945 resultados para Gas-lift system


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Amongst the results of the AutPoc Project - Automation of Wells, established between UFRN and Petrobras with the support of the CNPq, FINEP, CTPETRO, FUNPEC, was developed a simulator for equipped wells of oil with the method of rise for continuous gas-lift. The gas-lift is a method of rise sufficiently used in production offshore (sea production), and its basic concept is to inject gas in the deep one of the producing well of oil transform it less dense in order to facilitate its displacement since the reservoir until the surface. Based in the use of tables and equations that condense the biggest number of information on characteristics of the reservoir, the well and the valves of gas injection, it is allowed, through successive interpolations, to simulate representative curves of the physical behavior of the existing characteristic variable. With a simulator that approaches a computer of real the physical conditions of an oil well is possible to analyze peculiar behaviors with very bigger speeds, since the constants of time of the system in question well are raised e, moreover, to optimize costs with assays in field. The simulator presents great versatility, with prominance the analysis of the influence of parameters, as the static pressure, relation gas-liquid, pressure in the head of the well, BSW (Relation Basic Sediments and Water) in curves of request in deep of the well and the attainment of the curve of performance of the well where it can be simulated rules of control and otimization. In moving the rules of control, the simulator allows the use in two ways of simulation: the application of the control saw software simulated enclosed in the proper simulator, as well as the use of external controllers. This implies that the simulator can be used as tool of validation of control algorithms. Through the potentialities above cited, of course one another powerful application for the simulator appears: the didactic use of the tool. It will be possible to use it in formation courses and recycling of engineers


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The world is facing problems due to the effects of increased atmospheric pollution, climate change and global warming. Innovative technologies to identify, quantify and assess fluxes exchange of the pollutant gases between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere are required. This paper proposes the development of a gas sensor system for a small UAV to monitor pollutant gases, collect data and geo-locate where the sample was taken. The prototype has two principal systems: a light portable gas sensor and an optional electric–solar powered UAV. The prototype will be suitable to: operate in the lower troposphere (100-500m); collect samples; stamp time and geo-locate each sample. One of the limitations of a small UAV is the limited power available therefore a small and low power consumption payload is designed and built for this research. The specific gases targeted in this research are NO2, mostly produce by traffic, and NH3 from farming, with concentrations above 0.05 ppm and 35 ppm respectively which are harmful to human health. The developed prototype will be a useful tool for scientists to analyse the behaviour and tendencies of pollutant gases producing more realistic models of them.


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In this paper, a recently introduced model-based method for precedent-free fault detection and isolation (FDI) is modified to deal with multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) systems and is applied to an automotive engine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Using normal behavior data generated by a high fidelity engine simulation, the growing structure multiple model system (GSMMS) approach is used to construct dynamic models of normal behavior for the EGR system and its constituent subsystems. Using the GSMMS models as a foundation, anomalous behavior is detected whenever statistically significant departures of the most recent modeling residuals away from the modeling residuals displayed during normal behavior are observed. By reconnecting the anomaly detectors (ADs) to the constituent subsystems, EGR valve, cooler, and valve controller faults are isolated without the need for prior training using data corresponding to particular faulty system behaviors.


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The design and implementation of a complete gas sensor system for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) gas sensing are presented. The system consists of a SnO2 transducer, a lowcost heater, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with front-end interface circuitry, and a microcontroller interface for data logging. The ASIC includes a relaxation-oscillator-based heater driver circuit that is capable of controlling the sensor operating temperature from 100degC to 425degC. The sensor readout circuit in the ASIC, which is based on the resistance to time conversion technique, has been designed to measure the gas sensor response over three orders of resistance change during its interaction with gases.


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The storage capacity of an activated carbon bed is studied using a 2D transport model with constant inlet flow conditions. The predicted filling times and variation in bed pressure and temperature are in good agreement with experimental observations obtained using a 1.82 L prototype ANG storage cylinder. Storage efficiencies based on the maximum achievable V/V (volume of gas/volume of container) and filling times are used to quantify the performance of the charging process. For the high permeability beds used in the experiments, storage efficiencies are controlled by the rate of heat removal. Filling times, defined as the time at which the bed pressure reaches 3.5 MPa, range from 120 to 3.4 min for inlet flow rates of 1.0 L min(-1) and 30.0 L min(-1), respectively. The corresponding storage efficiencies, eta(s), vary from 90% to 76%, respectively. Simulations with L/D ratios ranging from 0.35 to 7.8 indicate that the storage efficiencies can be improved with an increase in the LID ratios and/or with water cooled convection. Thus for an inlet flow rate of 30.0 L min(-1), an eta(s) value of 90% can be obtained with water cooling for an L/D ratio of 7.8 and a filling time of a few minutes. In the absence of water cooling the eta(s) value reduces to 83% at the same L/D ratio. Our study suggests that with an appropriate choice of cylinder dimensions, solutions based on convective cooling during adsorptive storage are possible with some compromise in the storage capacity.


