732 resultados para Galois lattices
Traditionnellement, les applications orientées objets légataires intègrent différents aspects fonctionnels. Ces aspects peuvent être dispersés partout dans le code. Il existe différents types d’aspects : • des aspects qui représentent des fonctionnalités métiers ; • des aspects qui répondent à des exigences non fonctionnelles ou à d’autres considérations de conception comme la robustesse, la distribution, la sécurité, etc. Généralement, le code qui représente ces aspects chevauche plusieurs hiérarchies de classes. Plusieurs chercheurs se sont intéressés à la problématique de la modularisation de ces aspects dans le code : programmation orientée sujets, programmation orientée aspects et programmation orientée vues. Toutes ces méthodes proposent des techniques et des outils pour concevoir des applications orientées objets sous forme de composition de fragments de code qui répondent à différents aspects. La séparation des aspects dans le code a des avantages au niveau de la réutilisation et de la maintenance. Ainsi, il est important d’identifier et de localiser ces aspects dans du code légataire orienté objets. Nous nous intéressons particulièrement aux aspects fonctionnels. En supposant que le code qui répond à un aspect fonctionnel ou fonctionnalité exhibe une certaine cohésion fonctionnelle (dépendances entre les éléments), nous proposons d’identifier de telles fonctionnalités à partir du code. L’idée est d’identifier, en l’absence des paradigmes de la programmation par aspects, les techniques qui permettent l’implémentation des différents aspects fonctionnels dans un code objet. Notre approche consiste à : • identifier les techniques utilisées par les développeurs pour intégrer une fonctionnalité en l’absence des techniques orientées aspects • caractériser l’empreinte de ces techniques sur le code • et développer des outils pour identifier ces empreintes. Ainsi, nous présentons deux approches pour l’identification des fonctionnalités existantes dans du code orienté objets. La première identifie différents patrons de conception qui permettent l’intégration de ces fonctionnalités dans le code. La deuxième utilise l’analyse formelle de concepts pour identifier les fonctionnalités récurrentes dans le code. Nous expérimentons nos deux approches sur des systèmes libres orientés objets pour identifier les différentes fonctionnalités dans le code. Les résultats obtenus montrent l’efficacité de nos approches pour identifier les différentes fonctionnalités dans du code légataire orienté objets et permettent de suggérer des cas de refactorisation.
How can we analyze and understand affiliation networks? In this class, we will discuss properties of affiliation networks and we will investigate the use of Galois lattices for the exploration of structural patterns in bi-partite graphs. Optional : L.C. Freeman and D.R. White. Using Galois Lattices to Represent Network Data. Sociological Methodology, (23):127--146, (1993)
We introduce a broad lattice manipulation technique for expressive cryptography, and use it to realize functional encryption for access structures from post-quantum hardness assumptions. Specifically, we build an efficient key-policy attribute-based encryption scheme, and prove its security in the selective sense from learning-with-errors intractability in the standard model.
Cryptosystems based on the hardness of lattice problems have recently acquired much importance due to their average-case to worst-case equivalence, their conjectured resistance to quantum cryptanalysis, their ease of implementation and increasing practicality, and, lately, their promising potential as a platform for constructing advanced functionalities. In this work, we construct “Fuzzy” Identity Based Encryption from the hardness of the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem. We note that for our parameters, the underlying lattice problems (such as gapSVP or SIVP) are assumed to be hard to approximate within supexponential factors for adversaries running in subexponential time. We give CPA and CCA secure variants of our construction, for small and large universes of attributes. All our constructions are secure against selective-identity attacks in the standard model. Our construction is made possible by observing certain special properties that secret sharing schemes need to satisfy in order to be useful for Fuzzy IBE. We also discuss some obstacles towards realizing lattice-based attribute-based encryption (ABE).
In this survey, we review a number of the many “expressive” encryption systems that have recently appeared from lattices, and explore the innovative techniques that underpin them.
We consider diffusively coupled map lattices with P neighbors (where P is arbitrary) and study the stability of the synchronized state. We show that there exists a critical lattice size beyond which the synchronized state is unstable. This generalizes earlier results for nearest neighbor coupling. We confirm the analytical results by performing numerical simulations on coupled map lattices with logistic map at each node. The above analysis is also extended to two-dimensional P-neighbor diffusively coupled map lattices.
