consists of a single, homozygous multilocus genotype (strain), as defined by starch gel electrophoresis (SGE) of allozymes. In Europe, the “one strain per species” hypothesis does not hold since polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) of allozymes uncovered 46 strains divided over the three species. However, electrophoretic techniques may differ in their ability to detect allozyme variation. Therefore, several Carinarion populations from both continents were screened by applying the two techniques simultaneously on the same individual slugs and enzyme loci. SGE and PAGE yielded exactly the same results, so that the different degree of variation in North American and European populations cannot be attributed to differences in resolving power between SGE and PAGE. We found four A. (C.) silvaticus strains in North America indicating that in this region the “one strain per species” hypothesis also cannot be maintained. Hence, the discrepancies between previous electrophoretic studies on Carinarion are most likely due to sampling artefacts and possible founder effects.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica