978 resultados para Gardner, Martin: Ongelmatarinoita


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Entre 30 de março e 3 de abril, decorreu em Atlanta (Geórgia, Estados Unidos da América) o décimo segundo Gathering for Gardner (G4G12). Estes encontros são dedicados ao grande divulgador de Matemática Recreativa, Martin Gardner (21 de outubro de 1914 - 22 de maio de 2010), conhecido pelo seu esforço de décadas em popularizar a Matemática e o jornalismo científico. (...) Com clareza e entusiasmo, Gardner divulgou teoremas e construções matemáticas de alguma complexidade, tornando estes temas apelativos a uma vasta audiência. (...)


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A report on the ultrastructural observations of the pit connections in three species of Gelidiocolax (G. margarifoides (Martin and Pocock) Fan and Papenfus, G. christianae Feldmann and G. deformans Seoane-Carnba) has been carried out. As has been described in other species, electrondense elements and myelinic figures, possibly formed by the endoplasmic reticulum, were condensed in a mass. This mass became a diabolos-shaped structure before the cytoplasm had finished its division and the septum had reached its complete development. Myelinic figures were usually found in the core of well formed pit plugs, but such figures were apparently substituted by granular material during the ontogeny. Key words: Gelidiocolax ultrastructure, Pit connection, Pit connection ultrastructure, Pit connection Ontogeny.


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Desmoid tumor (DT) is a common manifestation of Gardner's Syndrome (GS), although it is a rare condition in the general population. DT in patients with GS is usually located in the abdominal wall and/or intra-abdominal cavity. We report a case of a 32 years-old female patient with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), who was already submitted to total colectomy and developed multiple DT, located in the abdominal wall and in the left breast. The patient underwent several surgical procedures, with a multidisciplinary team of surgeons. Wide surgical resections of the left breast and the abdominal wall tumors were performed in separate steps. Polypropylene mesh reconstruction and muscle flaps were needed to cover the defects of the thoracic and abdominal walls. After partial necrosis of the adipose-cutaneous flap in the abdomen that required a new skin graft, she had a satisfactory outcome with complete healing of the surgical incisions. DT is frequent in GS, however, breast localization is very rare, with few cases reported in the literature. Recurrence of DT is not negligible, even after a wide surgical resection. GS patients must be followed up closely, and clinical examination, associated with imaging studies, should be performed to detect any signs of tumor. DT represents one of the most significant causes of the morbidity and mortality that affects FAP patients following colectomy. In general, the surgical procedures to excise DT are highly complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team.


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Encontrados no Brasil desde os primórdios da colonização portuguesa, os presépios logo tiveram de adaptar-se à realidade local, circunstância muito propícia ao aparecimento de concepções heterodoxas e ao emprego de elementos exóticos da fauna e flora de cada região. Como registros envolvendo insetos são muito pouco comuns, chama a atenção que fêmeas de saúva, Atta sp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), tenham sido aproveitadas na composição de presépios no estado de São Paulo. Tendo subsistido pelo menos até a década 1960, os "presépios de formigas" existentes em cidades como Embu das Artes poderiam estar relacionados às "formigas vestidas" criadas por Jules Martin, curiosa manufatura paulistana do último quartel do século XIX.


