1000 resultados para Galactic structure
My PhD project has been focused on the study of the pulsating variable stars in two ultra-faint dwarf spheroidal satellites of the Milky Way, namely, Leo IV and Hercules; and in two fields of the Large Magellanic Cloud (namely, the Gaia South Ecliptic Pole calibration field, and the 30 Doradus region) that were repeatedly observed in the KS band by the VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC, PI M.R. Cioni) survey of the Magellanic System.
Context. The understanding of Galaxy evolution can be facilitated by the use of population synthesis models, which allow to test hypotheses on the star formation history, star evolution, as well as chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galaxy. Aims. The new version of the Besanc¸on Galaxy Model (hereafter BGM) aims to provide a more flexible and powerful tool to investigate the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of the Galactic disc. Methods. We present a new strategy for the generation of thin disc stars which assumes the IMF, SFR and evolutionary tracks as free parameters. We have updated most of the ingredients for the star count production and, for the first time, binary stars are generated in a consistent way. We keep in this new scheme the local dynamical self-consistency as in Bienayme et al (1987). We then compare simulations from the new model with Tycho-2 data and the local luminosity function, as a first test to verify and constrain the new ingredients. The effects of changing thirteen different ingredients of the model are systematically studied. Results. For the first time, a full sky comparison is performed between BGM and data. This strategy allows to constrain the IMF slope at high masses which is found to be close to 3.0, excluding a shallower slope such as Salpeter"s one. The SFR is found decreasing whatever IMF is assumed. The model is compatible with a local dark matter density of 0.011 M pc−3 implying that there is no compelling evidence for significant amount of dark matter in the disc. While the model is fitted to Tycho2 data, a magnitude limited sample with V<11, we check that it is still consistent with fainter stars. Conclusions. The new model constitutes a new basis for further comparisons with large scale surveys and is being prepared to become a powerful tool for the analysis of the Gaia mission data.
Context. The understanding of Galaxy evolution can be facilitated by the use of population synthesis models, which allow to test hypotheses on the star formation history, star evolution, as well as chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galaxy. Aims. The new version of the Besanc¸on Galaxy Model (hereafter BGM) aims to provide a more flexible and powerful tool to investigate the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of the Galactic disc. Methods. We present a new strategy for the generation of thin disc stars which assumes the IMF, SFR and evolutionary tracks as free parameters. We have updated most of the ingredients for the star count production and, for the first time, binary stars are generated in a consistent way. We keep in this new scheme the local dynamical self-consistency as in Bienayme et al (1987). We then compare simulations from the new model with Tycho-2 data and the local luminosity function, as a first test to verify and constrain the new ingredients. The effects of changing thirteen different ingredients of the model are systematically studied. Results. For the first time, a full sky comparison is performed between BGM and data. This strategy allows to constrain the IMF slope at high masses which is found to be close to 3.0, excluding a shallower slope such as Salpeter"s one. The SFR is found decreasing whatever IMF is assumed. The model is compatible with a local dark matter density of 0.011 M pc−3 implying that there is no compelling evidence for significant amount of dark matter in the disc. While the model is fitted to Tycho2 data, a magnitude limited sample with V<11, we check that it is still consistent with fainter stars. Conclusions. The new model constitutes a new basis for further comparisons with large scale surveys and is being prepared to become a powerful tool for the analysis of the Gaia mission data.
The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Angle-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. The aims of this project include the study of dwarf galaxies in the cluster (both known low surface brightness objects and putative normal surface brightness dwarfs) and a comparison sample of background field galaxies. We will also measure quasars and other active galaxies, any previously unrecognised compact galaxies and a large sample of Galactic stars. By selecting all objects-both stars and galaxies-independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we first describe the design of the survey. Our targets are selected from UK Schmidt Telescope sky survey plates digitised by the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility. We then describe the photometric and astrometric calibration of these data and show that the APM astrometry is accurate enough for use with the 2dF. We also describe a general approach to object identification using cross-correlations which allows us to identify and classify both stellar and galaxy spectra. We present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars? galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560 +/- 80 km s(-1). They show a velocity dispersion of 380 +/- 50 km s(-1). Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z = 0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.
