985 resultados para GOLGI-APPARATUS


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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus are organelles that produce, modify and transport proteins and lipids and regulate Ca2+ environment within cells. Structurally they are composed of sheets and tubules. Sheets may take various forms: intact, fenestrated, single or stacked. The ER, including the nuclear envelope, is a single continuous network, while the Golgi shows only some level of connectivity. It is often unclear, how different morphologies correspond to particular functions. Previous studies indicate that the structures of the ER and Golgi are dynamic and regulated by fusion and fission events, cytoskeleton, rate of protein synthesis and secretion, and specific structural proteins. For example, many structural proteins shaping tubular ER have been identified, but sheet formation is much more unclear. In this study, we used light and electron microscopy to study morphological changes of the ER and Golgi in mammalian cells. The proportion, type, location and dynamics of ER sheets and tubules were found to vary in a cell type or cell cycle stage dependent manner. During interphase, ER and Golgi structures were demonstrated to be regulated by p37, a cofactor of the fusion factor p97, and microtubules, which also affected the localization of the organelles. Like previously shown for the Golgi, the ER displayed a tendency for fenestration and tubulation during mitosis. However, this shape change did not result in ER fragmentation as happens to Golgi, but a continuous network was retained. The activity of p97/p37 was found to be important for the reassembly of both organelles after mitosis. In EM images, ER sheet membranes appear rough, since they contain attached ribosomes, whereas tubular membranes appear smooth. Our studies revealed that structural changes of the ER towards fenestrated and tubular direction correlate with loss of ER-bound ribosomes and vice versa. High and low curvature ER membranes have a low and high density of ribosomes, respectively. To conclude, both ER and Golgi architecture depend on fusion activity of p97/p37. ER morphogenesis, particularly of the sheet shape, is intimately linked to the density of membrane bound ribosomes.


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Besnoitia besnoiti and Toxoplasma gondii are two closely related parasites that interact with the host cell microtubule cytoskeleton during host cell invasion. Here we studied the relationship between the ability of these parasites to invade and to recruit the host cell centrosome and the Golgi apparatus. We observed that T. gondii recruits the host cell centrosome towards the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), whereas B. besnoiti does not. Notably, both parasites recruit the host Golgi apparatus to the PV but its organization is affected in different ways. We also investigated the impact of depleting and over-expressing the host centrosomal protein TBCCD1, involved in centrosome positioning and Golgi apparatus integrity, on the ability of these parasites to invade and replicate. Toxoplasma gondii replication rate decreases in cells over-expressing TBCCD1 but not in TBCCD1-depleted cells; while for B. besnoiti no differences were found. However, B. besnoiti promotes a reorganization of the Golgi ribbon previously fragmented by TBCCD1 depletion. These results suggest that successful establishment of PVs in the host cell requires modulation of the Golgi apparatus which probably involves modifications in microtubule cytoskeleton organization and dynamics. These differences in how T. gondii and B. besnoiti interact with their host cells may indicate different evolutionary paths.


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BPAG1a and BPAG1b (BPAG1a/b) constitute two major isoforms encoded by the dystonin (Dst) gene and show homology with MACF1a and MACF1b. These proteins are members of the plakin family, giant multi-modular proteins able to connect the intermediate filament, microtubule and microfilament cytoskeletal networks with each other and to distinct cell membrane sites. They also serve as scaffolds for signaling proteins that modulate cytoskeletal dynamics. To gain better insights into the functions of BPAG1a/b, we further characterized their C-terminal region important for their interaction with microtubules and assessed the role of these isoforms in the cytoskeletal organization of C2.7 myoblast cells. Our results show that alternative splicing does not only occur at the 5' end of Dst and Macf1 pre-mRNAs, as previously reported, but also at their 3' end, resulting in expression of additional four mRNA variants of BPAG1 and MACF1. These isoform-specific C-tails were able to bundle microtubules and bound to both EB1 and EB3, two microtubule plus end proteins. In the C2.7 cell line, knockdown of BPAG1a/b had no major effect on the organization of the microtubule and microfilament networks, but negatively affected endocytosis and maintenance of the Golgi apparatus structure, which became dispersed. Finally, knockdown of BPAG1a/b caused a specific decrease in the directness of cell migration, but did not impair initial cell adhesion. These data provide novel insights into the complexity of alternative splicing of Dst pre-mRNAs and into the role of BPAG1a/b in vesicular transport, Golgi apparatus structure as well as in migration in C2.7 myoblasts.


