1000 resultados para GSM system
Groupe Spécial Mobile (GSM) has been developed as the pan-European second generation of digital mobile systems. GSM operates in the 900 MHz frequency band and employs digital technology instead of the analogue technology of its predecessors. Digital technology enables the GSM system to operate in much smaller zones in comparison with the analogue systems. The GSM system will offer greater roaming facilities to its subscribers, extended throughout the countries that have installed the system. The GSM system could be seen as a further enhancement to European integration. GSM has adopted a contention-based protocol for multipoint-to-point transmission. In particular, the slotted-ALOHA medium access protocol is used to coordinate the transmission of the channel request messages between the scattered mobile stations. Collision still happens when more than one mobile station having the same random reference number attempts to transmit on the same time-slot. In this research, a modified version of this protocol has been developed in order to reduce the number of collisions and hence increase the random access channel throughput compared to the existing protocol. The performance evaluation of the protocol has been carried out using simulation methods. Due to the growing demand for mobile radio telephony as well as for data services, optimal usage of the scarce availability radio spectrum is becoming increasingly important. In this research, a protocol has been developed whereby the number of transmitted information packets over the GSM system is increased without any additional increase of the allocated radio spectrum. Simulation results are presented to show the improvements achieved by the proposed protocol. Cellular mobile radio networks commonly respond to an increase in the service demand by using smaller coverage areas. As a result, the volume of the signalling exchanges increases. In this research, a proposal for interconnecting the various entitles of the mobile radio network over the future broadband networks based on the IEEE 802.6 Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) is outlined. Simulation results are presented to show the benefits achieved by interconnecting these entities over the broadband Networks.
In the European Union, the importance of mobile communications was realized early on. The process of mobile communications becoming ubiquitous has taken time, as the innovation of mobile communications diffused into the society. The aim of this study is to find out how the evolution and spatial patterns of the diffusion of mobile communications within the European Union could be taken into account in forecasting the diffusion process. There is relatively lot of research of innovation diffusion on the individual (micro) andthe country (macro) level, if compared to the territorial level. Territorial orspatial diffusion refers either to the intra-country or inter-country diffusionof an innovation. In both settings, the dif- fusion of a technological innovation has gained scarce attention. This study adds knowledge of the diffusion between countries, focusing especially on the role of location in this process. The main findings of the study are the following: The penetration rates of the European Union member countries have become more even in the period of observation, from the year 1981 to 2000. The common digital GSM system seems to have hastened this process. As to the role of location in the diffusion process, neighboring countries have had similar diffusion processes. They can be grouped into three, the Nordic countries, the central and southern European countries, and the remote southern European countries. The neighborhood effect is also domi- nating in thegravity model which is used for modeling the adoption timing of the countries. The subsequent diffusion within a country, measured by the logistic model in Finland, is af- fected positively by its economic situation, and it seems to level off at some 92 %. Considering the launch of future mobile communications systemsusing a common standard should implicate an equal development between the countries. The launching time should be carefully selected as the diffusion is probably delayed in economic downturns. The location of a country, measured by distance, can be used in forecasting the adoption and diffusion. Fi- nally, the result of penetration rates becoming more even implies that in a relatively homoge- nous set of countries, such as the European Union member countries, the estimated final pene- tration of a single country can be used for approximating the penetration of the others. The estimated eventual penetration of Finland, some 92 %, should thus also be the eventual level for all the European Union countries and for the European Union as a whole.
Työssä esitellään yleiseurooppalaisen GSM-matkapuhelinjärjestelmän verkkoelementtejä ja perehdytään niiden väliseen standardoituun merkinantoprotokollaan. Lisäksi tarkastellaan protokollan lyhytsanomien välitykseen liittyviä operaatioita ja niissä tapahtunutta kehitystä standardoinnin eri vaiheissa. Tavoitteena oli toteuttaa GSM-matkapuhelinverkon merkinantoprotokollaan perustuva ohjelma, jonka tehtävänä on välittää lyhytsanomia matkapuhelin- ja lyhytsanomakeskuksen välillä. Matkapuhelimeen päättyvän lyhytsanoman välitykseen liittyy lisäksi reititystiedon hakeminen vastaanottajan kotirekisteristä. Toteutuksessa on ohjelmointirajapinta, joka helpottaa matkapuhelinverkon uusien palvelusovellusten kehittämistä. Toteutus testattiin standardoituja testitapauksia soveltaen. Yhdenmukaisuustestauksessa käytettiin apuna merkinantoanalysaattoria. Testauksessa tarkastettiin, että protokolla toimii loogisesti oikein. Suorituskykyä ei ole voitu testata todellisessa testiympäristössä, mutta ohjelmallisesti toteutettujen simulaattoreiden avulla on saatu hyviä tuloksia.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) mahdollistaa pakettimuotoisen tiedonsiirron GSM-verkossa. Se tarjoaa yhteyden pakettidataverkkoihin, nostaen samalla tiedonsiirtonopeutta radiorajapinnassa. Radioresurssit ovat varattuna vain silloin kun on jotain lähetettävää, tehden täten radioresurssien käytön paljon tehokkaammaksi. Tämä diplomityö keskittyy GPRS protokollaan ja erityisesti sen datapinossa olevaan Radio Link Control (RLC) kerrokseen. RLC-kerros huolehtii GPRS- puhelimen ja tukiaseman välisen yhteyden luotettavuudesta. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia RLC-kerroksen toiminnallisuutta ja sen luotettavuutta heikossa kentässä, sekä selvittää heikon kentän vaikutusta uudelleenlähetyksiin. Työn tuloksena saadaan arvio signaalin voimakkuuden sekä uudelleen lähetysten vaikutuksesta GPRS:n datansiirtonopeuteen. Tämä työ käsittelee myös lyhyesti GSM-järjestelmää, koska lukijan on näin helpompaa ymmärtää myös GPRS-järjestelmän vaatimia teknisiä muutoksia. Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana Nokia Matkapuhelimet Oyj:ssä käynnissä olevaa GPRS tuotekehitysprojektia. Työn tuloksia käytetään testauksen tukena ja niitä on käytetty apuna RLC-kerroksen luotettavuustestauksen suunnittelussa.
