12 resultados para GLCM
We introduce a new second-order method of texture analysis called Adaptive Multi-Scale Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (AMSGLCM), based on the well-known Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method. The method deviates significantly from GLCM in that features are extracted, not via a fixed 2D weighting function of co-occurrence matrix elements, but by a variable summation of matrix elements in 3D localized neighborhoods. We subsequently present a new methodology for extracting optimized, highly discriminant features from these localized areas using adaptive Gaussian weighting functions. Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization is used to produce a set of features whose classification worth is evaluated by discriminatory power and feature correlation considerations. We critically appraised the performance of our method and GLCM in pairwise classification of images from visually similar texture classes, captured from Markov Random Field (MRF) synthesized, natural, and biological origins. In these cross-validated classification trials, our method demonstrated significant benefits over GLCM, including increased feature discriminatory power, automatic feature adaptability, and significantly improved classification performance.
Many texture measures have been developed and used for improving land-cover classification accuracy, but rarely has research examined the role of textures in improving the performance of aboveground biomass estimations. The relationship between texture and biomass is poorly understood. This paper used Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data to explore relationships between TM image textures and aboveground biomass in Rondônia, Brazilian Amazon. Eight grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based texture measures (i.e., mean, variance, homogeneity, contrast, dissimilarity, entropy, second moment, and correlation), associated with seven different window sizes (5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 19x19, and 25x25), and five TM bands (TM 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7) were analyzed. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to analyze texture and biomass relationships. This research indicates that most textures are weakly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but some textures are significantly correlated with mature forest biomass. In contrast, TM spectral signatures are significantly correlated with successional vegetation biomass, but weakly correlated with mature forest biomass. Our findings imply that textures may be critical in improving mature forest biomass estimation, but relatively less important for successional vegetation biomass estimation.
This paper presents a novel image classification scheme for benthic coral reef images that can be applied to both single image and composite mosaic datasets. The proposed method can be configured to the characteristics (e.g., the size of the dataset, number of classes, resolution of the samples, color information availability, class types, etc.) of individual datasets. The proposed method uses completed local binary pattern (CLBP), grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), Gabor filter response, and opponent angle and hue channel color histograms as feature descriptors. For classification, either k-nearest neighbor (KNN), neural network (NN), support vector machine (SVM) or probability density weighted mean distance (PDWMD) is used. The combination of features and classifiers that attains the best results is presented together with the guidelines for selection. The accuracy and efficiency of our proposed method are compared with other state-of-the-art techniques using three benthic and three texture datasets. The proposed method achieves the highest overall classification accuracy of any of the tested methods and has moderate execution time. Finally, the proposed classification scheme is applied to a large-scale image mosaic of the Red Sea to create a completely classified thematic map of the reef benthos
Ce mémoire de maîtrise présente une nouvelle approche non supervisée pour détecter et segmenter les régions urbaines dans les images hyperspectrales. La méthode proposée n ́ecessite trois étapes. Tout d’abord, afin de réduire le coût calculatoire de notre algorithme, une image couleur du contenu spectral est estimée. A cette fin, une étape de réduction de dimensionalité non-linéaire, basée sur deux critères complémentaires mais contradictoires de bonne visualisation; à savoir la précision et le contraste, est réalisée pour l’affichage couleur de chaque image hyperspectrale. Ensuite, pour discriminer les régions urbaines des régions non urbaines, la seconde étape consiste à extraire quelques caractéristiques discriminantes (et complémentaires) sur cette image hyperspectrale couleur. A cette fin, nous avons extrait une série de paramètres discriminants pour décrire les caractéristiques d’une zone urbaine, principalement composée d’objets manufacturés de formes simples g ́eométriques et régulières. Nous avons utilisé des caractéristiques texturales basées sur les niveaux de gris, la magnitude du gradient ou des paramètres issus de la matrice de co-occurrence combinés avec des caractéristiques structurelles basées sur l’orientation locale du gradient de l’image et la détection locale de segments de droites. Afin de réduire encore la complexité de calcul de notre approche et éviter le problème de la ”malédiction de la dimensionnalité” quand on décide de regrouper des données de dimensions élevées, nous avons décidé de classifier individuellement, dans la dernière étape, chaque caractéristique texturale ou structurelle avec une simple procédure de K-moyennes et ensuite de combiner ces segmentations grossières, obtenues à faible coût, avec un modèle efficace de fusion de cartes de segmentations. Les expérimentations données dans ce rapport montrent que cette stratégie est efficace visuellement et se compare favorablement aux autres méthodes de détection et segmentation de zones urbaines à partir d’images hyperspectrales.
This paper proposes a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system using the local colour and texture features of selected image sub-blocks and global colour and shape features of the image. The image sub-blocks are roughly identified by segmenting the image into partitions of different configuration, finding the edge density in each partition using edge thresholding, morphological dilation and finding the corner density in each partition. The colour and texture features of the identified regions are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) respectively. A combined colour and texture feature vector is computed for each region. The shape features are computed from the Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD). Euclidean distance measure is used for computing the distance between the features of the query and target image. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods
This paper proposes a region based image retrieval system using the local colour and texture features of image sub regions. The regions of interest (ROI) are roughly identified by segmenting the image into fixed partitions, finding the edge map and applying morphological dilation. The colour and texture features of the ROIs are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level co- occurrence matrix (GLCM) respectively. Each ROI of the query image is compared with same number of ROIs of the target image that are arranged in the descending order of white pixel density in the regions, using Euclidean distance measure for similarity computation. Preliminary experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods.