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A transient 2D axi-symmetric and lumped parameter (LP) model with constant outflow conditions have been developed to study the discharge capacity of an activated carbon bed. The predicted discharge times and variations in bed pressure and temperature are in good agreement with experimental results obtained from a 1.82 l adsorbed natural gas (ANG) storage system. Under ambient air conditions, a maximum temperature drop of 29.5 K and 45.5 K are predicted at the bed center for discharge rates of 1.0 l min(-1) and 5.0 l min(-1) respectively. The corresponding discharge efficiencies are 77% and 71.5% respectively with discharge efficiencies improving with decreasing outflow rates. Increasing the LID ratio from 1.9 to 7.8 had only a marginal increase in the discharge efficiency. Forced convection (exhaust gas) heating had a significant effect on the discharge efficiency, leading to efficiencies as high as 92.8% at a discharge of 1.0 l min(-1) and 88.7% at 5 l min(-1). Our study shows that the LP model can be reliably used to obtain discharge times due to the uniform pressure distributions in the bed. Temperature predictions with the LP model were more accurate at ambient conditions and higher discharge rates, due to greater uniformity in bed temperatures. For the low thermal conductivity carbon porous beds, our study shows that exhaust gas heating can be used as an effective and convenient strategy to improve the discharge characteristics and performance of an ANG system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Common-rail fuel injection systems on modern light duty diesel engines are effectively able to respond instantaneously to changes in the demanded injection quantity. In contrast, the air-system is subject to significantly slower dynamics, primarily due to filling/emptying effects in the manifolds and turbocharger inertia. The behaviour of the air-path in a diesel engine is therefore the main limiting factor in terms of engine-out emissions during transient operation. This paper presents a simple mean-value model for the air-path during throttled operation, which is used to design a feed-forward controller that delivers very rapid changes in the in-cylinder charge properties. The feed-forward control action is validated using a state-of-the-art sampling system that allows true cycle-by-cycle measurement of the in-cylinder CO2 concentration. © 2011 SAE International.


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Premixed combustion of hydrogen gas and air was performed in a stainless steel based micro-annular combustor for a micro-gas turbine system. Micro-scale combustion has proved to be stable in the micro-combustor with a gap of 2 mm. The operating range of the micro-combustor was measured, and the maximum excess air ratio is up to 4.5. The distribution of the outer wall temperature and the temperature of exhaust gas of the micro-conbustor with excess air ratio were obtained, and the wall temperature of the micro-combustor reaches its maximum value at the excess air ratio of 0.9 instead of 1 (stoichiometric ratio). The heat loss of the micro-combustor to the environment was calculated and even exceeds 70% of the total thermal power computed from the consumed hydrogen mass flow rate. Moreover, radiant hunt transfer covers a large fraction of the total heat loss. Measures used to reduce the heat loss were proposed to improve the thermal performance of the micro-combustor. The optimal operating status of the micro-combustor and micro-gas turbine is analyzed and proposed by analyzing the relationship of the temperature of the exhaust gas of the micro-combustor with thermal power and excess air ratio. The investigation of the thermal performance of the micro-combustor is helpful to design an improved microcombustor.


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A low temperature, isothermal, gas-phase, recyclable process is described for the partial oxidation of methane to methanol over Cu–ZSM-5. Activation in NO at 150 °C followed by methane reaction and steam extraction (both at 150 °C) allowed direct observation of methanol at the reactor outlet.


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Hematological status in rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, was examined in relation to eight combinations of three environmental fa ctors; temperature (5°, 20°C), oxygen availability «35%, >70% saturation) and photoperiod (16L:8D, 8L:16D) and evaluated by 3-factor analysis of variance. Hemog l obin and hematocrit , indicators of oxygenc arrying capacity increased significantly at the higher temperature, following exposure to hypoxia and in relation to reduced light period. Significant variations in mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were not detected. The effects of temperature and oxygen availability were more pronounced than that of photoperiod which was generally masked. Although oxygen availability and photoperiod did not interact with temperature, the interaction of the former fac tors was significant. Elec trophoresis revealed twelve hemoglobin isomorphs. Relative concentration changes were found in re lation to the factors c onsidered with temperature>hypoxia>photoperiod. Howeve r , in terms of absolute concentration, effects were hypoxia>temperature>photoperiod. Photoperiod effects were again masked by temperature and (or) hypoxia. Red cell +2 l eve ls of [CI ] and [Mg ], critical elements in the hemoglobin-oxygen affinity regulating system, were also significantly altered. Red cell CI +2 was influenced only by temperature ; Mg by temper ature and oxygen. No photoperiod influence on either ions was observed. Under nominal 'summer' conditions, these changes point to the likelihood of increases in oxygen-c arrying c apac ity coupled with low Hb-02 affinity adjustments which would be expected to increase oxygen delivery rates to their more rapidly metabolising tissues.