19 resultados para GLBT


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Dentro de los países latinoamericanos, el ejercicio pleno de la participación política se ve afectado de manera continua por diversos factores. El principal obstáculo para el desarrollo de una postura integral y completa al respecto es la presencia de discursos que eluden los múltiples niveles de interacción de cada persona, sobre todo el campo de las sexualidades. Es evidente que nuestros estados y gobiernos no han incorporado a cabalidad esta instancia dentro del sistema político, negando las posibilidades de reivindicar plenamente el derecho a vivir nuestra sexualidad.


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‘Gay Rights’ have recently become a major issue in many Australian employers with the enactment of new legislation. Thus, research on employment issues for GLBT (gay/ lesbian/ bisexual/ transgendered) members of the work has attracted considerable attention from academic and researchers in recent years. However, there is still little research relating to sexual orientation in the management literature. This paper develops a model exploring the impact of potential personal and contextual factors (legal system, industry and organisational) on turnover decisions of GLBT members of the workforce. This paper also suggests a number of potential topics and methodological issues for future research.


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Business organization executives today are routinely challenged to attract and retain key talent and employ innovative techniques to expand their consumer-base. Moreover, these executives have advanced their business initiatives to include workplace equality initiatives with a motivation to attract and retain key talent. In this research the author examined the contributing factors that lead executives in corporate America to implement Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) initiatives as business strategies. The case study methodology applied in this examination illustrated that the implementation of GLBT initiatives can increase a business organization's ability to attract and retain key talent, and increase employee work productivity while expanding the consumer base. Therefore, the business organization's competitive advantage in the marketplace is increased.


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Purpose: This study provides insight into the histories and current statuses of queer community archives in California and explores what the archives profession can learn from the queer community archives and archivists. Through the construction of histories of three community archives (GLBT Historical Society; Lavender Library, Archives, and Cultural Exchange of Sacramento, Inc.; and ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives), the study discovered why these independent, community-based archives were created, the issues that influenced their evolution, and the similarities and differences among them. Additionally, it compared the community archives to institutional archives which collect queer materials to explore the similarities and differences among the archives and determine possible implications for the archives profession. Significance: The study contributes to the literature in several significant ways: it is the first in-depth comparative history of the queer community archives; it adds to the cross-disciplinary research in archives and history; it contributes to the current debates on the nature of the archives and the role of the professional archivist; and it has implications for changing archival practice. Methodology: This study used social constructionism for epistemological positioning and new social history theory for theoretical framework. Information was gathered through seven oral history interviews with community archivists and volunteers and from materials in the archives’ collections. This evidence was used to construct the histories of the archives and determine their current statuses. The institutional archives used in the comparisons are the: University of California, Berkeley’s Bancroft Library; University of California, Santa Cruz’s Special Collections and University Archives; and San Francisco Public Library’s James C. Hormel Gay and Lesbian Center. The collection policies, finding aids, and archival collections related to the queer communities at the institutional and community archives were compared to determine commonalities and differences among the archives. Findings: The findings revealed striking similarities in the histories of the community archives and important implications for the archives’ survival and their relevancy to the archives profession. Each archives was started by an individual or small group collecting materials to preserve history that would otherwise have been lost as institutional archives were not collecting queer materials. These private collections grew and became the basis for the community archives. The community archives differ in their staffing models, circulation policies, and descriptive practices. The community archives have grown to incorporate more public programming functions than most institutional archives. While in the past, the community archives had little connection to institutional archives, today they have varying degrees of partnerships. However, the historical lack of collecting queer materials by institutional archives makes some members of the communities reluctant to donate materials to institutional archives or collaborate with them. All three queer community archives are currently managed by professionally trained and educated archivists and face financial issues impacting their continued survival. The similarities and differences between the community and institutional archives include differences in collection policies, language differences in the finding aids, and differing levels of relationships between the archives. However, they share similar sensitivity in the use of language in describing the queer communities and overlap in the types of materials collected. Implications: This study supports previous research on community archives showing that communities take the preservation of history into their own hands when ignored by mainstream archives (Flinn, 2007; Flinn & Stevens, 2009; Nestle, 1990). Based on the study’s findings, institutional archivists could learn from their community archivist counterparts better ways to become involved in and relevant to the communities whose records they possess. This study also expands the understanding of history of the queer communities to include in-depth research into the archives which preserve and make available material for constructing history. Furthermore, this study supports reflective practice for archivists, especially in terms of descriptions used in finding aids. It also supports changes in graduate education for archives students to enable archivists in the United States to be more fully cognizant of community archives and able to engage in collaborative, international projects. Through this more activist role of the archivists, partnerships between the community and institutional archives would be built to establish more collaborative, respectful relationships with the communities in this post-custodial age of the archives (Stevens, Flinn, & Shepherd, 2010). Including community archives in discussions of archival practice and theory is one way of ensuring archives represent and serve a diversity of voices.