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Background Twin and family studies have shown that genetic effects explain a relatively high amount of the phenotypic variation in blood pressure. However, many studies have not been able to replicate findings of association between specific polymorphisms and diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Methods In a structural equation-modelling framework the authors investigated longitudinal changes in repeated measures of blood pressures in a sample of 298 like-sexed twin pairs from the population-based Swedish Twin Registry. Also examined was the association between blood pressure and polymorphisms in the angiotensin-I converting enzyme and the angiotensin 11 receptor type 1 with the 'Fulker' test Both linkage and association were tested simultaneously revealing whether the polymorphism is a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) or in linkage disequilibrium with the QTL. Results Genetic influences explained up to 46% of the phenotypic variance in diastolic and 63% of the phenotypic variance in systolic blood pressure. Genetic influences were stable over time and contributed up to 78% of the phenotypic correlation in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Non-shared environmental effects were characterised by time specific influences and little transmission from one time point to the next. There was no significant linkage and association between the polymorphisms and blood pressure. Conclusions There is a considerable genetic stability in both diastolic and systolic blood pressure for a 6-year period of time in adult life. Non-shared environmental influences have a small long-term effect Although associations with the polymorphisms could not be replicated, results should be interpreted with caution due to power considerations. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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Offspring sex ratios were examined at the population and family level in the sexually monomorphic, socially monogamous fairy martin Petrochelidon ariel at five colony sites over a 4-year period (1993 1996). The sex of 465 nestlings from 169 broods % as determined using sex-specific PCR at the CHD locus. In accordance with predicted sex allocation patterns, population sex ratios at hatching and fledging did not differ from parity in an), year and the variance in brood sex ratios did not deviate from the binomial distribution, Further, brood sex ratio did not vary with hatching date during the season, brood number, brood size or colony size, The sex ratio or broods with extra-pair young did not differ from those without, while the sex ratio of broods fathered by males that gained extra-pair fertilizations did not differ from broods fathered by other males. Extra-pair chicks were as likely to be male as female. Neither the total number of feeding visits to the brood nor the relative feeding contribution by the sexes varied significantly with brood sex ratio. Brood sex ratios were also unrelated to paternal size, condition and breeding experience or maternal condition and breeding experience, However, contrary to our prediction, brood sex ratio was negatively correlated with maternal size. Generally, these results were consistent with our expectations that brood sex ratios would not vary with environmental factors or parental characteristics, and would not influence the level of parental provisioning. However, the finding that females with longer tarsi produced an excess of daughters is difficult to reconcile with our current understanding or fairy martin life history and breeding ecology.


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Reportamos atividades de pesca comerciais no complexo insular mais afastado da costa brasileira: Ilha da Trindade e Arquipélago Martin Vaz. As atividades foram estudadas através de embarques e entrevistas com os mestres e pescadores das embarcações durante uma expedição cientifica realizada entre fevereiro e abril de 2007. Quatro modalidades de atividades de pesca são realizadas na região, capturando ao menos sete espécies que possuem algum risco de extinção. O estabelecimento de normas específicas de restrição para atividades que pescam sobre os recifes das ilhas é uma alternativa para a conservação das espécies ameaçadas. O monitoramento das embarcações pode ocorrer via satélite através do programa nacional de rastreamento de embarcações pesqueiras (PREPS).


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Osteomas exofíticos são protuberâncias de osso maduro que necessitam ser cuidadosamente diferenciados de outras lesões. Os autores apresentam relato de paciente do sexo masculino, com 44 anos de idade, apresentando osteomas exofíticos múltiplos localizados na região vestíbulo-maxilar em ambos os lados, região de pré-molares e molares não associados à Síndrome de Gardner.


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Natural ventilation system facilitates gaseous exchanges in in vitro plants promoting changes in the leaf tissue, which can be evaluated through the leaf anatomy, and it allows a cultivation closer to the photoautrophic micropropagation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects on in vitro growth and on the leaf anatomy of Cattleya walkeriana grown in natural and conventional ventilation system with different concentrations of sucrose (0; 15; 30 and 45 L-1) combined with different cultivation systems (conventional micropropagation and natural ventilation system). The culture medium was composed of MS salts, solidified with 7 g L-1 of agar and pH adjusted to 5.8. Forty milliliters of culture medium were distributed in 250 mL flasks, autoclaved at 120 ºC for 20 minutes. The greater plant growth, as well as the greater thickness of the mesophyll was observed with the use of 20 g L-1 sucrose in natural ventilation system. Plants grown in natural ventilation system showed a thicker leaf mesophyll, which is directly related to photoautotrophic crops. The natural ventilation system induced more elliptical stomata and probably more functional formats.