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Members of the syntaxin protein family participate in the docking–fusion step of several intracellular vesicular transport events. Tlg1p has been identified as a nonessential protein required for efficient endocytosis as well as the maintenance of normal levels of trans-Golgi network proteins. In this study we independently describe Tlg1p as an essential protein required for cell viability. Depletion of Tlg1p in vivo causes a defect in the transport of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y through the early Golgi. Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Tlg1p also accumulate the endoplasmic reticulum/cis-Golgi form of carboxypeptidase Y at the nonpermissive temperature (38°C) and exhibit underglycosylation of secreted invertase. Overexpression of Tlg1p complements the growth defect of vti1-11 at the nonpermissive temperature, whereas incomplete complementation was observed with vti1-1, further suggesting a role for Tlg1p in the Golgi apparatus. Overexpression of Sed5p decreases the viability of tlg1 ts mutants compared with wild-type cells, suggesting that tlg1 ts mutants are more susceptible to elevated levels of Sed5p. Tlg1p is able to bind His6-tagged Sec17p (yeast α-SNAP) in a dose-dependent manner and enters into a SNARE complex with Vti1p, Tlg2p, and Vps45p. Morphological analyses by electron microscopy reveal that cells depleted of Tlg1p or tlg1 ts mutants incubated at the restrictive temperature accumulate 40- to 50-nm vesicles and experience fragmentation of the vacuole.


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Glycolipid glycosyltransferases catalyze the stepwise transfer of monosaccharides from sugar nucleotides to proper glycolipid acceptors. They are Golgi resident proteins that colocalize functionally in the organelle, but their intimate relationships are not known. Here, we show that the sequentially acting UDP-GalNAc:lactosylceramide/GM3/GD3 β-1,4-N-acetyl-galactosaminyltransferase and the UDP-Gal:GA2/GM2/GD2 β-1,3-galactosyltransferase associate physically in the distal Golgi. Immunoprecipitation of the respective epitope-tagged versions expressed in transfected CHO-K1 cells resulted in their mutual coimmunoprecipitation. The immunocomplexes efficiently catalyze the two transfer steps leading to the synthesis of GM1 from exogenous GM3 in the presence of UDP-GalNAc and UDP-Gal. The N-terminal domains (cytosolic tail, transmembrane domain, and few amino acids of the stem region) of both enzymes are involved in the interaction because (i) they reproduce the coimmunoprecipitation behavior of the full-length enzymes, (ii) they compete with the full-length counterpart in both coimmunoprecipitation and GM1 synthesis experiments, and (iii) fused to the cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins, they localize these proteins to the Golgi membranes in an association close enough as to allow fluorescence resonance energy transfer between them. We suggest that these associations may improve the efficiency of glycolipid synthesis by channeling the intermediates from the position of product to the position of acceptor along the transfer steps.


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A family of related proteins in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to have in vitro GTPase-activating protein activity on the Rab GTPases. However, their in vivo function remains obscure. One of them, Gyp1p, acts on Sec4p, Ypt1p, Ypt7p, and Ypt51p in vitro. Here, we present data to reveal its in vivo substrate and the role that it plays in the function of the Rab GTPase. Red fluorescent protein-tagged Gyp1p is concentrated on cytoplasmic punctate structures that largely colocalize with a cis-Golgi marker. Subcellular fractionation of a yeast lysate confirmed that Gyp1p is peripherally associated with membranes and that it cofractionates with Golgi markers. This localization suggests that Gyp1p may only act on Rab GTPases on the Golgi. A gyp1Δ strain displays a growth defect on synthetic medium at 37°C. Overexpression of Ypt1p, but not other Rab GTPases, strongly inhibits the growth of gyp1Δ cells. Conversely, a partial loss-of-function allele of YPT1, ypt1-2, can suppress the growth defect of gyp1Δ cells. Furthermore, deletion of GYP1 can partially suppress growth defects associated with mutants in subunits of transport protein particle complex, a complex that catalyzes nucleotide exchange on Ypt1p. These results establish that Gyp1p functions on the Golgi as a negative regulator of Ypt1p.


