933 resultados para GRAFT-COPOLYMERS
Gelatin graft copolymers of different compositions were tested for microbial susceptibility in a synthetic medium with pure cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Serratia marcescens. The percent weight losses were recorded over 6 weeks of incubation period in nitrogen-free and nitrogen-rich media. The relationship between [log(rate)] during the first week of the test period and composition of the grafted samples showed a linear behavior. There was no difference in the aggressivity of these bacterial strains. Nitrogen analysis data and pH measurements of the media seem to reinforce our earlier observations. Soil burial tests also indicate degradation of polymer samples under natural weathering conditions. This article also summarizes the salient features of our series of investigations.
Gelatin-g-poly(methyl acrylate) and gelatin-g-poly(acrylonitrile) copolymers were prepared in an aqueous medium using K2S2O8 initiator. A plausible mechanism has been put forward for the observed grafting behavior of monomers. Gelatin-g-PAN showed a greater resistance to mixed bacterial inolucum compared to gelatin-g-PMA samples. The rate of degradation decreased with the increase in grafting efficiency. A parallel set of experiments carried out by employing the samples as the only source of both carbon and nitrogen showed a marginal but definite increase in the utilization of the polymer. The nitrogen analysis also showed the utilization of the polymer. Scanning electron micographs of the polymer films do show extensive pitting after microbiological testing.
A method was adopted to fix a series of polymers of PE-b-PEO with different PEO/PE segments on the chains of LLDPE. Maleic anhydride (MA) reacting with hydroxyl group of PE-b-PEO (mPE-b-PEO) was used as the intermediate. The structures of intermediates and graft copolymers were approved by H-1 NMR and FTIR. XPS analysis revealed a great amount of oxygen on the surface of grafted copolymers although the end group of PEO was fixed on the LLDPE chains through MA. Thermal properties of the graft copolymers as determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that PE segments in the grafted monomers could promote the heterogeneous nucleation of the polymer, increase T., and crystal growth rate.
A series of novel temperature- and pH-responsive graft copolymers, poly(L-glutamic acid)-g-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), were synthesized by coupling amino-semitelechelic poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) with N-hydroxysuccinimide-activated poly(L-glutamic acid). The graft copolymers and their precursors were characterized, by ESI-FTICR Mass Spectrum, intrinsic viscosity measurements and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (H-1 NMR). The phase-transition and aggregation behaviors of the graft copolymers in aqueous solutions were investigated by the turbidity measurements and dynamic laser scattering.
A new process of graft copolymerization of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and polyethylene (PE) with other monomers was developed. The grafted chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (CPVC) and chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) were synthesized by in situ chlorinating graft copolymerization (ISCGC) and were characterized. Convincing evidence for grafting and the structure of graft copolymers was obtained using FT-IR, H-1-NMR, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), and the vulcanized curves. Their mechanical properties were also measured. The results show that the products have different molecular structure from those prepared by other conventional graft processes. Their graft chains are short, being highly branched and chlorinated. The graft copolymers have no crosslinking structure. The unique molecular structure will make the materials equipped with special properties.
A series of novel fluorine surfactants, a, b, c, d, e and their acrylates, A, 13, C, D and E, were synthesized via poly( ethylene oxide) ( PEG) ( 200, 600, 1000, 2000, 5000) and perfluorooctane poly (ethylene oxide) ether as the main starting materials. Their chemical structures were characterized by means of FTIR and H-1 NMR. The surface activity and surface tension( y) of surfactants a, b, c, d and e were evaluated by maximum bubble pressure method. Surfactants A, 13, C, D and E were adopted as the grafting monomers of linear low density polyethere( LLDPE), and grafting reaction was carried out by melt reactive extrusion procedure. Their surface properties were characterized with measuring contact angle and XPS. It was found that the hydrophilic property of the graft copolymers was better than the palin LLDPE. Thermal properties of graft copolymers were studied by DSC. It was found that their crystalline temperatures of graft copolymers were faster than that of the plain LLDPE.
