955 resultados para Gaussian channels
The mutual information of independent parallel Gaussian-noise channels is maximized, under an average power constraint, by independent Gaussian inputs whose power is allocated according to the waterfilling policy. In practice, discrete signalling constellations with limited peak-to-average ratios (m-PSK, m-QAM, etc) are used in lieu of the ideal Gaussian signals. This paper gives the power allocation policy that maximizes the mutual information over parallel channels with arbitrary input distributions. Such policy admits a graphical interpretation, referred to as mercury/waterfilling, which generalizes the waterfilling solution and allows retaining some of its intuition. The relationship between mutual information of Gaussian channels and nonlinear minimum mean-square error proves key to solving the power allocation problem.
The efficacy of a specially constructed Gallager-type error-correcting code to communication in a Gaussian channel is examined. The construction is based on the introduction of complex matrices, used in both encoding and decoding, which comprise sub-matrices of cascading connection values. The finite-size effects are estimated for comparing the results with the bounds set by Shannon. The critical noise level achieved for certain code rates and infinitely large systems nearly saturates the bounds set by Shannon even when the connectivity used is low.
Using analytical methods of statistical mechanics, we analyse the typical behaviour of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian channel with binary inputs under low-density parity-check (LDPC) network coding and joint decoding. The saddle point equations for the replica symmetric solution are found in particular realizations of this channel, including a small and large number of transmitters and receivers. In particular, we examine the cases of a single transmitter, a single receiver and symmetric and asymmetric interference. Both dynamical and thermodynamical transitions from the ferromagnetic solution of perfect decoding to a non-ferromagnetic solution are identified for the cases considered, marking the practical and theoretical limits of the system under the current coding scheme. Numerical results are provided, showing the typical level of improvement/deterioration achieved with respect to the single transmitter/receiver result, for the various cases. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.
The well-known structure of an array combiner along with a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) receiveris the basis for the derivation of a space-time processor presentinggood properties in terms of co-channel and intersymbol interferencerejection. The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-endtogether with a scalar MLSE implies a joint design of the spatialcombiner and the impulse response for the sequence detector. Thisis faced using the MMSE criterion under the constraint that thedesired user signal power is not cancelled, yielding an impulse responsefor the sequence detector that is matched to the channel andcombiner response. The procedure maximizes the signal-to-noiseratio at the input of the detector and exhibits excellent performancein realistic multipath channels.
The development of model observers for mimicking human detection strategies has followed from symmetric signals in simple noise to increasingly complex backgrounds. In this study we implement different model observers for the complex task of detecting a signal in a 3D image stack. The backgrounds come from real breast tomosynthesis acquisitions and the signals were simulated and reconstructed within the volume. Two different tasks relevant to the early detection of breast cancer were considered: detecting an 8 mm mass and detecting a cluster of microcalcifications. The model observers were calculated using a channelized Hotelling observer (CHO) with dense difference-of-Gaussian channels, and a modified (Partial prewhitening [PPW]) observer which was adapted to realistic signals which are not circularly symmetric. The sustained temporal sensitivity function was used to filter the images before applying the spatial templates. For a frame rate of five frames per second, the only CHO that we calculated performed worse than the humans in a 4-AFC experiment. The other observers were variations of PPW and outperformed human observers in every single case. This initial frame rate was a rather low speed and the temporal filtering did not affect the results compared to a data set with no human temporal effects taken into account. We subsequently investigated two higher speeds at 5, 15 and 30 frames per second. We observed that for large masses, the two types of model observers investigated outperformed the human observers and would be suitable with the appropriate addition of internal noise. However, for microcalcifications both only the PPW observer consistently outperformed the humans. The study demonstrated the possibility of using a model observer which takes into account the temporal effects of scrolling through an image stack while being able to effectively detect a range of mass sizes and distributions.
This paper formulates power allocation policies that maximize the region of mutual informationsachievable in multiuser downlink OFDM channels. Arbitrary partitioning ofthe available tones among users and arbitrary modulation formats, possibly different forevery user, are considered. Two distinct policies are derived, respectively for slow fadingchannels tracked instantaneously by the transmitter and for fast fading channels knownonly statistically thereby. With instantaneous channel tracking, the solution adopts theform of a multiuser mercury/waterfilling procedure that generalizes the single-user mercury/waterfilling introduced in [1, 2]. With only statistical channel information, in contrast,the mercury/waterfilling interpretation is lost. For both policies, a number of limitingregimes are explored and illustrative examples are provided.
