998 resultados para Gallstone Disease


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Background/purpose: Gallstones and cholelithiasis are being increasingly diagnosed in children owing to the widespread use of ultrasonography. The treatment of choice is cholecystectomy, and routine intraoperative cholangiography is recommended to explore the common bile duct. The objectives of this study were to describe our experience with the management of gallstone disease in childhood over the last 18 years and to propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in children based on clinical and ultrasonographic findings. Methods: The data for this study were obtained by reviewing the records of all patients with gallstone disease treated between January 1994 and October 2011. The patients were divided into the following 5 groups based on their symptoms: group 1, asymptomatic; group 2, nonbiliary obstructive symptoms; group 3, acute cholecystitis symptoms; group 4, a history of biliary obstructive symptoms that were completely resolved by the time of surgery; and group 5, ongoing biliary obstructive symptoms. Patients were treated according to an algorithm based on their clinical, ultrasonographic, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) findings. Results: A total of 223 patients were diagnosed with cholelithiasis, and comorbidities were present in 177 patients (79.3%). The most common comorbidities were hemolytic disorders in 139 patients (62.3%) and previous bariatric surgery in 16 (7.1%). Although symptoms were present in 134 patients (60.0%), cholecystectomy was performed for all patients with cholelithiasis, even if they were asymptomatic; the surgery was laparoscopic in 204 patients and open in 19. Fifty-six patients (25.1%) presented with complications as the first sign of cholelithiasis (eg, pancreatitis, choledocolithiasis, or acute calculous cholecystitis). Intraoperative cholangiography was indicated in 15 children, and it was positive in only 1 (0.4%) for whom ERCP was necessary to extract the stone after a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Preoperative ERCP was performed in 11 patients to extract the stones, and a hepaticojejunostomy was indicated in 2 patients. There were no injuries to the hepatic artery or common bile duct in our series. Conclusions: Based on our experience, we can propose an algorithm to guide the approach to cholelithiasis in the pediatric population. The final conclusion is that LC results in limited postoperative complications in children with gallstones. When a diagnosis of choledocolithiasis or dilation of the choledocus is made, ERCP is necessary if obstructive symptoms persist either before or after an LC. Intraoperative cholangiography and laparoscopic common bile duct exploration are not mandatory. Published by Elsevier Inc.


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Gallstone disease is very common among native Americans and Hispanics, and similar to 20 million patients are treated for this disease annually in the US. The nuclear farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is the receptor for bile acids, and GW4064 is a synthetic agonist at the FXR. FXR-/- mice fed a lithogenic diet (high fat, cholesterol and cholic acid) are more susceptible to gallstone disease than wild-type mice with the same mixed background, thus establishing that the ablation of FXR is associated with this disease. The C57L mouse is susceptible to gallstone formation. When C57L mice are fed a lithogenic diet for a week, the bile contains large aggregates of cholesterol precipitates, and two of five C57L mice had macroscopic cholesterol crystals. in contrast, when C57L mice were fed the lithogenic diet and administered GW4064 100 mg/kg/day by oral gavage, there was no precipitation of cholesterol. Treatment with this agent also increased bile salt and phospholipid concentration, and prevented gallbladder epithelium damage. As FXR agonism with GW4064 has been shown to be useful in a mouse model of cholesterol gallstone disease, it should undergo further development for the treatment of this condition.


