72 resultados para GERBILS


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Both high-fat diet and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been implicated in susceptibility to pathological prostate lesions, but the consequences of combining the two have not yet been examined. We evaluated the effects of gestational and postnatal exposure to a high-fat diet (20% fat) and low doses of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP; 5mg/kg/day), individually or in combination, on the tissue response and incidence of pathological lesions in the ventral prostate of adult gerbils. Continuous intake of a high-fat diet caused dyslipidemia, hypertrophy, and promoted the development of inflammatory, premalignant and malignant prostate lesions, even in the absence of obesity. Life-time DBP exposure was obesogenic and dyslipidemic and increased the incidence of premalignant prostate lesions. Combined exposure to DBP and a high-fat diet also caused prostate hypertrophy, but the effects were less severe than those of individual treatments; combined exposure neither induced an inflammatory response nor altered serum lipid content.


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To examine the infection kinetics and development of alterations in the small intestine of gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), 72 gerbils were divided into six groups (A to F), with A serving as control and the others inoculated with increasing doses of trophozoites from Giardia duodenalis human isolate. The infection kinetics and the development of histopathological alterations were monitored by optical scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A 12-day prepatent period was observed, with intermittent elimination up to day 35 after inoculation. Statistically significant differences were found between the mean number of trophozoites recovered, per group, on the days of sacrifice, and a positive correlation between the moculum dosage and the number of trophozoites recovered. Morphometrically, the villus:crypt ratio showed a drop in all the groups when compared with the control group. SEM revealed an increase in mucus production in the inoculated animals and the presence of trophozoite clusters at the top and base of the villi. The dosage of trophozoite inoculum does not interfere in the ability for infection to occur or in the development of histopathological alterations generated by intestinal colonization. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study verified the effect of unilateral teeth extraction on the periodontal ligament in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Ten adult male gerbils weighing about 50 g had induced occlusal alterations by upper left molar extractions while the other ten animals, only submitted to surgical stress, were considered as controls. The periodontal ligament was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analysis, histological description and histomorphometric quantification. Significant alterations were observed on the left side of the experimental group (P < 0.05), the hypofunctional region, when it was compared with the contralateral side and the corresponding region of the control group. Two months after occlusal alterations induced by unilateral teeth extraction, atrophic histological alterations and a decrease in the periodontal space on the ipsilateral side characterized the periodontal ligament. In this study it was possible to conclude that the gerbil can be used in experimental models attempting to correlate the periodontium`s biological response to various mechanical stresses, as the periodontal ligament was shown to be highly sensitive to occlusal alterations.


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To study the frequency of ocular lesions in 30 gerbils infected with 100 embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis, indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy was performed 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 and 38 days after infection. All the animals presented larvae in the tissues and 80% presented ocular lesions. Hemorrhagic foci in the choroid and retina were present in 92% of the animals with ocular lesions. Retinal exudative lesions, vitreous lesions, vasculitis and retinal detachment were less frequent. Mobile larvae or larval tracks were observed in four (13.3%) animals. Histological examination confirmed the ophthalmoscopic observations, showing that the lesions were focal and sparse. In one animal, there was a larva in the retina, without inflammatory reaction around it. The results demonstrated that gerbils presented frequent ocular lesions after infection with Toxocara canis, even when infected with a small number of embryonated eggs. The lesions observed were focal, consisting mainly of hemorrhages with signs of reabsorption or inflammation in different segments of eye, and differing from the granulomatous lesions described in ocular larva migrans in humans.


