894 resultados para GRASA ABDOMINAL


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Introduction: Computerizd tomography (CT) is the gold standard for the evaluation of intra- (IAF) and total (TAF) abdominal fat; however, the high cost of the procedure and exposure to radiation limit its routine use. Objective: To develop equations that utilize anthropometric measures for the estimate of IAF and TAF in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: The weight, height, BMI, and abdominal (AC), waist (WC), chest (CC), and neck (NC) circumferences of thirty obese women with PCOS were measured, and their IAF and TAF were analyzed by CT. Results: The anthropometric variables AC, CC, and NC were chosen for the TAF linear regression model because they were better correlated with the fat deposited in this region. The model proposed for TAF (predicted) was: 4.63725 + 0.01483 x AC - 0.00117 x NC - 0.00177 x CC (R-2 = 0.78); and the model proposed for IAF was: IAF (predicted) = 1.88541 + 0.01878 x WC + 0.05687 x NC - 0.01529 x CC (R-2 = 0.51). AC was the only independent predictor of TAF (p < 0.01). Conclusion: The equations proposed showed good correlation with the real value measured by CT, and can be used in clinical practice. (Nutr Hosp. 2012;27:1662-1666) DOI:10.3305/nh.2012.27.5.5933


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Introducción: actualmente los programas de entrenamiento interválicos de alta intensidad parecen ser una forma de optimizar el tiempo, provocando cambios en la composición corporal debido a la activación de diferentes mecanismos hormonales y metabólicos. Objetivo: observar el efecto de cuatro semanas de entrenamiento de esprints repetidos basados en la prueba de Wingate sobre la potencia y la composición corporal en adultos jóvenes. Métodos: los participantes (22,4 ± 1,8 años) fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental o a un grupo control. Antes de comenzar y al acabar el periodo experimental, a los sujetos se les realizó una densitometría de cuerpo completo y una prueba de Wingate. El grupo experimental realizó 12 sesiones de esprints repetidos, realizando de 3 a 6 esprints de 30 segundos con un tiempo de recuperación de 4 minutos. El grupo control continuó con su rutina diaria y no se le aplicó ningún tipo de intervención. Resultados: en el grupo experimental, la potencia media y máxima incrementó un 9,4-16,5% (p < 0,001). Además, disminuyó la masa grasa total un 8,1% (p < 0,028) y la grasa abdominal un 10,0% (p < 0,038). El grupo control no sufrió cambios en ninguna de las variables estudiadas. Conclusiones: cuatro semanas de entrenamiento de esprints repetidos basados en la prueba de Wingate con un volumen específico de ~3 minutos por sesión y una frecuencia de 3 sesiones por semana, muestra mejoras estadísticamente significativas en la potencia máxima y media. Además, provoca cambios en la composición corporal, principalmente en la masa grasa total y de la zona abdominal.


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Objetivo: Establecer si existe asociación independiente entre los valores de grasa epicárdica con la extensión y la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria. Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron 69 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria estudiada con angiografía, a quienes se realizó medición de grasa epicárdica con ecocardiograma transtorácico en modo 2D. Los resultados se correlacionaron con dos Score de severidad para enfermedad coronaria (Gensini – Syntax) y con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular tradicionales. Se realizó un análisis estadístico bivariado y análisis de regresión logística para establecer su asociación. Resultados: No existió correlación entre los valores de grasa epicárdica y la severidad de la enfermedad. Se documentó una leve correlación con los valores de perímetro abdominal. En los pacientes con angina inestable los valores de grasa epicárdica fueron mayores en comparación con los pacientes que se presentaron con infarto agudo de miocardio. Conclusiones: La grasa epicárdica no tiene asociación independiente con la severidad de la enfermedad coronaria ni con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Indicando que en la práctica clínica no debe utilizarse como marcador de riesgo cardiometabólico. Palabras Clave: Ecocardiografía, Grasa Epicárdica, Enfermedad Coronaria, Factores de Riesgo Cardiovascular