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California is home to multiple queer community archives created by community members outside of government, academic, and public archives. These archives are maintained by the communities and are important spaces not only for the preservation of records, but also as safe spaces to study, gather, and learn about the communities’ histories. This article describes the histories of three such queer community archives (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Historical Society Lavender Library, Archives, and Cultural Exchange of Sacramento, Inc.; and ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives) in order to discuss the role of activism in the community archives and implications for re-examining the role of activism to incorporate communities into the heart of archival professional work. By understanding the impetus for creating and maintaining queer community archives, archivists can use this knowledge to foster more reflective practices to be more inclusive in their archival practices through outreach, collaboration, and descriptive practices. This article extends our knowledge of community archives and provides evidence for the need to include communities in archival professional practice.


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This study analyses young gay men's identity management in social networking sites Gaydar and Facebook. It examines the expanded opportunities for identity management made available through the convergence of these spaces, as well as new privacy and safety concerns. Findings from this study are discussed in terms of their significance for gay men's digital culture, the approach to gay men's mental health taken by GLBT organisations and support groups, and within broader concerns around social networking sites and digital inequality.


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Hasta 1997 el Art. 516 inciso primero del Código Penal del Ecuador tipificaba como delito la homosexualidad en los siguientes términos: “En los casos de homosexualismo, que no constituyan violación, los dos correos serán reprimidos con reclusión mayor de cuatro a ocho años.” La detención masiva de cien homosexuales en la ciudad de Cuenca en 1997 desata denuncias y solidaridades que crean el ambiente propicio para denunciar la inconstitucionalidad del Art. 516 del Código Penal. En efecto, en septiembre de ese año, varias organizaciones de gays, lesbianas, bisexuales, transexuales y transgénero (GLBT) y de derechos humanos, presentaron ante el Tribunal Constitucional (en adelante TC) una acción de inconstitucionalidad contra el mencionado artículo. En noviembre de 1997 el TC resuelve aceptar parcialmente la demanda formulada y declarar la inconstitucionalidad del inciso primero del artículo 516 del Código Penal, y suspender totalmente sus efectos. Este artículo realiza un análisis del proceso de interpretación constitucional en este caso concreto, los métodos aplicados, los principios resaltados y la relación entre ideología e interpretación desde la representación de la homosexualidad que el proceso evidencia. Se parte de la premisa central de que la interpretación, dada la pluralidad de sentidos posibles atribuibles a la norma, implica una opción o valoración del intérprete. La concretización de la norma constitucional no puede aislarse de la “precomprensión” del intérprete, condicionado por sus experiencias, conocimientos y prejuicios fruto de su circunstancia histórica.


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El reconocimiento de ciertos derechos sexuales y derechos reproductivos en la Constitución ecuatoriana de 1998, marcan sin duda un hito en la redefinición de los derechos humanos y su impacto en los diversos aspectos sociales. Es necesario hacer mención como antecedente del desarrollo constitucional ecuatoriano de los derechos sexuales, la declaratoria de inconstitucionalidad del tipo penal de homosexualidad que contenía el artículo 516 del Código Penal. Como se verá en las siguientes líneas, si bien este antecedente en jurisprudencia constitucional, no se rescata los principios de derechos humanos, es innegable el logro alcanzado, puesto que dio lugar a un proceso de articulación entre las organizaciones GLBT y de mujeres, que tuvieron un rol importantísimo en las discusiones que sobre derechos sexuales y reproductivos, se dieron en la Asamblea de 1998, y que a su vez dio lugar al reconocimiento constitucional de algunos derechos. El cuerpo de las personas y específicamente las expresiones de la sexualidad han sido tradicionalmente objetos de control social, entendiéndose como tal "el conjunto de sistemas normativos como son la religión, ética, costumbres, usos, terapéutica y el Derecho (este último en todas sus ramas) cuyos portadores, a través de procesos selectivos (estereotipia y criminalización), establecen una red de contenciones que garantizan el sometimiento de las masas a los valores de un sistema de dominación


