979 resultados para GROWTH VARIABILITY


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Unraveling climatic effects on growth of oak - Europe’s most ecologically and economically important forest species - has been the subject of many recent studies; however, more insight based on field data is necessary to better understand the relationship between climate and tree growth and to adapt forest management strategies to future climate change. In this report, we explore the influence of temperature, precipitation and drought variability on the productivity and vitality of oak stands in the Czech Highlands. We collected 180 cores from mature oaks (Quercus petraea) at four forest stands in the Czech Drahany Highlands. Standard dendromethods were used for sample preparation, ring width measurements, cross-dating, chronology development, and the assessment of growth-climate response patterns. Crown vitality was also evaluated, using the modified ICP Forests methodology. Late spring precipitation totals between May and June as well as the mean July temperature for the year of ring formation were found to be the most important factors for oak growth, whereas crown condition was significantly affected by spring and summer drought. This study is rep-resentative for similar bio-ecological habitats across Central Europe and can serve as a dendroclima-tological blueprint for earlier periods for which detailed meteorological information is missing .


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Growth of a temperate reefa-ssociated fish, the purple wrasse (Notolabrus fucicola), was examined from two sites on the east coast of Tasmania by using age- and length-based models. Models based on the von Bertalanffy growth function, in the standard and a reparameterized form, were constructed by using otolith-derived age estimates. Growth trajectories from tag-recaptures were used to construct length-based growth models derived from the GROTAG model, in turn a reparameterization of the Fabens model. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) determined the optimal parameterization of the GROTAG model, including estimators of individual growth variability, seasonal growth, measurement error, and outliers for each data set. Growth models and parameter estimates were compared by bootstrap confidence intervals, LRTs, and randomization tests and plots of bootstrap parameter estimates. The relative merit of these methods for comparing models and parameters was evaluated; LRTs combined with bootstrapping and randomization tests provided the most insight into the relationships between parameter estimates. Significant differences in growth of purple wrasse were found between sites in both length- and age-based models. A significant difference in the peak growth season was found between sites, and a large difference in growth rate between sexes was found at one site with the use of length-based models.


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Age estimates for striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) from Tasmanian waters were produced by counting annuli on the transverse section of sagittal otoliths and were validated by comparison of growth with known-age individuals and modal progression of a strong recruitment pulse. Estimated ages ranged from one to 43 years; fast growth rates were observed for the first five years. Minimal sexual dimorphism was shown to exist between length, weight, and growth characteristics of striped trumpeter. Seasonal growth variability was strong in individuals up to at least age four, and growth rates peaked approximately one month after the observed peak in sea surface temperature. A modified two-phase von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to the length-at-age data, and the transition between growth phases was linked to apparent changes in physiological and life history traits, including offshore movement as fish approach maturity. The two-phase curve was found to represent the mean length at age in the data better than the standard von Bertalanffy growth function. Total mortality was estimated by using catch curve analysis based on the standard and two-phase von Bertalanffy growth functions, and estimates of natural mortality were calculated by using two empirical models, one based on longevity and the other based on the parameters L∞ and k from both growth functions. The interactions between an inshore gillnet fishery targeting predominately juveniles and an offshore hook fishery targeting predominately adults highlight the need to use a precautionary approach when developing harvest strategies.


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No presente trabalho, testou-se o efeito de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos sobre o crescimento e sua variabilidade no grupo (crescimento heterogêneo, CHet), numa espécie gregária, o curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus. O CHet foi avaliado pelo coeficiente de variação do peso dos animais, em dois períodos consecutivos de 21 dias. Os peixes foram agrupados em aquários (4 peixes cada) que receberam água corrente, com vazão constante, de tanques contendo (C) ou não (N) coespecíficos. Quatro condições foram delineadas de acordo com a água que abastecia os aquários: a) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (CC); b) água sem contato prévio com coespecíficos durante todo o experimento (NN); c) água com contato prévio com coespecíficos apenas no primeiro período, 0 a 21 dias (CN); e d) apenas no período de 21 a 42 dias (NC). Ao término dos experimentos, verificou-se que ocorre modulação química sobre a variabilidade de crescimento em P. lineatus: os peixes que receberam água com contato prévio com coespecífico (C) apresentaram exacerbação do CHet. Fato que corrobora a idéia de que o mecanismo predominante da determinação da variação intra-específica do crescimento, em espécies gregárias, está associado à ação de fatores químicos liberados por coespecíficos.