We describe the motivation, design, and implementation of the CORNISH survey, an arcsecondresolution radio continuum survey of the inner galactic plane at 5 GHz using the Very Large Array (VLA). It is a blind survey coordinated with the northern SpitzerGLIMPSE I region covering 10°
Context. It has been suggested that the compact open cluster VdBH 222 is a young massive distant object. Aims. We set out to characterise VdBH 222 using a comprehensive set of multi-wavelength observations. Methods. We obtained multi-band optical (UBVR) and near-infrared (JHKS) photometry of the cluster field, as well as multi-object and long-slit optical spectroscopy for a large sample of stars in the field. We applied classical photometric analysis, as well as more sophisticated methods using the CHORIZOS code, to determine the reddening to the cluster. We then plotted dereddened HR diagrams and determined cluster parameters via isochrone fitting. Results. We have identified a large population of luminous supergiants confirmed as cluster members via radial velocity measurements. We find nine red supergiants (plus one other candidate) and two yellow supergiants. We also identify a large population of OB stars. Ten of them are bright enough to be blue supergiants. The cluster lies behind ≈7.5 mag of extinction for the preferred value of RV = 2.9. Isochrone fitting allows for a narrow range of ages between 12 and 16 Ma. The cluster radial velocity is compatible with distances of ~6 and ~10 kpc. The shorter distance is inconsistent with the age range and Galactic structure. The longer distance implies an age ≈ 12 Ma and a location not far from the position where some Galactic models place the far end of the Galactic bar. Conclusions. VdBH 222 is a young massive cluster with a likely mass >20 000 M⊙. Its population of massive evolved stars is comparable to that of large associations, such as Per OB1. Its location in the inner Galaxy, presumably close to the end of the Galactic bar, adds to the increasing evidence for vigorous star formation in the inner regions of the Milky Way.
This doctoral dissertation presents studies of the formation and evolution of galaxies, through observations and simulations of galactic halos. The halo is the component of galaxies which hosts some of the oldest objects we know of in the cosmos; it is where clues to the history of galaxies are found, for example, by how the chemical structure is related to the dynamics of objects in the halo. The dynamical and chemical structure of halos, both in the Milky Way’s own halo, and in two elliptical galaxies, is the underlying theme in the research. I focus on the density falloff and chemistry of the two external halos, and on the dynamics, density falloff, and chemistry of the Milky Way halo. I first study galactic halos via computer simulations, to test the long- term stability of an anomalous feature recently found in kinematics of the Milky Way’s metal-poor stellar halo. I find that the feature is transient, making its origin unclear. I use a second set of simulations to test if an initially strong relation between the dynamics and chemistry of halo glob-ular clusters in a Milky Way-type galaxy is affected by a merging satellite galaxy, and find that the relation remains strong despite a merger in which the satellite is a third of the mass of the host galaxy. From simulations, I move to observing halos in nearby galaxies, a challenging procedure as most of the light from galaxies comes from the disk and bulge components as opposed to the halo. I use Hubble Space Tele scope observations of the halo of the galaxy M87 and, comparing to similar observations of NGC 5128, find that the chemical structure of the inner halo is similar for both of these giant elliptical galaxies. I use Very Large Telescope observations of the outer halo of NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) and, because of the difficultly in resolving dim extragalac- tic stellar halo populations, I introduce a new technique to subtract the contaminating background galaxies. A transition from a metal-rich stellar halo to a metal-poor has previously been discovered in two different types of galaxies, the disk galaxy M31 and the classic elliptical NGC 3379. Unexpectedly, I discover in this third type of galaxy, the merger remnant NGC 5128, that the density of metal-rich and metal-poor halo stars falls at the same rate within the galactocentric radii of 8 − 65 kpc, the limit of our observations. This thesis presents new results which open opportunities for future investigations.