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El análisis de las discriminaciones sobre sexualidad y género dentro de la Escuela Superior Militar Eloy Alfaro (ESMIL) y la Escuela Superior de Policía General Alberto Enríquez Gallo (ESPOL), ayudará a conocer y entender cómo se han producido y reproducido los discursos referentes a este tema, así como la manera en que este tipo de percepciones y actuaciones se hacen visibles en la convivencia diaria dentro de estas instituciones. También, se analizará el proceso del ingreso de grupos GLBT (gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales) en estas dos instituciones; adicionalmente, el conocimiento que se puede obtener de los grupos GLBT en el Ecuador permitirá comprender mucho más la sexualidad y el género en un ámbito militar y policial que representa el “orden”, la “rectitud” y la “valentía”. En el capítulo I, desde la perspectiva de género junto con los estudios de la sexualidad se planteará el enfoque aproximativo de esta investigación, para indagar sobre la discriminación y cómo se la ha tratado en el Ecuador. En el capítulo II se menciona sobre el poder masculinista que se relaciona que con el poder practicado en estas instituciones, y cómo este poder actúa respecto a la orientación sexual y al género. En el capítulo III se hace una descripción de lo obtenido en la investigación en las dos instituciones, con respecto a prácticas, usos, y rituales que practican en la convivencia diaria. La pregunta principal que se responde a través del análisis de estas instituciones es: ¿qué tipo de discriminaciones de género y sexuales existen entre los aspirantes, cadetes, instructores y autoridades en la ESMIL y la ESPOL? El enfoque metodológico es de corte cualitativo, con técnicas de observación del proceso de admisión, charlas sobre valores y clases académicas que reciben los cadetes, además de la instrucción o ejercicios físicos, y ceremonias internas de las dos instituciones. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad a los instructores, autoridades y aspirantes de las dos instituciones, que tienen relación y trato cercano con los cadetes desde primer año.


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As D' Augelli and Grossman point out, there is an underrepresentation in LGB research of "youth who have had sexual experiences with both males and females." Indeed, Heath (2005) refers to the "silent B" in much GLBT research. And, Owens (1998, p. 55) discusses how heterosexism "formalizes a societal dichotomy of heterosexuality versus homosexuality with little room for bisexuals" in educational research. Most of the information on bisexuality has been obtained from studies with adult samples, and it is "unclear to what extent a separate bisexual cultural identity is consolidated during adolescence" (Ryan & Rivers, 2003, p.105). As Bryan, a 17-year-old bisexual young man in my research, declared: "It's simple bullshit logic! They don't have evidence of bi kids in schools because they don't want to find it and so don't write their research looking for it."


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In undertaking our own separate research projects and in our crosscontinental comparative analyses of those projects, we became aware of the gaps between the richness of research on GLBT lives, including experiences of intimacy and parenthood, and the paucity of research on their relations with their families of origin. Still marginal is, in particular, research on the perspectives of the families of origin themselves: parents, but also siblings, grandparents, and other members of extended families. For the purposes of this special issue, we are deploying the term families of origin to mean heterosexual-identifying family members (at least as they publicly perform and display their sexualities), living within a heteronormative socio-politicocultural system. As we will argue in this introduction, however, there is a need to document and research, and thereby historically situate, family diversity, including the increasing shifting discourses and lived experiences of same-sex and other queer families of origin.


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Diferentes critérios utilizados para a escolha de parceiros entre homens e mulheres têm sido identificados. Essa diferença, provavelmente, origina-se pelos diferentes graus de investimento parental entre gêneros. Mulheres parecem ter predisposição a selecionar parceiros com características de investimento emocional, material e com bons indicativos de saúde. Já homens podem utilizar os mesmos critérios que as mulheres, porém dão mais importância que estas à aparência física e juventude. Em relacionamentos de curto e longo prazo a literatura indica que há uma diferença nas escolhas entre mulheres. No primeiro caso, elas têm demonstrando preferir características relacionadas à saúde física, comparado ao segundo tipo de relacionamento, no qual a ênfase tem sido voltada à parceiros bons provedores de recursos e com alto nível de investimento emocional. Há poucas pesquisas que investigaram os critérios que mulheres homossexuais utilizam na escolha de suas parceiras amorosas. Estudos que investigaram a origem da homossexualidade apontaram a possibilidade de influências biológicas. Em termos evolutivos, a homossexualidade poderia ter surgido, em parte, como subproduto da evolução do prazer característico das atividades sexuais. Se esta hipótese estiver correta, o potencial para o desenvolvimento de uma orientação homo, hetero ou bissexual pode ser potencializado por ambientes característicos dos indivíduos em particular. Tal hipótese pode sugerir que os mecanismos psicológicos para escolha de parceiros sejam semelhantes entre as mulheres de variadas orientações sexuais. Para testar esta hipótese, investigou-se as preferências na escolha de parceiras de 100 mulheres em período reprodutivo, entre 18 e 40 anos, que se auto-classificaram como “homossexual exclusivo” ou “homossexual, e às vezes heterossexual”. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dois instrumentos, um para seleção das participantes e outro para a coleta de informações. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi dividido em: 1) Dados Demográficos; 2) Dados da parceira; 3) Critérios valorizados na escolha de uma parceira; 4) Critérios valorizados na escolha de uma parceira de curto e longo prazo; 5) Variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho sexual. As participantes foram contatadas pelo método a) “snow ball”, b) bares frequentados por grupos homossexuais e c) associações GLBT. Especificamente, investigou-se as variáveis envolvidas na escolha de parceiras de curto e longo prazo e comparou-se os resultados com os dados coletados por Cruz (2009), com mulheres heterossexuais em período reprodutivo. Os resultados indicaram que há maior preferência por atributos físicos em relacionamentos de curto prazo entre mulheres homo e heterossexuais. Atributos referentes à formação de vínculo foram mais solicitados em relacionamentos de longo prazo, possivelmente porque 75,6% dessas mulheres têm renda e não dependem do parceiro(a) para o provimento na relação, diminuindo a necessidade de parceiro(a)s que invistam recursos materiais. Mulheres homossexuais parecem ter os mesmos padrões de escolha de parceiros que heterossexuais.


