41 resultados para GSTs
The glutathione S-transferases are important enzymes in the microcystin-induced detoxication processes. In this experiment, we cloned the full-length cDNA of alpha, pi and theta-class-like glutathione S-transferase genes from goldfish (Carassius auratus Q. Their derived amino acid sequences were clustered with other vertebrate alpha, pi and theta-class GSTs in a phylogenetic tree and the goldfish GST sequences have the highest similarity with those from common carp and zebrafish. Goldfish were i.p. injected with microcystins extract at two doses (50 and 200 mu g kg(-1) BW MC-LReq) and the relative changes of the mRNA abundance in liver, kidney and intestine were analyzed by real-time PCR. The transcription of GST alpha was suppressed in both liver and intestine, but induced in the kidney. Decreased transcription of GST theta was detected in liver, kidney and intestine in the low-dose group. The transcription of GST pi was suppressed in liver and intestine post-injection in both dose groups. These results suggested that the transcription of GST isoforms varied in different ways within an organ and among organs of goldfish exposed to MCs. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Budbreak in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) can be poor in locations that have warm winters with insufficient winter chilling. Kiwifruit vines are often treated with the dormancy-breaking chemical hydrogen cyanamide (HC) to increase and synchronize budbreak. This treatment also offers a tool to understand the processes involved in budbreak. A genomics approach is presented here to increase our understanding of budbreak in kiwifruit. Most genes identified following HC application appear to be associated with responses to stress, but a number of genes appear to be associated with the reactivation of growth. Three patterns of gene expression were identified: Profile 1, an HC-induced transient activation; Profile 2, an HC-induced transient activation followed by a growth-related activation; and Profile 3, HC- and growth-repressed. One group of genes that was rapidly up-regulated in response to HC was the glutathione S-transferase (GST) class of genes, which have been associated with stress and signalling. Previous budbreak studies, in three other species, also report up-regulated GST expression. Phylogenetic analysis of these GSTs showed that they clustered into two sub-clades, suggesting a strong correlation between their expression and budbreak across species.
In general, the biological activation of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons proceeds via conjugatiton with glutathione. It has mostly been assamed that the main site of initial conjugation is the liver, followed by a mandatory transfer of intermediates to the kidney. It was therefore of interest to study the enzyme activities of subgroups of glutathione transferases (GSTs) in renal cancers and the surrounding normal renal tissues of the same individuals (n = 21). For genotyping the individuals with respect to known polymorphic GST isozymes the following substrates with differential specificity were used: 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene for overall GST activity (except GST θ); 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole for GST α; 1,2-dichloro-4-nitro-benzene for GST μ; ethacrynic acid and 4-vinylpyridine for GST π; and methyl chloride for GST θ. In general, the normal tissues were able to metabolize the test substrates. A general decrease in individual GST enzyme activities was apparent in the course of cancerization, and in some (exceptional) cases individual activities, expressed in the normal renal tissue, were lost in the tumour tissue. The GST enzyme activities in tumours were independent of tumour stage, or the age and gender of the patients. There was little influence of known polymorphisms of GSTM1, GSTM3 and GSTP1 upon the activities towards the test substrates, whereas the influence of GSTT1 polymorphism on the activity towads methyl chloride was straightforward. In general, the present findings support the concept that the initial GST-dependent bioactivation step of nephrocarcinogenic chlorinated hydrocarbons may take place in the kidney itself. This should be a consideration in toxicokinetic modelling.
Polymorphisms of glutathione transferases (GST) are important genetic determinants of susceptibility to environmental carcinogens (Rebbeck, 1997). The GSTs are a multigene family of dimeric enzymes involved in detoxification, and, in a few cases, the bioactivation of a variety of xenobiotics (Hayes et al., 1995). The cytosolic GST enzyme family consists of four major classes of enzymes, referred to as alpha, mu, pi and theta. Several members of this family (for example, GSTM1, GSTT1 and GSTP1) are polymorphic in human populations (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). Molecular epidemiology studies have examined the role of GST polymorphisms as susceptibility factors for environmentally and/or occupationally induced cancers (Wormhoudt et al., 1999). In particular, case-control studies showed a relationship between the GSTM1 null genotype and the development of cancer in association with smoking habits, which has been shown for cancers of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts as well as other cancer types (Miller et al., 1997). Only a few molecular epidemiological studies addressed the role of GSTT1 and GSTP1 polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility. Since GSTP1 is a key player in biotransformation/bioactivation of benzo(a)pyrene, GSTP1 may be even more important than GSTM1 in the prevention of tobacco-induced cancers (Harries et al., 1997; Harris et al., 1998). To date, this relationship has not been sufficiently addressed in humans. Comprehensive molecular epidemiological studies may add to the current knowledge of the role of GST polymorphisms in cancer susceptibility and extent of the knowledge gained from approaches that used phenotyping, such as GSTM1 activity as it relates to trans-stilbene oxide, or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based genotyping of polymorphic isoenzymes (Bell et al., 1993; Pemble et al., 1994; Harries et al., 1997).