Very-long-baseline radio interferometry (VLBI) imaging surveys have been undertaken since the late 1970s. The sample sizes were initially limited to a few tens of objects but the snapshot technique has now allowed samples containing almost 200 sources to be studied. The overwhelming majority of powerful compact sources are asymmetric corejects of one form or another, most of which exhibit apparent superluminal motion. However 5-10% of powerful flat-spectrum sources are 100-parsec (pc)-scale compact symmetric objects; these appear to form a continuum with the 1-kpc-scale double-lobed compact steep-spectrum sources, which make up 15-20% of lower frequency samples. It is likely that these sub-galactic-size symmetric sources are the precursors to the large-scale classical double sources. There is a surprising peak around 90 degrees in the histogram of misalignments between the dominant source axes on parsec and kiloparsec scales; this seems to be associated with sources exhibiting a high degree of relativistic beaming. VLBI snapshot surveys have great cosmological potential via measurements of both proper motion and angular size vs. redshift as well as searches for gravitational "millilensing."
Aims. The large and small-scale (pc) structure of the Galactic interstellar medium can be investigated by utilising spectra of early-type stellar probes of known distances in the same region of the sky. This paper determines the variation in line strength of Ca ii at 3933.661 Å as a function of probe separation for a large sample of stars, including a number of sightlines in the Magellanic Clouds.
Methods. FLAMES-GIRAFFE data taken with the Very Large Telescope towards early-type stars in 3 Galactic and 4 Magellanic open clusters in Ca ii are used to obtain the velocity, equivalent width, column density, and line width of interstellar Galactic calcium for a total of 657 stars, of which 443 are Magellanic Cloud sightlines. In each cluster there are between 43 and 111 stars observed. Additionally, FEROS and UVES Ca ii K and Na i D spectra of 21 Galactic and 154 Magellanic early-type stars are presented and combined with data from the literature to study the calcium column density - parallax relationship.
Results. For the four Magellanic clusters studied with FLAMES, the strength of the Galactic interstellar Ca ii K equivalent width on transverse scales from ∼0.05-9 pc is found to vary by factors of ∼1.8-3.0, corresponding to column density variations of ∼0.3-0.5 dex in the optically-thin approximation. Using FLAMES, FEROS, and UVES archive spectra, the minimum and maximum reduced equivalent widths for Milky Way gas are found to lie in the range ∼35-125 mÅ and ∼30-160 mÅ for Ca ii K and Na i D, respectively. The range is consistent with a previously published simple model of the interstellar medium consisting of spherical cloudlets of filling factor ∼0.3, although other geometries are not ruled out. Finally, the derived functional form for parallax (π) and Ca ii column density (NCaII) is found to be π(mas) = 1 / (2.39 × 10-13 × NCaII (cm-2) + 0.11). Our derived parallax is ∼25 per cent lower than predicted by Megier et al. (2009, A&A, 507, 833) at a distance of ∼100 pc and ∼15 percent lower at a distance of ∼200 pc, reflecting inhomogeneity in the Ca ii distribution in the different sightlines studied.