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Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) accounts for the majority of chronic liver disease in Western countries. The spectrum of ALD includes steatosis with or without fibrosis in virtually all individuals with an alcohol consumption of >80 g/day, alcoholic steatohepatitis of variable severity in 10-35% and liver cirrhosis in approximately 15% of patients. Once cirrhosis is established, there is an annual risk for hepatocellular carcinoma of 1-2%. Environmental factors such as drinking patterns, coexisting liver disease, obesity, diet composition and comedication may modify the natural course of ALD. Twin studies have revealed a substantial contribution of genetic factors to the evolution of ALD, as demonstrated by a threefold higher disease concordance between monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins. With genotyping becoming widely available, a large number of genetic case-control studies evaluating candidate gene variants coding for proteins involved in the degradation of alcohol, mediating antioxidant defence, the evolution and counteraction of necroinflammation and formation and degradation of extracellular matrix have been published with largely unconfirmed, impeached or even disproved associations. Recently, whole genome analyses of large numbers of genetic variants in several chronic liver diseases including gallstone disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have identified novel yet unconsidered candidate genes. Regarding the latter, a sequence variation within the gene coding for patatin-like phospholipase encoding 3 (PNPLA3, rs738409) was found to modulate steatosis, necroinflammation and fibrosis in NAFLD. Subsequently, the same variant was repeatedly confirmed as the first robust genetic risk factor for progressive ALD.


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La pancreatitis aguda (PA) es una patología clínica común que abarca un espectro desde leve hasta fatal, donde se produce una inflamación del páncreas por auto digestión enzimática con grado variable de compromiso sistémico. Es una emergencia abdominal grave con una mortalidad del 9-23%. En el 40% de los casos de pancreatitis aguda se encuentra que es de origen biliar. La prevalencia de enfermedad biliar a nivel mundial en adultos varía entre 5,9% y 21,9%, con grandes variaciones geográficas y regionales, se encuentran en el 12% de los hombres y el 24% de las mujeres. La prevalencia aumenta con la edad. Latinoamérica es una región con alta prevalencia. En pacientes con colelitiasis del 5-15 % tienen coledocolitiasis. La alta prevalencia de la patología biliar en nuestro país hace que esta sea una causa frecuente de consulta médica por dolor abdominal. El factor común presente en la gran mayoría de las enfermedades de la vía biliar es la Colelitiasis. La complicación más frecuente, la Coledocolitiasis, se ha reportado con cifras hasta de un 20% y como complicación de esta la pancreatitis. La pancreatitis aguda de origen biliar (PAB) es causada por una obstrucción transitoria o persistente de la ampolla de Váter por barro biliar o por cálculos. En el diagnostico de la PAB se emplean métodos invasivos como la colangiopancreaticografia endoscópica retrograda (CPRE) la cual trae consigo morbilidad y mortalidad asociada y métodos no invasivos como la colangiopancreaticografia magnética (CRM) que emerge como modalidad prometedora en el diagnostico y manejo de la PAB en centros de tercer y cuarto nivel de complejidad. El manejo actual de la PAB es la remoción de la obstrucción del conducto biliar común (CBC) seguida de su tratamiento definitivo, la colecistectomía o CPRE con papilotomia. En nuestro país no se han publicado estudios con datos locales acerca de la utilidad de la CRM para la detección de coledocolitiasis, en las guías de manejo de coledocolitiasis de la asociación colombiana de cirugía publicadas en el año 2004, hace referencia de la utilidad de la CRM para el diagnostico de esta entidad tomando como base una revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en Medline, Pubmed y Cocrane los cuales no incluyen experiencia a nivel nacional. En este estudio pretendimos determinar cuáles son los pacientes que se benefician de la realización de CRM temprana en el marco de la PAB leve para la detección de coledocolitiasis.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos epidemiológicos-cirúrgicos dos pacientes com câncer de vesícula biliar (CAVB) atendidos em um Hospital Universitário de Belém/PA, no período de 1999-2009. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional, retrospectivo, descritivo-analítico de fonte secundária dos pacientes com diagnóstico de CAVB, no período de 1999-2009. Foram analisados 75 prontuários, sendo 34 pacientes estudados. As informações coletadas foram utilizadas para o estadiamento tumoral TNM do CAVB e para a caracterização clínico-cirúrgica da população estudada. RESULTADOS: 79% eram do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 66,2±11 anos e tempo de sintomatologia de 10,8±17,2 meses, não obtendo relação estatística com o estadio da doença. Dor no hipocôndrio direito, náuseas e icterícia predominaram como sinais/sintomas. A litíase biliar esteve presente em 91% dos casos, sendo positiva em 100% dos pacientes com estadios I/II. A sensibilidade ultrassonográfica para sugestionar o CAVB no pré-operatório foi 14,28%. A operação mais executada foi a colecistectomia simples, tendo como achado intra-operatório predominante, invasão hepática. O adenocarcinoma foi o tipo histológico preponderante, com destaque para os estadios III e IV. CONCLUSÃO: A série estudada apresentou alta incidência de litíase biliar, o adenocarcinoma com estadio avançado foi o mais prevalente. acarretando um pequeno índice de operações com intenção curativa, 30% dos pacientes operados, e uma taxa de mortalidade de 21%. A valorização dos sintomas e a investigação precoce por exames de imagem poderiam favorecer o tratamento, em fases iniciais do CAVB, proporcionando um melhor prognóstico para os pacientes operados.