This paper proposes a content based image retrieval (CBIR) system using the local colour and texture features of selected image sub-blocks and global colour and shape features of the image. The image sub-blocks are roughly identified by segmenting the image into partitions of different configuration, finding the edge density in each partition using edge thresholding, morphological dilation. The colour and texture features of the identified regions are computed from the histograms of the quantized HSV colour space and Gray Level Co- occurrence Matrix (GLCM) respectively. A combined colour and texture feature vector is computed for each region. The shape features are computed from the Edge Histogram Descriptor (EHD). A modified Integrated Region Matching (IRM) algorithm is used for finding the minimum distance between the sub-blocks of the query and target image. Experimental results show that the proposed method provides better retrieving result than retrieval using some of the existing methods
Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) are one of the earliest techniques used for image texture analysis. In this paper we defined a new feature called trace extracted from the GLCM and its implications in texture analysis are discussed in the context of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). The theoretical extension of GLCM to n-dimensional gray scale images are also discussed. The results indicate that trace features outperform Haralick features when applied to CBIR.
Low grade and High grade Gliomas are tumors that originate in the glial cells. The main challenge in brain tumor diagnosis is whether a tumor is benign or malignant, primary or metastatic and low or high grade. Based on the patient's MRI, a radiologist could not differentiate whether it is a low grade Glioma or a high grade Glioma. Because both of these are almost visually similar, autopsy confirms the diagnosis of low grade with high-grade and infiltrative features. In this paper, textural description of Grade I and grade III Glioma are extracted using First order statistics and Gray Level Co-occurance Matrix Method (GLCM). Textural features are extracted from 16X16 sub image of the segmented Region of Interest(ROI) .In the proposed method, first order statistical features such as contrast, Intensity , Entropy, Kurtosis and spectral energy and GLCM features extracted were showed promising results. The ranges of these first order statistics and GLCM based features extracted are highly discriminant between grade I and Grade III. In this study which gives statistical textural information of grade I and grade III Glioma which is very useful for further classification and analysis and thus assisting Radiologist in greater extent.
The characterization and grading of glioma tumors, via image derived features, for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment response has been an active research area in medical image computing. This paper presents a novel method for automatic detection and classification of glioma from conventional T2 weighted MR images. Automatic detection of the tumor was established using newly developed method called Adaptive Gray level Algebraic set Segmentation Algorithm (AGASA).Statistical Features were extracted from the detected tumor texture using first order statistics and gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) based second order statistical methods. Statistical significance of the features was determined by t-test and its corresponding p-value. A decision system was developed for the grade detection of glioma using these selected features and its p-value. The detection performance of the decision system was validated using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The diagnosis and grading of glioma using this non-invasive method can contribute promising results in medical image computing
Scene classification based on latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is a more general modeling method known as a bag of visual words, in which the construction of a visual vocabulary is a crucial quantization process to ensure success of the classification. A framework is developed using the following new aspects: Gaussian mixture clustering for the quantization process, the use of an integrated visual vocabulary (IVV), which is built as the union of all centroids obtained from the separate quantization process of each class, and the usage of some features, including edge orientation histogram, CIELab color moments, and gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The experiments are conducted on IKONOS images with six semantic classes (tree, grassland, residential, commercial/industrial, road, and water). The results show that the use of an IVV increases the overall accuracy (OA) by 11 to 12% and 6% when it is implemented on the selected and all features, respectively. The selected features of CIELab color moments and GLCM provide a better OA than the implementation over CIELab color moment or GLCM as individuals. The latter increases the OA by only ∼2 to 3%. Moreover, the results show that the OA of LDA outperforms the OA of C4.5 and naive Bayes tree by ∼20%. © 2014 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) [DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.083690]
The aim of this thesis project is to automatically localize HCC tumors in the human liver and subsequently predict if the tumor will undergo microvascular infiltration (MVI), the initial stage of metastasis development. The input data for the work have been partially supplied by Sant'Orsola Hospital and partially downloaded from online medical databases. Two Unet models have been implemented for the automatic segmentation of the livers and the HCC malignancies within it. The segmentation models have been evaluated with the Intersection-over-Union and the Dice Coefficient metrics. The outcomes obtained for the liver automatic segmentation are quite good (IOU = 0.82; DC = 0.35); the outcomes obtained for the tumor automatic segmentation (IOU = 0.35; DC = 0.46) are, instead, affected by some limitations: it can be state that the algorithm is almost always able to detect the location of the tumor, but it tends to underestimate its dimensions. The purpose is to achieve the CT images of the HCC tumors, necessary for features extraction. The 14 Haralick features calculated from the 3D-GLCM, the 120 Radiomic features and the patients' clinical information are collected to build a dataset of 153 features. Now, the goal is to build a model able to discriminate, based on the features given, the tumors that will undergo MVI and those that will not. This task can be seen as a classification problem: each tumor needs to be classified either as “MVI positive” or “MVI negative”. Techniques for features selection are implemented to identify the most descriptive features for the problem at hand and then, a set of classification models are trained and compared. Among all, the models with the best performances (around 80-84% ± 8-15%) result to be the XGBoost Classifier, the SDG Classifier and the Logist Regression models (without penalization and with Lasso, Ridge or Elastic Net penalization).