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FUNDAMENTO: A obesidade está ligada à hipertensão arterial (HA) na infância. Entretanto, o papel da gordura como preditor de HA em adolescentes permanece desconhecido. OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre obesidade geral e abdominal com HA e identificar a sensibilidade e especificidade desses indicadores para detectar HA em adolescentes. MÉTODOS: A amostra consistiu em 1.021 adolescentes com idade de 10-17 anos. Os indivíduos foram classificados como normal, sobrepeso/obesidade, de acordo com as medidas do IMC, e como não-obeso com obesidade abdominal, de acordo com as medidas da circunferência da cintura (CC). A pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) foi avaliada através de um dispositivo oscilométrico. Regressão logística e curvas ROC foram usadas na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: A prevalência geral de HA foi 11,8% (13,4% em meninos e 10,2% em meninas). A prevalência de HA em meninos e meninas com sobrepeso/obesidade foi 10% e 11,1%, respectivamente. A prevalência de HA em meninos com obesidade abdominal foi 28,6%. Para ambos os sexos, o odds ratio (OR) para HA foi mais alto na obesidade abdominal do que no sobrepeso/obesidade geral (4,09 [OR IC95% = 2,57-6,51]) versus 1,83 [OR IC95% = 1,83-4,30]). O OR para HA foi mais alto quando sobrepeso/obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal estavam agrupados (OR = 4,35 [OR IC95% = 2,68 -7,05]), do que quando identificados como sobrepeso/obesidade geral ou obesidade abdominal apenas (OR = 1,32 [OR IC95% = 0,65- 2,68]). Entretanto, ambos os tipos de obesidade apresentavam baixo poder preditivo na detecção de HA. CONCLUSÃO: Obesidade geral e obesidade abdominal foram associadas com HA; entretanto, a sensibilidade e especificidade dessas variáveis na detecção de HA são baixas em adolescentes brasileiros.


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Ponencia sobre el efecto de un polimorfismo del gen ADRB3 sobre masa grasa en mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad.


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The aim of the present study was to examine body concern and satisfactions in 191 female university students and their relationships with measured body composition and circumferences of selected body parts. Body composition and circumference measurements of participants were conducted after obtaining their consent. Body concern and satisfaction were determined using the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Body parts and General subscales from the Body Satisfaction Scales (BSS). Increase in body composition and circumferences were associated with decrease in body concern and satisfaction. Increase in body size, including circumferences did not decrease whole body satisfaction but increased dissatisfaction at the abdominal, arm and thigh regions.


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Background: The two-stage Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) versus Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH) for stage I endometrial cancer (LACE) randomised controlled trial was initiated in 2005. The primary objective of stage 1 was to assess whether TLH results in equivalent or improved QoL up to 6 months after surgery compared to TAH. The primary objective of stage 2 was to test the hypothesis that disease-free survival at 4.5 years is equivalent for TLH and TAH. Results addressing the primary objective of stage 1 of the LACE trial are presented here. Methods: The first 361 LACE participants (TAH n= 142, TLH n=190) were enrolled in the QoL substudy at 19 centres across Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong, and 332 completed the QoL analysis. Randomisation was performed centrally and independently from other study procedures via a computer generated, web-based system (providing concealment of the next assigned treatment) using stratified permuted blocks of 3 and 6, and assigned patients with histologically confirmed stage 1 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma and ECOG performance status <2 to TLH or TAH stratified by histological grade and study centre. No blinding of patients or study personnel was attempted. QoL was measured at baseline, 1 and 4 weeks (early), and 3 and 6 months (late) after surgery using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) questionnaire. The primary endpoint was the difference between the groups in QoL change from baseline at early and late time points (a 5% difference was considered clinically significant). Analysis was performed according to the intention-to-treat principle using generalized estimating equations on differences from baseline for the early and late QoL recovery. The LACE trial is registered with clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00096408) and the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (CTRN12606000261516). Patients for both stages of the trial have now been recruited and are being followed up for disease-specific outcomes. Findings: The proportion of missing values at the 5%, 10% 15% and 20% differences in the FACT-G scale was 6% (12/190) in the TLH and 14% (20/142) in the TAH group. There were 8/332 conversions (2.4%, 7 of which were from TLH to TAH). In the early phase of recovery, patients undergoing TLH reported significantly greater improvement of QoL from baseline compared to TAH in all subscales except the emotional and social well-being subscales. Improvements in QoL up to 6 months post-surgery continued to favour TLH except for the emotional and social well-being of the FACT and the visual analogue scale of the EuroQoL five dimensions (EuroQoL-VAS). Length of operating time was significantly longer in the TLH group (138±43 mins), than in the TAH group at (109±34 mins; p=0.001). While the proportion of intraoperative adverse events was similar between the treatment groups (TAH 8/142, 5.6%; TLH 14/190, 7.4%; p=0.55), postoperatively, twice as many patients in the TAH group experienced adverse events of CTC grade 3+ than in the TLH group (33/142, 23.2% and 22/190, 11.6%, respectively; p=0.004). Postoperative serious adverse events occurred more frequently in patients who had a TAH (27/142, 19.0%) than a TLH (15/190, 7.9%) (p=0.002). Interpretation: QoL improvements from baseline during early and later phases of recovery, and the adverse event profile significantly favour TLH compared to TAH for patients treated for Stage I endometrial cancer.


