972 resultados para GR Folklore
LivingTV's flagship series, Most Haunted, has been haunting the satellite network since 2002. The set-up of the series is straightforward: a team of investigators, including a historian, a parapsychologist, and "spiritualist medium" Derek Acorah, "legend-trip," spending the night at some location within the United Kingdom that is reputed to be haunted, with the hopes of catching on video concrete proof of the existence of ghosts. However, unlike other reality television or true-life supernatural television shows, Most Haunted includes and addresses the audience less as a spectator and more as an active participant in the ghost hunt. Watching Most Haunted, we are directed not so much to accept or reject the evidence provided, as to engage in the debate over the evidence's veracity. Like legend-telling in its oral form, belief in or rejection of the truth-claims of the story are less central than the possibility of the narrative's truth - a position that invites debates about those truth-claims. This paper argues that Most Haunted, in its premise and structure, not only depicts or represents legend texts (here ghost stories), but engages the audience in the debates about the status of its truth-claims, thereby bringing this mass-mediated popular culture text closer to the folkloristic, legend-telling dynamic than other similar shows.
The Toronto Jewish Film Festival is a one-week celebration of Judaism and Cinema that occurs in downtown Toronto, at the Bloor Cinema, early every May. The folkloristic literature on festival notes that these kinds of events are ways that communities and groups celebrate themselves, and although film festivals are frequently excluded from consideration of traditional festivity, I shall demonstrate that such an omission is unfortunate, since like traditional festivity, film festivals, in particular ethnic film festivals, explore the same issues of liminality for the celebrating culture.
The development of new materials for water purification is of universal importance. Among these types of materials are layered double hydroxides (LDHs). Non-ionic materials pose a significant problem as pollutants. The interaction of methyl orange (MO) and acidic scarlet GR (GR) adsorption on hydrocalumite (Ca/Al-LDH-Cl) were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (MIR), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR). The XRD results revealed that the basal spacing of Ca/Al-LDH-MO was expanded to 2.45 nm, and the MO molecules were intercalated with a inter-penetrating bilayer model in the gallery of LDH, with 49o tilting angle. Yet Ca/Al-LDH-GR was kept the same d-value as Ca/Al-LDH-Cl. The NIR spectrum for Ca/Al-LDH-MO showed a prominent band around 5994 cm-1, assigned to the combination result of the N-H stretching vibrations, which was considered as a mark to assess MO- ion intercalation into Ca/Al-LDH-Cl interlayers. From SEM images, the particle morphology of Ca/Al-LDH-MO mainly changed to irregular platelets, with a “honey-comb” like structure. Yet the Ca/Al-LDH-GR maintained regular hexagons platelets, which was similar to that of Ca/Al-LDH-Cl. All results indicated that MO- ion was intercalated into Ca/Al-LDH-Cl interlayers, and acidic scarlet GR was only adsorped upon Ca/Al-LDH-Cl surfaces.
Clinical studies have demonstrated an impairment of glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-mediated negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in patients with major depression (GR resistance), and its resolution by antidepressant treatment. Recently, we showed that this impairment is indeed due to a dysfunction of GR in depressed patients (Carvalho et al., 2009), and that the ability of the antidepressant clomipramine to decrease GR function in peripheral blood cells is impaired in patients with major depression who are clinically resistant to treatment (Carvalho et al. 2008). To further investigate the effect of antidepressants on GR function in humans, we have compared the effect of the antidepressants clomipramine, amytriptiline, sertraline, paroxetine and venlafaxine, and of the antipsychotics, haloperidol and risperidone, on GR function in peripheral blood cells from healthy volunteers (n=33). GR function was measured by glucocorticoid inhibition of lypopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels. Compared to vehicle-treated cells, all antidepressants inhibited dexamethasone (DEX, 10-100nM) inhibition of LPS-stimulated IL-6 levels (p values ranging from 0.007 to 0.1). This effect was specific to antidepressants, as antipsychotics had no effect on DEX-inhibition of LPS-stimulated IL-6 levels. The phosphodiesterase (PDE) type 4 inhibitor, rolipram, potentiated the effect of antidepressants on GR function, while the GR antagonist, RU-486, inhibited the effect of antidepressants on GR function. These findings indicate that the effect of antidepressants on GR function are specific for this class of psychotropic drugs, and involve second messenger pathways relevant to GR function and inflammation. Furthermore, it also points towards a possible mechanism by which one maybe able to overcome treatment-resistant depression. Research in this field will lead to new insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of affective disorders.