PURPOSE: Iterative algorithms introduce new challenges in the field of image quality assessment. The purpose of this study is to use a mathematical model to evaluate objectively the low contrast detectability in CT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A QRM 401 phantom containing 5 and 8 mm diameter spheres with a contrast level of 10 and 20 HU was used. The images were acquired at 120 kV with CTDIvol equal to 5, 10, 15, 20 mGy and reconstructed using the filtered back-projection (FBP), adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 50% (ASIR 50%) and model-based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) algorithms. The model observer used is the Channelized Hotelling Observer (CHO). The channels are dense difference of Gaussian channels (D-DOG). The CHO performances were compared to the outcomes of six human observers having performed four alternative forced choice (4-AFC) tests. RESULTS: For the same CTDIvol level and according to CHO model, the MBIR algorithm gives the higher detectability index. The outcomes of human observers and results of CHO are highly correlated whatever the dose levels, the signals considered and the algorithms used when some noise is added to the CHO model. The Pearson coefficient between the human observers and the CHO is 0.93 for FBP and 0.98 for MBIR. CONCLUSION: The human observers' performances can be predicted by the CHO model. This opens the way for proposing, in parallel to the standard dose report, the level of low contrast detectability expected. The introduction of iterative reconstruction requires such an approach to ensure that dose reduction does not impair diagnostics.
In this paper we present a method for evaluating the center density of algebraic lattices from subfields of Q(xi n), where n is a positive integer. This method allows to reproduce rotated versions of dense lattices in some dimensions. Constellations on algebraic lattices with high packing density have been proposed for use in communications in Gaussian channels and also in Rayleigh fading channels in case they have high diversity.
We present a mean field theory of code-division multiple access (CDMA) systems with error-control coding. On the basis of the relation between the free energy and mutual information, we obtain an analytical expression of the maximum spectral efficiency of the coded CDMA system, from which a mean field description of the coded CDMA system is provided in terms of a bank of scalar Gaussian channels whose variances in general vary at different code symbol positions. Regular low-density parity-check (LDPC)-coded CDMA systems are also discussed as an example of the coded CDMA systems.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.
We present a method to compute, quickly and efficiently, the mutual information achieved by an IID (independent identically distributed) complex Gaussian signal on a block Rayleigh-faded channel without side information at the receiver. The method accommodates both scalar and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) settings. Operationally, this mutual information represents the highest spectral efficiency that can be attained using Gaussiancodebooks. Examples are provided that illustrate the loss in spectral efficiency caused by fast fading and how that loss is amplified when multiple transmit antennas are used. These examples are further enriched by comparisons with the channel capacity under perfect channel-state information at the receiver, and with the spectral efficiency attained by pilot-based transmission.
This paper studies the fundamental operational limits of a class of Gaussian multicast channels with an interference setting. In particular, the paper considers two base stations multicasting separate messages to distinct sets of users. In the presence of channel state information at the transmitters and at the respective receivers, the capacity region of the Gaussian multicast channel with interference is characterized to within one bit. At the crux of this result is an extension to the multicast channel with interference of the Han-Kobayashi or the Chong-Motani-Garg achievable region for the interference channel.
Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. For example, quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys(1) and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation(2,3). Entangled bright beams of light are increasingly appealing for such tasks, because they enable the use of well-established classical communications techniques(4). However, quantum resources are fragile and are subject to decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of entanglement(5-8), limiting the application of these states to quantum-communication protocols. We investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams, and analyse characteristics of states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be harnessed for future applications.
Exact closed-form expressions are obtained for the outage probability of maximal ratio combining in η-μ fadingchannels with antenna correlation and co-channel interference. The scenario considered in this work assumes the joint presence of background white Gaussian noise and independent Rayleigh-faded interferers with arbitrary powers. Outage probability results are obtained through an appropriate generalization of the moment-generating function of theη-μ fading distribution, for which new closed-form expressions are provided.