Glutathione transferases (GSTs) catalyzing the conjugation of glutathione with electrophilic substrates are important enzymes in the metabolism of xenobiotics. Several isozymes exhibit polymorphisms in humans. The two deletion polymorphisms of hGSTM1 and hGSTT1 result in total loss of enzyme activity in homozygous null genotype (GSTM1*0 and GSTT1*0 respectively) individuals (Seidegård et al. 1988; Pemble et al. 1994). Individuals that are heterozygous for hGSTT1 show distinctly lower enzyme activities than individuals carrying two functional alleles of hGSTT1 (Wiebel et al. 1996). A similar effect is conceivable for the hGSTM1 polymorphism but has not been verified so far.
O gênero Pterodon pertence à família das Fabaceae e inclui quatro espécies nativas do Brasil: P. emarginatus Vog., P. apparicioi Pedersoli, P. abruptus Benth. e a espécie objeto deste estudo P. polygalaeflorus Benth.. Seus frutos são utilizados pela medicina popular devido às propriedades antirreumática, analgésica, anti-inflamatória, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a espécie Pterodon polygalaeflorus quanto ao seu potencial anti-inflamatório, antiartrítico e toxicológico, através da análise de seus efeitos em modelos in vitro e in vivo. Os extratos EEPpg, EHPpg e EDPpg reduziram (p<0,01) a produção in vitro de NO, por macrófagos ativados por LPS, com baixa citotoxicidade e diminuíram a celularidade (p<0,05) no exsudato inflamatório no modelo de inflamação in vivo conhecido como air pouch. O extrato mais ativo (EHPpg) foi selecionado e submetido a fracionamento em coluna de sílica gel 60 gerando quatro frações. Todas as frações (Fr I-Fr IV) reduziram: a produção de NO (p<0,001) por macrófagos ativados, com baixa ou nenhuma citotoxicidade; a migração de macrófagos in vitro (p<0,01, ensaio de wound healing) e in vivo (p<0,05, peritonite induzida por tioglicolato); e a proliferação de esplenócitos estimulados com Con A (p<0,001). As frações III e IV, mais ativas nos ensaios anteriores, mostraram ação antiartrítica (com 0,02 mg/kg), utilizando o modelo in vivo de artrite induzida por adjuvante completo de Freund (AIA), demonstrada por redução: do índice de edema de pata em 23,7% (Fr III) e 43,95% (Fr IV); das lesões histopatológicas na região tíbio-tarsal típicas de articulações com AIA (p< 0,05); do peso e celularidade do linfonodo e do baço, mas não da celularidade da medula óssea; das subpopulações de linfócitos (CD4+, CD8+ e CD19+) nos linfonodos inguinais, porém com significativo aumento das subpopulações ativadas CD4+CD69+, redução da CD8+CD69+ e aumento de CD19+CD69+ (apenas na Fr III); e redução da população de macrófagos no baço (p<0,001). As frações III e IV mostraram ação imunossupressora em nível celular e molecular, reduzindo (p<0,001) os níveis do mRNA da iNOS, assim como as citocinas IL-1β, TNF-α e IL-10, em nível de mRNA e proteína, em cultura de macrófagos. A expressão do receptor CD14, em macrófagos estimulados por LPS (31,74%), foi inibida apenas pela Fr III. A osteoclastogênese foi inibida pelas frações III e IV, sugerindo uma ação antiartrítica das frações em nível de diferenciação celular para osteoclastos (inibição). Este efeito pode resultar da inibição da expressão do fator de transcrição NFATc1, no caso da Fr III. Por fim, as frações Fr III e Fr IV não apresentaram toxicidade subaguda, potencial mutagênico (teste de Ames) ou genotóxico (teste do micronúcleo). A ausência de toxicidade in vivo das frações ficou demonstrada pela ausência de alteração no peso corporal e de órgãos, nas concentrações séricas de creatinina, ácido úrico, triglicerídeos, colesterol, ALT e ALP, ou de CYP1A1 e GSTs no fígado. Análises fitoquímicas (GC-MS e TLC) mostraram uma grande variedade de terpenos nas frações III e IV, sendo majoritários os furano-diterpenos derivados do vouacapano. O diterpeno isolado, Ppg-01, presente nas frações III (5,12%) e IV (18,47%), reduziu a produção in vitro de NO e o edema de pata induzido por carragenina (p<0,001). Em conjunto, os dados sugerem que o Ppg-01 esteja contribuindo para as ações anti-inflamatórias e imunomoduladoras das frações III e IV, e que estas propriedades estejam associadas aos efeitos antiartríticos observados.