The thermal properties and crystalline structure of the amphiphilic graft copolymers CR-g-PEG600, CR-g-PEG2000, and CR-g-PEG6000 using chloroprene rubber (CR) as the hydrophobic backbone and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with different molecular weights as the hydrophilic side chains were studied by DSC and WAXD. The results showed that a distinct phase-separated structure existed in CR-g-PEGs because of the incompatibility between the backbone segments and the side-chain segments. For all the polymers studied, T-m2, which is the melting point of PEG crystalline domains in CR-g-PEG, decreased compared to that of the corresponding pure PEG and varied little with PEG content. For CR-g-PEG600 and CR-g-PEG2000, T-m1, which is the melting point of the CR crystalline domains, increased with increasing PEG content when the PEG content was not high enough, and at constant PEG content, the longer were the PEG side chains the higher was the T-m1. The crystallite size L-011 of CR in CR-g-PEGs increased compared to that of the pure CR and decreased with increasing PEG content. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
In order to characterize the interface in polymer blends, a new method is suggested, in which the interface is exposed by selectively dissolving in solvent. By means of X-ray photoelectron spectrometry, we studied the molecular state in the interfacial ar
The glass transition behaviour, microphase separation morphology and crystallization of poly(vinyl alcohol)-g-poly(methyl methacrylate) graft copolymers (PVA-g-PMMA) were studied. A lamellar microphase separation morphology was formed, even for a copolyme
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Polypeptide/polysaccharide graft copolymers poly(L-lysine)-graft-chitosan (PLL-g-Chi) were prepared by ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of epsilon-benzoxycarbonyl L-lysine N-carboxyanhydrides (Z-L-lysine NCA) in the presence of 6-O-triphenylmethyl chitosan. The PLL-g-Chi copolymers were thoroughly characterized by H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The number-average degree of polymerization of PLL grafted onto the chitosan backbone could be adjusted by controlling the feed ratio of NCA to 6-O-triphenylmethyl chitosan. The particle size of the complexes formed from the copolymer and calf thymus DNA was measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS). It was found in the range of 120 similar to 340 nm. The gel retardation electrophoresis showed that the PLL-g-Chi copolymers possessed better plasmid DNA-binding ability than chitosan. The gene transfection effect in HEK 293T cells of the copolymers was evaluated, and the results showed that the gene transfection ability of the copolymer was better than that of chitosan and was dependent on the PLL grafting ratio. The PLL-g-Chi copolymers could be used as effective gene delivery vectors.
A novel synthetic approach to biodegradable amphiphilic copolymers based on poly (epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) and chitosan was presented, and the prepared copolymers were used to prepare nanoparticles successfully. The PCL-graft-chitosan copolymers were synthesized by coupling the hydroxyl end-groups on preformed PCL chains and the amino groups present on 6-O-triphenylmethyl chitosan and by removing the protective 6-O-triphenylmethyl groups in acidic aqueous solution. The PCL content in the copolymers can be controlled in the range of 10-90 wt %. The graft copolymers were thoroughly characterized by H-1 NAM, C-13 NMR, FT-IR and DSC. The nanoparticles made from the graft copolymers were investigated by H-1 NMR, DLS, AFM and SEM measurements. It was found that the copolymers could form spherical or elliptic nanoparticles it? water. The amount of available primary amines on the surface of the prepared nanoparticles was evaluated by ninhydrin assail, and it can be controlled by the grafting degree of PCL.
Uusien polymeeripohjaisten teknologioiden ja materiaalien myötä räätälöityjen polymeerien tarve on kasvanut. Viime vuosituhannen lopussa kehitetyt kontrolloidut polymerointimenetelmät ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia paitsi monimutkaisten polymeerien synteesiin, myös itsejärjestyvyyteen perustuvien funktionaalisten nanorakenteiden suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. Nämä voivat jäljitellä luonnossa esiintyviä rakenteita, joita muodostavat esimerkiksi lipidit ja proteiinit. Itsejärjestyvät molekyylit ovat usein amfifiilisiä eli ne koostuvat hydrofiilisistä ja hydrofobisista osista ja polymeereissä nämä osat voivat olla omina lohkoinaan, jolloin puhutaan amfifiilisistä lohko- tai blokkikopolymeereistä. Riippuen järjestyneiden rakenteiden koostumuksesta ja muodosta, amfifiilisiä blokkikopolymeerejä on tutkittu tai jo käytetty nanoteknologiassa, elastomeereissä, voiteluaineissa, pinta-aktiivisina aineina, lääkkeenannostelussa, maaleissa, sekä elektroniikka-, kosmetiikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tavallisimmin käytetyt amfifiiliset blokkikopolymeerit ovat olleet lineaarisia, mutta viime aikoina tutkimus on suuntautunut kohti monimutkaisempia rakenteita. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi tähtipolymeerit. Tähtimäisissä polymeereissä miselleille tyypillinen ydin-kuori-rakenne säilyy hyvin alhaisissakin polymeerikonsentraatioissa, koska polymeeriketjut ovat kiinni toisissaan yhdessä pisteessä. Siten ne ovat erityisen kiinnostavia tutkimuskohteita erilaisten hydrofobisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden sitomiseksi ja vapauttamiseksi. Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu amfifiilisten tähtipolymeerien itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksissa sekä kokeellisesti ja tietokonesimulaatioin. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: tähtipolymeerien synteesistä makrosyklisillä initiaattoreilla ja amfifiilisten tähtimäisten blokkikopolymeerien ominaisuuksien tutkimisesta.