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Desde 1997, todos os anos muitas pessoas se reúnem na famosa Avenida Paulista, cartão postal da grande cidade de São Paulo, para uma manifestação contra o preconceito e pelo direito civil dos homossexuais. Em todo o mundo essas manifestações se tornaram figura importante do movimento ativista homossexual na luta pelo respeito à diversidade, para abertura de discussões sobre os direitos políticos dos gays, tendo em vista que elas dão maior visibilidade às suas atuações na sociedade. Com o passar dos anos a Parada do Orgulho dos Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais e Transgêneros - GLBT de São Paulo tornou-se um fenômeno de público, que desde 2004 ostenta o título de maior parada gay do mundo. Este estudo se utilizará de levantamento de pesquisas e documentos teóricos que tratam da questão, dentro de uma perspectiva qualitativa a respeito da parada, elencando sua importância, seu objetivo, seu interesse e sua militância, na construção de uma educação voltada ao entendimento da diversidade sexual.


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The purpose of this formative study was to determine and prioritize the HIV-prevention needs of Latino young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Chihuahua (Mexico), Texas, and California, based on YMSM and service provider perceptions of the factors affecting the assimilation and implementation of HIV-preventive behaviors. These factors included: perceived social support, identification of the modes of HIV transmission, perceived risk of HIV, perceived norms and attitudes of peers.^ The study, drawn from a secondary data set, was a convenience sample of providers (n=8) and clients (n=15). Participants completed face-to face interviews and a survey instrument. Interviews were analyzed to identify common themes and congruence among client groups, and among clients and providers. Providers’ understanding of theoretical constructs of interventions was also assessed. Survey data were analyzed to determine variable frequencies and their congruence to the qualitative analysis. ^ The results revealed several differences and many commonalities in the assimilation of protective messages. Client and provider perceptions were congruent across all domains. Providers demonstrated intuitive command of theoretical concepts but inconsistently verbalized their application. Both clients and providers recognized Latinos possessed high HIV-knowledge levels, despite inconsistent protective behaviors. Clients and providers consistently identified important reasons leading to inconsistent protective behaviors, such as: lack of access to targeted information and condoms, self-esteem, sexual identification, situational factors, decreased perceived HIV-risk, and concerns about homophobia, stigma, and rejection. Other factors included: poverty, failure to reach disenfranchised populations, and lack of role models/positive parental figures. The principal conclusion of the study was that there is a need for further study to understand the interrelationship between larger socioeconomic issues and consistent protective behaviors.^


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The aim of this study was to examine the role of the Internet in Internal Homonegativity (IH) among Non gay identifying men who have sex with men (NGI-MSM). This study at University of Texas School of Public Health (UTSPH) had a mixed method research design and consisted of men 18 years of age and older who were residents of the US and Canada. The data were collected using an online survey called 'Men's Sexual Health Survey' which was developed in collaboration with Boston University School of Public Health and Denver Public Health. These surveys were administered in English, which took 30-minutes to complete, and were placed on gay oriented websites and chat rooms. 141 participants were presented with the module relating to IH. A Principal Component Analysis with varimax rotation on the nine questions that asked the participants about their feelings about gay men produced three factors of IH identified as (1) public identification as gay; (2) perception of stigma associated with being gay; and (3) social comfort with gay men. The factors significantly correlated with age, grade completed in school, income, openness about being gay and socializing with gay people, meeting partners online, dating on the Internet, attitude toward condom usage, alcohol and drug use before sex and having unprotected sex with Internet partners. These findings point toward the role of the Internet in determining IH and sexual behavior. Despite the risks, the Internet's popularity and outreach in NGI-MSM makes it an effective medium to spread public health programs.^