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The mannan chains of Kluyveromyces lactis mannoproteins are similar to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae except that they lack mannose phosphate and have terminal alpha1-->2-linked N-acetylglucosamine. The biosynthesis of these chains probably occurs in the lumen of the Golgi apparatus, by analogy to S. cerevisiae. The sugar donors, GDP-mannose and UDP-GlcNAc, must first be transported from the cytosol, their site of synthesis, via specific Golgi membrane transporters into the lumen where they are substrates in the biosynthesis of these mannoproteins. A mutant of K. lactis, mnn2-2, that lacks terminal N-acetylglucosamine in its mannan chains in vivo, has recently been characterized and shown to have a specific defect in transport of UDP-GlcNAc into the lumen of Golgi vesicles in vitro. We have now cloned the gene encoding the K. lactis Golgi membrane UDP-GlcNAc transporter by complementation of the mnn2-2 mutation. The mnn2-2 mutant was transformed with a genomic library from wild-type K. lactis in a pKD1-derived vector; transformants were isolated and phenotypic correction was monitored following cell surface labeling with fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated to Griffonia simplicifolia II lectin, which binds terminal N-acetylglucosamine, and a fluorescent activated cell sorter. A 2.4-kb DNA fragment was found to restore the wild-type lectin binding phenotype. Upon loss of the plasmid containing this fragment, reversion to the mutant phenotype occurred. The above fragment contained an open reading frame for a multitransmembrane spanning protein of 328 amino acids. The protein contains a leucine zipper motif and has high homology to predicted proteins from S. cerevisiae and C. elegans. In an assay in vitro, Golgi vesicles isolated from the transformant had regained their ability to transport UDP-GlcNAc. Taken together, the above results strongly suggest that the cloned gene encodes the Golgi UDP-GlcNAc transporter of K. lactis.


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Dominant mutations of the SOD1 gene encoding Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase have been found in members of certain families with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To better understand the contribution of SOD1 mutations in the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we developed transgenic mice expressing one of the mutations found in familial ALS. These animals display clinical and pathological features closely resembling human ALS. Early changes observed in these animals were intra-axonal and dendritic vacuoles due to dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria. We have reported that the Golgi apparatus of spinal cord motor neurons in patients with sporadic ALS is fragmented and atrophic. In this study we show that spinal cord motor neurons of transgenic mice for an SOD1 mutation display a lesion of the Golgi apparatus identical to that found in humans with sporadic ALS. In these mice, the stacks of the cisternae of the fragmented Golgi apparatus are shorter than in the normal organelle, and there is a reduction in Golgi-associated vesicles and adjacent cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus occurs in an early, presymptomatic stage and usually precedes the development of the vacuolar changes. Transgenic mice overexpressing the wild-type human superoxide dismutase are normal. In familial ALS, an early lesion of the Golgi apparatus of motor neurons may have adverse functional effects, because newly synthesized proteins destined for fast axoplasmic transport pass through the Golgi apparatus.


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Unlike conventional membrane proteins of the secretory pathway, proteins anchored to the cytoplasmic surface of membranes by hydrophobic sequences near their C termini follow a posttranslational, signal recognition particle-independent insertion pathway. Many such C-terminally-anchored proteins have restricted intracellular locations, but it is not known whether these proteins are targeted directly to the membranes in which they will ultimately reside. Here we have analyzed the intracellular sorting of the Golgi protein giantin, which consists of a rod-shaped 376-kDa cytoplasmic domain followed by a hydrophobic C-terminal anchor sequence. Unexpectedly, we find that giantin behaves like a conventional secretory protein in that it inserts into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and then is transported to the Golgi. A deletion mutant lacking a portion of the cytoplasmic domain adjacent to the membrane anchor still inserts into the ER but fails to reach the Golgi, even though this mutant has a stable folded structure. These findings suggest that the localization of a C-terminally-anchored Golgi protein involves at least three steps: insertion into the ER membrane, controlled incorporation into transport vesicles, and retention within the Golgi.


