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Potential transients are obtained by using “Padé approximants” (an accurate approximation procedure valid globally — not just perturbatively) for all amplitudes of concentration polarization and current densities. This is done for several mechanistic schemes under constant current conditions. We invert the non-linear current-potential relationship in the form (using the Lagrange or the Ramanujan method) of power series appropriate to the two extremes, namely near reversible and near irreversible. Transforming both into the Pad́e expressions, we construct the potential-time profile by retaining whichever is the more accurate of the two. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated through illustrations which include couplings of homogeneous chemical reactions to the electron-transfer step.


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In this report, we describe the microfabrication and integration of planar electrodes for contactless conductivity detection on polyester-toner (PT) electrophoresis microchips using toner masks. Planar electrodes were fabricated by three simple steps: (i) drawing and laser-printing the electrode geometry on polyester films, (ii) sputtering deposition onto substrates, and (iii) removal of toner layer by a lift-off process. The polyester film with anchored electrodes was integrated to PT electrophoresis microchannels by lamination at 120 degrees C in less than 1 min. The electrodes were designed in an antiparallel configuration with 750 mu m width and 750 gm gap between them. The best results were recorded with a frequency of 400 kHz and 10 V-PP using a sinusoidal wave. The analytical performance of the proposed microchip was evaluated by electrophoretic separation of potassium, sodium and lithium in 150 mu m wide x 6 mu m deep microchannels. Under an electric field of 250 V/cm the analytes were successfully separated in less than 90 s with efficiencies ranging from 7000 to 13 000 plates. The detection limits (S/N = 3) found for K+, Na+, and Li+ were 3.1, 4.3, and 7.2 mu mol/L, respectively. Besides the low-cost and instrumental simplicity, the integrated PT chip eliminates the problem of manual alignment and gluing of the electrodes, permitting more robustness and better reproducibility, therefore, more suitable for mass production of electrophoresis microchips.


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The analysis of the electrical impedance of an electrolytic cell in the shape of a slab is performed. We have solved, numerically, the differential equations governing the phenomenon of the redistribution of the ions in the presence of an external electric field, and compared the results with the ones obtained by solving the linear approximation of these equations. The control parameters in our study are the amplitude and the frequency of the applied voltage, assumed a simple harmonic function of the time. We show that for the large amplitudes of the applied voltage, the actual current is no longer harmonic at low frequencies. From this result it follows that the concept of electrical impedance of a cell is a useful quantity only in the case where the linear approximation of the fundamental equations of problem work well.


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We analyze the influence of a surface dielectric layer on the transient phenomena related to the ionic redistribution in an electrolytic cell submitted to a step-like external voltage. The adsorption-desorption phenomenon is taken into account in the famework of the Gouy-Chapman approximation, where the ions are assumed dimensionless. In the limit of small amplitude of the applied voltage, where the equations of the problem can be linearized, we obtain an analytical solution for the surface densities of ions, for the electrical potential and for the relaxation time for the transient phenomena. In the general case, when the linearized analysis is no longer valid, the solution of the problem is obtained numerically. The role of the thickness of the dielectric layer on the relaxation time is also discussed.


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Highly conductive, transparent and flexible planar electrodes were fabricated using interwoven silver nanowires and single-walled carbon nanotubes (AgNW:SWCNT) in a PEDOT:PSS matrix via an epoxy transfer method from a silicon template. The planar electrodes achieved a sheet resistance of 6.6 ± 0.0 Ω/squ and an average transmission of 86% between 400 and 800 nm. A high figure of merit of 367 Ω−1 is reported for the electrodes, which is much higher than that measured for indium tin oxide and reported for other AgNW composites. The AgNW:SWCNT:PEDOT:PSS electrode was used to fabricate low temperature (annealing free) devices demonstrating their potential to function with a range of organic semiconducting polymer:fullerene bulk heterojunction blend systems.