This study deals with indoor positioning using GSM radio, which has the distinct advantage of wide coverage over other wireless technologies. In particular, we focus on passive localization systems that are able to achieve high localization accuracy without any prior knowledge of the indoor environment or the tracking device radio settings. In order to overcome these challenges, newly proposed localization algorithms based on the exploitation of the received signal strength (RSS) are proposed. We explore the effects of non-line-of-sight communication links, opening and closing of doors, and human mobility on RSS measurements and localization accuracy. We have implemented the proposed algorithms on top of software defined radio systems and carried out detailed empirical indoor experiments. The performance results show that the proposed solutions are accurate with average localization errors between 2.4 and 3.2 meters.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores
In der heutigen Zeit wird das Handy immer mehr in verschiedenen Bereichen benutzt. Und die älteren Flüssigkeitsthermometer werden wegen ihrer Ungenauigkeit, Zerbrechlichkeit und Gefahr durch austretende Quecksilberdämpfe den Ansprüchen unserer modernen Technik längst nicht mehr gerecht und finden demzufolge keine Anwendung mehr. Deswegen wird im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit ein Gerät entwickelt, welches die Temperatur messen und die Daten mit dem vorhandenen GSM-Netz verbinden und anzeigen kann.Ein an ein Mikrocontrollersystem, das Linux basiert arbeitet, angeschlossener Temperatursensor soll zur Überwachung der Umgebungstemperatur dimensioniert und entwickelt werden. Die zu messende Temperatur wird periodisch vom Mikrocontrollersystem aufgenommen und verarbeitet, anschließend auf eine LCD angezeigt. Aufgrund von einstellbaren Rahmenbedingungen werden die Rohdaten oder auch bereits vorverarbeitete Datensätze von diesem System mittels eines GSM-Moduls an ein Auswertesystem verschickt. Das Auswertesystem soll neben der Anzeige der empfangenden Daten in der Lage sein, zu definierende Steuersequenzen an das Mikrocontrollersystem mit angeschlossenem Sensor zu verschicken, und direkten zu steuern.
Tämän diplomityön aiheena oli tutkia ATM-moduulin järjestelmätestaustarpeita. ATM-moduuli on osa Nokian kolmannen generaation matkapuhelinverkkoarkkitehtuuria. Työ tehtiin Nokia Networks Oyj:lle MSC&HLR-tuotelinjan järjestelmätestausjaokselle. Työssä käsitellään aluksi GSM- ja UMTS-verkkojen arkkitehtuureja, protokollia ja toimintoja, sekä tutustutaan ATM-tekniikkaan, jota käytetään UMTS-liityntäverkon tiedonvälityksessä. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään ATM-moduulin rakenteeseen ja toimintoihin. Työssä perehdytään järjestelmätestauksen eri osa-alueisiin, niiden testilaitteille asettamiin vaatimuksiin sekä hahmotellaan järjestelmätestauksen päälinjoja.