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Syntaxin 1, synaptobrevins or vesicle-associated membrane proteins, and the synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) are key molecules involved in the docking and fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. We report here the molecular, cell biological, and biochemical characterization of a 32-kDa protein homologous to both SNAP-25 (20% amino acid sequence identity) and the recently identified SNAP-23 (19% amino acid sequence identity). Northern blot analysis shows that the mRNA for this protein is widely expressed. Polyclonal antibodies against this protein detect a 32-kDa protein present in both cytosol and membrane fractions. The membrane-bound form of this protein is revealed to be primarily localized to the Golgi apparatus by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, a finding that is further established by electron microscopy immunogold labeling showing that this protein is present in tubular-vesicular structures of the Golgi apparatus. Biochemical characterizations establish that this protein behaves like a SNAP receptor and is thus named Golgi SNARE of 32 kDa (GS32). GS32 in the Golgi extract is preferentially retained by the immobilized GST–syntaxin 6 fusion protein. The coimmunoprecipitation of syntaxin 6 but not syntaxin 5 or GS28 from the Golgi extract by antibodies against GS32 further sustains the preferential interaction of GS32 with Golgi syntaxin 6.


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Yeast Sec22p participates in both anterograde and retrograde vesicular transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus by functioning as a v-SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor [NSF] attachment protein receptor) of transport vesicles. Three mammalian proteins homologous to Sec22p have been identified and are referred to as Sec22a, Sec22b/ERS-24, and Sec22c, respectively. The existence of three homologous proteins in mammalian cells calls for detailed cell biological and functional examinations of each individual protein. The epitope-tagged forms of all three proteins have been shown to be primarily associated with the ER, although functional examination has not been carefully performed for any one of them. In this study, using antibodies specific for Sec22b/ERS-24, it is revealed that endogenous Sec22b/ERS-24 is associated with vesicular structures in both the perinuclear Golgi and peripheral regions. Colabeling experiments for Sec22b/ERS-24 with Golgi mannosidase II, the KDEL receptor, and the envelope glycoprotein G (VSVG) of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) en route from the ER to the Golgi under normal, brefeldin A, or nocodazole-treated cells suggest that Sec22b/ERS-24 is enriched in the pre-Golgi intermediate compartment (IC). In a well-established semi-intact cell system that reconstitutes transport from the ER to the Golgi, transport of VSVG is inhibited by antibodies against Sec22b/ERS-24. EGTA is known to inhibit ER–Golgi transport at a stage after vesicle/transport intermediate docking but before the actual fusion event. Antibodies against Sec22b/ERS-24 inhibit ER–Golgi transport only when they are added before the EGTA-sensitive stage. Transport of VSVG accumulated in pre-Golgi IC by incubation at 15°C is also inhibited by Sec22b/ERS-24 antibodies. Morphologically, VSVG is transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus via vesicular intermediates that scatter in the peripheral as well as the Golgi regions. In the presence of antibodies against Sec22b/ERS-24, VSVG is seen to accumulate in these intermediates, suggesting that Sec22b/ERS-24 functions at the level of the IC in ER–Golgi transport.