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Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) is among the antibiotics employed in aquaculture for prophylactic and therapeutic reasons. Environmental and food spread may be prevented by controlling its levels in several stages of fish farming. The present work proposes for this purpose new SMX selective electrodes for the potentiometric determination of this sulphonamide in water. The selective membranes were made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride or cyclodextrin-based acting as ionophores. 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether was employed as plasticizer and tetraoctylammonium, dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide or potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate was used as anionic or cationic additive. The best analytical performance was reported for ISEs of tetraphenylporphyrin manganese (III) chloride with 50% mol of potassium tetrakis (4-chlorophenyl) borate compared to ionophore. Nersntian behaviour was observed from 4.0 × 10−5 to 1.0 × 10−2 mol/L (10.0 to 2500 µg/mL), and the limit of detection was 1.2 × 10−5 mol/L (3.0 µg/mL). In general, the electrodes displayed steady potentials in the pH range of 6 to 9. Emf equilibrium was reached before 15 s in all concentration levels. The electrodes revealed good discriminating ability in environmental samples. The analytical application to contaminated waters showed recoveries from 96 to 106%.


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Planar electrodes are increasingly used in therapeutic neural stimulation techniques such as functional electrical stimulation, epidural spinal cord stimulation (ESCS), and cortical stimulation. Recently, optimized electrode geometries have been shown to increase the efficiency of neural stimulation by increasing the variation of current density on the electrode surface. In the present work, a new family of modified fractal electrode geometries is developed to enhance the efficiency of neural stimulation. It is shown that a promising approach in increasing the neural activation function is to increase the "edginess" of the electrode surface, a concept that is explained and quantified by fractal mathematics. Rigorous finite element simulations were performed to compute electric potential produced by proposed modified fractal geometries. The activation of 256 model axons positioned around the electrodes was then quantified, showing that modified fractal geometries required a 22% less input power while maintaining the same level of neural activation. Preliminary in vivo experiments investigating muscle evoked potentials due to median nerve stimulation showed encouraging results, supporting the feasibility of increasing neural stimulation efficiency using modified fractal geometries.


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This thesis describes a series of experimental, numerical, and analytical studies involving the Caltech magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven plasma jet experiment. The plasma jet is created via a capacitor discharge that powers a magnetized coaxial planar electrodes system. The jet is collimated and accelerated by the MHD forces.

We present three-dimensional ideal MHD finite-volume simulations of the plasma jet experiment using an astrophysical magnetic tower as the baseline model. A compact magnetic energy/helicity injection is exploited in the simulation analogous to both the experiment and to astrophysical situations. Detailed analysis provides a comprehensive description of the interplay of magnetic force, pressure, and flow effects. We delineate both the jet structure and the transition process that converts the injected magnetic energy to other forms.

When the experimental jet is sufficiently long, it undergoes a global kink instability and then a secondary local Rayleigh-Taylor instability caused by lateral acceleration of the kink instability. We present an MHD theory of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability on the cylindrical surface of a plasma flux rope in the presence of a lateral external gravity. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability is found to couple to the classic current-driven instability, resulting in a new type of hybrid instability. The coupled instability, produced by combination of helical magnetic field, curvature of the cylindrical geometry, and lateral gravity, is fundamentally different from the classic magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability occurring at a two-dimensional planar interface.

In the experiment, this instability cascade from macro-scale to micro-scale eventually leads to the failure of MHD. When the Rayleigh-Taylor instability becomes nonlinear, it compresses and pinches the plasma jet to a scale smaller than the ion skin depth and triggers a fast magnetic reconnection. We built a specially designed high-speed 3D magnetic probe and successfully detected the high frequency magnetic fluctuations of broadband whistler waves associated with the fast reconnection. The magnetic fluctuations exhibit power-law spectra. The magnetic components of single-frequency whistler waves are found to be circularly polarized regardless of the angle between the wave propagation direction and the background magnetic field.


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We investigate the dynamic nature of metal speciation in colloidal dispersions using a recently proposed theory [J.P. Pinheiro, M. Minor, H.P. Van Leeuwen, Langmuir, 21 (2005) 8635] for complexing ligands that are situated on the surface of the particles. The new approach effectively modifies the finite rates of association/dissociation of the colloidal metal complexes, thus invoking consideration of the two basic dynamic criteria: the association/dissociation kinetics of the volume complexation reaction (the ‘‘dynamic’’ criterion), and the interfacial flux of free metal to a macroscopic surface due to dissociation of complex species (the ‘‘lability’’ criterion). We demonstrate that the conventional approach for homogeneous systems that assume a smeared-out ligand distribution, overestimates both the dynamics and the lability of metal complexes when applied to colloidal ligands. It is also shown that the increase of lability with increasing particle radius, as expected for a homogeneous solution, is moderated for spherical microelectrodes and practically eliminated for planar electrodes.


