851 resultados para Gambusia affinis
There are two datasets on the reproductive investment in female Gambusia affinis: The mass of a number of propagules and their genotypic sex, as well as the mass and length of the mother from which they were removed. And the mass, length and number of offspring of each sex from a mother.
"EPMU2 PUB6250/3 (2-72)."
Actualment una de les principals amenaces a la biodiversitat és la introducció d'espècies. Revisant 26 variables de les 69 espècies de peixos continental de la Península Ibèrica concloem que la filogènia, variabilitat i els usos de l'home són necessaris per entendre millor les diferències entres les espècies natives i invasores. Entre les especies més afectades per la introducció de peixos es troben els ciprinodontiformes endèmics del Mediterrani. Aportem les primers dades sobre l'ús d'hàbitats ocasionalment inundats i la selecció de preses del fartet (Aphanius iberus), observant un canvi ontogenètic, clarament relacionat amb el microhàbitat. També demostrem que la salinitat influeix en l'èxit invasor de la gamúsia, afectant la seva densitat i biologia reproductiva. Per altra banda, demostrem experimentalment que amb l'increment de salinitat la gambúsia disminueix la seva agressivitat i captura menys preses, reduint la seva eficàcia competitiva respecte dels ciprinodonts natius.
Es destaca la presència de tres espècies bioinvasores, tals com la gambúsia(Gambusiaaffinis), la canya (Arundodonax) i el cranc vermell americà (Procambarusclarkii). S’ha detectat que la qualitat de l’aigua ha disminuït en alguns paràmetres, especialment en l’Estanyet del Safareig. En els tres estanyets els sòlids dissolts totalsa TSD) estan al voltant del límit màxim recomanat per la EPA (Agència de Protecció Ambiental d’Estats Units). S’ha observat que la Cladophora, indicadora de concentracions elevades de nitrogen a l’aigua, és un cloròfit molt abundant. S’han identificat dos hàbitats d’interès comunitari no prioritari, segons la Directiva Hàbitats: les closes i les freixenedes termòfiles de Fraxinusangustifolia. En funció dels resultats obtinguts s’han elaborat les propostes de gestió i conservació per aquest espai.
Between 1986 and 1987 fishes distributed among the following species introduced in Chile, and from different sectors of the Valdivia river basin (39º30' - 40º00', 73º30' - 71º45'W), were examined: 348 Salmo trutta, 242 Salmo gairdneri, 24 Cyprinus carpio and 52 Gambusia affinis holbrooki. The presence of Camallanus corderoi and Contracaecum sp. in S. gairdneri and of C. corderoi in S. trutta is recorded in Chile for the first time. Cyprinus carpio and G. a. holbrooki did not present infections by nematodes. The prevalence and mean intensity of the infections by nematodes presented significant differences among some sectors of the Valdivia river basin. In general, the prevalence and intensity of the infections by C. corderoi were greater than those by Contracaecum sp. The infections in S. gairdneri were higher than in S. trutta. The sex of the hosts had no influence on the prevalence and intensity of the infections by both nematodes. The length of the hosts did have an influence, except in the case of the infections by Contracaecum sp. in S, gairdneri. The infrapopulations of both nematode species showed over dispersion in most cases. The diet of the examined salmonids suggests that they would become infected principally throught the consuption of autochthonous fishes.
Methanolic extracts of the leaves of Atlantia monophylla (Rutaceae) were evaluated for mosquitocidal activity against immature stages of three mosquito species, Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles stephensi, and Aedes aegypti in the laboratory.Larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus and pupae of An. stephensi were found more susceptible, with LC50 values of 0.14 mg/l and 0.05 mg/l, respectively. Insect growth regulating activity of this extract was more pronounced against Ae. aegypti, with EI50 value 0.002 mg/l. The extract was found safe to aquatic mosquito predators Gambusia affinis, Poecilia reticulata, and Diplonychus indicus, with the respective LC50 values of 23.4, 21.3, and 5.7 mg/l. The results indicate that the mosquitocidal effects of the extract of this plant were comparable to neem extract and certain synthetic chemical larvicides like fenthion, methoprene, etc.
When an appropriate fish host is selected, analysis of its parasites offers a useful, reliable, economical, telescoped indication or monitor of environmental health. The value of that information increases when corroborated by another non-parasitological technique. The analysis of parasites is not necessarily simple because not all hosts serve as good models and because the number of species, presence of specific species, intensity of infections, life histories of species, location of species in hosts, and host response for each parasitic species have to be addressed individually to assure usefulness of the tool. Also, different anthropogenic contaminants act in a distinct manner relative to hosts, parasites, and each other as well as being influenced by natural environmental conditions. Total values for all parasitic species infecting a sample cannot necessarily be grouped together. For example, an abundance of numbers of either species or individuals can indicate either a healthy or an unhealthy environment, depending on the species of parasite. Moreover, depending on the parasitic species, its infection, and the time chosen for collection/examination, the assessment may indicate a chronic or acute state of the environmental health. For most types of analyses, the host should be one that has a restricted home range, can be infected by numerous species of parasites, many of which have a variety of additional hosts in their life cycles, and can be readily sampled. Data on parasitic infections in the western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), a fish that meets the criteria in two separate studies, illustrate the usefulness of that host as a model to indicate both healthy and detrimentally influenced environments. In those studies, species richness, intensity of select species, host resistance, other hosts involved in life cycles, and other factors all relate to site and contaminating discharge.