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Policosanol is a mixture of higher aliphatic primary alcohols isolated from sugar cane wax, whose main component is octacosanol. An inhibitory effect of policosanol on platelet aggregation and cerebral ischemia in animal models has been reported. Thus, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of policosanol on cerebral ischemia induced by unilateral carotid ligation and bilateral clamping and recirculation in Mongolian gerbils. Policosanol (200 mg/kg) administered immediately after unilateral carotid ligation and at 12- or 24-h intervals for 48 h significantly inhibited mortality and clinical symptoms when compared with controls, whereas lower doses (100 mg/kg) were not effective. Control animals showed swelling (tissue vacuolization) and necrosis of neurons in all areas of the brain studied (frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum and olfactory tubercle), showing a similar injury profile. In the group treated with 200 mg/kg policosanol swelling and necrosis were significantly reduced when compared with the control group. In another experimental model, comparison between groups showed that the brain water content of control gerbils (N = 15) was significantly higher after 15 min of clamping and 4 h of recirculation than in sham-operated animals (N = 13), whereas policosanol (200 mg/kg) (N = 19) significantly reduced the edema compared with the control group, with a cerebral water content identical to that of the sham-operated animals. cAMP levels in the brain of control-ligated Mongolian gerbils (N = 8) were significantly lower than those of sham-operated animals (N = 10). The policosanol-treated group (N = 10) showed significantly higher cAMP levels (2.68 pmol/g of tissue) than the positive control (1.91 pmol/g of tissue) and similar to those of non-ligated gerbils (2.97 pmol/g of tissue). In conclusion, our results show an anti-ischemic effect of policosanol administered after induction of cerebral ischemia, in two different experimental models in Mongolian gerbils, suggesting a possible therapeutic effect in cerebral vascular disorders.


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The auditory brainstem response (ABR) is a test widely used to assess the integrity of the brain stem. Although it is considered to be an auditory-evoked potential that is influenced by the physical characteristics of the stimulus, such as rate, polarity and type of stimulus, it may also be influenced by the change in several parameters. The use of anesthetics may adversely influence the value of the ABR wave latency. One of the anesthetics used for e ABR assessment, especially in animal research, is the ketamine/xylazine combination. Our objective was to determine the influence of the ketamine/xylazine anesthetic on the ABR latency values in adult gerbils. The ABRs of 12 adult gerbils injected with the anesthetic were collected on three consecutive days, or a total of six collections, namely: pre-collection and A, B, C, D, and E collections. Before each collection the gerbil was injected with a dose of ketamine (100 mg/kg)/xylazine (4 mg/kg). For the capture of the ABR, 2000 click stimuli were used with rarefaction polarity and 13 stimuli per second, 80 dBnHL intensity and in-ear phones. A statistically significant difference was observed in the latency of the V wave in the ABR of gerbils in the C and D collections compared to the pre-, A and E collections, and no difference was observed between the pre-, A, B, and E collections. We conclude that the use of ketamine/xylazine increases the latency of the V wave of the ABR after several doses injected into adult gerbils; thus clinicians should consider the use of this substance in the assessment of ABR.


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This paper studies cholesteatomas of Mongolian gerbils and the presence of bacterial biofilms.


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The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Intercomparison of Longwave and Shortwave radiation (GERBILS) was an observational field experiment over North Africa during June 2007. The campaign involved 10 flights by the FAAM BAe-146 research aircraft over southwestern parts of the Sahara Desert and coastal stretches of the Atlantic Ocean. Objectives of the GERBILS campaign included characterisation of mineral dust geographic distribution and physical and optical properties, assessment of the impact upon radiation, validation of satellite remote sensing retrievals, and validation of numerical weather prediction model forecasts of aerosol optical depths (AODs) and size distributions. We provide the motivation behind GERBILS and the experimental design and report the progress made in each of the objectives. We show that mineral dust in the region is relatively non-absorbing (mean single scattering albedo at 550 nm of 0.97) owing to the relatively small fraction of iron oxides present (1–3%), and that detailed spectral radiances are most accurately modelled using irregularly shaped particles. Satellite retrievals over bright desert surfaces are challenging owing to the lack of spectral contrast between the dust and the underlying surface. However, new techniques have been developed which are shown to be in relatively good agreement with AERONET estimates of AOD and with each other. This encouraging result enables relatively robust validation of numerical models which treat the production, transport, and deposition of mineral dust. The dust models themselves are able to represent large-scale synoptically driven dust events to a reasonable degree, but some deficiencies remain both in the Sahara and over the Sahelian region, where cold pool outflow from convective cells associated with the intertropical convergence zone can lead to significant dust production.