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This work presents detailed numerical calculations of the dielectrophoretic force in octupolar traps designed for single-cell trapping. A trap with eight planar electrodes is studied for spherical and ellipsoidal particles using an indirect implementation of the boundary element method (BEM). Multipolar approximations of orders one to three are compared with the full Maxwell stress tensor (MST) calculation of the electrical force on spherical particles. Ellipsoidal particles are also studied, but in their case only the dipolar approximation is available for comparison with the MST solution. The results show that the full MST calculation is only required in the study of non-spherical particles.


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In this report, we describe a rapid and reliable process to bond channels fabricated in glass substrates. Glass channels were fabricated by photolithography and wet chemical etching. The resulting channels were bonded against another glass plate containing a 50-mu m thick PDMS layer. This same PDMS layer was also used to provide the electrical insulation of planar electrodes to carry out capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection. The analytical performance of the proposed device was shown by using both LIF and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection systems. Efficiency around 47 000 plates/m was achieved with good chip-to-chip repeatability and satisfactory long-term stability of EOF. The RSD for the EOF measured in three different devices was ca. 7%. For a chip-to-chip comparison, the RSD values for migration time, electrophoretic current and peak area were below 10%. With the proposed approach, a single chip can be fabricated in less than 30 min including patterning, etching and sealing steps. This fabrication process is faster and easier than the thermal bonding process. Besides, the proposed method does not require high temperatures and provides excellent day-to-day and device-to-device repeatability.


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A novel device of multiple cylinder microelectrodes coupled with a parallel planar electrode was proposed. The feedback diffusion current at this device was studied using bilinear transformation of coordinates in the diffusion space, where lines of mass flux and equiconcentration are represented by orthogonal circular functions. The derived expression for the steady-state current shows that as the gap between cylindrical microelectrodes and planar electrode diminishes, greatly enhanced currents can be obtained with high signal-to-noise ratio. Other important geometrical parameters such as distance between adjacent microcylinders, cylinder radius, and number of microcylinders were also discussed in detail.


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Indium tin-oxide (ITO) and polycrystalline boron-doped diamond (BDD) have been examined in detail using the scanning electrochemical microscopy technique in feedback mode. For the interrogation of electrodes made from these materials, the choice of mediator has been varied. Using Ru(CN) 4− 6 (aq), ferrocene methanol (FcMeOH), Fe(CN) 3− 6 (aq) and Ru(NH 3) 3+ 6 (aq), approach curve experiments have been performed, and for purposes of comparison, calculations of the apparent heterogeneous electron transfer rates (k app) have been made using these data. In general, it would appear that values of k app are affected mainly by the position of the mediator reversible potential relative to the relevant semiconductor band edge (associated with majority carriers). For both the ITO (n type) and BDD (p type) electrodes, charge transfer is impeded and values are very low when using FcMeOH and Fe(CN) 3− 6 (aq) as mediators, and the use of Ru(NH 3) 3+ 6(aq) results in the largest value of k app. With ITO, the surface is chemically homogeneous and no variation is observed for any given mediator. Data is also presented where the potential of the ITO electrode is fixed using a ratio of the mediators Fe(CN) 3− 6(aq) and Fe(CN) 4− 6(aq). In stark contrast, the BDD electrode is quite the opposite and a range of k app values are observed for all mediators depending on the position on the surface. Both electrode surfaces are very flat and very smooth, and hence, for BDD, variations in feedback current imply a variation in the electrochemical activity. A comparison of the feedback current where the substrate is biased and unbiased shows a surprising degree of proportionality.


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A roll-to-roll compatible, high throughput process is reported for the production of highly conductive, transparent planar electrode comprising an interwoven network of silver nanowires and single walled carbon nanotubes imbedded into poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS). The planar electrode has a sheet resistance of between 4 and 7 Ω □−1 and a transmission of >86% between 800 and 400 nm with a figure of merit of between 344 and 400 Ω−1. The nanocomposite electrode is highly flexible and retains a low sheet resistance after bending at a radius of 5 mm for up to 500 times without loss. Organic photovoltaic devices containing the planar nanocomposite electrodes had efficiencies of ∼90% of control devices that used indium tin oxide as the transparent conducting electrode.