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This review concerns the phenomenon of heterogeneous growth (Het-G) in fish. Het-G is characterized by different growth rates between conspecifics. Although genetic determination on Het-G is recognized, grouping increases the difference in size between conspecifics. This review focuses on population factors and the mechanisms underlying the socially mediated Het-G are summarized and discussed. The aim of this paper is to arrive at a general statement explaining why grouping decreases mean growth and why it suppresses growth only in some individuals. The mechanisms described are: a) food competition, b) chemical factors released by conspecifics, and c) social stress. Social stress is analyzed in terms of the effect on appetite, digestive processes and metabolism. It is proposed that the predominant mechanism promoting socially mediated growth suppression is related to the social habit of the species. The biological significance of growth heterogeneity in fish is also discussed. Growth variability is suggested as an adaptative strategy to optimize survival of the population in a restricted space.


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The European Mediterranean region is governed by a characteristic climate of summer drought that is likely to increase in duration and intensity under predicted climate change. However, large-scale network analyses investigating spatial aspects of pre-instrumental drought variability for this biogeographic zone are still scarce. In this study we introduce 54 mid- to high-elevation tree-ring width (TRW) chronologies comprising 2186 individual series from pine trees (Pinus spp.). This compilation spans a 4000-km east–west transect from Spain to Turkey, and was subjected to quality control and standardization prior to the development of site chronologies. A principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to identify spatial growth patterns during the network's common period 1862–1976, and new composite TRW chronologies were developed and investigated. The PCA reveals a common variance of 19.7% over the 54 Mediterranean pine chronologies. More interestingly, a dipole pattern in growth variability is found between the western (15% explained variance) and eastern (9.6%) sites, persisting back to 1330 AD. Pine growth on the Iberian Peninsula and Italy favours warm early growing seasons, but summer drought is most critical for ring width formation in the eastern Mediterranean region. Synoptic climate dynamics that have been in operation for the last seven centuries have been identified as the driving mechanism of a distinct east–west dipole in the growth variability of Mediterranean pines.


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We investigated dynamics of the phytoplankton community and abiotic factors in Xiangxi Bay of the Three-Gorge Reservoir, China, by daily sampling, a specific site during a spring algal bloom (February 23-April 28, 2005). Among the 76 taxa observed, Asterionella formosa and Cyclotella spp. were the dominants, accounting for 47.2% and 29.9% of the total abundance, respectively. We determined the five distinct developing phases of the bloom by analyzing the dissimilarity of physicochemical parameters. Simultaneously, six phytoplankton community groups were distinguished by TWINSPAN classifications. The pattern for algal community succession was similar to that for the bloom phase shift, and the structural complexity of communities significantly decreased over time. Water temperature and silicate were the main factors that related to the development of the bloom and the shifts of the phytoplankton community.


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Esta pesquisa investigou a variabilidade da taxa de crescimento das empresas, associando-a a grupos de fatores como os associados ao ramo de negócios, ao período ou ano em que se observa o crescimento, ao país e, finalmente, o grupo de fatores associado à empresa individual de forma idiossincrática. O trabalho inspirou-se na linha de pesquisa de componentes de variância do desempenho financeiro em estratégia usando o crescimento como variável dependente. Os achados indicam que a firma individual é a responsável pela maior parte da variância observada nas taxas de crescimento. País e ano também são fontes de variação relevantes. O ramo de negócios no qual a firma está inserida, contudo, tem uma pequena relevância na explicação da variabilidade. O trabalho usou a base de dados Compustat Global como fonte principal. Os resultados têm implicações tanto para a gestão de empresas ao nível corporativo como para a criação de políticas de desenvolvimento e crescimento. Esta pesquisa fez uma avaliação de uma amostra internacional para poder avaliar o efeito país, mas abre espaço para vários outros estudos mais profundos, com maior foco na realidade brasileira.


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Sclerochronological records of interannual shell growth variability were established for eight modern shells (26 to 163 years of age) of the bivalve Arctica islandica, which were sampled at one site in the inner German Bight. The records indicate generally low synchrony between individuals. Spectral analysis of the whole 163-yr masterchronology indicated a cyclic pattern with a period of 5 and 7 years. The masterchronology correlated poorly to time series of environmental parameters over the last 90 years. High environmental variability in time and space of the dynamic and complex German Bight hydrographic system results in an extraordinarily high noise' level in the shell growth pattern of Arctica islandica.