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Obesity has been widely regarded as a public health concern because of its adverse impact on individuals’ health. Systematic reviews have been published in examining the effect of obesity on depression, but with major emphasis on general obesity as measured by the body mass index. Despite a stronger effect of abdominal obesity on individuals’ physical health outcomes, to our best knowledge, no systematic review was undertaken with regard to the relationship between abdominal obesity and depression. This paper reports the results of a systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies examining the relationship between abdominal obesity and depression in a general population. Multiple electronic databases were searched until the end of September 2009. 15 articles were systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed. The analysis showed that the odds ratio of having depression for individuals with abdominal obesity was 1.38 (95% CI, 1.22–1.57) as compared to those who are not obese. Furthermore, it was found that this relationship did not vary with potential confounders including gender, age, measurement of depression and abdominal obesity, and study quality.


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Objective Analgesia and early quality of recovery may be improved by epidural analgesia. We aimed to assess the effect of receiving epidural analgesia on surgical adverse events and quality of life after laparotomy for endometrial cancer. Methods Patients were enrolled in an international, multicentre, prospective randomised trial of outcomes for laparoscopic versus open surgical treatment for the management of apparent stage I endometrial cancer (LACE trial). The current analysis focussed on patients who received an open abdominal hysterectomy via vertical midline incision only (n = 257), examining outcomes in patients who did (n = 108) and did not (n = 149) receive epidural analgesia. Results Baseline characteristics were comparable between patients with or without epidural analgesia. More patients without epidural (34%) ceased opioid analgesia 3–5 days after surgery compared to patients who had an epidural (7%; p < 0.01). Postoperative complications (any grade) occurred in 86% of patients with and in 66% of patients without an epidural (p < 0.01) but there was no difference in serious adverse events (p = 0.19). Epidural analgesia was associated with increased length of stay (up to 48 days compared to up to 34 days in the non-epidural group). There was no difference in postoperative quality of life up to six months after surgery. Conclusions Epidural analgesia was associated with an increase in any, but not serious, postoperative complications and length of stay after abdominal hysterectomy. Randomised controlled trials are needed to examine the effect of epidural analgesia on surgical adverse events, especially as the present data do not support a quality of life benefit with epidural analgesia. Keywords Endometrial cancer; Hysterectomy; Epidural; Adverse events


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Objective To summarise how costs and health benefits will change with the adoption of total laparoscopic hysterectomy compared to total abdominal hysterectomy for the treatment of early stage endometrial cancer. Design Cost-effectiveness modelling using the information from a randomised controlled trial. Participants Two hypothetical modelled cohorts of 1000 individuals undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy and total abdominal hysterectomy. Outcome measures Surgery costs; hospital bed days used; total healthcare costs; quality-adjusted life years; and net monetary benefits. Results For 1000 individuals receiving total laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, the costs were $509 575 higher, 3548 hospital fewer bed days were used and total health services costs were reduced by $3 746 221. There were 39.13 more quality-adjusted life years for a 5 year period following surgery. Conclusions The adoption of total laparoscopic hysterectomy is almost certainly a good decision for health services policy makers. There is 100% probability that it will be cost saving to health services, a 86.8% probability that it will increase health benefits and a 99.5% chance that it returns net monetary benefits greater than zero.


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Forty-three children with recurrent abdominal pain who had received treatment from a paediatric gastroenterology clinic were reassessed 6 and 12 months after initial presentation. Measures of children's pain included a pain diary (PD) which measured pain intensity, a parent observation record (POR) which assessed pain behaviour and a structured interview to assess the degree to which pain interferes with the child's activities. Pretreatment measures of the child's history of pain, coping strategies in dealing with pain, and their mother's caregiving strategies were examined as predictors of two indices of clinical improvement: the extent of change in pain on the child's pain diary from pre-test to 6 months follow-up, and the degree of interference to the child's activities. All children had shown significant improvement in the level of pain at follow up, with 74.4% being pain free at 12 month follow-up on the PD and 83.7% being pain free on the POR. The amount of change they showed varied, with some showing residual impairment even though they were significantly improved. Regression analyses showed that children with greatest reductions on the child's pain diary at the 6 month follow-up were those with a stress-related mode of onset, whose mothers used more adaptive caregiving strategies, and who received cognitive behavioural family intervention. There was also a non significant trend for younger children to fare better. These data suggest the importance of early diagnosis and routinely assessing parental caregiving behaviour and beliefs about the origins of pain in planning treatment for children with RAP.