We report on the fabrication and characterization of a device which allows the formation of an antidot lattice (ADL) using only electrostatic gating. The antidot potential and Fermi energy of the system can be tuned independently. Well defined commensurability features in magnetoresistance as well as magnetothermopower are observed. We show that the thermopower can be used to efficiently map out the potential landscape of the ADL. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi: 10.1063/1.3493268]
Statistically averaged lattices provide a common basis to understand the diffraction properties of structures displaying deviations from regular crystal structures. An average lattice is defined and examples are given in one and two dimensions along with their diffraction patterns. The absence of periodicity in reciprocal space corresponding to aperiodic structures is shown to arise out of different projected spacings that are irrationally related, when the grid points are projected along the chosen coordinate axes. It is shown that the projected length scales are important factors which determine the existence or absence of observable periodicity in the diffraction pattern more than the sequence of arrangement.
In this article we review classical and modern Galois theory with historical evolution and prove a criterion of Galois for solvability of an irreducible separable polynomial of prime degree over an arbitrary field k and give many illustrative examples.
We investigate a system of fermions on a two-dimensional optical square lattice in the strongly repulsive coupling regime. In this case, the interactions can be controlled by laser intensity as well as by Feshbach resonance. We compare the energetics of states with resonating valence bond d-wave superfluidity, antiferromagnetic long-range order, and a homogeneous state with coexistence of superfluidity and antiferromagnetism. Using a variational formalism, we show that the energy density of a hole e(hole)(x) has a minimum at doping x = x(c) that signals phase separation between the antiferromagnetic and d-wave paired superfluid phases. The energy of the phase-separated ground state is, however, found to be very close to that of a homogeneous state with coexisting antiferromagnetic and superfluid orders. We explore the dependence of the energy on the interaction strength and on the three-site hopping terms and compare with the nearest-neighbor hopping t-J model.
A density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented for the Bethe lattice with connectivity Z = 3 and antiferromagnetic exchange between nearest-neighbor spins s = 1/2 or 1 sites in successive generations g. The algorithm is accurate for s = 1 sites. The ground states are magnetic with spin S(g) = 2(g)s, staggered magnetization that persists for large g > 20, and short-range spin correlation functions that decrease exponentially. A finite energy gap to S > S(g) leads to a magnetization plateau in the extended lattice. Closely similar DMRG results for s = 1/2 and 1 are interpreted in terms of an analytical three-site model.
The realization of optical lattices of cold atoms has opened up the possibility of engineering interacting lattice systems of bosons and fermions, stimulating a frenzy of research over the last decade. More recently, experimental techniques have been developed to apply synthetic gauge fields to these optical lattices. As a result, it has become possible to study quantum Hall physics and the effects of frustration in lattices of cold atoms. In this article we describe the combined effect of frustration and interactions on the superfluidity of bosons. By focussing on a frustrated ladder of interacting bosons, we show that the effect of frustration is for ``chiral'' order to develop, which manifests itself as an alternating pattern of circulating supercurrents. Remarkably, this order persists even when superfluidity is lost and the system enters a Mott phase giving rise to a novel chiral Mott insulator. We describe the combined physics of frustration and interactions by studying a fully frustrated one dimensional model of interacting bosons. The model is studied using mean-field theory, a direct quantum simulation and a higher dimensional classical theory in order to offer a full description of the different quantum phases contained in it and transitions between the different phases. In addition, we provide physical descriptions of the chiral Mott insulator as a vortex-anitvortex super solid and indirect excitonic condensate in addition to obtaining a variational wavefunction for it. We also briefly describe the chiral Mott states arising in other microscopic models.
The kinetic studies of the acrylic octadecyl ester and styrene polymerization in microemulsion systems, (1) cetyl pyridine bromide (CPDB)/t-butanol/styrene/water; (2) CPDB/t-butanol/toluene + acrylic octadecyl ester (1:1, w/v)/ water; (3) cetyl pyridine bromide/styrene/formamide, were made by using dynamic laser light scattering techniques (DLS). The mechanisms of nucleation of latex particles were discussed. The most possible nucleation location of the styrene and acrylic octadecyl ester microlatex particles in aqueous microemulsion system is in aqueous phase via homogeneous nucleation. Meanwhile, parts of microlatex particles are possibly produced via swollen micelles (microemulsions) and monomer droplets nucleation. On the other hand, the most possible nucleation location of the styrene microlatex particles in nonaqueous microemulsion system is inside monomer droplets. The relationship between the amount of monomer and the size of microlatex was also investigated. It has been found that the size of microlatex particles could be controlled by changing the amount of monomer. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.