Tämän diplomityön aiheena oli toteuttaa signaalin laatua mittaavien tunnuslukujen keräämiseen tarkoitettu ohjelmisto Nokia GSM-siirtoverkkoon kuuluvista keskuksen päätelaitteista. Keräämiseen tarkoitettu ohjelmisto täydensi tukiasemaohjaimen tilastointijärjestelmään siten, että signaalin laatua kuvaavia tunnuslukuja saadaan nyt kerättyä keskitetysti koko tukiasemajärjestelmän siirtoyhteysverkosta. Signaalin laatua mittaavat tunnusluvut perustuvat kahden siirtolaitteen välisessä yhteydessä havaittuihin bittivirheisiin. Tunnuslukujen keräämisen kohteena olevat päätelaitteet voivat sijaita joko tukiasemaohjaimessa tai toisen sukupolven transkooderi submultipleksenssä. Molemmille tapauksille on toteutettu oma mittaustyyppi tilastointijärjestelmään. Tukiasemaohjaimen tilastointijärjestelmä koostuu mittausten hallintarajapinnasta, mittausten keskitetystä osasta sekä hajautetusta osasta. Kerätty tieto siirretään tilastointijärjestelmän keskitetystä osasta verkonhallintajärjestelmälle jälkikäsittelyä varten. Tässä diplomityössä on esitelty jälkikäsittelyn osa-alueita, joita ovat: turmeltuneiden näytteiden karsinta, tiivistäminen, ennustaminen, puuttuvien näytteiden estimointi sekä mittaustulosten esittäminen.
A new design of' a dual-frequency dual-polarized square microsh'ip antenna fed along the diagonal, embedded with a square slot having three extended stubs for frequency tuning, is introduced. The proposed antenna was fabricated using a standard photolithographic method and the antenna was tested using the HP 3510(:; Vector Network Analyser. The antenna is capable of generating dual resonant frequencies with mutually perpendicular polarizations and broad radiation pattern characteristics. Such dual-frequency designs find wide applications in personal mobile handsets combining GSM and CDS 1800 modes, and applications in which different frequencies are used for emission and reception such as personal satellite communications and cellular network systems.
ACCURATE sensing of vehicle position and attitude is still a very challenging problem in many mobile robot applications. The mobile robot vehicle applications must have some means of estimating where they are and in which direction they are heading. Many existing indoor positioning systems are limited in workspace and robustness because they require clear lines-of-sight or do not provide absolute, driftfree measurements.The research work presented in this dissertation provides a new approach to position and attitude sensing system designed specifically to meet the challenges of operation in a realistic, cluttered indoor environment, such as that of an office building, hospital, industrial or warehouse. This is accomplished by an innovative assembly of infrared LED source that restricts the spreading of the light intensity distribution confined to a sheet of light and is encoded with localization and traffic information. This Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) developed for mobile robot is a high resolution absolute localization system which is simple, fast, accurate and robust, without much of computational burden or significant processing. Most of the available beacon's performance in corridors and narrow passages are not satisfactory, whereas the performance of DISLiB is very encouraging in such situations. This research overcomes most of the inherent limitations of existing systems.The work further examines the odometric localization errors caused by over count readings of an optical encoder based odometric system in a mobile robot due to wheel-slippage and terrain irregularities. A simple and efficient method is investigated and realized using an FPGA for reducing the errors. The detection and correction is based on redundant encoder measurements. The method suggested relies on the fact that the wheel slippage or terrain irregularities cause more count readings from the encoder than what corresponds to the actual distance travelled by the vehicle.The application of encoded Digital Infrared Sheet of Light Beacon (DISLiB) system can be extended to intelligent control of the public transportation system. The system is capable of receiving traffic status input through a GSM (Global System Mobile) modem. The vehicles have infrared receivers and processors capable of decoding the information, and generating the audio and video messages to assist the driver. The thesis further examines the usefulness of the technique to assist the movement of differently-able (blind) persons in indoor or outdoor premises of his residence.The work addressed in this thesis suggests a new way forward in the development of autonomous robotics and guidance systems. However, this work can be easily extended to many other challenging domains, as well.
Finding an estimate of the channel impulse response (CIR) by correlating a received known (training) sequence with the sent training sequence is commonplace. Where required, it is also common to truncate the longer correlation to a sub-set of correlation coefficients by finding the set of N sequential correlation coefficients with the maximum power. This paper presents a new approach to selecting the optimal set of N CIR coefficients from the correlation rather than relying on power. The algorithm reconstructs a set of predicted symbols using the training sequence and various sub-sets of the correlation to find the sub-set that results in the minimum mean squared error between the actual received symbols and the reconstructed symbols. The application of the algorithm is presented in the context of the TDMA based GSM/GPRS system to demonstrate an improvement in the system performance with the new algorithm and the results are presented in the paper. However, the application lends itself to any training sequence based communication system often found within wireless consumer electronic device(1).
Este trabalho teve como proposta realizar pesquisa das tecnologias existentes para telefonia e integração das mesmas para concepção de um sistema inovador e projetado para a realidade Amazônida. O trabalho incluiu avaliar a implementação de um sistema GSM open source / open hardware de custo zero para a população (telefonia celular gratuita) em comunidades rurais na Amazônia, com enfoque nas comunidades isoladas e carentes onde geralmente não há cobertura celular de operadoras comerciais, devido a falta de estímulo do governo e/ou interesse comercial de prover telefonia para essas populações mais pobres.