无根萍属(Wolffia )隶属于浮萍科天南星目,是世界上最小的被子植物。该属植物繁殖速度快;易于培养;结构简单,只具有一个雄蕊和一个雌蕊;自然状态下通常为克隆繁殖,遗传结构高度一致,具备特定研究目的模式植物的特点,正在或已经成为一些实验室研究光合作用、生物反应器、毒理学、生态修复和环境监测等的重要模式生物材料;同时还被作为建造航天生活仓和地外生命支撑系统的首选植物。该属植物蛋白含量高且氨基酸组分平衡,营养价值可与大豆相媲美。但该属植物一直是分类学界的疑难类群,不同的学者对该属的分类处理比较混乱;其次,对该属的生物地理研究也很不够,尤其是对国产类群的研究;另外,W. globosa 作为该属中国分布的物种,其生理学特性和形态结构发育还缺乏研究。为此,本文通过mat K 基因测序、RAPD 标记等手段,结合野外和室内的长期观测,对其分类和中国的地理分布以及生理学特性进行了研究。针对浮萍科植物作为水生植物,其对重金属和芳香烃衍生物的耐受逆境能力大小,和对淡水水体环境生态的指示作用。本文研究了W. globosa 具解毒功能的谷胱甘肽转硫酶的活性;最后,探索了从黄鳝(Monpterus albus Zuiew )中分离纯化GSTs 的技术与方法并对maGST 的部分特性进行了研究。主要研究结果如下: 1. Wolffia 系统分类学研究 前人认为,Wolffia 柱头的颜色是重要的分组、分种检索性状。我们对其长期、活体、原位、实时跟踪观测结果表明,柱头颜色是Wolffia 个体发育上的变化过程,不是一个稳定性状,用作Wolffia subgroup 内组的划分特征和种的鉴别特征是不适合的。在此基础上我们重新修定了该属的分种检索表。利用形态分类学性状——气孔、长/宽、高/宽以及最大宽度在水面上还是水面下等性状,认为中国分布的类群应是W. globosa,但亦有W. neglecta 存在的证据。mat K 基因片段结果支持形态学的结论。通过广泛的野外采集,在我国北京、河北和吉林发现Wolffia 的新分布。 2. 中国Wolffia 居群遗传学研究 以RAPD 分子标记对广泛分布的居群遗传多样性研究表明,无根萍属植物主要以无性繁殖方式繁育,居群主要由单一克隆后代组成,如海河流域以及松花江流域居群;但一些居群亦兼有性繁殖方式,并具较高的遗传多样性,如武汉、海南居群。利用MVSP, Popgene 和Ntsys 等分析方法探讨了中国产Wolffia 居群遗传多样性和地理分布格局间关系。 3. W. globosa 的生理学研究 建立了较为完善的W. globosa 的无菌培养和保存体系。W. globosa 在逆境中,会形成休眠体;同时,发现不同居群甚至不同克隆系之间其抗逆性和生长速度存在着显著差异,差异最大的如海南文昌居群的生长速率,是长春居群的4.19 倍;不同的时间统计生长周期存在着不同结果,生长节律每天有两个生长高峰呈双“S”型;W. globosa 的耐受温度范围和pH 范围广;低浓度的IAA,GA,6-BA, EDDHA-Fe 以及EDTA 等物质具有促进W. globosa 生长的特性;但是,所有这些处理均没能促使W. globosa 从营养生长转入生殖生长。 4. W. globosa 的解剖学研究 W. globosa 通常是进行克隆繁殖,通过组织切片发现无性分枝子体还未伸出母株之前就已经完成分化,与此同时分枝子体中又分化出新的子体,分枝呈聚伞状,子体生长方向彼此相对;另外,生殖生长结构的分化也是在母体中完成的;生殖生长点与营养生长点不是同一生长点。 5. 浮萍科植物的毒理学研究 以重金属Cr3+和芳香烃衍生物CDNB 溶液处理Wolffia,Spirodela 和Lemna, 三种水生生物,结果表明Wolffia 比Spirodela, Lemna 对重金属和芳香烃衍生物有更强的抗逆能力,如在同等条件下对于Cr3+Wolffia 的半致死剂量800GB(≈ 80mg/L),而Spirodela 和Lemna 则分别为10mg/L;20mg/L;表明W. globosa 是一个优良的生态环境修复植物。与此同时,研究了W. globosa 中具有解毒功能的GSTs 粗酶液活力在不同浓度的重金属离子(Cu2+和Cd2+)以及芳香烃衍生物(CDNB 和NBD-Cl)随处理时间的变化情况。 6. 从水生生物黄鳝Monpterus albus Zuiew 中分离纯化GSTs 的研究GSTs 活性的变化是环境监测的一个Biomarker,为此研究从M. albus 中分离 纯化GSTs 的技术与方法。经GSH 亲和层析纯化的酶活力为粗酶液的207 倍,进而鉴定了maGST 的部分特性。SDS-PAGE 电泳和MALDI-TOF/MS 表明MaGST 为同源二聚体,分子量约为52kDa,单亚基分子量约为26 kDa。maGST 酶动力学表明对CDNB 为13.07 ± 0.37 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对NBD-Cl 为5.54 ± 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;对ECA、4-NPA 几乎没有活性。在GSH 底物饱和,CDNB 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.32 mM 和16.19 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白;CDNB 底物饱和,GSH 的Km 值和Vmax 分别为0.44 mM 和28.83 微摩尔每分钟每毫克蛋白。maGST 的酶活性pH 值较宽,温度范围广:在pH7.0-7.5 具有最大速度,在pH6.5 和pH8.5 时分别具有65%和72%的酶活力;在45℃时具有最大活性,30℃和55℃时为最大活力的80%,60℃几乎完全丧失酶活力。