We present K-band spectra of newly born OB stars in the obscured Galactic giant H II region W51A and approximate to 0.8 '' angular resolution images in the J, H, and K(S)-bands. Four objects have been spectroscopically classified as O-type stars. The mean spectroscopic parallax of the four stars gives a distance of 2.0 +/- 0.3 kpc (error in the mean), significantly smaller than the radio recombination line kinematic value of 5.5 kpc or the values derived from maser proper motion observations (6-8 kpc). The number of Lyman continuum photons from the contribution of all massive stars (NLyc approximate to 1.5 x 10(50) s(-1)) is in good agreement with that inferred from radio recombination lines (NLyc = 1.3 x 10(50) s(-1)) after accounting for the smaller distance derived here. We present analysis of archival high angular resolution images (NAOS CONICA at VLT and T-ReCS at Gemini) of the compact region W51 IRS 2. The K(S)-band images resolve the infrared source IRS 2 indicating that it is a very young compact H II region. Sources IRS 2E was resolved into compact cluster (within 660 AU of projected distance) of three objects, but one of them is just bright extended emission. W51d1 and W51d2 were identified with compact clusters of three objects (maybe four in the case of W51d1) each one. Although IRS 2E is the brightest source in the K-band and at 12.6 mu m, it is not clearly associated with a radio continuum source. Our spectrum of IRS 2E shows, similar to previous work, strong emission in Br gamma and He I, as well as three forbidden emission lines of Fe III and emission lines of molecular hydrogen (H(2)) marking it as a massive young stellar object.
In this dissertation, active galactic nuclei (AGN) are discussed, as they are seen with the high-resolution radio-astronomical technique called Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). This observational technique provides very high angular resolution (_ 10−300 = 1 milliarcsecond). VLBI observations, performed at different radio frequencies (multi-frequency VLBI), allow to penetrate deep into the core of an AGN to reveal an otherwise obscured inner part of the jet and the vicinity of the AGN’s central engine. Multi-frequency VLBI data are used to scrutinize the structure and evolution of the jet, as well as the distribution of the polarized emission. These data can help to derive the properties of the plasma and the magnetic field, and to provide constraints to the jet composition and the parameters of emission mechanisms. Also VLBI data can be used for testing the possible physical processes in the jet by comparing observational results with results of numerical simulations. The work presented in this thesis contributes to different aspects of AGN physics studies, as well as to the methodology of VLBI data reduction. In particular, Paper I reports evidence of optical and radio emission of AGN coming from the same region in the inner jet. This result was obtained via simultaneous observations of linear polarization in the optical and in radio using VLBI technique of a sample of AGN. Papers II and III describe, in detail, the jet kinematics of the blazar 0716+714, based on multi-frequency data, and reveal a peculiar kinematic pattern: plasma in the inner jet appears to move substantially faster that that in the large-scale jet. This peculiarity is explained by the jet bending, in Paper III. Also, Paper III presents a test of the new imaging technique for VLBI data, the Generalized Maximum Entropy Method (GMEM), with the observed (not simulated) data and compares its results with the conventional imaging. Papers IV and V report the results of observations of the circularly polarized (CP) emission in AGN at small spatial scales. In particular, Paper IV presents values of the core CP for 41 AGN at 15, 22 and 43 GHz, obtained with the help of the standard Gain transfer (GT) method, which was previously developed by D. Homan and J.Wardle for the calibration of multi-source VLBI observations. This method was developed for long multi-source observations, when many AGN are observed in a single VLBI run. In contrast, in Paper V, an attempt is made to apply the GT method to single-source VLBI observations. In such observations, the object list would include only a few sources: a target source and two or three calibrators, and it lasts much shorter than the multi-source experiment. For the CP calibration of a single-source observation, it is necessary to have a source with zero or known CP as one of the calibrators. If the archival observations included such a source to the list of calibrators, the GT could also be used for the archival data, increasing a list of known AGN with the CP at small spatial scale. Paper V contains also calculation of contributions of different sourced of errors to the uncertainty of the final result, and presents the first results for the blazar 0716+714.
