996 resultados para GRI


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine the tendencies of sustainability reporting by major commercial banks in Bangladesh in comparison with global sustainability reporting indicators outlined in the GRI framework together with banks' predilection toward reporting 16 GRI financial service sector (FSS) specific performance indicators. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the GRI G3 guidelines, the paper investigated banks' reporting in five broad areas of sustainability, such as environment, labour practices and decent works, product responsibility, human rights and society. The 2008/2009 annual reports of 12 major commercial banks listed on Dhaka stock exchange were analysed and coded using a content-based technique. Findings – The results show that information on society is addressed most extensively with regard to extent of reporting. This is followed by the disclosures prepared on decent works and labour practices and environmental issues. Furthermore, the disclosures of product responsibility information and the information for human rights are rather scarce in banks' reporting; on the subject of FSS-specific disclosures, only seven items out of 16 are disclosed by all sample banks. Research limitations/implications – The findings of the study indicate that Bangladeshi commercial banks' social disclosures could develop in this style to become more holistic and over time (in association with the country's central bank involvement) to resemble a type of structured reporting to the point where they are properly labelled per se. Originality/value – The study contributes to the social disclosure literature, in particular in a developing countries banking sector context, seeing as it disseminates evidence of the standing on social disclosures practices at the level of GRI with developing countries' banks data.


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There is strong evidence across the media that humanity has finally come to recognize the certainty and imminence of a global environmental crisis due to man-triggered ecological alterations. This widespread recognition of what is happening around us has matured even further as studies acknowledging that everything on Earth is interconnected begin to mount across various branches of learning. The appreciation of this simple linear and two-dimensional relationship implies enormous consequences for economic and management studies, as alternative business models will eventually have to supersede the old practices that still govern major industry sectors (e.g. energy, cement, agriculture, automotive, pharmaceutical, etc.). This paper argues that traditional knowledge found in developing countries can sometimes harness the potential of sparking genuine alternatives to established business practices. With a focus on the most fundamental geochemical cycles on Earth − nitrogen, water, and carbon − and the primary resources they govern (soil, water, and air), three case studies are presented to illustrate how traditional knowledge in the context of GRI (Grassroots Innovation) projects can lead to challenge the dominant logic, when allowed to thrive in terms of adoption and scalability.


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This article examines sustainability disclosures by the major banks in the Asia-Pacific region (the six largest banks from each of four countries: Australia, Japan, China and India) during the period 2005 to 2012. The findings show sustainability disclosures by banks that participate in the global reporting initiative (GRI) are significantly higher than disclosures by those banks that have not participated in the GRI. Amongst those banks that have participated in the GRI there is is a higher rate of disclosure by externally assured banks than by non-externally assured banks. Among the GRI


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have important functions in plant stress responses and development. In plants, ozone and pathogen infection induce an extracellular oxidative burst that is involved in the regulation of cell death. However, very little is known about how plants can perceive ROS and regulate the initiation and the containment of cell death. We have identified an Arabidopsis thaliana protein, GRIM REAPER (GRI), that is involved in the regulation of cell death induced by extracellular ROS. Plants with an insertion in GRI display an ozone-sensitive phenotype. GRI is an Arabidopsis ortholog of the tobacco flower-specific Stig1 gene. The GRI protein appears to be processed in leaves with a release of an N-terminal fragment of the protein. Infiltration of the N-terminal fragment of the GRI protein into leaves caused cell death in a superoxide-and salicylic acid-dependent manner. Analysis of the extracellular GRI protein yields information on how plants can initiate ROS-induced cell death during stress response and development.