Between 1935 and 1970 the state-funded Irish Folklore Commission (Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann) assembled one of the great folklore collections of the world under the direction of Séamus Ó Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy). The aim of this study is to recount and assess the work and achievement of this commission. The cultural, linguistic, political and ideological factors that had a bearing on the establishment and making permanent of the Commission and that impinged on many aspects of its work are here elucidated. The genesis of the Commission is traced and the vision and mission of Séamus Ó Duilearga are outlined. The negotiations that preceded the setting up of the Commission in 1935 as well as protracted efforts from 1940 to 1970 to place it on a permanent foundation are recounted and examined at length. All the various collecting programmes and other activities of the Commission are described in detail and many aspects of its work are assessed. This study also deals with the working methods and conditions of employment of the Commission s field and Head Office staff as well as with Séamus Ó Duilearga s direction of the Commission. In executing this work extensive use has been made of primary sources in archives and libraries in Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and North America. This is the first major study of this world-famous institute, which has been praised in passing in numerous publications, but here for the first time its work and achievement are detailed comprehensively and subjected to scholarly scrutiny. This study should be of interest not only to students of Irish oral tradition but to folklorists everywhere. The history of the Irish Folklore Commission is a part of a wider history, that of the history of folkloristics in Europe and North America in particular. Moreover, this work has relevance for many areas of the developing world today, where conditions are not dissimilar to those that pertained in Ireland in the 1930's when this great salvage operation was funded by the young, independent Irish state. It is also hoped that this work will be of practical assistance to scholars and the general public when utilising these collections, and that furthermore it will stimulate research into the assembling of other national collections of folklore as well as into the history of folkloristics in other countries, subjects which in recent years are beginning to attract more and more scholarly attention.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on tehty osana Svenska i toppen -projektia, joka alkoi syksyllä 2008 Pohjoismaisten kielten ja pohjoismaisen kirjallisuuden laitoksella. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat lukiolaisten näkökulmasta hyvien tulosten saavuttamiseen ruotsin ylioppilaskirjoituksissa kolmessa suomenkielisessä lukiossa, jotka sijaitsevat Turun, Tampereen ja Joensuun seuduilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, miten maantieteelliset tekijät vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden ruotsin kielen osaamiseen sekä mitä eroja on keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin oppimäärän opiskelijoiden asenteissa kieltä kohtaan. Tutkielman aineistona on kolme ryhmähaastattelua, joihin on osallistunut 14 lukiolaista, 11 tyttöä ja 3 poikaa. Haastattelut on tehty joulukuussa 2008 sekä tammi- ja maaliskuussa 2009. Haastatteluissa on käytetty strukturoitua kyselylomaketta, jossa kysytään opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä ruotsin opiskelusta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on kvalitatiivinen tutkimusote, jossa on piirteitä kolmesta eri menetelmästä: tapaustutkimuksesta, etnografisesta tutkimuksesta sekä temaattisesta analyysistä. Tärkeimpänä teoriataustana on ruotsi toisena kielenä -tutkimus, oppiminen sosiokonstruktivistisena ilmiönä sekä motivaatiotutkimus. Tarkastelen kielenoppijaa luokkahuoneessa sosiaalisena osallistujana omassa oppimisprosessissaan. Oppiminen nähdään kokonaisuutena, johon kuuluu eri osa-alueita, esimerkiksi koulujen käytännöt, yhteisön vaikutus oppimiseen sekä opiskelijan identiteetin muokkautuminen kouluyhteisössä. Motivaatiota tarkastelen kielenoppimisen näkökulmasta, ja se koostuu erilaisista dynaamisista vaiheista, esimerkiksi tavoitteiden asettamisesta oppimisprosessin alussa, valintojen tekemisestä sekä motivaation ylläpitämisestä oppimisprosessin kuluessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että suurin yksittäinen syy menestykseen opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta on opettaja, joka omalla toiminnallaan voi merkittävästi parantaa opiskelijoiden oppimisedellytyksiä. Työhön panostaminen, opiskelijoiden yksilöllinen kohtaaminen myös luokkahuoneen ulkopuolella ja esimerkiksi omien oppimateriaalien valmistaminen ovat opettajaan liittyviä tekijöitä, jotka voivat nostaa opiskelijoiden motivaatiota huomattavasti. Myös lukion maantieteellisellä sijainnilla on vaikutusta. Paikkakunnilla, joilla ruotsin kieltä käytetään vähän, korostuu opettajan rooli kielellisen oppimisympäristön luomisessa. Keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin opiskelijoiden välillä ei tutkimuksessa ilmene eroja asenteissa kieltä kohtaan.
I detta arbete accentueras kunden som medverkande aktör vid tillkomsten av tjänster och specifikt då inom den konsumentorienterade sektorn, vilken är en naturlig del av vårt vardagsliv. Såväl kommersiella som icke-kommersiella tjänster beaktas och på denna grund står kundrollen i centrum. Detta är primärt parallellt med valet av perspektiv, vilket genomgående får en fundamental betydelse. Kunders aktiva medverkan framstår som en naturlig och väsentlig ingrediens inom tjänstesektorn, vilket understryks och poängteras i detta arbete inom ramen för en samlad bild av kunden i rollen som medverkande aktör. Därmed markeras betydelsen av att söka förstå fenomenet ”kundmedverkan” utifrån en helhetssyn och med denna utgångspunkt tydliggöra en helhet, en samlad bild, och de delar som bygger och formar denna. Tre ingredienser aktualiseras härvid som tongivande och dessa präglar den bild som i detta arbete framträder av kunden som medverkande part. I ett första steg klarläggs sådana aktiviteter som bygger och formar kundens medverkan. Denne engagerar sig och presterar olika aktiviteter, insatser, vilka framstår som ett fundament i fenomenet. På denna grund skapas och formas kundens input i tjänsteprocessen, dennes processbidrag. Därmed fokuseras kundens processnära funktion, samtidigt som vikten av att parallellt uppmärksamma insatser respektive processbidrag betonas. Vidare klarläggs de effekter som kan uppkomma för såväl kunden själv som tjänsteorganisationen och andra inblandade kunder. Olika typer av effekter lyfts fram och tydliggörs med koppling till bland annat tidsrelaterade inslag. Kunders inflytande på såväl kvalitetsupplevelser som produktivitet är härvid av naturligt intresse. Teoretisk analys och begreppsutveckling har varit tongivande inslag i forskningsstrategin, samtidigt som perspektivfrågan har intagit en avgörande position. Vidare har erfarenhetsbaserade bilder av ”kundens vardag” byggt en väsentlig grund, parallellt med teoretiska erfarenheter. I arbetet utvecklas och presenteras referensramar för kunders medverkan i tjänsteprocessen. Inom ramen för en samlad bild erbjuds härigenom möjligheter till analys av konsumentrelaterade verksamheter av skiftande karaktär. Detta framstår som väsentligt med hänsyn till de variationer som kan framträda inom tjänstesektorn.
本文首先从理论上导出A derson-Gruneisen参数与体积弹性模量对压强的一阶导数之间及体积弹性模量与压强之间的普遍关系。然后在此基础上进一步导出Anderson-Gruneisen参数、热膨胀系数与压强之间的普遍关系。