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Partitioning of the mammalian Golgi apparatus during cell division involves disassembly at M-phase. Despite the importance of the disassembly/reassembly pathway in Golgi biogenesis, it remains unclear whether mitotic Golgi breakdown in vivo proceeds by direct vesiculation or involves fusion with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To test whether mitotic Golgi is fused with the ER, we compared the distribution of ER and Golgi proteins in interphase and mitotic HeLa cells by immunofluorescence microscopy, velocity gradient fractionation, and density gradient fractionation. While mitotic ER appeared to be a fine reticulum excluded from the region containing the spindle-pole body, mitotic Golgi appeared to be dispersed small vesicles that penetrated the area containing spindle microtubules. After cell disruption, M-phase Golgi was recovered in two size classes. The major breakdown product, accounting for at least 75% of the Golgi, was a population of 60-nm vesicles that were completely separated from the ER using velocity gradient separation. The minor breakdown product was a larger, more heterogenously sized, membrane population. Double-label fluorescence analysis of these membranes indicated that this portion of mitotic Golgi also lacked detectable ER marker proteins. Therefore we conclude that the ER and Golgi remain distinct at M-phase in HeLa cells. To test whether the 60-nm vesicles might form from the ER at M-phase as the result of a two-step vesiculation pathway involving ER–Golgi fusion followed by Golgi vesicle budding, mitotic cells were generated with fused ER and Golgi by brefeldin A treatment. Upon brefeldin A removal, Golgi vesicles did not emerge from the ER. In contrast, the Golgi readily reformed from similarly treated interphase cells. We conclude that Golgi-derived vesicles remain distinct from the ER in mitotic HeLa cells, and that mitotic cells lack the capacity of interphase cells for Golgi reemergence from the ER. These experiments suggest that mitotic Golgi breakdown proceeds by direct vesiculation independent of the ER.


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To quantitatively investigate the trafficking of the transmembrane lectin VIP36 and its relation to cargo-containing transport carriers (TCs), we analyzed a C-terminal fluorescent-protein (FP) fusion, VIP36-SP-FP. When expressed at moderate levels, VIP36-SP-FP localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and intermediate transport structures, and colocalized with epitope-tagged VIP36. Temperature shift and pharmacological experiments indicated VIP36-SP-FP recycled in the early secretory pathway, exhibiting trafficking representative of a class of transmembrane cargo receptors, including the closely related lectin ERGIC53. VIP36-SP-FP trafficking structures comprised tubules and globular elements, which translocated in a saltatory manner. Simultaneous visualization of anterograde secretory cargo and VIP36-SP-FP indicated that the globular structures were pre-Golgi carriers, and that VIP36-SP-FP segregated from cargo within the Golgi and was not included in post-Golgi TCs. Organelle-specific bleach experiments directly measured the exchange of VIP36-SP-FP between the Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Fitting a two-compartment model to the recovery data predicted first order rate constants of 1.22 ± 0.44%/min for ER → Golgi, and 7.68 ± 1.94%/min for Golgi → ER transport, revealing a half-time of 113 ± 70 min for leaving the ER and 1.67 ± 0.45 min for leaving the Golgi, and accounting for the measured steady-state distribution of VIP36-SP-FP (13% Golgi/87% ER). Perturbing transport with AlF4− treatment altered VIP36-SP-GFP distribution and changed the rate constants. The parameters of the model suggest that relatively small differences in the first order rate constants, perhaps manifested in subtle differences in the tendency to enter distinct TCs, result in large differences in the steady-state localization of secretory components.


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To date, the lack of a method for inducing plant cells and their Golgi stacks to differentiate in a synchronous manner has made it difficult to characterize the nature and extent of Golgi retailoring in biochemical terms. Here we report that auxin deprivation can be used to induce a uniform population of suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2) cells to differentiate synchronously during a 4-d period. Upon removal of auxin, the cells stop dividing, undergo elongation, and differentiate in a manner that mimics the formation of slime-secreting epidermal and peripheral root-cap cells. The morphological changes to the Golgi apparatus include a proportional increase in the number of trans-Golgi cisternae, a switch to larger-sized secretory vesicles that bud from the trans-Golgi cisternae, and an increase in osmium staining of the secretory products. Biochemical alterations include an increase in large, fucosylated, mucin-type glycoproteins, changes in the types of secreted arabinogalactan proteins, and an increase in the amounts and types of molecules containing the peripheral root-cap-cell-specific epitope JIM 13. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that auxin deprivation can be used to induce tobacco BY-2 cells to differentiate synchronously into mucilage-secreting cells.