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Introducción: La primea idea que debemos asociar a la tarea de elaboración del Balance Social es la de “proceso”. Algunos autores acertadamente sostienen que esta actividad debe entenderse como un viaje y no como un destino. El Balance Social no es un producto a lograr ni consiste en llenar un formulario ni tampoco debe iniciarse el proceso de preparación al final del año fiscal, ya que no se trata simplemente de una actividad de recolección de datos. Es más bien la culminación de una etapa de conversión de la empresa hacia prácticas de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria (RSE). Para desarrollar el “proceso” de elaboración del Balance Social, seguiremos el Marco de la Guía para Elaboración de Memorias de Sostenibilidad1


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Los objetivos de este artículo son, por un lado, trasladar la información respecto a la actuación social y medioambiental de tal manera que pueda complementar y mejorar la información en informes sin formato concreto y voluntariamente. Y, por otro lado, homogeneizar la información suministrada en caso de que la compañia emita diferentes informes.


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[EU] Lan honen jorrapenarekin enpresen erantzukizun sozialaren definizioa finkatzeaz gain, honi lotutako funtseko hainbat puntu argitzea izan da nire nahia. Gizarte erantzukizun honen aplikazioak enpresengan ez du beti garrantzi berdina izan, horregatik izandako eboluzioaren jarraipena burutu da, historian zehar jasandako etapa desberdinak antzemanez. Eboluzio iraunkor horren errudunaren bila ere aritu naiz, maila internazionalean hedapen maila handiena izan duten ekimenen garapena ikertuz; horien artean: Munduko Ituna, ISO eta “Global Reporting Initiative” (GRI). Ikerketan gizarte erantzukizun mundu honetan komunikazioak izan duen garrantzia ikusi da eta hau dela medio, GRI erakundeak argitaratutako giden azterketa egitea ere ezinbestekoa izan da. Ekimen honen lanketan Espainia gainerako herrialdeengandik bereizten dela nabarituz, eragin esanguratsu hori sorrarazi duten arrazoien bila ere aritu naiz lanean zehar. Horretarako lehenbizi Espainiako enpresen erantzukizunaren garapena aztertu da; alde praktikoari dagokionez, ordea, herrialde horretan zerbitzuen sektorean diharduten bi enpresek argitaratutako jasangarritasun txostena eredu moduan hartuz bien arteko konparaketa bat eraman da aurrera. Lanari amaiera emateko aurrez aipatutako ikerkuntza guztietatik ateratako ondorio orokorren aipamena egiten da, kalitatezko gizarte erantzukizunaren garapenerako beharrezkoa dena azpimarratuz.


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Enpresa munduari dagokionez, gizarte erantzukizuna eta garapen jasangarriaren azterketa: definizioak, printzipioak eta bilakaera. GRI ereduaren erabilpena, aztergai gisa, Espainiako bi finantz entitate.


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El propósito de este trabajo fue descubrir la situación actual de los reportes de Sostenibilidad de un grupo de 72 empresas, agrupadas en distintos sectores, evaluar qué tipo de información estaban incluyendo en sus reportes y observar la tendencia de los mismos. De acuerdo con el análisis de todas las matrices sectoriales propuestas, el comportamiento de la gran mayoría de las empresas tiende a enfocarse a reportar cifras de porcentajes de ahorros en el consumo de recursos naturales y prácticas laborales y se evidencia la falta de elaboración de un análisis/matriz de Materialidad. Esto deja al descubierto los retrasos en la falta de iniciativas y propuestas concretas sostenibles, a pesar de esto, también se evidencia el hecho de que hasta ahora las empresas nacionales están incursionando en este tipo de reportes utilizando las guías de GRI.


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine the tendencies of sustainability reporting by major commercial banks in Bangladesh in comparison with global sustainability reporting indicators outlined in the GRI framework together with banks' predilection toward reporting 16 GRI financial service sector (FSS) specific performance indicators.

Design/methodology/approach – Based on the GRI G3 guidelines, the paper investigated banks' reporting in five broad areas of sustainability, such as environment, labour practices and decent works, product responsibility, human rights and society. The 2008/2009 annual reports of 12 major commercial banks listed on Dhaka stock exchange were analysed and coded using a content-based technique.