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Background. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy is the gold standard for patients who are diagnosed with biliary colic (NIH, 1993). It has been demonstrated that individuals who wait a longer time between diagnosis and treatment are at increased risk of having complications (Rutledge et al., 2000; Contini et al., 2004; Eldar et al., 1999). County hospitals, such as Ben Taub General Hospital (BTGH), have a particularly high population of uninsured patients and consequently long surgical wait periods due to limited resources. This study evaluates patients the risk factors involved in their progression to complications from gallstones in a county hospital environment. ^ Methods. A case-control study using medical records was performed on all patients who underwent a cholecystectomy for gallstone disease at BTGH during the year of 2005 (n=414). The risk factors included in the study are obesity, gender, age, race, diabetes, and amount of time from diagnosis to surgery. Multivariate analysis and logistical regression were used to assess factors that potentially lead to the development of complications. ^ Results. There were a total of 414 patients at BTGH who underwent a cholecystectomy for gallstone disease during 2005. The majority of patients were female, 84.3% (n=349) and Hispanic, 79.7% (n=330). The median wait time from diagnosis to surgery was 1.43 weeks (range: 0-184.71). The majority of patients presented with complications 72.5% (n=112). The two factors that impacted development of complications in our study population were Hispanic race (OR=1.81; CI 1.02, 3.23; p=0.04) and time from diagnosis to surgery (OR=0.98; CI 0.97, 0.99; p<0.01). Obesity, gender, age, and diabetes were not predictive of development of complications. ^ Conclusions. An individual's socioeconomic status potentially influences all aspects of their health and subsequent health care. The patient population of BTGH is largely uninsured and therefore less likely to seek care at an early stage in their disease process. In order to decrease the rate of complications, there needs to be a system that increases patient access to primary care clinics. Until the problem of access to care is solved, those who are uninsured will likely suffer more severe complications and society will bear the cost. ^


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In this study we examined the impact of weather variability and tides on the transmission of Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease and developed a weather-based forecasting model for BFV disease in the Gladstone region, Australia. We used seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average (SARIMA) models to determine the contribution of weather variables to BFV transmission after the time-series data of response and explanatory variables were made stationary through seasonal differencing. We obtained data on the monthly counts of BFV cases, weather variables (e.g., mean minimum and maximum temperature, total rainfall, and mean relative humidity), high and low tides, and the population size in the Gladstone region between January 1992 and December 2001 from the Queensland Department of Health, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland Department of Transport, and Australian Bureau of Statistics, respectively. The SARIMA model shows that the 5-month moving average of minimum temperature (β = 0.15, p-value < 0.001) was statistically significantly and positively associated with BFV disease, whereas high tide in the current month (β = −1.03, p-value = 0.04) was statistically significantly and inversely associated with it. However, no significant association was found for other variables. These results may be applied to forecast the occurrence of BFV disease and to use public health resources in BFV control and prevention.