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Among bivalve species, the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, is the most economically important bivalve production over the world. Today, C. gigas is subject to an important production effort that leads to an intensive artificial selection. Larval stage is relatively unknown, specifically in a domestication context. Genetic consequence of artificial selection is still at a preliminary study. We aimed to tackle the consequence of inconscient domestication on the variance reproductive success focusing on larval stage, keystone of the life cycle. We studied two kinds of specific selective processes that common hatchery rearing practices exert : the effect of discarding the smallest larvae on genetic diversity and the artificial environment rearing effect via the temperature providing a contrast resembling wild versus hatchery conditions (20 and 26°C). In order to monitor the effect of the selection of fast growing larvae by sieving, growth variability and genetic diversity in a larval population descended from a factorial breeding was studied. We used a mixed-family approach to reduce potentially confounding environmental biais. The retrospective assignment of individuals to family groups has been performed using a three microsatellite markers set. Two different rearing were carried out in parallel. For three (replicates) 50-l tanks, the smallest larvae were progressively discarded by selective sieving, whereas for the three others no selective sieving was performed. The intensity of selective sieving was adjusted so as to discard 50% of the larvae over the whole rearing period in a progressive manner. As soon as the larvae reached the pediveliger stage, ready to settle larvae were sampled for genetic analysis. Regarding the artificial environment rearing effect via the temperature, we used a similar mixed-family approach. The progeny from a factorial breeding design was divided as follows: three (replicates) 50-l tanks were dedicaced to a rearing at 26°C versus 20°C for three others 50-l tanks. The whole size variability was preserved for this experiment. Individual growth measurements for larvae genetically identified have been performed at days 22 and 30 after fertilization for both conditions. In a same way, we collected individual measurements for genotyped juvenile oysters (80 days after fertilization). At a phenotypic scale, relative survival and settlement success for larvae with sieving were higher. Sieving appears as a time-saving process associated with a better relative survival ratio. But in the same time, our results confirm that a significant genetic variability exist for early developmental traits in the Pacific oyster. This is congruent with the results already obtained that investigated genetic variability and genetic correlations in early life-history traits of Crassostrea gigas. Discarding around 50% of the smallest larvae can lead to significant selection at the larval stage.


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Estimation of von Bertalanffy growth parameters has received considerable attention in fisheries research. Since Sainsbury (1980, Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37: 241-247) much of this research effort has centered on accounting for individual variability in the growth parameters. In this paper we demonstrate that, in analysis of tagging data, Sainsbury's method and its derivatives do not, in general, satisfactorily account for individual variability in growth, leading to inconsistent parameter estimates (the bias does not tend to zero as sample size increases to infinity). The bias arises because these methods do not use appropriate conditional expectations as a basis for estimation. This bias is found to be similar to that of the Fabens method. Such methods would be appropriate only under the assumption that the individual growth parameters that generate the growth increment were independent of the growth parameters that generated the initial length. However, such an assumption would be unrealistic. The results are derived analytically, and illustrated with a simulation study. Until techniques that take full account of the appropriate conditioning have been developed, the effect of individual variability on growth has yet to be fully understood.


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We consider estimation of mortality rates and growth parameters from length-frequency data of a fish stock and derive the underlying length distribution of the population and the catch when there is individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth parameter L-infinity. The model is flexible enough to accommodate 1) any recruitment pattern as a function of both time and length, 2) length-specific selectivity, and 3) varying fishing effort over time. The maximum likelihood method gives consistent estimates, provided the underlying distribution for individual variation in growth is correctly specified. Simulation results indicate that our method is reasonably robust to violations in the assumptions. The method is applied to tiger prawn data (Penaeus semisulcatus) to obtain estimates of natural and fishing mortality.


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Seasonal rainfall patterns in Bangalore, India, have been reconstructed using stable isotopic ratios in the growth bands of Giant African Land Snail shells. The present study was conducted at Bangalore, India which receives rain during the summer months. The oxygen isotopic record in the rainwater samples collected during different months covering the period of the summer monsoon of the year 2008 is compared with the isotopic ratio in the gastropod growth bands deposited simultaneously. The chronology of the shell growth band is independently established assuming the growth rate observed in a chamber experiment maintaining similar relative humidity and temperature conditions. A consistent pattern observed in the isotopic ratio in the gastropod growth bands and rainwater is demonstrated and provides a novel approach for precipitation reconstruction at seasonal and weekly time scales. This approach of using isotopic ratios in the gastropod growth bands for rainfall can serve as a substitute for filling gaps in rainfall data and for cases where no rain records are available. In addition, they can be used to determine the frequencies and magnitudes of dry spells from the past records. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this report we develop age-length keys and derive age-frequency data. We estimate striped bass and white perch mortality and growth rates, based on the otolith-aging analysis. We also report on hatch-date frequencies of striped bass and white perch larvae, and we discuss environmental effects on recruitment potential.


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We consider estimation of mortality rates and growth parameters from length-frequency data of a fish stock and derive the underlying length distribution of the population and the catch when there is individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth parameter L∞. The model is flexible enough to accommodate 1) any recruitment pattern as a function of both time and length, 2) length-specific selectivity, and 3) varying fishing effort over time. The maximum likelihood method gives consistent estimates, provided the underlying distribution for individual variation in growth is correctly specified. Simulation results indicate that our method is reasonably robust to violations in the assumptions. The method is applied to tiger prawn data (Penaeus semisulcatus) to obtain estimates of natural and fishing mortality.