The ejection of the gas out of the disc in late-type galaxies is related to star formation and is due mainly to Type II supernovae. In this paper, we studied in detail the development of the Galactic fountains in order to understand their dynamical evolution and their influence on the redistribution of the freshly delivered metals over the disc. To this aim, we performed a number of 3D hydrodynamical radiative cooling simulations of the gas in the Milky Way where the whole Galaxy structure, the Galactic differential rotation and the supernova explosions generated by a single OB association are considered. A typical fountain powered by 100 Type II supernovae may eject material up to similar to 2 kpc which than collapses back mostly in the form of dense, cold clouds and filaments. The majority of the gas lifted up by the fountains falls back on the disc remaining within a radial distance Delta R = 0.5 kpc from the place where the fountain originated. This localized circulation of disc gas does not influence the radial chemical gradients on large scale, as required by the chemical models of the Milky Way which reproduce the metallicity distribution without invoking large fluxes of metals. Simulations of multiple fountains fuelled by Type II supernovae of different OB associations will be presented in a companion paper.
A new method to measure the epicycle frequency kappa in the Galactic disc is presented. We make use of the large data base on open clusters completed by our group to derive the observed velocity vector (amplitude and direction) of the clusters in the Galactic plane. In the epicycle approximation, this velocity is equal to the circular velocity given by the rotation curve, plus a residual or perturbation velocity, of which the direction rotates as a function of time with the frequency kappa. Due to the non-random direction of the perturbation velocity at the birth time of the clusters, a plot of the present-day direction angle of this velocity as a function of the age of the clusters reveals systematic trends from which the epicycle frequency can be obtained. Our analysis considers that the Galactic potential is mainly axis-symmetric, or in other words, that the effect of the spiral arms on the Galactic orbits is small; in this sense, our results do not depend on any specific model of the spiral structure. The values of kappa that we obtain provide constraints on the rotation velocity of the in particular, V(0) is found to be 230 +/- 15 km s(-1) even if the scale (R(0) = 7.5 kpc) of the Galaxy is adopted. The measured kappa at the solar radius is 43 +/- 5 km s(-1) kpc(-1). The distribution of initial velocities of open clusters is discussed.
We present a map of the spiral structure of the Galaxy, as traced by molecular carbon monosulphide (CS) emission associated with IRAS sources which are believed to be compact H II regions. The CS line velocities are used to determine the kinematic distances of the sources in order to investigate their distribution in the galactic plane. This allows us to use 870 objects to trace the arms, a number larger than that of previous studies based on classical H II regions. The distance ambiguity of the kinematic distances, when it exists, is solved by different procedures, including the latitude distribution and an analysis of the longitude-velocity diagram. The study of the spiral structure is complemented with other tracers: open clusters, Cepheids, methanol masers and H II regions. The well-defined spiral arms are seen to be confined inside the corotation radius, as is often the case in spiral galaxies. We identify a square-shaped sub-structure in the CS map with that predicted by stellar orbits at the 4:1 resonance (four epicycle oscillations in one turn around the galactic centre). The sub-structure is found at the expected radius, based on the known pattern rotation speed and epicycle frequency curve. An inner arm presents an end with strong inwards curvature and intense star formation that we tentatively associate with the region where this arm surrounds the extremity of the bar, as seen in many barred galaxies. Finally, a new arm with concave curvature is found in the Sagitta to Cepheus region of the sky. The observed arms are interpreted in terms of perturbations similar to grooves in the gravitational potential of the disc, produced by crowding of stellar orbits.
In this paper, we present multiband optical polarimetric observations of the very-high energy blazar PKS 2155-304 made simultaneously with a HESS/Fermi high-energy campaign in 2008, when the source was found to be in a low state. The intense daily coverage of the data set allowed us to study in detail the temporal evolution of the emission, and we found that the particle acceleration time-scales are decoupled from the changes in the polarimetric properties of the source. We present a model in which the optical polarimetric emission originates at the polarized mm-wave core and propose an explanation for the lack of correlation between the photometric and polarimetric fluxes. The optical emission is consistent with an inhomogeneous synchrotron source in which the large-scale field is locally organized by a shock in which particle acceleration takes place. Finally, we use these optical polarimetric observations of PKS 2155-304 at a low state to propose an origin for the quiescent gamma-ray flux of the object, in an attempt to provide clues for the source of its recently established persistent TeV emission.