在植物中大多数功能基因是以基因家族的形式存在的,而基因重复则是基因家族的一种重要的进化方式。很多基因往往是由重复事件产生形成不同的拷贝,进而分化形成基因家族。谷胱甘肽转移酶(GSTs)是一类古老、庞大、行使解毒、抗逆、信号转导等多种功能的一个基因家族。本研究以栽培水稻(Oryza sativa ssp. japonica c.v. Nipponbare)为研究材料,以栽培水稻的Phi类GST的5个基因(OsGSTF3、OsGSTF6、OsGSTF14、OsGSTF15、OsGSTF16)为研究对象,分析了它们的系统发生和起源历史、不同组织的差异性表达、编码蛋白质的功能差异等问题,探讨了基因重复后5个基因的功能变化,主要结果如下: 1. OsGSTF3、OsGSTF14、OsGSTF15、OsGSTF16由串联重复产生,而OsGSTF6则由DNA转座产生;它们起源时间早在稻属(Oryza)分化之前。 2. 对水稻不同部位组织的RT-PCR结果表明这5个基因在水稻中的特异性表达组织部位有较大差异:OsGSTF3基因在叶、叶鞘、茎、根4个部位均有大量表达;OsGSTF6基因仅在叶中有表达;OsGSTF14基因在叶鞘、茎2个部位中有表达;OsGSTF15基因在茎、根2个部位中有表达;OsGSTF16则在叶、茎、根3个部位中有表达。 3. 将这5个基因连接原核表达载体PET30a并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),获得了高表达菌株。将表达菌株进行大量表达,表达形式分析显示OsGSTF3蛋白是可溶性表达,而其余4个蛋白以包涵体的形式表达。通过亲和层析获得了纯化的OsGSTF3融合蛋白,OsGSTF3融合蛋白对底物CDNB和NBD-Cl具有高活性,酶动力学分析显示OsGSTF3融合蛋白对GSH与NBD-Cl有较高的亲和力,热力学分析显示该蛋白在40℃以下是热稳定的。通过对包涵体进行洗涤、亲和层析获得了纯化的OsGSTF6、OsGSTF14、OsGSTF15、OsGSTF16的融合蛋白,OsGSTF14融合蛋白对NBD-Cl有微弱活性,OsGSTF15融合蛋白对NBC有较高的活性,而没有检测到OsGSTF6与OsGSTF16融合蛋白的活性。
The glutathione S-transferases play important roles in the detoxification of microcystin. Core-sequences of three classes of GST (mu, kappa and rho) were cloned from goldfish (Carassius auratus L) i.p. injected with cyanobacterial crude extract at two doses (50 and 200 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) BW). The relative changes of the mRNA abundance in liver, kidney and intestine were analyzed by real-time PCR. The transcription of GST mu was inhibited in intestine at both doses and the transcription of GST kappa was inhibited from 12 to 48 h in kidney at both doses. The decreased transcription of GST rho was detected in all three organs at the high dose. It is suggested that transcription inhibition of GST rho might be significant in MCs toxicity at higher toxin concentration in omnivorous freshwater fish. Alteration in transcription of GSTs stimulated by MCs implicates an increased health risk to fish. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
The glutathione S-transferases play important roles in the detoxification of microcystin. In this experiment, nine glutathione S-transferase genes including cytosolic GSTs (rho, mu, theta, alpha and pi), mitochondrial GST (kappa) and microsomal GSTs (mGST1, mGST2 and mGST3) were cloned from common carp Cyprinus carpio. The mRNA abundance of each carp GST isoform in liver was analyzed by real time PCR. The relative changes after stimulation with microcystin LR were also analyzed: increased levels of transcription of GST alpha, rho and mGST3 isoforms were detected at 6 h post stimulation; the transcription of mu, theta and mGST2 isoforms were relatively stable; and all the GST isoforms except GST kappa and rho recovered to original levels compared with controls at 72 h. It is suggested that MC-LR showed different effects on the transcription of nine carp GST isoforms. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Fasciolosis is an important foodborne, zoonotic disease of livestock and humans, with global annual health and economic losses estimated at several billion US$. Fasciola hepatica is the major species in temperate regions, while F. gigantica dominates in the tropics. In the absence of commercially available vaccines to control fasciolosis, increasing reports of resistance to current chemotherapeutic strategies and the spread of fasciolosis into new areas, new functional genomics approaches are being used to identify potential new drug targets and vaccine candidates. The glutathione transferase (GST) superfamily is both a candidate drug and vaccine target. This study reports the identification of a putatively novel Sigma class GST, present in a water-soluble cytosol extract from the tropical liver fluke F. gigantica. The GST was cloned and expressed as an enzymically active recombinant protein. This GST shares a greater identity with the human schistosomiasis GST vaccine currently at Phase II clinical trials than previously discovered F. gigantica GSTs, stimulating interest in its immuno-protective properties. In addition, in silico analysis of the GST superfamily of both F. gigantica and F. hepatica has revealed an additional Mu class GST, Omega class GSTs, and for the first time, a Zeta class member.
The present work has as objective to contribute for the elucidation of the mechanism associated with Pb detoxification, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism. The deletion of GTT1 or GTT2 genes, coding for functional glutathione transferases (GST) enzymes in S. cerevisiae, caused an increased susceptibility to high Pb concentrations (500-1000 μmol L(-1)). These results suggest that the formation of glutathione-Pb conjugate (GS-Pb), dependent of GSTs, is important in Pb detoxification. The involvement of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) vacuolar transporters, belonging to class C subfamily (ABCC) in vacuolar compartmentalization of Pb, was evaluated. For this purpose, mutant strains disrupted in YCF1, VMR1, YBT1 or BPT 1 genes were used. All mutants tested, without vacuolar ABCC transporters, presented an increased sensitivity to 500-1000 μmol L(-1) Pb comparative to wild-type strain. Taken together, the obtained results suggest that Pb detoxification, by vacuolar compartmentalization, can occur as a result of the concerted action of GSTs and vacuolar ABCC transporters. Pb is conjugated with glutathione, catalysed by glutathione transferases and followed to the transport of GS-Pb conjugate to the vacuole by ABCC transporters.