Findings – The results show that information on society is addressed most extensively with regard to extent of reporting. This is followed by the disclosures prepared on decent works and labour practices and environmental issues. Furthermore, the disclosures of product responsibility information and the information for human rights are rather scarce in banks' reporting; on the subject of FSS-specific disclosures, only seven items out of 16 are disclosed by all sample banks.

Research limitations/implications – The findings of the study indicate that Bangladeshi commercial banks' social disclosures could develop in this style to become more holistic and over time (in association with the country's central bank involvement) to resemble a type of structured reporting to the point where they are properly labelled per se.

Originality/value – The study contributes to the social disclosure literature, in particular in a developing countries banking sector context, seeing as it disseminates evidence of the standing on social disclosures practices at the level of GRI with developing countries' banks data.


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O trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir para as discussões e reflexões sobre metodologias sociais que realizam experimentações no campo da educação, a partir de concepções alternativas em cultura, visando proporcionar novas práticas de cidadania. Analisam-se as práticas e estratégias pedagógicas da Associação Grãos de Luz e Griô localizada na cidade de Lençóis, região da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, e a elaboração de um projeto nacional em parceria com o Ministério da Cultura, no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Arte, Educação, Cidadania e Economia Solidária – Cultura Viva, nomeado de Ação Griô, inspirado em sua experiência e metodologia. A proposta investigada busca integrar os saberes ditos comunitários de tradição oral em práticas educativas formais e não-formais com crianças e jovens tendo como referência a “Pedagogia Griô”.


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The paper describes the ways of reporting business management, employing the model of sustainability report called the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI. This makes use of indicators based on the concept called Triple Bottom Line, which takes into account the economic, social and environmental. The study points out theoretical positions and concepts that have demonstrated an understanding of this issue and especially emphasizes the presence and experience of Public Relations in the environment of organizational communication, especially in the sphere of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of quality management activities, coupled with the operational processes and sustainable principles. The discussion is exemplified by a case study of the Health Cooperative Medical Unimed Bauru that involves the process of preparing the report in GRI model of sustainability, held earlier in the year 2011


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A diversidade organizacional está contida na dimensão social da sustentabilidade e diz respeito à heterogeneidade de raças, gêneros, idades e habilidades físicas, dentre outros aspectos, das pessoas que compõem as organizações. A gestão da diversidade organizacional impõe desafios às empresas, podendo gerar desigualdades. Uma das formas de divulgação de indicadores sociais é a publicação de relatórios de sustentabilidade, sendo que o mais reconhecido mundialmente e no Brasil é o Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Assim sendo, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar a diversidade e possíveis desigualdades de gêneros, raças, gerações e pessoas com deficiências nas empresas brasileiras que reportaram o relatório de sustentabilidade GRI, entre 2009 e 2013. Para alcançar tal objetivo, as variáveis foram definidas com base na literatura e em indicadores de diversidade do GRI e a coleta de dados se deu por meio do acesso aos relatórios GRI publicados no Brasil em um período de cinco anos. Para verificação das hipóteses, foram utilizados testes estatísticos não paramétricos e medidas de tendência central (média e mediana). Os resultados mostraram que as empresas analisadas possuíam, em seus quadros funcionais de forma geral, homens e mulheres, variadas raças e diversas gerações e nem todas mencionaram possuir pessoas com deficiências. Constatou-se que há predominância de homens, de brancos e da geração X tanto nos cargos de liderança quanto em demais cargos; que existem diferenças salariais entre homens e mulheres tanto nos cargos de liderança quanto em demais cargos e os homens perfazem maiores salários; que o sexo masculino e a geração Y apresentam maior taxa de rotatividade e que o percentual médio de pessoas com deficiências presentes nas empresas encontra-se dentro da cota estabelecida pela Lei nº 8.213/91. Logo, em meio à diversidade organizacional, verificou-se que havia desigualdades. Neste sentido, a gestão da diversidade deveria ser melhorada e as desigualdades precisariam ser enfrentadas para não comprometerem a sustentabilidade.