The relevance of endocrine-disrupting compounds as potential contaminants of drinking water is reviewed, particularly in the reuse of wastewater. Growing populations and increasing intensification of land and water use for industry and agriculture have increased the need to reclaim wastewater for reuse, including to supplement the drinking water supply. The variety of anthropogenic chemicals that have been identified as potential endocrine disruptors in the environment and the problems arising from their use as human and livestock pharmaceuticals, as agricultural chemicals and in industry are discussed. The potentially adverse impact of these chemicals on human health and the ecology of the natural environment are reviewed. Data for the removal of estrogenic compounds from wastewater treatment are presented, together with the comparative potencies of estrogenic compounds. The relative exposure to estrogens of women on oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, and through food consumption is estimated. A brief overview of some methods available or under development for the assessment of estrogenic activity in environmental samples is provided. The review concludes with a discussion of the directions for further investigation, which include human epidemiology, methodology development, and wastewater monitoring. (C) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Several members of the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families produce a series of cycloticles or macrocyclic peptides of 29-31 amino acids with an embedded cystine knot. We aim to understand the mechanism of synthesis of cyclic peptides in plants and have isolated a cDNA clone that encodes the cyclotide kalata Ell as well as three other clones for related cycloticles from the African plant Olden-landia affinis. The cDNA clones encode prepropeptides with a 20-aa signal sequence, an N-terminal prosequence of 46-68 amino acids and one, two, or three cyclotide domains separated by regions of about 25 aa. The corresponding cycloticles have been isolated from plant material, indicating that the cyclotide domains are excised and cyclized from all four predicted precursor proteins. The exact processing site is likely to lie on the N-terminal side of the strongly conserved GlyLeuPro or SerLeuPro sequence that flanks both sides of the cyclotide domain. Cyclotides have previously been assigned an antimicrobial function; here we describe a potent inhibitory effect on the growth and development of larvae from the Lepidopteran species Helicoverpa punctigera.
Experimental treatments to compare behavioural responses included native fish species only, natives plus one exotic species and natives plus both exotic species. The mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki frequently attacked both native species, but tended to nip Melanotaenia duboulayi (especially small individuals) and chase Pseudomugil signifer The frequency of attacks by G. holbrooki on M. duboulayi rose when all four fish species were present. When food was added, all four species showed a strong increase in aggression, especially in the four-species treatment, where there were significant increases in the frequency of attacks by the swordtail Xiphophorus helleri on M. duboulay and by M. duboulayi on G. holbrooki, and of conspecific attacks by M. duboulayi. Increased attack frequency was associated with aggregation closer to the water's surface, regardless of the presence of food. The results support the hypothesis that introduced poeciliids can have deleterious competitive effects on native species. However, while juvenile M. duboulayi were particularly vulnerable to the secondary, effects of fin-nipping, R signifer appeared to be more susceptible to physical displacement and reduced food capture success.
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a germinação de semente de Inga vera subsp (Mimosaceae).
A vista da discordância dos dados registrados na literatura (Cava, 1964, 1968 ; Jerry, 1963 e Matos, 1976) quanto aos alcalóides de Peschierra affinis, retomou-se seu estudo com o objetivo desta espécie. Foram analisados amostras das cascas e do lenho das raízes de material coletado em locais diferentes em altitude, longitude e latitude. Foram identificados além de substâncias de natureza alifática (sitosterol,β-amirina e lupenol). os seguintes alcalóides indólicos: coronaridina, voacangina, 20-epiheyneanina, voacristina, affinisina, vobasina, olivacina e uma mistura de 19-hidroxi-ibogamina e iboxigaína). Dentre estes, quatro são inéditos na espécie (voacangina, voacristina, 19-hidroxi-ibogaina e eboxigaína). Apenas pequenas diferenças foram observadas nos três materiais estudados, observando-se porém, acentuada diferença quando comparadas com os resultados obtidos no primeiro trabalho químico sobre os alcalóides desta espécie (Jerry, 1963).
RESUMO O estudo da biologia reprodutiva é importante para determinar medidas protetivas visando à manutenção dos estoques pesqueiros. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar os aspectos da reprodução de Hassar affinis no Lago de Viana, Baixada Maranhense, Maranhão, Brasil. Os 147 espécimes foram provenientes da pesca comercial, coletados no período de fevereiro de 2012 a janeiro de 2013. Em laboratório, procedeu-se com a pesagem e medidas de cada indivíduo e posteriormente foi feita uma incisão ventro-longitudinal a fim de observar macroscopicamente as gônadas. Em seguida, foram fixadas em Solução de Bouin para análise microscópica e em Solução de Gilson para análise da fecundidade. A alometria negativa foi registrada para ambos os sexos, indicando maior incremento em comprimento do que em peso. A proporção sexual para o período total foi de 3,4 fêmeas para cada 1 macho. Houve maior intensidade reprodutiva nos bimestres fevereiro/março e abril/maio, indicando o período reprodutivo da espécie. Estima-se fecundidade absoluta média de 47.211 ovócitos. A primeira maturidade sexual é alcançada com 11,52 cm. A partir desses dados, portanto, são sugeridas medidas de gerenciamento, como o estabelecimento do período de reprodução da espécie durante os meses de fevereiro a maio, definição do tamanho mínimo de captura de 11,5 cm e, além disso, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de outros trabalhos com periodicidade mensal.