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The aim of this article is to show the clinical and histochemical alterations of the first periodontal ligament, on the right side, after upper molars teeth extraction on the left side in gerbils. After two months, the periodontal ligaments were removed and processed for histochemical analysis. The data showed that TRAP reaction was able to evidence the osteoclastic activity in the hyperfunction hemimandible, right side, explaining the functional changes in the periodontal ligament after teeth extraction, and a little gingival recession and radicular exposure of teeth without function was observed at inferior molars of the left side.


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This study verified the effect of unilateral teeth extraction on the periodontal ligament in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Ten adult male gerbils weighing about 50 g had induced occlusal alterations by upper left molar extractions while the other ten animals, only submitted to surgical stress, were considered as controls. The periodontal ligament was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analysis, histological description and histomorphometric quantification. Significant alterations were observed on the left side of the experimental group (P < 0.05), the hypofunctional region, when it was compared with the contralateral side and the corresponding region of the control group. Two months after occlusal alterations induced by unilateral teeth extraction, atrophic histological alterations and a decrease in the periodontal space on the ipsilateral side characterized the periodontal ligament. In this study it was possible to conclude that the gerbil can be used in experimental models attempting to correlate the periodontium's biological response to various mechanical stresses, as the periodontal ligament was shown to be highly sensitive to occlusal alterations. © 2008 The Authors.


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The present study examined the changes in prostatic stroma of old gerbils (18 months) submitted to orchiectomy associated or not with steroidal blockades. Animals were divided into six groups, all surgically castrated except the control group composed of intact animals. The other two controls were formed by castrated animals, one that received and one that did not receive the drug vehicle. In the experimental groups, doses of flutamide (10 mg/kg/day) and/or tamoxifen (1 mg/kg/48 h) were applied for 1, 3, 7 and 30 days post-castration. The methodologies involved were: morphological (HE, Gömöri reticulin, Picrosirius-hematoxylin), immunohistochemical (tenascin, type IV collagen) and ultrastructural analyses. Gradually, the epithelial compartment was significantly exceeded in volume by the stromal compartment, characterizing regression but not atrophy of the gland. The smooth muscle cell frequency increased significantly after 30 days and participated effectively in the stromal increase. Large collagen I and tenascin deposits in the subepithelial region were a hallmark of prostatic acini in the experimental groups up to 7 days, while in the 30-day group these elements practically disappear. Fibroblasts with reactive aspect, changes in basement membrane structure and maintenance and/or increase of blood vessels were also associated with treatments. These results showed, in part, the sensitivity of stromal components to suppressed hormones and favored the creation of a differentiated glandular microenvironment. Therefore, the data suggest the importance of considering aging when analyzing aspects of prostatic regression between rodents and humans after hormonal ablation. © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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TIMPs in the prostates of male and female gerbils and evaluated the effects of testosterone on the expression of these enzymes. Ventral prostates from male gerbils that were either intact or had been castrated for 7 or 21 days, along with prostates from female gerbils that were either intact or had been treated with testosterone for 7 or 21 days, were submitted to histological, stereological and immunohistochemical analyses. Stereology of prostatic components showed significant alterations of tissue compartments in the ventral male prostate after castration, especially after 21 days, with a significant increase in stroma. Administration of testosterone led to disorganization in the female prostate, with a significant increase in collagen fibers and smooth muscle cells after 21 days, along with the development of epithelial lesions such as PINs. MMP-2 increased after 21 days of castration in males; however, the TIMP-2 immunoreaction for this group was weak or absent. In females, the expression of MMP-2 appeared to decrease after 7 days of treatment with testosterone, but after 21 days, both epithelium and stroma showed a stronger reaction for MMP-2 than the controls. The expression of TIMP-2 in the treated females was similar to its expression in the castrated males. We conclude that the distribution of MMPs and TIMPs in both male and female prostates is altered by androgen manipulation, but the mechanism of stromal regulation appears to be distinct between genders because both the lack of T in castrated males and the excess levels of T in treated females lead to the same effect.